1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ 3d bright blue. Lower marginal block of eight (4x2), showing DOUBLE PRINTER’S IMPRINT. Very fine or superb fresh mint. Spectacular and very rare, possibly unique. SG 108 var
Note: this block is illustrated and discussed in ‘The Postal Services of the Gold Coast 1901-1957' (West Africa Study Circle, 1998)
Last update: 5th February, 2025
1921-24 KGV, SG 86-102
GC200 1921 KGV ½d to £2, complete set of 13 values overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine fresh mint, scarce group as it was distributed in at least four parts. SG86s-102s £350
GC201 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die II, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Fine mint. SG 100as £65
AM231 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, Die II. HORIZONTAL PAIR OVERPRINTED 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel type D16), very fine and fresh mint. A rare multiple. SG 100as £250
GC683 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die II, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Showing the Broken 'm' of 'SPECIMEN' variety. Hinge remnant, fine mint. Scarce. SG 100as var. £145
GC204 1921-24 KGV ½d to £2. Complete set of 13 values plus additional unlisted shades of the ½d, 1d x two, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d x two, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6 and 15/- die II. Very fine fresh mint. A lovely group. SG 86-102 £425
GC685 1924 1/- black on emerald, lower left corner block of four showing plate '11' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 95 £75
GC687 1924 KGV 5/- green and red on pale yellow, lower left corner copy. Very fine unmounted. SG 98 £60
GC249 1921 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die I. Upper left corner copy. Superb mint. SG 100 £140
GC387 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die II. Very fine unmounted. SG 100a £200
GC250 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die II. Upper left corner copy. Marginal perfs. parted, stamp superb unmounted. SG 100a £200
GC454 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, die II. Right marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 100a £200
AM229 1924 KGV 15/- dull purple and green, Die II. Block of four, a few perforations separating at top otherwise very fine or superb mint (barest trace of a hinge on upper pair, the lower is unmounted mint). A very scarce multiple. SG 100a £550
GC605 1921 KGV £2 green and orange. Lower marginal showing plate ‘9’ in margin. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 102 £650
1928 KGV, SG 103-112
GC255 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ colour trial, in pale brown denominated at '3d', imperforate on gummed paper. £50
GC256 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ colour trial, in pale brown denominated at '3d', horizontal pair imperforate on gummed paper. £100
GC257 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ colour trial, in pale brown denominated at '3d', horizontal pair imperforate on gummed paper. £100
GC260 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ ½d to 5/-. Complete set of ten values overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Either horizontal or vertical pairs except the 2d which is a single, the 1½d and 3d as two singles. Minor tones, fine unmounted. SG 103s-112s £250
GC261 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ ½d to 5/-. Complete set of ten values. Very fine mint. SG 103-112 £75
GC389 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ 1/-, 2/- and 5/-. Three values, very fine mint. SG 110-112 £70
GC263 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ ½d to 5/-. Complete set of ten values. Very fine used. SG 103-112 £35
AM551 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ 3d bright blue. Lower marginal block of eight (4x2), showing DOUBLE PRINTER’S IMPRINT. Very fine or superb fresh mint. Spectacular and very rare, possibly unique. SG 108 var
Note: this block is illustrated and discussed in ‘The Postal Services of the Gold Coast 1901-1957' (West Africa Study Circle, 1998)
AA3532 1928 KGV ‘Christiansborg Castle’ 5/- carmine and sage-green. Upper right corner copy showing running sheet number '089' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 112 £85
1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, SG 113-116
GC267 1d to 1/-, complete set perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine fresh mint. SG 113s-116s £80
GC268 1d to 1/-, complete set very fine used. SG 113-116 £45
GC269 1d to 1/-, complete set showing 'extra flagstaff' flaw, each in a positional lower left corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. A most attractive and scarce group. SG 113a, 114a, 115a, 116a £550
GC270 1d, showing 'extra flagstaff' flaw, very fine used on piece. SG 113a £70
GC271 1d, showing 'short extra flagstaff' flaw, in positional upper left corner block of four. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 113b £225
GC272 1d, showing 'short extra flagstaff' flaw, very fine used. SG 113b £150
GC273 1d, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, upper left stamp in a block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 113c £150
