NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse, indigo-blue, Waterlow printing. Superb used cancelled crisp part 'P.O. PLEASANT ISLAND / SE 2 16 / NAURU' sc datestamp. Brandon opinion (2011). RARE. SG 18
Note: one and a half sheets of 40 from this printing were overprinted, resulting in 60 possible. Few of these were used, and some cancelled by the Postmaster, Mr. H B Pope on the 2nd September 1916, apparently the day he left the island to join Allied Forces
NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, pale blue, De La Rue printing. Showing TREBLE OVERPRINT (BLACK, RED PLUS ALBINO). Very fine mint. RARE, believed only five examples known. SG 23a
Last update:20th February, 2025
SNA533 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1911 KEVII ½d to 1/- overprints. Complete set of seven values fine or very fine mint. SG 1-7 £125
AM223 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1912 KGV 2/6 lower left corner block of six (2x3) printed from plate 1a WITHOUT PLATE NUMBER (from the single printing of this value in June 1912, after the plate numbers had been removed). 102 sheets printed, a very scarce proving piece. Superb unmounted mint. SG 22 £150
SNA501 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1912 KGV 5/- green and red on yellow. Right marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 23 £45
SNA1264 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1924 KGV £1 purple and black on red. Superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 24 £625
SNA1888 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values, blocks of four. One stamp in each hinged, otherwise unmounted. SG 43-54 £150
SNA2369 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values plus additional ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d and 1s shades/printings, lower marginal blocks of four or six where appropriate, showing imprint in margins. A few hinged on upper pairs otherwise unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 43-54, 47a, 51a £550
SNA3434 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI 1½d definitive brownish black and bright carmine. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 45 £5
SNA3294 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1943 KGVI 2½d definitive brownish black and olive-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 47a £45
SNA3314 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI 5d definitive deep ultramarine and sepia. Complete sheet of 60, imprint in lower margin. Folded, very fine unmounted. Uncommon survivor. SG 49 £195
SNA3304 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI 1s definitive brownish black and turquoise-green. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin, additionally with full lower margin attached showing imprint and vignette plate '1'. Endorsed in pencil in margin 'Dec 1946'. Very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 51 £225
AM150 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1939 KGVI 5/- deep rose-red and royal blue. Lower marginal block of four with full imprint. Very fine used with two fine strikes of POST OFFICE TARAWA / GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS COLONY (23 FEB 1946) double circle datestamps. A rare and attractive multiple, especially with imprint. SG 54 £120
SNA3327 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1941 17th June, envelope bearing KGVI definitive complete set of 12 values (SG 43-54), cancelled 'GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS / COLONY', sent registered with 'TARAWA' cachet, typewritten upper left 'TRANS PACIFIC / TRANS ATLANTIC AIR MAIL', addressed to J.E. Lea, Manchester. Sydney Transit strikes on reverse. Most unusual. £80
SNA3291 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1956 QEII definitive, complete set of 12 values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1a' or '1 1' in margins. Fine from front, gum yellowed, fine unmounted. Difficult group. SG 64-75 £150
SNA3292 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1956 QEII ½d to 2/6 definitives, lower marginal or left corner (2/6), blocks of four or six, showing imprint in margins, some including the ½d also showing plate '1' and '1a', the 2d and 1/- likewise of six with plate numbers. Odd minor tone spot, fine unmounted. SG 64-73 £80
SNA3293 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1956 QEII 1d, 2d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6 and 10/- definitives, lower marginal blocks of four. Very lightly browned gum, fine unmounted. SG 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75 £145
