1864 De La Rue printing 6d bright mauve. BLOCK OF EIGHT, from the lower right corner of the sheet with large to enormous margins. Very fine fresh mint. Lovely. SG 20

Last updated: 28th February, 2025
STAMPS / Triangles
MC832 1853 Perkins Bacon printing 1d pale brick-red, paper deeply blued. Full good to large margins, crisp part triangular cancel, unobtrusive crease and small thin spot. Most attractive. SG 1 £90
MC743 1853 Perkins Bacon printing 1d deep brick-red, paper deeply blued. Clear to large margins and light crisp part triangular cancel. Wonderful colour and a lovely stamp. SG 1a £275
AC677 1853 Perkins Bacon printing 4d deep blue on deeply blued paper with very good to large even margins all round. Very fine used with crisp triangular cancel. Scarce this fine. SG 2 £230
MC693 1853 Perkins Bacon printing 1d brick-red, paper slightly blued. Good to large margins, part crisp triangular cancel in RED. Very fine and most attractive. SG 3 £275
MC691 1853 Perkins Bacon printing 1d brown-red, paper slightly blued. Good even margins all round, crisp small part triangular cancel. Very fine. SG 3a £265
MC163 1855 - 63 Perkins Bacon printing 1d rose, with good margins all round, part triangular cancel. SG 5a £160
MC153 1855 - 63 Perkins Bacon printing 1d rose, large even margins all round, light triangular cancel. Lovely quality. SG 5a £200
MC152 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 1d deep rose-red. Full even margins and neat triangular cancel. Very fine. SG 5b £200
MC162 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 1d deep rose-red. Large even margins and crisp triangular cancel. Wonderful quality. SG 5b £275
MC734 1855 - 63 Perkins Bacon printing 4d deep blue / white paper. Close to large margins, minor corner crease, cancelled with crisp triangular cancel in RED. Most attractive and scarce as such. SG 6 £180
MC167 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 4d blue. Good to very large margins, light crisp part triangular cancel. Very fine. SG 6a £65
MC762 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 4d blue. Huge even margins all round, light crisp part triangular cancel. EXCEPTIONAL. SG 6a £100
MC740 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 4d blue. Good to very large margins, on piece part oval cancel in RED. Very fine. SG 6a £125
MC735 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 4d blue. Pair, good to very large margins, light crisp part triangular cancel. Very fine. SG 6a £180
MC738 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d pale rose-lilac. Large even margins, crisp part triangular cancel. A lovely stamp. SG 7 £265
MC694 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d pale rose-lilac. Good to huge margins from the side of the sheet, crisp part barred oval cancel. A lovely stamp. SG 7 £265
MC692 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d pale rose-lilac. Good to large margins, part triangular cancel in RED. Most attractive and uncommon. SG 7 £300
MC687 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d pale rose-lilac. Shaved at lower right to good margins, bold part triangular cancel in RED. Most attractive and uncommon. A lovely stamp. SG 7 £350
MC656 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d pale rose-lilac. Pair, close to large margins. Cancelled with light central 'CAPE TOWN' datestamp. Exceptional. SG 7 £600
MC158 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 6d deep rose-lilac. Good even margins, part triangular cancel. Very fine. SG 7b £275
MC695 1855-63 Perkins Bacon printing 1/- bright yellow-green. Good to very large margins, small part cancel at lower left. Very fine and a lovely stamp. SG 8 £235
MC263 1859 Perkins Bacon printing 1/- deep dark green. Pair with very good even margins, very fine mint. SG 8b £750
MC689 1859 Perkins Bacon printing 1/- deep dark green. Pair with large to very large margins, probably from the corner of the sheet. Very fine mint. SG 8b £750
MC741 1861 'Woodblock' 1d, pale milky blue. Close to good margins all round, cancelled with part crisp triangular strike. A most attractive example. SG 14 £1,150
MC259 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Close to good margins, very fine fresh mint. SG 18 £145
MC651 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Pair with good to very large margins. Very fine fresh mint. SG 18 £525
MC736 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Pair with good to very large margins. Very fine fresh mint. SG 18 £550
MC264 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. A pair, apparently from the corner of the sheet with large to very large margins. Very fine fresh mint. SG 18 £600
MC255 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Block of four, good to large margins. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint, one stamp remaining unmounted. A lovely multiple. SG 18 £1,100
MC764 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Triangular block of four, good to large margins. Apparently unmounted. A lovely multiple. SG 18 £1,500
MC67 1864 De La Rue printing 1d deep carmine-red. Pair with close to very large margins all round, cancelled '32' BONC of Fort Beaufort. A very scarce multiple. SG 18 £350
MC254 1864 De La Rue printing 1d brownish red. Good even margins, very fine mint. SG 18c £375
MC427 1864 De La Rue printing 1d brownish red. Good to very large margins, very fine mint. Lovely. SG 18c £450
MC157 1863 - 64 De La Rue printing 4d deep blue, very large margins all round, light cancel, very fine. SG 19 £80
MC765 1863-64 De La Rue printing 4d blue. Triangular block of four, good to large margins all round. Apparently unmounted. A lovely multiple. RPS certificate (1945). SG 19a SOLD
MC841 1863 - 64 De La Rue printing 4d steel-blue. Close to large margins all round, bright colour unused without gum. Repaired corner at left, still an attractive and scarce stamp. SG 19c £100
MC154 1863 - 64 De La Rue printing 4d steel-blue, good to very large margins all round, crisp triangular cancel. Striking colour and a lovely stamp. SG 19c £225
MC261 1864 De La Rue printing 6d bright mauve. Minor blemish at left otherwise very fine fresh mint. SG 20 £225
MC248 1864 De La Rue printing 6d bright mauve. A pair in an attractive rich shade with very good, even margins. Very fine mint. SG 20 £725
MC836 1864 De La Rue printing 6d bright mauve. BLOCK OF EIGHT, from the lower right corner of the sheet with large to enormous margins. Very fine fresh mint. Lovely. SG 20 £5,500
MC690 1863 De La Rue printing 1/- bright emerald-green. A particularly deep shade, pair with good to very large margins. Very fine mint. Lovely. SG 21 £1,100
STAMPS / Rectangles
1871-76 Watermark Crown CC
MC90 1865 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red with outer frame lines. BLOCK OF FOUR, exceptionally well centred, light crease through upper two stamps and few perfs. splitting. A RARE multiple in this condition. SG 23 £550
MC647 1865 watermark Crown CC, 1d rose-red with outer frame lines. Upper marginal, very fine and fresh unmounted. A remarkable stamp in this condition. SG 23a £225
MC766 1865 watermark Crown CC, 1d rose-red with outer frame lines. BLOCK OF 18 off interpanneau margin at right. Centred down, hinge strengthened at right and three other stamps hinged, otherwise unmounted. Remarkably fresh and a wonderful large multiple, may well be the largest extant. SG 23a £2,450