GC274 1d, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, very fine used. SG 113c £110
GC275 1d, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2), in positional upper left corner block of six. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 113 var. £60
GC276 1d, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2). Very fine used. SG 113 var. £35
GC277 1d, showing (left) 'lightning conductor' flaw (Plate 3, row1/4). Upper marginal very fine mint. SG 113 var. £45
GC278 1d, showing (left) 'lightning conductor' flaw (Plate 3, row1/4). Very fine used. SG 113 var. £45
GC279 3d, showing 'extra flagstaff' flaw, very fine used on piece. SG 114a £145
GC280 3d. showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, in positional upper right corner block of four, running sheet no. '2257'. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 114c £250
GC281 3d, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2), in positional upper left corner block of six. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 114 var. £75
GC282 3d, showing (left) 'lightning conductor' flaw (Plate 3, row1/4), in upper marginal block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 114 var. £70
GC284 6d, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, very fine mint. SG 115c £200
GC285 6d, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw in positional upper right corner block of four, running sheet no. 0605'. Stamps very fine unmounted. SG 115c £325
GC286 6d, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, very fine used. SG 115c £245
GC287 6d, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2), in positional upper left corner block of six. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 115 var. £90
GC288 6d, showing 'vertical line left of flagstaff' flaw (position unknown), right marginal example. Superb unmounted. SG 115 var. £40
GC289 6d, showing (left) 'lightning conductor' flaw (Plate 3, row1/4), in block of four. Very fine used. SG 115 var. £65
GC290 1/-, showing 'short extra flagstaff' flaw, very fine mint. SG 116b £225
GC291 1/-, showing 'short extra flagstaff' flaw, very fine used. Scarce. SG 116b £375
GC292 1/-, showing 'lightning conductor' flaw, very fine unmounted. SG 116c £300
GC293 1/-, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2). Fine mint. SG 116 var. £45
GC294 1/-, showing (central) 'short extra flagstaff' flaw (plate unknown, row3/2). Very fine used. SG 116 var. £70
GC295 1/-, showing (left) 'lightning conductor' flaw (Plate 3, row1/4), in upper marginal block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 116 var. £90
GC296 1/-, showing 'vertical line left of flagstaff' flaw (position unknown), in block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 116 var. £90
1937 KGVI Coronation, SG 117-119
GC297 1d to 3d, complete set perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine mint. SG 117s-119s £60
1938 - 44 KGVI definitive, SG 120-132
GC703 1938 KGVI ½d to 5/- line perf. 12. Complete set of 11 values, blocks of four. Very fine or superb unmounted, each with 'Champion Paris' hand stamp on reverse. A difficult group. SG 120-131 less 129 £950
GC704 1938 KGVI ½d to 5/- line perf. 12. Complete set of 11 values, lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Hinged on upper pairs and margin, remarkably fresh. A RARE GROUP. SG 120-131 less 129 £1,500
GC571 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 £30
GC299 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Blocks of four, superb mint or unmounted. SG 120a-132 £90
GC699 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Each a matching right marginal block of four. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 £125
GC483 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Blocks of four, superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 £125
GC700 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Each a matching lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 £125
GC702 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Each a matching lower right corner block of four, the 1/3 and 10/- showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 SOLD
GC701 1939-43 KGVI ½d to 10/-, complete set of 13 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½ or 11½ x 12. Lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 120a-132 £240
GC734 1940-47 KGVI ½d to 9d, part set of 8 values, comb perf. 12 x 11½. A group of blocks of four comprising ½d x 6, 1d x 5, 1½d x 6, 2d x 5, 3d x 6, 4d x 6, 6d x 7 and 9d x 5, each selected as differing papers/gum and shades and an attempt at examples from the numerous printings of these values. Very fine or superb unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 120a-127a and shades £80
GC463 1939-43 KGVI ½d x 2, 1d x 2, 1½d x 2, 3d x three, 4d x 2, 6d x 2 and 9d, comb perfs. 12 x 11½. Each a differing shade / paper and each a lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 120a, 121a, 122a, 124a, 125a, 126a, 127a £45