SNA3429 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1956 QEII ½d definitive, black and deep bright blue. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1a' in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 64 £4
SNA2446 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1956 QEII ½d definitive. 'Y' flaw, upper stamp in positional lower left corner vertical strip of three (plate 1, row 10/1). Superb unmounted. SG 64a, 64 £24
SNA3430 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 1d definitive, brown-olive and deep violet. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 74 £4
SNA3431 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 3d definitive, black and carmine-red. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 74 £4
SNA3288 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1962 QEII 5d definitive, ultramarine and brown-orange. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Fine from front, toned gum, unmounted. Uncommon. SG 69a £40
SNA3432 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 5d definitive, ultramarine and red-orange. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 69 £35
SNA3289 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1962 QEII 5d definitive, ultramarine and brown-orange. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Fine from front, toned gum, unmounted. Uncommon. SG 69a £40
SNA3433 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 6d definitive, chestnut and black-brown. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 70 £4
SNA3434 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 1/- definitive, black and bronze-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 71 £30
SNA3290 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS 1959 QEII 5/- definitive, greenish blue and bluish green. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 74 £60
SNA2565 GREAT BRITAIN 1841 QV 2d blue. Horizontal strip of three (SG/SI), good to enormous margins with two adjoining stamps showing at top, exceptionally fine used cancelled with light crisp '13' barred ovals. A lovely multiple. SG 14 £250
SNA2524 GREAT BRITAIN 1883 QV 10/- ultramarine. Superb used cancelled crisp central upright 'HULL JU 13 92' datestamp. Delightful. SG 183 £295
AM754 GREAT BRITAIN c1902 KEVII ½d deep yellow-green on buff paper. A blurred or possibly doubled impression. Imperforate plate proof without watermark. Very fine with good to enormous margins. £65
AM755 GREAT BRITAIN c1902 KEVII 1d scarlet. Imperforate plate proof, without watermark. Very fine with good to enormous margins. £85
SNA2611 GREAT BRITAIN 1902 KEVII £1 dull blue-green (De La Rue printing). Vertical strip of six, odd minor fault including light blue registration line through fifth stamp. Fine or very fine used cancelled with oval 'REGISTERED / GRESHAM HOUSE 05' datestamps either at left or right leaving the King's portrait clear. A SPECTACULAR AND RARE MULTIPLE. SG 266 £2,850
AM756 GREAT BRITAIN c1911 KGV ‘Downey Head’ 1d in carmine (Die B). Imperforate plate proof on gummed paper, without watermark. Very fine with good to large even margins. £85
SNA2450 GREAT BRITAIN 1913-18 KGV £1 Seahorse, dull blue-green. Right marginal, perfectly centred and full perforations all round. Hinge trace on margin, stamp superb unmounted. A wonderful stamp. RPS certificate (1988). SG 404 £3,650
SNA2493 GREAT BRITAIN 1929 KGV UPU Congress £1 black. Very fine used cancelled with light 'GUERNSEY' sc datestamp. A lovely stamp. SG 438 £345
SNA2491 GREAT BRITAIN 1934 KGV re-engraved Seahorse 2/6 chocolate-brown. Block of four, gum lightly browned, fine unmounted. SG 450 £150
SNA2492 GREAT BRITAIN 1934 KGV re-engraved Seahorse, 10/- indigo. Very fine unmounted. SG 452 £225
SNA1515 GREAT BRITAIN 1939-48 KGVI high values, complete set of six. Superb unmounted. SG 476-478b £175
SNA1513 GREAT BRITAIN 1951 KGVI Festival high values, complete set of four. Superb unmounted. SG 509-512 £45
SNA1782 GRENADA 1875 QV 1d green, wmk. large star perf. 14. Horizontal pair, very fine and fresh mint. Lovely. SG 14 £135
SNA2625 GRENADA 1908 KEVII 6d dull purple and purple, wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 85 £100
SNA1268 GRENADA 1908 KEVII 5/- green and red on yellow, wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Upper marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on face of margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. Delightful. SG 88 £120