AC900 1865 watermark Crown CC, 4d pale (greenish) blue, with outer frame lines. Large hinge remainders and odd irregular perf, otherwise fine mint. SG 24 shade £75
AC902 1865 watermark Crown CC, 4d blue with outer frame lines. Hinge remnants, otherwise very fine mint. Very scarce. SG 24a £150
AC904 1865 watermark Crown CC, 4d (grey-)blue with outer frame lines. A distinct shade towards ultramarine. Large hinge mark, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. SG 24a shade (SG 24b ?) £125
MC227 1865 watermark Crown CC, 6d pale lilac. Trace of gum, fine appearance. SG 25 £60
MC780 1864 watermark Crown CC, 6d pale lilac. Exceptionally fine unmounted. RARE as such. SG 25 £375
MC356 1864 watermark Crown CC, 6d pale lilac. Left marginal BLOCK OF 12. Hinge remnants on upper row otherwise unmounted. Wonderfully fresh and a remarkable multiple. SG 25 £2,450
AC821 1864 watermark Crown CC, 6d deep lilac. Hinge remnants otherwise very fine mint. Very scarce. SG 25a £250
AC869 1877 watermark Crown CC, 6d (reddish) violet. Perforation thinned at upper right, otherwise fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 25b £65
MC710 1877 watermark Crown CC, 6d violet. Fine mint with light hinge remnants. A remarkably scarce shade on this watermark. SG 25b £200
MC228 1864 watermark Crown CC, 1/- green with outer frame lines. Trace of gum, well centred. SG 26a £75
MC68 1864 watermark Crown CC, 1/- green with outer frame lines. Fine mint, very well centred. SG 26a £150
AC871 c1879 watermark Crown CC 1/- green, with outer frame lines. A few irregular perforations at foot, otherwise fine mint. SG 26a £100
MC210 1875 watermark Crown CC, ½d grey-black. Interpanneau wing margin at right. Superb and fresh unmounted. Very scarce this fine. SG 28 £60
AC832 1875 watermark Crown CC. ½d grey-black. Upper left vertical corner strip of five. Very fine fresh mint with light hinge marks on two, the others are unmounted. SG 28 £140
MC212 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red. Light horizontal bend, fresh mint. SG 29 £30
AC880 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red, with the outer frame lines removed. Very fine fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 29 £45
MC713 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red, with the outer frame lines removed. Very fine fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 29 £55
MC783 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red. Very fine unmounted. SG 29 £110
AC364 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red with the outer frame lines removed. Horizontal strip of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. Rare in such outstanding condition. SG 29 £275
MC211 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red. Horizontal pair, very fine mint. Very scarce this fine. SG 29 £100
AC849 1872 watermark Crown CC, 1d carmine-red with the outer frame lines removed. BLOCK OF FOUR with interpanneau gutter margin at right. One with a few short perforations, and hinge marks on three otherwise fresh mint with one stamp remaining unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 29 £175
AC874 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d dull blue with the outer frame lines removed. Very fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 30 £125
AC875 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d dull (greenish) blue with the outer frame lines removed. Rather heavy hinge remainders, otherwise very fine mint. SG 30 £85
AC876 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d (pale) dull blue with the outer frame lines removed. Irregular perforations at top, otherwise fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 30 £45
AC877 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d dull blue, with the outer frame lines removed. Very fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 30 £100
MC718 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d (pale) dull blue with the outer frame lines removed. Very fine, well centred mint with light hinge remnants. SG 30 £175
AC879 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d dull blue, with the outer frame lines removed. Short perforation at base, otherwise fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 30 £55
MC709 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d (deep) dull blue, with the outer frame lines removed. Fine mint with light hinge remnants. Scarce. SG 30 shade £175
AC818 1876 watermark Crown CC, 4d (deep) dull blue with the outer frame lines removed. BLOCK OF FOUR with interpanneau margin at left. Odd gum bend, otherwise fine and fresh mint. A rare multiple. SG 30 shade £850
AC908 1871 watermark Crown CC, 5/- yellow-orange. Very fine unused with trace of gum. Very scarce. SG 31 £150
AC907 1871 watermark Crown CC, 5/- yellow-orange in a pale shade. Several light hinge marks and centred to left, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. SG 31 £275
MC721 1871 watermark Crown CC, 5/- yellow-orange. Very fine, well centred mint. Very scarce. SG 31 £575
1879 (Nov). 3d surcharge on 4d blue
MC744 1868 Provisional 'Four Pence' surcharged in red on 6d mauve. Hinge remnant otherwise remarkably fresh and fine mint for this difficult stamp. Scarce. SG 27 £375
MC827 1868 Provisional 'Four Pence' surcharged in red on 6d mauve. Gum creasing, fair unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 27 £250
MC214 1876 Provisional 'ONE PENNY' surcharged in black on 1/- green. Small part gum, fine otherwise. SG 33 £45
MC729 1876 Provisional 'ONE PENNY' surcharged in black on 1/- green. Very fine mint. SG 33 £110
AC831 1876 Provisional ‘ONE PENNY’ surcharged in black on 1/- green. BLOCK OF FOUR, very fine fresh mint. Scarce so fine. SG 33 £425
AC682 1879 Provisional 'THREE PENCE' surcharged in red on 4d blue. Very fine fresh mint. SG 34 £130
AC885 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thin bar through the old value. Showing watermark partly transposed (‘CC’ above Crown). Very fine fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 34 £125
AC886 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thin bar through the old value. Very fine fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 34 £125
AC887 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thin bar through the old value. Fine mint with heavy hinge remnants. SG 34 £75
MC357 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue. Left marginal vertical BLOCK OF SIX, showing the obliterating bars well into the margin. Three stamps hinged others unmounted, pulled perfs. at base. A remarkably fresh and RARE multiple of this provisional. SG 34 £1,100
AC889 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through the old value. Horizontal pair with watermark partly transposed (‘CC’ above Crown). Fine used with ‘2’ in Barred Oval Numeral Canceller. SG 34 £15
AC888 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through old value. Horizontal pair, the right stamp with the last ‘E’ in ‘PENCE’ closely resembling a ‘B’ though probably not the listed variety. Fine used with neat ‘2’ in Barred Oval Numeral Canceller. SG 34 + var £75
AC892 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through the old value. Showing the variety ‘PENCB’ for ‘PENCE’. Fine used with light BONC. Scarce. SG 34a £175
AC891 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through the old value. Showing the variety ‘THE.EE’ for ‘THREE’. Fine used with light Barred Oval Numeral Canceller. Scarce. SG 34b £225