GC722 1939-42 KGVI ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d and 4d, perf. 12 x 11½. Each a matching upper marginal block of four, apparently not from the corner go the sheets, showing running sheet numbers in margins. The 1d particularly high as '084652'. Superb unmounted. An unusual group. SG 120a, 121a, 123a, 124a, 125a £40
GC494 1938 KGVI ½d green, line perf. 12. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 120 £12
GC465 1938 KGVI ½d green, line perf. 12. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 120 £30
GC715 1938 KGVI ½d green, line perf. 12. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 120 £50
GC714 1938 KGVI ½d green, line perf. 12. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 120 £50
GC721 1939 KGVI ½d green, comb perf. 12 x 11½ . Two upper right corner blocks of four, without and with running sheet number '10154' in margins, clearly different printings. Superb unmounted. SG 123a £8
GC495 1938 KGVI 1d red-brown, line perf. 12. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 121 £15
GC466 1938 KGVI 1d red-brown, line perf. 12. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Crease in margin, very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 121 £35
GC724 1939 KGVI 1d red-brown, comb perf. 12 x 11½ . Two upper right corner blocks of four, without and with running sheet number '23753' in margins, clearly different printings. Superb unmounted. SG 124a £8
GC496 1938 KGVI 1½d scarlet, line perf. 12. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 122 £13
GC565 1938 KGVI 1½d scarlet, line perf. 12. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 122 £55
GC497 1938 KGVI 2d slate, line perf. 12. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 123 £12
GC720 1940 KGVI 2d slate, comb perf. 12 x 11½ . Two lower right corner blocks of four showing either plate '2' or '2a' in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 123a SOLD
GC468 1938 KGVI 3d blue, line perf. 12. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 124 £35
AA3533 1940 KGVI 3d blue, comb perf. 12 x 11½. Showing curious vertical band of ink smudging running through. Superb unmounted. SG 124a var. £15
GC499 1938 KGVI 4d purple, line perf. 12. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 125 £8
GC723 1942 KGVI 4d magenta, comb perf. 12 x 11½ . Upper right corner block of four, showing running sheet number '1058' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 125a £5
GC500 1938 KGVI 6d purple, line perf. 12. Superb unmounted. SG 126 £22
GC469 1938 KGVI 6d purple, line perf. 12. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 126 £60
GC716 1938 KGVI 6d purple, line perf. 12. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. Uncommon. SG 126 £110
AA3534 1938 KGVI 9d orange, line perf. 12. Superb unmounted. SG 127 £8
GC717 1938 KGVI 9d orange, line perf. 12. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 127 £32
GC470 1938 KGVI 9d orange, line perf. 12. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 127 £30
GC718 1938 KGVI 9d orange, line perf. 12. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. Uncommon. SG 127 £55
GC719 1938 KGVI 9d orange, line perf. 12. Lower right corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 127 £35
GC725 1943 KGVI 9d orange, comb perf. 12 x 11½ . Two upper right corner blocks of four, without and with running sheet number '0637' in margins, clearly different printings. Superb unmounted. SG 127a £15
GC521 1943 KGVI 9d orange, comb perf. 12 x 11½. Showing inking flaw below the King's mouth. Superb unmounted. Most unusual. SG 127a var. £45
GC501 1938 KGVI 1/- black and olive-green, line perf. 12. Superb unmounted. SG 128 £22
GC733 1940-47 KGVI 1/- black and olive-green, perf. 12 x 11½. Group of seven blocks of four, selected as differing papers/gum and shades. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 128a £40
GC731 1940-47 KGVI 1/- black and olive-green, perf. 12 x 11½. two lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins, clearly different printings, selected as differing papers/gum and shades. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 128a £20
GC732 1941-47 KGVI 1/3 brown and turquoise-blue. Group of six blocks of four, selected as differing papers/gum and shades. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 129 and shades £50
GC727 1941 KGVI 1/3 brown and turquoise-blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 129 £12
GC728 1941 KGVI 1/3 brown and turquoise-blue, apparently a later printing. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinge trace on one otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 129 shade £15
GC471 1941 KGVI 1/3 brown and turquoise-blue. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 129 £15
GC726 1941 KGVI 1/3 brown and turquoise-blue. Two lower right corner blocks of four showing plate '1' in margins, clearly different printings. Superb unmounted. SG 129 £30
GC502 1938 KGVI 2/- blue and violet line perf. 12. Lower marginal, superb unmounted. SG 130 £45
GC729 1940 KGVI 2/- blue and violet, perf. 12 x 11½. Upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 130a £25
GC730 1940 KGVI 2/- blue and violet, perf. 12 x 11½. Lower marginal corner block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinge trace on one otherwise superb unmounted. SG 130a £40