SNA2626 GRENADA 1913-22 KGV, wmk. multiple Crown CA. 1d red, 2d orange, 2½d bright blue, 3d purple on lemon, 6d dull and bright purple and 1s black on green, each a corner block of four showing either plate '1' or '2' in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 91, 93, 94, 96b, 97, 98 £65
SNA2623 GRENADA 1913-22 KGV, wmk. multiple Crown CA. 1s black on green, black on green / white back, black on blue-green olive back, black on emerald surface and black on emerald back. Each a corner block of four showing plate '1' or '2' in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 98, 98a, 98b, 98c, 98d £200
SNA2624 GRENADA 1921-31 KGV wmk. multiple Script CA. ½d green, 1d brown, 1½d rose-red, 2d orange, 2½d grey, 4d black and red on yellow plus 5d dull purple and sage green, each a corner block of four showing plates '2' or '3' in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 123, 124 £50
SNA337 GRENADA 1922-26 KGV wmk. multiple Script CA. 2d orange, 2½d grey, 3d bright blue, 6d dull and bright purple and 1/- black on emerald. Each in a matching block of 18 being the lower three rows of the sheet and showing plate '3' in margins. Very fine unmounted. A lovely group. SG 116, 118, 121, 125, 128 £120
SNA1715 GRENADA 1923 KGV 10/- green and red on emerald, wmk. multiple Script CA. Right marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 134 £85
SNA1629 GRENADA 1923 KGV 10/- green and red on emerald, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper right corner copy, very fine unmounted. SG 134 £90
SNA1556 GRENADA 1934 KGV pictorials. Complete set of ten values. Very fine unmounted. SG 135-144 £90
SNA1691 GRENADA 1934 KGV pictorials. Complete set of ten values, blocks of four. Hinge trace or unmounted, very fine and fresh. A lovely group. SG 135-144 £300
SNA1269 GRENADA 1934 KGV 1d pictorial black and sepia, perf. 13½ x 12½. Horizontal coil pair showing join between. Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 136a coil join £12
SNA953 GRENADA 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee. Set of four blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 145-148 £80
SNA1562 GRENADA 1938-50 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values. Very fine unmounted. SG 153-163f £55
SNA2053 GRENADA 1938-50 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 153-163f £220
SNA994 GRENADA 1938-50 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values plus additional shades ½d yellow-green and 3d, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 153-163f £350
SNA229 GRENADA 1938 KGVI ½d definitive, perf. 12½ x 13½, yellow-green. Vertical coil pair showing join between. Superb unmounted, uncommon. SG 153b coil join pair £20
SNA1912 GRENADA 1938 KGVI ½d definitive, perf. 12½ x 13½, yellow-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on face of margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 153b £55
SNA2497 GRENADA 1941 KGVI 2/- definitive black and ultramarine, perf. 13½ x 12½. Lower right corner block of four showing vignette plate '3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 161a £240
SNA3286 GRENADA 1943 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 12 slate-blue and bright carmine (narrow). Upper right corner copy, endorsed in margin 'P.12', hinged in margin stamp very fine unmounted. A lovely example of this difficult stamp. SG 163c £600
SNA1379 GRENADA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 12 x 13 steel-black and carmine (narrow). Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margin. Extraordinary thick treacle-like gum, hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 163 £200
SNA1914 GRENADA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 12 x 13 steel-black and carmine (narrow). Lower right corner block of eight showing large part imprint in margin. Extraordinary thick treacle-like gum, very fine unmounted. SG 163 £325
SNA1380 GRENADA 1943 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 14 blue-black and carmine (narrow). Block of 18 being three rows across the sheet. Light crease affecting two, some perfs. parted and gum lightly toned, still an impressive multiple. Unmounted. SG 163e £550
SNA1378 GRENADA 1947 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 14 blue-black and bright carmine (wide). Upper left corner block of four showing striking vignette and frame colour inking smudges in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 163f £140