AC894 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through the old value. Showing Dropped ‘T’ in ‘THREE’. Also showing water-mark largely transposed (‘CC’ above Crown). Light hinge remnants and small thin otherwise fine mint. SG 34 var £65
AC895 1879 Provisional ‘THREE PENCE’ surcharged in red on 4d blue with thick bar through the old value. Group of three each showing minor damaged or broken letters ‘E’ or ‘N’ of surcharge. Also two showing the watermark largely transposed (‘CC’ above Crown). Fine used. SG 34 £30
1880 (Feb). 3d surcharge on 4d pale dull rose
AC845 1880 4d pale dull rose surcharged 'THREEPENCE' in black. Horizontal strip of three, very fine fresh mint. A very scarce multiple. SG 35 £350
AC847 1880 4d pale dull rose surcharged 'THREEPENCE' in black. BLOCK OF FOUR showing the variety watermark transposed (‘CA’ over Crown). Hinge remainders and diagonal crease across lower pair, otherwise very fine and fresh mint. A rare multiple. SG 35 £450
1880 (July). Watermark Crown CC
AC836 1880 watermark Crown CC, 3d pale dull rose. BLOCK OF FOUR very fine or superb fresh mint (hinged on upper pair only, the lower pair is unmounted). A very rare multiple, especially this fine. SG 36 £1,250
1880 (Aug). 3d surcharge on 3d pale dull rose.
MC216 ‘3’ (wide) surcharge on 3d pale dull rose. Light horizontal bend otherwise fine mint. SG 37 £60
MC170 ‘3’ (wide) surcharge on 3d pale dull rose. Block of four, very fine mint or unmounted, minor wrinkles. A very scarce multiple. SG 37 £450
MC837 ‘3’ (wide) surcharge on 3d pale dull rose. Horizontal pair, major variety SURCHARGE MISPLACED, now straddling vertical perforations, with parts showing at left and right. Hinge strengthened, fine used. RARE, apparently not previously recorded. SG 37 var. SOLD
1882-83. Watermark Crown CA
MC769 c1880 De La Rue Die proof for the ½d duty, struck in grey on thick card, which apparently attached and then removed from a further piece, glue remnants on reverse, possibly the day book. Most unusual. £300
MC767 c1880 De La Rue Die proof for the 1d duty, struck in grey on thick card, which apparently attached and then removed from a further piece, glue remnants on reverse, possibly the day book. Most unusual. £300
MC499 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d black. Block of four. Very fine fresh mint. Uncommon. SG 40 £180
MC220 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Very fine fresh mint. SG 40a £30
MC802 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Fine unmounted. SG 40a £50
MC222 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 40a £60
MC500 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Block of four. Fine mint. Uncommon. SG 40a £150
MC501 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Fine used. SG 40w £150
MC502 1882 watermark Crown CA, ½d grey-black. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Very fine used. SG 40w £200
MC503 1882 watermark Crown CA, 1d deep rose-red. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon. SG 41a £325
MC504 1882 watermark Crown CA, 1d deep rose-red. Block of six. Few minor faults, fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon. SG 41a £350
MC505 1882 watermark Crown CA, 1d deep rose-red. Block of six. Exceptionally fine and fresh mint or unmounted. Scarce. SG 41a £525
AC777 1882 De La Rue Die Proof in black on glazed card (92x60mm) for the 2d duty (SG 42). Handstamped ‘BEFORE HARDENING’ in black and dated ‘12 JUN 82’ in blue. £325
MC838 1882 watermark Crown CA, 2d pale bistre. Very fine mint, appears as unmounted. SG 42 £120
MC507 1882 watermark Crown CA, 2d pale bistre. Block of four. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 42 £500
MC508 1882 watermark Crown CA, 2d deep bistre. Block of four. Very fine fresh mint. Scarce. SG 42a £550
MC621 1882 watermark Crown CA, 2d deep bistre. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Few short perf/s at left, fine used cancelled with crisp part 'PORT ELISABETH' datestamp. SG 42aw £200
MC510 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Very fine mint. SG 43 £10
MC511 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Block of four. Large paper hinge across upper pair, fine mint. SG 43 £35
AC807 1882-83 Watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Block of four, very fine mint with hinge remnants. SG 43 £45
MC334 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Horizontal block of eight, hinged on upper four lower unmounted. Lovely. SG 43 £110
MC517 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Some unobtrusive toning, fine mint. Uncommon. SG 43 £80
AC440 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Block of four, the lower right stamp with perforation fault at foot, otherwise fine used. A scarce multiple. SG 43 £25
MC513 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d pale claret. Horizontal block of eight very fine used cancelled 'ALIWAL NORTH' sc datestamps. SG 43 £20
MC515 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d deep claret. Very fine mint. SG 43a £18
MC803 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d deep claret. Very fine unmounted. SG 43a £32
AC745 1882-83 Watermark Crown CA, 3d deep claret. Block of four, very fine mint with hinge remainders on upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. SG 43a £75
MC516 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d deep claret. Upper marginal block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon. SG 43a £135
MC518 1882 watermark Crown CA, 3d deep claret. Horizontal block of 18 (6x3). Hinged on two stamps otherwise superb fresh unmounted. SG 43a £475
MC521 1882 watermark Crown CA, 6d mauve. Fine fresh mint. SG 44 £125
MC524 1882 watermark Crown CA, 6d (brighter)mauve shade. Block of four. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 44 £575
MC522 1882 watermark Crown CA, 6d (brighter)mauve shade. Block of four. Very fine fresh mint. Scarce. SG 44 £595
MC523 1882 watermark Crown CA, 6d (reddish)mauve shade. Block of four. Very fine fresh mint or unmounted. Very scarce. SG 44 £595
MC358 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Hinge trace, exceptionally fine and fresh mint. Very scarce in this quality. Philatelic Foundation certificate (1987). SG 45 £800
MC526 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Fine used, trace of blue registration line through, light cancel. SG 45 £125
AC925 1871 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Fine used with part squared circle cancellation. Very scarce. SG 45 £150
MC308 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Fine used lightly cancelled. P.F.S.A. certificate (2001). SG 45 £180
MC528 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Very fine used cancelled light 'NEWLANDS' datestamp, full gum. SG 45 £200
MC527 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Superb used cancelled light 'NEWLANDS' datestamp. SG 45 £200
MC529 1883 watermark Crown CA, 5/- orange. Superb used cancelled part crisp datestamp. SG 45 £225
1882 (July). 'One-Half Penny' surcharge on 3d deep claret
MC436 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Very fine mint. SG 47 £45
MC777 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Very fine unmounted. SG 47 £95
MC781 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Very fine unmounted. SG 47 £95