GC713 1938-44 KGVI 5/- printings. 1938 perf. 12 olive-green and carmine, 1940 perf. 12 x 11½ yellowish olive and carmine and 1944 perf. 12 x 11½ brown-olive and deep carmine. An example of each mounted and annotated on piece. SG 131, 131a and shade £45
GC503 1938 KGVI 5/- olive-green and carmine, line perf. 12. Superb unmounted. Difficult. SG 131 £75
GC709 1940 KGVI 5/- paler brown-olive and carmine, perf. 12 x 11½. Upper right corner pair showing running sheet number '0403' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 131a £25
GC710 1940 KGVI 5/- paler brown-olive and carmine, perf. 12 x 11½. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 131a £30
GC712 1940 KGVI 5/- paler brown-olive and carmine, perf. 12 x 11½. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinge trace on one otherwise superb unmounted. SG 131a £65
GC711 1944 KGVI 5/- brown-olive and deep carmine, perf. 12 x 11½. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 131a shade £45
GC707 1940 and 1944 KGVI 10/- printings, black and violet and brownish black and deeper violet. An example of each mounted and annotated on piece. Sg 132 and shade £20
GC706 1940 KGVI 10/- black and violet. Lower marginal block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 132 £60
GC705 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 132 shade £45
GC392 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Upper marginal block of four. Faults in margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 132 shade £45
GC504 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 132 shade £65
GC472 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Some browning on reverse, unmounted. Uncommon. SG 132 shade £30
GC708 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Upper right corner block of eight. Superb unmounted. SG 132 shade £100
GC609 1944 KGVI 10/- brownish black and deeper violet. Lower marginal block of 12. Very fine unmounted. An attractive large multiple. SG 132 shade £140
GC393 1940 KGVI 2/-, 5/- and 10/-, each in a block of four very fine used. SG 130a, 131a, 132 £225
AM191 1940 KGVI 10/- black and violet, block of four, very fine used with REGISTERED / ACCRA (6 JUL 45) oval datestamps. A scarce multiple. SG 132 £80
GC581 1940 KGVI 10/- black and violet. Block of four, superb used on piece cancelled central 'ACCRA 7 MAY 48' datestamp. SG 132 £85
1946 KGVI Victory, SG 133-134a
GC302 Set perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine unmounted. SG133s-134s £75
GC303 Set in plate blocks of four, 2d '1A', '1B', '85A', '85B' and 4d '1', '86'. Very fine mint or unmounted. Attractive group. SG 133-134 £20
GC439 2d perf. 13½ x 14, lower marginal. Superb unmounted. SG 133 £18
GC394 2d perf. 13½ x 14, block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 133 £70
GC304 2d perf. 13½ x 14, plate '1A' block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 133 £50
GC305 2d perf. 13½ x 14, plate '85A' block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 133 £50
GC306 4d perf. 13½ x 14, plate '1' block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 134 £15
GC307 4d perf. 13½ x 14, plate '86' block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 134 £15
1948 KGVI definitive, SG 135-146
GC308 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine mint. SG 135s-146s £225
GC405 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values, superb unmounted. SG 135-146 £55
GC455 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values, superb unmounted. A number marginal apparently with printing dates noted on margins. SG 135-146 SOLD
GC309 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values, blocks of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 135-146 £160
GC677 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values, each a lower marginal block of four of the vertical designs or six of the horizontal, showing full imprint plus plate number also of the horizontal. Very fine or superb unmounted. A lovely and very scarce set as such. SG 135-146 £650
GC608 1948 KGVI ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 12 values, each a matching lower right corner block of eight, showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Some light browning, fine unmounted. Still a most attractive and scarce group in this ideal positional format. SG 135-146 £550
GC311 1948 KGVI 1d blue. Vertical coil strip of three showing join at top. Some gum / join staining, fine unmounted. SG 136 coil join £15
GC397 1948 KGVI 5/- purple and black. Superb unmounted. SG 145 £30
GC518 1948 KGVI 5/- purple and black. Lower right corner pair showing plates '1a 1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 145 £100
GC519 1948 KGVI 10/- black and sage-green. Lower right corner pair showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 146 £55
GC582 1948 KGVI 10/- black and sage-green. Lower right corner copy showing vignette plate '1a' in margin, superb used on piece cancelled oval datestamp. SG 146 £18
GC312 1948 KGVI 10/- black and sage-green. Block of four. Superb used. SG 146 £35
1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, SG 147-148
GC313 Set in blocks of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 147-148 £60
