Last updated: 12th January, 2025
RA784 1956 5/- olive-green revenue, fine used. Uncommon. Mewett 435 £15
RA4750 1956 10/- and £1 revenues, both on piece cut from a passport, cancelled with black boxed ‘Federal Passports’ cachet, dated 25 APR 1958. Mewett 436, 437 £30
RA6296 1956 £1 blue revenue, block of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. Mewett 437 £100
RA786 1956 £1 blue revenue, fine used. Mewett 437 £15
RA787 1955 24th August, printed A4 size 'SPIRIT REBATE BOND' (folded for display) bearing on the reverse block of four and single 6d green revenue stamps (Mewett 431), each date cancelled and with violet oval strike. These revenues are not common, used on document they are extremely scarce. £200
F299 1954 21st September, printed A4 size 'GENERAL INLAND REMOVAL BOND' bearing on the reverse a remarkable 66 x 6d green revenue stamps (Mewett 431). Apparently not cancelled. An extraordinary usage and survivor. £350
F556 c1956 Cigarette Surtax Duty label. 2½d turquoise-blue, very fine unused. Very scarce, apparently unrecorded. £40
F164 c1956 Cigarette Surtax Duty label. 2½d turquoise-blue. Vertical pair, very fine unused. Very scarce, apparently unrecorded. £75
F555 c1956 Cigarette Surtax Duty label. 1/3d brown, very fine unused. Very scarce, apparently unrecorded. £45
F300 1961 Personal Tax revenues. Set of seven values 3d to £3 applied to three thick gilt edged cards, 'BRADBURY, WILKINSON & COMPANY. LTD' imprint at base. Each an imperforate plate proof on gummed paper and attached at a corner. Exquisite and RARE. £1,650
F302 1961 3/4d Personal Tax revenue, litho type roulette 10. Fine unmounted. Scarce. Mewett 341A £25
RA3191 1961 3/4d Personal Tax revenues, both litho and recess types, litho roulette 10, recess perf. 12½. Very fine unmounted. Scarce. Mewett 341A, 347 £35
F304 1961 3d Personal Tax revenue, roulette 10 x perf. 12. Very fine used. Scarce. Mewett 340C £20
RA3195 1961 10/- Personal Tax revenue, litho printing roulette 10 x perf. 12½. Fine used pen cancelled. Mewett 342C £10
RA3196 1961 £1 Personal Tax revenue, litho printing roulette 10 x perf. 12½. Fine used pen cancelled. Mewett 343C £7
F319 1964 3d, 3/4d, 10/-, £1 and £3 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½, upper marginal blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Mewett 344, 347-350 £185
F314 1964 3d Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Block of four, superb unmounted. Mewett 344 £25
F749 1964 9d Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Fine used. Mewett 345 £10
F311 1964 3/- Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Fine used. Mewett 346 £20
F306 1964 3/4d Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Superb unmounted. Mewett 347 £6
F315 1964 3/4d Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Block of four, superb unmounted. Mewett 347 £25
F312 1964 3/4d Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Fine used. Mewett 347 £4
F307 1964 10/- Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Superb unmounted. Mewett 348 £12
F316 1964 10/- Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Block of four, superb unmounted. Mewett 348 £50
F308 1964 £1 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Superb unmounted. Mewett 349 £15
F317 1964 £1 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Block of four, superb unmounted. Mewett 349 £60
F309 1964 £3 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Superb unmounted. Mewett 350 £20
F318 1964 £3 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Block of four, superb unmounted. Mewett 350 £80
F313 1964 £3 Personal Tax revenue, perf. 12½. Fine used. Mewett 350 £25
F100 1957 23rd November, page from Memorandum of Agreement Document, applied with £5 and pair £50 Arms revenues, oval greenish blue 'SALISBURY 28 NOV 1957' cancels. Fine & attractive. £80
F483 1961 15th August, printed Cope's Pools envelope bearing QEII 2d definitive plus Southern Rhodesia 1d Arms revenue, machine cancelled 'CAUSEWAY' locally addressed. Apparently allowed with no further action taken. Attractive. £45
RA5183 1969, 'Personal Tax Act, 1961 / Record of Employees' form, applied with seven x 10/- roulette Personal Tax stamps (Mewett 342 roul. 5 x 10). Each pen cancelled by date. Some faults at top, uncommon to see this value used alone. £65
RA8599 BALAKA / NYASALAND dc, complete strike dated 30 JUL 63 on vertical pair QEII ½d coil stamps (SG 18a) £18
RA8597 KASUPE / NYASALAND dc, complete strike dated 24 JUL '63 on vertical pair QEII ½d coil stamps (SG 18a) £18
RA8596 SANDAMA / NYASALAND dc, complete strike dated 6 JUN 63 on vertical pair QEII 3d (SG 22) £12
F924 Group of 16 unused PARCEL POST bag labels. For deliveries from London, differing designs in either pale yellow or pale yellow with vertical blue lines through. The former with despatch offices to LIVINGSTONE, BROKEN HILL, NDOLA, BULAWAYO, BULAWAYO H.M. FORCES, UMTALI then the latter with SALISBURY, GWELO, BROKEN HILL, LUSAKA, FORT JAMESON, BLANTYRE and LIMBE. Two further in green for 'LETTERS' to SALISBURY and FORT VICTORIA. Remarkably fine and clean. An extraordinary group. SOLD
F828 c1951 ?, pamphlet titled 'Central African Federation / The Only Way to Partnership between the Races', published by the London Committee of the United Central African Association. Setting out the desire for Federation between the three countries, the ideal and obstacles, Britain's responsibility, security for Europeans, guarantees for African rights, nature of African opposition and the Economic need. A fascinating insight to the thoughts at the time. £35
F389 1955 1st July, RHODES CENTENARY. Miniature printed 'RHODES CENTENARY MAIL / from Southern Rhodesia' cloth mailbag, green refine at top and with gold tie cord. Internally containing ten small black and white images from around the country with glassine interleaving. Together with printed black on blue parcel label 'POSTAGE THROUGHOUT BRITISH COMMONWEALTH' applied with QEII ½d cancelled 'BULAWAYO'. Displayed on album pages. Delightful and no doubt a rare survivor. £125
RA2360 1959 1st July, printed O. H. M. S. window envelope cancelled with very fine and clear machine slogan 'LAKE NYASSA / FOR HAPPY HOLIDAYS' sent from LIVINGSTONE, light violet oval 'TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS(?) BRANCH' cachet. £8
F614 c1960 'SOUVENIR LETTER CARD of VICTORIA FALLS AND WANKIE GAME RESERVE'. Printed on grey-blue card, internally with five coloured folding images of various scenes. Published by the Packaging and Printing Industries, Bulawayo. Very fine unused. Most unusual. £45
F615 1962 printed 'MINISTRY OF POSTS / INSURED PARCEL No. I. P.' printed form. Blue cross through, gummed paper. Very fine unused. A most unusual survivor. £20
F397 c1955 'LIVINGSTONE / TOURIST CENTRE FOR THE / VICTORIA FALLS' publicity labels, two examples in vertical format in either green or blue. On ungummed paper, unused. Most attractive and unusual £20
F390 Range of Federal registration labels, 17 various towns mostly from Northern Rhodesia. Unusual group. £30
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