MC343 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Block of four, upper left stamp with some gum loss, lower pair unmounted, crackly gum. A scarce multiple. SG 47 £225
MC437 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Block of four, lower left stamp with dot for hyphen. Very fine mint A scarce multiple. SG 47 £245
MC439 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret, pale shade (Wmk Crown CA). Block of four. Very fine unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 47 £325
MC438 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret, deep shade (Wmk Crown CA). Block of four, hinge trace if at all on upper pair, lower unmounted. A lovely and scarce multiple. SG 47 £325
MC441 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Block of 12, stamp 2/3 of the block showing broken 'p' in 'penny'. Light diagonal crease at upper right otherwise very fresh unmounted. RARE, and must be on of the largest surviving multiples. SG 47 and var. £950
MC440 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Upper left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Thinned in margin, stamps very fine unmounted. RARE. SG 47 £400
AC834 1882 watermark Crown CA, Provisional ‘One Half-penny.’ on 3d deep claret, showing the variety ‘p’ in ‘penny’ omitted. Light vertical crease, otherwise fine used. Rare. Ex Maria de La Queillerie (May 1970). SG 47a £275
MC442 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Showing variety ‘Hyphen omitted’. Fine used leaving the variety clear. Scarce. SG 47c £225
MC443 1882 ‘One Half-Penny’ surcharge on 3d deep claret (Wmk Crown CA). Showing variety ‘Hyphen omitted’. Very fine used leaving the variety clear. Scarce. SG 47c £275
1884-90. Watermark ‘Cabled Anchor’.
MC268 1884-86 watermark Anchor, ½d to 6d, basic set of five values plus all listed shades. Very fine and fresh mint. SG 48-52b £225
MC768 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d black. Plate proof struck in light grey on Anchor watermarked paper, imperforate. Toned gum. Scarce. SG 48 plate proof £200
MC217 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d black. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 48 £60
MC293 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 48a £10
MC686 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 48a £18
AC789 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 48a £50
MC648 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Upper marginal pair showing plate ‘2’ in margin. Hinge trace or unmounted. SG 48a £45
MC432 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Upper right corner block of six showing plate ‘2’ in margin. Very minor red offsetting on reverse, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 48a £110
AC1163 1884 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black. Block of 12 (4x3). Some gum wrinkles, otherwise very fine and fresh mint with six stamps remaining unmounted. SG 48a £75
AC365 1886 watermark Anchor, ½d grey-black, block of 48 (6x8). Unobtrusive horizontal crease affects six, otherwise superb fresh mint (hinged on four stamps, all others are unmounted). A scarce and spectacular multiple in outstanding condition. SG 48a £350
MC238 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d rose-red. Superb unmounted. SG 49 £25
MC245 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d rose-red. Horizontal pair very fine unmounted. SG 49 £40
MC420 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d rose-red. Block of four, fine mint or unmounted. SG 49 £75
AC751 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d rose-red. Block of four, very fine or superb mint (lightly hinged on the upper pair, the lower stamps are unmounted). SG 49 £65
AC790 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d rose-red. Block of four, very fine or superb fresh mint (faint hinge mark on upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted). SG 49 £75
MC294 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d carmine-red. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 49a £12
MC433 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d carmine-red. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 49a £25
MC434 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d carmine-red. Lower right corner block of four. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 49a £100
MC773 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d carmine-red. Upper right corner block of 12 from the lower right pane, interpanneau margin at top. Odd light gum wrinkle otherwise wonderfully fresh unmounted. A lovely large multiple. SG 49a £265
MC655 1885 watermark Anchor, 1d carmine-red. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Very fine used. SG 49w £225
MC295 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Very fine fresh mint. SG 50 £35
MC180 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Very fine mint. SG 50 £30
MC418 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Margin thinned at corner, stamps very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 50 £225
AC189 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre and 2d deep bistre. Blocks of four of each, the very scarce pale shade with a vertical crease, otherwise fine mint. Attractive shade contrast. SG 50, 50a £125
MC225 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Block of four, usual minor gum wrinkles otherwise very fine and fresh mint or unmounted. SG 50 £150
MC581 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d deep bistre. Very fine mint. SG 50a £15
MC700 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d deep bistre. Superb unmounted. SG 50a £24
MC421 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d deep bistre. Right marginal block of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 50a £80
AC537 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d deep bistre. Block of six (3x2) with interpanneau margin at right. Usual minor gum wrinkles otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted mint. SG 50a £75
AC809 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Fine used. Scarce. SG 50w £180
MC425 1884 watermark Anchor, 2d pale bistre. Variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Very fine used. Scarce. SG 50w £180
MC273 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d blue. Very fine mint. SG 51 £20
MC333 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d blue. Block of four, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 51 £110
AC797 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d blue. Block of four, very fine fresh mint. SG 51 £110
AC794 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d blue. Block of four, faint possible hinge mark on one, otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. A scarce multiple. SG 51 £125
MC274 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d deep blue. Very fine mint. SG 51a £20
MC816 1890 4d deep blue. Superb unmounted. SG 51a £38
MC649 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d deep blue. Upper marginal strip of three showing plate ‘3’ in margin. Some perfs. hatred between first and second stamps through margin at top, now hinge secured. Stamps superb unmounted. A scarce and attractive multiple. SG 51a £110
AC793 1890 watermark Anchor, 4d deep blue. Left marginal block of nine. Light diagonal crease affects the upper row, otherwise superb unmounted mint. A scarce and attractive multiple. SG 51a £225