AM187 Set in blocks of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 147-148 £100
GC314 Set in lower marginal blocks of four, 10/- showing imprint in margin.  Superb unmounted. SG 147-148 £125
GC315 Set in blocks of four, 1½d lower right cylinder '1' and 10/- lower marginal showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 147-148 £130
GC409 Set in matching lower right corner blocks of eight, showing plates '1' in margin and the 10/- imprint. Superb unmounted, uncommon in this format. SG 147-148 £250
GC316 Set superb used. SG 147-148 £30
GC395 Set superb used, each on piece cancelled 'CHRISTIANSBORG'. SG 147-148 £35
1949 U.P.U. SG 149-152
GC318 Set in blocks of four, 2½d and 1/- lower right corner showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 149-152 £12
1952-54 QEII definitive, SG 153-164
GC573 1952-54 QEII ½d to 10/-, complete set of 12 values plus ½d bistre-brown shade. Superb unmounted. SG 153-164, 153a £55
GC610 1952-54 QEII ½d to 10/-, complete set of 12 values. Blocks of four, marginal or corner. Very fine unmounted. SG 153-164 £240
GC740 1952-54 QEII ½d to 10/-, complete set of 12 values. Lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins, the ½d '2 1' and 10/- '1a 1a', otherwise all '1' or '1 1'. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 153-164 £480
GC736 1953 QEII ½d yellow-brown and scarlet. Lower marginal block of six showing imprint and plate '2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 153 £6
GC737 1954 QEII ½d bistre-brown and scarlet. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2a 1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 153a £8
GC319 1953-54 QEII ½d and 1d, both values in vertical coil strips of 12 showing coil joins. Superb unmounted, uncommon. SG 153, 154 coil joins £20
GC743 1953 QEII 1d deep blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 154 SOLD
GC738 1953 QEII 1½d emerald-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 155 SOLD
GC742 1953 QEII 2½d scarlet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 157 £4
GC741 1953 QEII 2½d scarlet. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 157 £4
GC584 1953 QEII 3d magenta. Two lower right corner blocks of four showing either plate '1' or '1a' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 158 £12
GC747 1953 QEII 3d magenta. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 158 £12
GC746 1953 QEII 4d blue. Lower marginal block of six showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 159 £8
GC744 1953 QEII 4d blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 159 £5
GC745 1954 QEII 6d black and orange. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 160 £6
GC522 1954 QEII 6d to 10/- pictorial definitives. Each in a lower right corner vertical or horizontal pair showing plate number in margins, the 10s '1a 1a'. Superb unmounted. SG 160-164 £145
GC749 1954 QEII 2/- brown-olive and carmine. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1a 1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. Scarce in this ideal positional format. SG 162 £225
GC398 1954 QEII 2/-, 5/- and 10/-. Superb unmounted. SG 162-164 £45
GC399 1954 QEII 5/- and 10/-. Superb unmounted. SG 163-164 £35
GC400 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green. Very fine unmounted. SG 164 £20
GC583 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green. Upper right corner pair showing running sheet number '602' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 164 £45
GC748 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 164 £200
GC401 1954 QEII 5/- and 10/-. Fine used. SG 163-164 £15
GC319a 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green in combination with 4d on piece, superb used. SG 164, 159 £10
AA1315 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green. Block of four, very fine used with neat registered circular datestamps (20 Apr 1956). Scarce. SG 164 £35
GC735 1954 QEII 10/- black and olive-green. Block of four, very fine used with light circular datestamps. SG 164 £35
GC752 GHANA 1957-58 QEII ½d to 10/- QEII overprints. A comprehensive group of lower right corner blocks of four showing plates in margins, ½d '1a 1a', '2 1', '2a 1a', '2 3', '2a 3a', 1d '1a', '2', '2a', 1½d '1', '1a', 2d '3a', '4a', 2½d '1', '1a', 3d '1', '1a', 4d '1', '1a', 6d '1 1', '1a 1a', 1/- '1 1', '1a 1a', 2/- '1 1', '1a 1a', 5/- '1 1', '1a 1a', 10/- '1a 1a' (27 blocks in all). Very fine or superb unmounted. A most unusual group. SG 170-181 £100
GC750 GHANA 1957-58 QEII ½d to 10/- QEII overprints. Complete set of 12 lower two rows of the sheets showing imprint and plates in margins. Superb unmounted. Lovely and uncommon group. SG 170-181 £200
AA1382 GHANA 1957 QEII ½d and 1d Independence overprints, each in a coil join vertical pair. Superb unmounted, uncommon. SG 170, 171 coil joins £15
GC751 GHANA 1957 QEII 2/-, 5/- and 10/-, former two values in lower marginal blocks of 20 and the 1/- a lower marginal strip of six, showing imprint and plates in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 179-181
Note: the 10/- shows plates '1 1', which is the only time this has been encountered. All others including the original unoverprinted show plates '1a 1a'.
1916 2/- Booklet, SG SB1
1923 Postage Dues, SG D1-D4
GC321 ½d to 3d, complete set of four horizontal pairs overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red. Very fine fresh mint. SG D1s-D4s £140
GC323 ½d to 3d, complete set of four, superb unmounted. SG D1-D4 £45
GC324 ½d to 3d, complete set of four, very fine used. A scarce set correctly used. SG D1-D4 £75
GC325 ½d, very fine used. Scarce. SG D1 £70
1951-52 Postage Dues, SG D5-D8
GC576 2d to 1/-, complete set of four. Superb unmounted. SG D5-D8 £8
GC327 3d, superb used. SG D6 £20
GC331 1897 26th August, cover bearing QV 2½d keytype (SG 14), cancelled indistinct barred oval with 'CAPE COAST' datestamp alongside, to England. Crisp red 'PAID / LIVERPOOL / BR PACKET' 19th September arrival datestamp. £50
GC332 1898 3rd October, QV 1d keytype Post Card, cancelled '556' barred oval and 'CAPE COAST' datestamp below, addressed to Switzerland. Red 'PAID / LIVERPOOL / BR PACKET' 23 October transit and 'ZUG' 24th October arrival strikes. £35
GC335 1900 6th May, QV ½d keytype Post Card uprated with QV ½d keytype (SG 26), cancelled 'ACCRA', addressed to Switzerland. 'MOUTIER' (26th May) arrival datestamp. £40
GC338 1903 10th August, cover bearing KEVII 1d x three (SG 39), cancelled 'CAPE COAST', sent registered to London. Arrival backstamp dated 26th August. £50
GC339 1906 19th November, cover bearing KEVII 1d (SG 39), cancelled 'OBUASSI', addressed to London. £35
GC423 1907 19th March, cover bearing KEVII ½d pair addressed to Liverpool. Struck below with crisp violet 'SALVED FROM / S S JEBBA' handstamp, then upon arrival 'PAQUEBOT / PLYMOUTH' datestamps. Usual faults associated with these, cut on all sides. £145
AM1219 1909 (8th May), KEVII 2d + 1d brown registered postal stationery envelope (size G). Addressed to Germany and uprated with the addition of a single KEVII 3d dull purple and orange (SG 61) tied by DODOWA / GOLD COAST (8 May) double circle datestamps. With ‘Dodowa 267’ registration details in manuscript. Accra (8 May), Plymouth (25 May) and London (25 May) transit datestamps. £65
GC440 1912 May, KEVII 2d registered envelope bearing KEVII 2/- and 2/6 x two (SG 66a, 57, 67), cancelled 'QUITTAH', registration cachet lower right endorsed No. '93'. Addressed to Porto Nooo, Dahomey, 'AGOUE DAHOMEY' (12th May) transit strike on reverse and 'GRAND POPO DAHOMEY' on front for the same day. Minor staining, delightful and most unusual. £185
GC453 1918 9th May, cover bearing KGV 1d plus additional overprinted 'WAR TAX / ONE PENNY' (SG 72a, 85), each cancelled 'SECCONDEE (crown) 9 MAY 1918', prior to the issue date as stated in SG. Addressed to England and endorsed 'S.S. Uembe / 9.5.18'. Apparently this is the cover mentioned in 'The Postal Services of the Gold Coast' Michael Ensor. Unusual. £45
GC340 1918 23rd August, printed 'ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE' cover, bearing KGV ½d, 2½d and pair 'WAR TAX / ONE PENNY' (SG 70, 76, 85), cancelled 'ACCRA' addressed to France. Attractive. £45
GC341 1918 18th November, cover bearing KGV 1d and 'WAR TAX / ONE PENNY' (SG 71, 85), cancelled 'AKUSE', addressed to London. Countersigned lower left. £40
GC491 1918 3rd December, KGV 1d postal stationery envelope uprated with KGV 1d vertical pair plus 'WAR TAX / ONE PENNY' (SG 71, 85), cancelled 'ACCRA', sent registered to Leeds. £40
GC342 1926 26th January, cover bearing KGV 1d x four (SG 87), cancelled 'REGISTERED / KOFORIDUA, GOLD COAST', sent registered with printed label, to England. Arrival backstamp dated 13th February. £35