MC181 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d reddish purple. Very fine mint. SG 52 £55
MC702 1882 watermark Anchor, 6d purple group. Very fine mint. SG 52a £18
AC914 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d (dull reddish) purple. Block of four, diagonal bend, otherwise fine mint with hinge remnants on the upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 52a shade £110
AC916 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d purple. Block of four, very fine fresh mint with hinge remnants on the upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 52a shade £125
AC444 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d (bright) purple. Block of four, very fine used with Cape Town (JY 9 9?) squared circle datestamps. A scarce multiple. SG 52a £25
MC276 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve. Very fine mint. SG 52b £12
MC243 1884 watermark Anchor 6d bright mauve. Superb unmounted. SG 52b £30
MC422 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve. Block of four, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 52b £85
MC282 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 52b £110
AC915 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve. Block of four, very fine and fresh mint with light hinge remnants on the upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 52b £85
AC1164 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve (a very bluish shade). Block of four, very fine and fresh mint with light hinge remnants on the upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. Scarce multiple. SG 52b £110
AC788 1884 watermark Anchor, 6d bright mauve. A lower left corner block of four from the upper pane with interpanneau margin at base. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Most attractive. SG 52b £125
AC759 1885 watermark Anchor 1/- green with outer frame lines. Block of six (2x3) in a bluish shade. Some creasing, otherwise very fine used with KOKSTAD (AP 24 / 86) single circle datestamps. SG 53
Note: although this block appears to be the blue-green shade, SG state the year of issue for that printing as 1889.
AC918 1889 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green with outer frame lines. Block of four, very fine or superb fresh mint with barest trace of a hinge mark on the upper pair, the lower pair is unmounted. A very rare and attractive multiple. SG 53a £900
MC429 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Hinge remnant, fine mint. SG 54 £85
MC244 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Very fine mint. SG 54 £125
MC778 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Corner gum bend, very fine unmounted. SG 54 £250
MC819 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Very fine unmounted. SG 54 £285
AC917 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Block of four, light vertical bend otherwise very fine mint with light hinge remnants. A rare multiple, being considerably more difficult to find than blocks of the later brown-orange shade with this watermark. SG 54 £650
MC424 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Block of four, hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. Lovely and fresh. A rare multiple, being considerably more difficult to find than blocks of the later brown-orange shade with this watermark. SG 54 £650
MC309 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Very fine used. SG 54 £8
MC688 1887 watermark Anchor, 5/- orange. Block of four, fine used cancelled with two light BONC strikes. SG 54 £40
1891 (Mar). ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d.
MC185 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, both shades pale and deep magenta. Very fine mint. SG 55, 55a £20
MC548 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, pale magenta. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 55 £75
MC547 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, pale magenta. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 55 £95
MC549 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, pale magenta. Left marginal horizontal block of eight. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 55 £150
MC554 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, pale magenta. Upper marginal block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps unmounted, light vertical crease through left pair. SG 55 £90
MC553 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, pale magenta. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin and two stamps otherwise very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 55 £225
MC557 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 55a £50
MC558 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 55a £50
AC757 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Right marginal block of nine, light diagonal crease affects three, otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 55a £65
MC650 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Upper right corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged and gum tones at top of margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 55a £45
MC555 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Showing variety '1' WITH HORIZONTAL SERIF, upper left stamp in a positional (by printer's guide dot in margin) left marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 55b £165
AC909 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta, showing the variety '1' WITH HORIZONTAL SERIF. Fine used with Barred Oval Numeral Cancellers. An elusive variety. SG 55b £25
AC854 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta, showing the variety '1' WITH HORIZONTAL SERIF. Trimmed perforations at top, otherwise fine used with partial Port Elizabeth circular datestamp (OC 5 / 91). An elusive variety. SG 55b £20
MC551 1891 ‘2½d’ surcharge on 3d, deep magenta. Showing variety '1' WITH HORIZONTAL SERIF, very fine used on large part front cancelled 'CAPE TOWN'. An elusive variety. SG 55b £35
MC492 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. Very fine mint. SG 56 £22
MC203 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. Upper right corner pair. Superb unmounted. SG 56 £65
AC855 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. BLOCK OF FOUR, very fine fresh mint with light hinge marks. SG 56 £110
MC494 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. Block of four. Very fine mint. SG 56 SOLD
MC496 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. Upper marginal block of four. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 56 £120
MC497 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d sage-green. Lower right corner strip of three showing plate '1' in margin. Left stamp with some light faults, fine mint. SG 56 £75
MC707 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d olive-green. Very fine mint. SG 56a £22
MC493 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d olive-green. Block of four. Very fine mint. SG 56a £90
AC856 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d olive-green. BLOCK OF FOUR, very fine fresh mint with light hinge marks. SG 56a £110
MC495 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d olive-green. Block of six. Very fine mint. SG 56a £135
MC498 1892 watermark Anchor, 2½d olive-green. Horizontal strip of six being the lower row of the sheet, plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 56a £220
1893 (Mar). 'ONE PENNY' surcharge on 2d.
MC545 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d pale bistre. Superb used cancelled 'QUEENSTOWN' sc datestamp. SG 57 £5
MC543 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d pale bistre. Showing 'ONE' virtually omitted. Fine used. Striking and scarce. SG 57 var. £75
MC230 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Horizontal pair. Superb unmounted. SG 57a £15
MC532 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Upper right corner strip of three showing plate '2' in margin. Light creasing in margin and left stamp, stamps unmounted. SG 57a £35
MC534 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Upper marginal block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 57a £35
MC206 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Upper marginal showing 'no stop after 'PENNY' variety. Very fine unmounted. SG 57b £120
MC706 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Upper marginal showing 'no stop after "PENNY" variety. Superb unmounted. SG 57b £145
MC540 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Upper right corner vertical pair, upper stamp showing 'no stop after 'PENNY' variety (this row 1/6, lower right-hand pane). Very fine mint. Uncommon in this positional format. SG 57b £100
MC537 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Right marginal block of four, upper right stamp showing 'no stop after 'PENNY' variety (this apparently row 7/6, upper left-hand pane). Very fine mint. SG 57b £110
MC539 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Vertical pair showing major rightwards shift of surcharges. Very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 57a vars. £125
MC541 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Left marginal block of six showing a very weak impression of the surcharge on lower left stamp. Superb unmounted. Striking and unusual. SG 57a and var. £85
MC544 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Showing heavily over-inked impression of the surcharge. Very fine used. SG 57a var. £25
MC542 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Showing 'C' for 'O' of 'ONE'. Very fine used. SG 57a var. £25
MC360 1893 'ONE PENNY' on 2d deep bistre. Major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE. A very clear example, on piece cancelled 'PORT ELISABETH'. Lovely and scarce. SG 57c £450
MC546 1893 29th June, small cover bearing 'ONE PENNY' on 2d surcharge (SG 57a), crisply cancelled 'KLIPHEUVEL' addressed to Cape Town. Delightful. £40
1893-1902 ‘Hope standing’.
MC825 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Pristine unmounted. SG 58 £15
MC194 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 58 £40
MC195 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Left marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 58 £40
MC196 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Lower left corner block of four showing ornament in margin, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 58 £45
AC1162 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Block of six (3x2), very fine mint with hinge remnants on one stamp, the others are unmounted. SG 58 £40
AC714 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Block of six (2x3) showing the vertical interpanneau gutter margin at left. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 58 £50
AC1110 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Lower left corner marginal block of 12 (3x4) showing plate number ‘1’. Marginal crease just into one stamp, otherwise all are very fine unmounted mint. SG 58 £135
MC361 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Upper right corner plate ‘1’ block of 12. A little browning, fine unmounted. SG 58 £100
MC362 1898 ‘Hope Standing’ ½d green. Lower right corner plate ‘1’ block of six. Very fine unmounted. SG 58 £75
MC826 1893 1d rose-red. Very fine unmounted. SG 59 £22
MC197 1893 1d rose-red. Horizontal strip of three, minor gun creasing otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 59 £45
AC1123 1893 ‘Hope Standing’ 1d carmine. BLOCK OF 24 comprising two blocks of 12 separated by a horizontal interpanneau gutter margin. With sheet margin at left and vertical interpanneau margin at right. Odd gum wrinkle, otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. A spectacular multiple. SG 59a £125
AC850 1902 ‘Hope standing’ 3d magenta, BLOCK OF 12 (4x3). Very fine or superb mint (hinge traces on six, the remaining six stamps are unmounted mint). Scarce in a multiple. SG 60 SOLD
AC1135 1902 ‘Hope Standing’ 3d magenta. Upper left PANE OF 60 with margins on all sides (reduced at top and bottom) with interpanneau gutter margin at right. A few small faults though the majority are very fine unmounted mint. A scarce survivor and a spectacular multiple. SG 60 £375
1893-98 New Colours, Watermark ‘Cabled Anchor’.
MC184 1893-98 watermark Anchor, ½d to 5/-. Complete set of eight values, fine to very fine fresh mint. SG 61-68 £175
MC278 1893-98 watermark Anchor, ½d to 5/-. Complete set of eight values plus listed shades of ½d, 2½d and 1/- green, fine to very fine fresh mint. SG 61-68 £325
MC822 1893-98 watermark Anchor, ½d to 5/-. Complete set of eight values, fine to very fine fresh unmounted. A difficult group. SG 61-68 £450
AC938 1896 watermark Anchor ½d yellow-green. A lower marginal example overprinted SPECIMEN (Samuel type D12, though not recorded by him on this stamp). Light unobtrusive diagonal crease, otherwise very fine fresh mint with hinge remnants. Rare, as no specimens were distributed to the UPU. BPA certificate (1996). SG 61 Specimen SOLD
MC283 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d yellow-green. Block of four, superb fresh unmounted. SG 61 £12
MC320 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d yellow-green. Upper marginal strip of six showing plate number ‘2’ in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 61 £15
MC449 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d yellow-green. lower right corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Folded horizontally. between, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 61 £25
MC179 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d green. Block of four, very fine fresh mint. SG 61a £18
MC444 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d green. A pale shade, block of four. Very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 61a shade £20
MC448 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d green. Lower left corner pair showing plate '2' in margin. Very fine fresh mint. SG 61a £15
MC321 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d green. Lower left corner strip of six showing plate number ‘2’ at base. Light hinge marks on one, otherwise superb unmounted. SG 61a £30
AC865 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d green. Lower left corner block of 10 (5x2) showing plate number ‘2’ at base. Light hinge marks on two, otherwise superb unmounted mint. SG 61a £45
AC1111 1896 watermark Anchor, ½d (pale) green. Block of 12 (6x2) from an upper pane with margins on three sides including interpanneau margin at base. Faint hinge marks on three stamps and the margin, otherwise very fine unmounted mint. A very attractive multiple. SG 61a £55
MC284 1897 watermark Anchor, 2d chocolate-brown. Block of four, minor gum crease otherwise superb unmounted. SG 62 SOLD
MC451 1897 watermark Anchor, 2d chocolate-brown. Block of four, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 62 £25
MC452 1897 watermark Anchor, 2d chocolate-brown. A pale shade, block of four, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 62 shade £25