AA404 1930 1st March, KGV 3d registered postal stationery envelope addressed to England, cancelled KPANDU GOLD COAST (1 Mar) with blue on white KPANDU (TOGO) registration etiquette. Oval Accra (8 Mar) registration datestamp on reverse. £70
GC345 1930 22nd April, cover bearing KGV 1d (SG 104), cancelled 'SUNYANI' addressed to New York. Underpaid end endorsed 'T 10c' and struck black 'T' cachet, then with US 'NEW YORK / DUE 2 CENTS' cachet lower left. Apparently no further action taken. £30
GC343 1934 27th January, home-made envelope bearing KGV ½d (SG 103), cancelled 'AXIM', addressed to London. Underpaid and struck with black boxed 'Liable to Letter Rate / 89' cachet lower left, then applied with 3d GB due, cancelled on the 19th February. Lovely. £45
GC344 1937 24th December, printed AIR MAIL cover bearing KGV 6d (SG 109), cancelled 'KUMASI', addressed to Liverpool. £20
GC346 1938 18th February, printed Airmail cover bearing KGV 1/- (SG 110), cancelled 'TAKORADI', addressed to Ehgland. £20
GC512 1938 1st April, cover bearing KGVI seven values ½d to 6d cancelled 'KUMASI' on the First Day of Issue. £20
GC515 1939 3rd February, cover bearing KGVI 1/- on front and 3d on reverse (SG 124, 128), cancelled CAPE COAST, sent registered airmail to the USA. Endorsed in red ink 'BY IMPERIAL AIRWAYS'. Arrival backstamp. £25
AA659 1940 16th April, cover sent registered airmail to Scotland, bearing (on the reverse) KGVI 6d (x 3, SG 126a) tied by NAVRONGO (16 Apr) double circle datestamps with additional strike on the front along with NAVRONGO registration label and PASSED BY CENSOR / 9 / GOLD COAST cachet struck in red. With KUMASI (25 Apr) and ACCRA (26 Apr) oval transit registration strikes on the reverse. £18
GC507 1940 12th September, cover bearing KGVI 3d (SG 124a), cancelled ACCRA addressed to the USA. Opened at left then resealed with printed 'GOLD COAST / OPENED BY EXAMINER' tape, struck with red 'PASSED BY CENSOR / 5 / GOLD COAST' cachet. £20
GC511 1942 22nd April, cover bearing KGVI 2d x two (SG 123), addressed to the USA. Opened at left then resealed with printed 'GOLD COAST / OPENED BY EXAMINER' tape struck with blue 'PASSED BY CENSOR / 5 / GOLD COAST' cachet. £20
GC514 1943 15th April, group of seven illustrated US Publicity covers each bearing a KGVI upper right corner pair 1d to 1/-. All cancelled 'ACCRA' and addressed to Washington. Some discolouration. Attractive group. £45
GC508 1946 27th February, cover bearing KGVI 1d (SG 121a), cancelled ACCRA and addressed to the USA. Underpaid and struck with violet 'Subject To Letter Rate / Foreign Section G.P.O.', black circular 'T' and then US 'Postage Due Cents' endorsed '12'. £20
GC347 1946 3rd April, cover bearing KGVI 1/3 (SG 129), cancelled 'TAKORADI', sent airmail to Liverpool. £20
GC513 1946 15th November, long printed ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE envelope pasted over with 'ECONOMY LABEL / RE-USE OF ENVELOPES' label, cancelled at left 'KUMASI' and addressed to England. Somewhat crumpled at edges, most unusual. £40
GC506 1946 28th December, printed ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE cover bearing KGVI 3d and 4d (SG 124a, 125a), cancelled 'ACCRA, sent registered to the USA. Arrival backstamps. £20
GC509 1947 19th August, Air Letter bearing KGVI 1½ x two and 3d (SG 122a, 124a), lightly cancelled and addressed to the USA. £20
GC350 1951 17th January, cover bearing KGVI 1d strip of three COIL STAMPS (SG 136 coils), plus two cut-outs from KGVI 6d Airletters, cancelled 'JAMESTOWN / ACCRA', sent airmail to England. Most unusual. £35