MC450 1897 watermark Anchor, 2d chocolate-brown. A deep shade, block of four, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 62 shade £25
MC454 1897 watermark Anchor, 2d chocolate-brown. Upper marginal block of four showing plate ‘2’ in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 62 £50
MC296 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 63 £10
MC232 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 63 £22
AC857 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. BLOCK OF FOUR, hinge remnants and lower left stamp with horizontal crease at foot, otherwise fine mint. SG 63 £40
MC456 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. Upper left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 63 £85
AC863 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. An upper right corner block of six showing plate number ‘1’. Unobtrusive diagonal creasing affects two stamps, otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted mint, hinged in the margin only. SG 63 £125
MC457 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d pale ultramarine. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the sheet, plate '1' in margin. Minor gum crease at left, superb fresh unmounted. SG 63 £200
MC830 1896 watermark Anchor, 2½d ultramarine. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 63a £25
MC455 1893 watermark Anchor, 2½d ultramarine in a particularly bright shade. Horizontal strip of five, fresh unmounted. SG 63a £110
MC297 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 64 £15
MC233 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 64 £30
AC859 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. An upper marginal example showing plate number ‘1’. Very fine unmounted mint, hinged in the margin only. SG 64 £40
AC799 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Block of four, very fine or superb fresh mint (one stamp is unmounted). SG 64 £70
MC286 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 64 £90
MC458 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Upper left corner block of four. Small stain in margin at left, stamps superb fresh unmounted. SG 64 £100
MC459 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Left marginal horizontal block of eight. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 64 £180
MC460 1898 watermark Anchor, 3d bright magenta. Vertical block of 15 (3x5). Light gum creasing and small stain affecting two stamps at lower left, otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 64 £300
MC705 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Very fine fresh mint. SG 65 £10
MC462 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Block of four, light crease through upper pair, fine mint or unmounted. SG 65 £45
MC463 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Left marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 65 £55
MC464 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Right marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 65 £55
MC465 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Left marginal block of eight, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 65 £110
MC466 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint. SG 65 £25
MC322 1897 watermark Anchor, 4d sage-green. Lower marginal block of four showing plate '3' in margin. Hinged on upper pair and minor bends otherwise fine unmounted. SG 65 £60
AC883 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green, with the outer frame-line removed. Fine fresh mint with large hinge remnants. SG 66 £65
MC712 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green, with the outer frame-line removed. Very fine fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 66 £75
AC884 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green, with the outer frame-line removed. Very fine fresh mint with hinge remnants. SG 66 £75
MC831 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green. Superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 66 £165
MC469 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green. Block of four, minor gum wrinkles, hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. SG 66 £350
MC476 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green. Right marginal block of four. Hinge traces, very fine fresh mint. SG 66 £400
MC475 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- blue-green. Left marginal block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 66 £525
MC818 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- deep blue-green, with the outer frame-line removed. Very fine unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 66a £225
MC472 1893 watermark Anchor, 1/- deep blue-green. Superb used on piece cancelled crisp '2' BONC. SG 66a £14
MC580 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Hinge trace, superb fresh mint. SG 67 £18
AC740 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Block of four, superb fresh mint with faint hint of once being extremely lightly mounted on the upper pair. A very scarce multiple. SG 67 £140
MC478 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 67 £120
MC481 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Horizontal strip of five, very fine unmounted. SG 67 £120
MC482 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Horizontal block of eight, superb and fresh unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG 67 £240
AC966 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. An upper interpanneau gutter marginal BLOCK OF EIGHT (4x2) with hinge marks in the margin only, the stamps are all superb fresh unmounted mint. A very scarce and attractive multiple. SG 67 £275
MC797 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- so-called 'pale maize' shade. Very fine mint. Distinct. SG 67 shade £50
MC479 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- so-called 'pale maize' shade. Block of four, superb and fresh mint or unmounted. Distinct and a very scarce multiple. SG 67 shade £250
AC449 1896 watermark Anchor, 1/- yellow-ochre. Block of four, the lower left stamp with perforation fault, otherwise fine used. SG 67 £20
MC277 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Fine mint. SG 68 £75
AC053 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Fine mint. SG 68 £75
AC910 1896 watermark Anchor 5/- brown-orange. Very fine mint. SG 68 £75
AC911 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Very fine mint. SG 68 £75
MC236 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Superb and fresh mint. SG 68 £110
MC800 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 68 £240
MC483 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, very fine mint. SG 68 £400
MC345 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, very fine and fresh mint or unmounted. SG 68 £475
MC359 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, minor gum wrinkles, very fine unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 68 £525
MC484 1896 watermark anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 68 £525
MC487 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Horizontal block of eight, superb and fresh unmounted. RARE. SG 68 £1,100
MC746 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Fine used. SG 68 £5
MC311 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Very fine used. SG 68 £5
MC64 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, fine to very fine used, central datestamp. Uncommon. SG 68 £30
MC833 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, very fine used cancelled 'G.P.O. / CAPE TOWN'. SG 68 £30
MC834 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, very fine used cancelled 'G.P.O. / CAPE TOWN'. SG 68 £30