AA661 1951 5th March, cover sent registered airmail to England, bearing KGVI 3d and 1/- (SG 140, 143) tied by ABOSO REGISTERED (5 Mar) large double oval datestamps with additional very fine strikes on the reverse. Printed ABOSO registration label. £15
AA662 1951 10th April, cover to England endorsed ‘Air Mail’, bearing KGVI 1/- (SG 143) tied by KETA (10 Apr) double circle datestamp. Edge tear at top. £12
GC351 1951 26th April, cover bearing KGVI 1/- (SG 143), cancelled 'SUHUM', sent airmail to London. £20
GC352 1953 28th March, cover bearing KGVI 3d and 1/- (SG 140, 143), cancelled 'MAMPONG ASHANTI', sent registered to Scotland. £25
AA666 1953 21st July, cover sent registered airmail to England, bearing KGVI 1d and 1/- (SG 136, 143) on the front and strip of three QEII Coronation (SG 165) on the reverse, all tied by clear REGISTERED / PRESTEA GOLD COAST (21 Jul) double oval datestamps. Some pinhole damage at lower right (clear of adhesives). £15
AA665 1953 8th October, cover sent airmail to England, bearing KGVI 1/- and QEII 3d and 1/- (SG 143, 158) each tied by fine strikes of SUNYANI (8 Oct) double circle datestamps. Few edge tears. £15
GC510 1953 28th December, KGVI 6d Air Letter, crisply cancelled 'WA / GOLD COAST', addressed to the USA. £20
AA667 1954 27th May, cover sent registered airmail to England, bearing QEII 1d, 6d & 1/- (SG 154, 160/1) all tied by MINISTRY B O (27 May) double circle datestamps with additional strikes on the reverse. £15
POSTAL HISTORY / postages dues
GC355 1957 18th July, cover bearing QEII ½d Independence overprint, cancelled 'ACCRA' locally addressed. Underpaid and struck with black circular 'T' cachet, then applied with 1d postage due cancelled on the 27th July. Attractive. £30
GC356 QV 1d keytype envelope. Very fine unused. £20
GC357 QV 1d keytype envelope, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £30
GC358 QV 1d keytype Post Card, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £30
AM1218 QV 2d blue registered postal stationery envelope (size F), very fine unused. £15
GC359 KEVII 1d envelope, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £30
GC361 KEVII coloured embossed Post Card depicting the current KEVII issues ½d to 20/-. Very fine unused. £20
GC362 KGV ½d Post Card, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £30
GC363 KGV 1d envelope, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £30
GC365 1928 KGV 1d envelope. Very fine unused. £20
GC366 1928 KGV 1½d envelope, overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine unused. £30
GC475 1948 KGVI 6d Air Letter (four lines of text upper left), overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine. £45
GC479 c1950 KGVI 6d Air Letter (five lines of text upper left). Apparently two different printings, very fine unused. £15
GC480 1952 15th January, KGVI Air Letter (four lines of text upper left), used and cancelled 'MPRAESO' addressed to Germany. Fine and clean. £10
GC476 1954 QEII 6d Aerogramme, overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and additionally the indicium perforated with curved 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel type B9), ex. the Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. archive. Scarce. £75
GC477 1956 QEII 6d Aerogramme, overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and additionally the indicium perforated with curved 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel type B9), ex. the Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. archive. Scarce. £75
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