MC489 1896 watermark Anchor, 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, superb used cancelled central 'KIMBERLEY' datestamp. SG 68 £40
AC1024 1884-98 Watermark Anchor group of 17 BLOCKS OF FOUR from the 1884-90 and 1893-98 new colour issues including several listed shades. Fine to superb used. Comprising ½d (2), 1d (2), 2d (2), 2½d (2), 4d, 6d (2) 1/- (2), 5/- (3) & 1893 1d on 2d surcharge. At attractive group. SG 48/a, 49/a, 50, 52b, 53a, 54, 57a, 62, 63/a, 65, 67, 68 £225
AC998 SPERATI FORGERIES A study of Sperati forgeries of the Cape of Good Hope produced by the master forger, Jean de Sperati. Comprising a rare photo-lithographic Die Proof of the 1883 5/- printed in orange (the issued colour), imperforate on thin wove paper (48x64mm) with pencil signature ‘Jean de Sperati’ at base. Accompanied by a photographic print of the 5/- forgery, both with a ‘SPERATI / REPRODUCTION’ rimless oval cachet handstamped in violet on the reverse. The study includes two genuine used examples of Cape 6d rectangles which were the actual stamps used by Sperati to photographically ‘lift’ postmarks and produce negatives enabling him to apply identical cancellations to his forgeries. These two ‘postmarks’ are represented amongst eight photographic prints of different forged postmarks which were prepared by the BPA in the 1950s. Each photograph has SPERATI REPRODUCTION handstamped on the reverse. A wonderful and remarkable group all mounted and written-up on an album page for display. Ex the collection of Dr. Carl Walske. £1,350
AC934 FORGERIES Photographs of Sperati reproductions of the 5/- rectangle including two die proofs (one stamp sized) and three ‘issued’ stamps with two ‘used’. Also an example of one of the cancellations. Two items with ‘Sperati Reproduction’ handstamped on the reverse. Unusual. £65
AC931 FORGERIES Spiro Forgeries of the rectangular issues. Complete ‘sheet’ of 25 of the 1d printed in dull scarlet and provided with barred obliterations. Very scarce in a complete sheet. £275
AC932 FORGERIES Spiro Forgeries of the rectangular issues. Complete ‘sheet’ of 25 of the 4d printed in light blue and provided with barred obliterations. Very scarce in a complete sheet. £275
AC933 FORGERIES Spiro Forgeries of the rectangular issues. Group of six, comprising 1d, 4d, 6d, 1/- and 5/-, also a ‘Four Pence’ on 6d ‘surcharge’. Each printed in close to issued colours and provided with barred obliterations. Most with hinge thins. Unusual. £45
AC937 FORGERIES Four genuine used Cape stamps each provided with a bogus or forged surcharge: ‘2d’ in violet on ½d yellow-green; ‘1d’ on ½d grey-black and two examples of an inverted ‘3’ on 3d pale dull rose. The first with PFSA certificate (2005). Unusual. £45
1900 'Table Mountain' Issue
AC683 1900 ‘Table Mountain’ 1d carmine. IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF block of four on gummed watermarked (Anchor) paper. From the lower right corner of the pane with reduced margins showing the marginal rule. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Scarce and attractive. SG 69 var £350
MC351 1900 ‘Table Mountain’ 1d carmine. Upper marginal strip of six showing plate '1'. Gum a little browned, fine unmounted hinged on margin. SG 69 £70
1902-04 KEVII Issue
MC193 1902-04 KEVII ½d to 5/- complete set of nine values. A selected set very fine and fresh mint. SG 70-78 £160
MC823 1902-04 KEVII ½d to 5/- complete set of nine values. Very fine and fresh unmounted. A difficult group. SG 70-78 £375
AC1153 1902 KEVII ½d green (pale shade). Block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 70 £25
AC1154 1902 KEVII ½d green (deep shade). Block of four, very fine mint with hinge remnants on the upper pair only, the lower pair is unmounted. SG 70 £20
AC1155 1902 KEVII 1d carmine. Block of four, small area of buckling on lower right stamp, otherwise very fine unmounted mint. SG 71 £15
MC726 1904 KEVII 2d brown. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 72 £40
MC375 1904 KEVII 2d brown. Block of four, very fine fresh mint. SG 72 £100
MC376 1904 KEVII 2d brown. Block of four, very fine fresh unmounted. SG 72 £135
AC1156 1904 KEVII 2d brown. Block of four, odd gum wrinkle and light hinge marks or remnants on three stamps, otherwise very fine mint. SG 72 £110
MC378 1904 KEVII 2d brown. Upper left corner strip of three showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 72 £125
MC379 1904 KEVII 2½d ultramarine (pale shade). Block of four, hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. SG 73 £25
AC1157 1904 KEVII 2½d ultramarine. Block of four, very fine fresh mint with light hinge mark on the upper pair only, the lower pair is unmounted. SG 73 £25
MC173 1904 KEVII 2½d ultramarine (deep shade). Left marginal block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 73 £25
MC291 1904 KEVII 2½d ultramarine, upper left corner block of 30 (6x5) showing plate number ‘1’. A few mostly marginal perforations parted and light vertical bend through a few right stamps, otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted. A lovely large multiple. SG 73 £200
MC727 1903 KEVII 3d magenta. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 74 £27
MC327 1903 KEVII 3d magenta. Block of four, light bend, fine mint. SG 74 £60
AC1158 1903 KEVII 3d magenta. Block of four. Light but large hinge remnants on upper pair, otherwise very fine mint with the lower pair remaining unmounted. SG 74 £75
MC385 1903 KEVII 3d magenta. Block of eight with vertical interpanneau margin at centre. Very fine unmounted. SG 74 £200
MC328 1903 KEVII 4d olive-green. Block of four, hinge traces very fine and fresh mint. SG 75 £80
MC386 1903 KEVII 4d olive-green. Block of four, some offsetting on reverse, fine unmounted. SG 75 £80
AC1159 1903 KEVII 4d olive-green block of four, very fine or superb fresh mint with a faint hinge mark on the upper pair, the lower pair remains unmounted. SG 75 £85
MC389 1903 KEVII 4d olive-green. Block of 12 being the upper two rows from the lower left pane, margins on three sides, the interpanneau at top showing pillar design.Hinged on margin and minor gum wrinkles, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 75 £300
MC395 1903 KEVII 1/- yellow-ochre (light shade). Block of four, diagonal bend through right pair otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 77 £80
MC622 1903 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. Short perf. upper right, fine mint. SG 78 £65
AC509 1903 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. Very fine mint. SG 78 £85
AC1161 1903 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. BLOCK OF FOUR with a very light band of yellowed gum across the upper pair, otherwise very fine unmounted mint. A rare multiple. SG 78 £650
MC739 1903 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. Block of four, interpanneau margin at right. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. Very scarce. SG 78 £700
MC353 1903 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. Very fine used, cancelled with crisp 'GERMISTON 1 AUG 12' datestamp (Interprovincial use, Cape in Transvaal). SG 78, Z36 £45
AC1027 BOOKLET 1905 (December) KEVII 2s7d booklet, stapled at left. Containing one pane of six 1d carmine (SG 71) and with all interleaving. The front cover with ‘Thirty’ altered to ‘18’ in manuscript and ‘Price: 2s. 7d.’ crossed through. Rare. SG SB1 £650
Perfinned with double triangle for use by the Stationery and Printed Forms Branch
MC335 1904 KEVII 1/- yellow-ochre. Block of four, very fine used with Cape Town registered oval datestamps. A rare multiple. SG O15 £250
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