SNA1466 GRENADA 1947 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 14 blue-black and bright carmine (wide). Lower left corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Trimmed at corner and ink notation in margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 163f £140
SNA2496 GRENADA 1947 KGVI 10/- definitive, perf. 14 blue-black and bright carmine (wide). Lower left corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin, plus both frame and vignette screw marks. Superb unmounted. SG 163f £240
SNA1093 GRENADA 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values. Superb unmounted. SG 172-184 £25
SNA1444 GRENADA 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values all lower marginal showing part imprint. Superb unmounted. A lovely set. SG 172-184 £35
SNA1381 GRENADA 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margins. Superb unmounted. Lovely group. SG 172-184 £220
SNA3271 GRENADA 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values lower marginal blocks of eight showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 172-184 £450
SNA233 GRENADA 1951 KGVI $2.50 definitive. Upper marginal block of four showing printer's guide cross in margin. Hinge trace on margin, stamps superb and fresh unmounted. SG 184 £55
SNA2589 GRENADA 1951 KGVI $2.50 definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on margin and just onto upper right stamp otherwise fresh unmounted. SG 184 £80
AM637 GRENADA / Revenue 1908 £1 red and deep green, watermark MCA. An upper marginal block of four showing part of the central guide marking. Light creasing on the upper pair, otherwise very fine used, each stamp with manuscript initials and date ‘7/11/22’. A rare and attractive multiple. Barefoot 37 £250
SNA3019 HONG KONG 1882 QV 2c rose-lake, wmk. Crown CA. Hinge trace, superb fresh mint and well centred. A lovely stamp. BPA certificate (2019). SG 32 £250
SNA2971 HONG KONG 1891 50th Anniversary of the Colony overprint. Very fine unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 51 £625
SNA3020 HONG KONG 1901 QV 12c blue, wmk. Crown CA. Block of four, very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 60 £275
SNA512 HONG KONG 1912 KGV $5, wmk. multiple Crown CA, green and red on green. Very fine mint. SG 115 £500
SNA511 HONG KONG 1914 KGV $5, wmk. multiple Crown CA, green and red on green, white back. Very fine mint. SG 115a £400
SNA2972 HONG KONG 1914 KGV $10, wmk. multiple Crown CA, purple and black on red. Vivid shades, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovey stamp. SG 116 £750
SNA2226 Hong Kong 1921 KGV 25c purple and magenta, wmk. Script CA. Upper marginal pair plate '2' in margin, right stamp showing Broken flower flaw (row 1/3). Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. Attractive in this positional format. SG 126a, 126 £75
SNA1270 HONG KONG 1926 KGV $3, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper left corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 131 £500
SNA1974 HONG KONG 1938 KGVI 4c orange. Upper left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 142 £40
SNA1972 HONG KONG 1945 KGVI 5c green, perf. 14½x14. Block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 143a £12
SNA1969 HONG KONG 1945 KGVI 10c dull violet, perf. 14½x14. Block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 145a £32
SNA3024 HONG KONG 1938 KGVI 15c scarlet. Right marginal block of four, upper right stamp showing Broken character (left pane, row 6/6). Superb unmounted. SG 146a, 146 £120
SNA1485 HONG KONG 1948 KGVI 25c bright blue. Superb unmounted. SG 149 £22
SNA1966 HONG KONG 1946 KGVI 25c pale yellow-olive. Upper left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 150 £25
SNA1965 HONG KONG 1945 KGVI 30c yellow-olive, perf. 14½x14. Right marginal block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 151a £90
SNA1964 HONG KONG 1946 KGVI 30c blue. Upper left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 152 £22
SNA1962 HONG KONG 1946 KGVI 50c perf. 14½x14, reddish purple. Left marginal block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 153b £50
SNA1961 HONG KONG 1948 KGVI 80c carmine. Upper right corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 154 £20
SNA2569 HONG KONG 1952 KGVI $1 yellow-orange and green, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper left corner block of four, showing plate '2' and requisition number S18842' in margin. Superb used cancelled 'REGISTERED / HONG KONG / 19 JA 54' datestamp. Lovely and scarce. SG 156c £90
SNA3026 HONG KONG 1948 KGVI $1 red-orange and green, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper left corner vertical strip of three, lower stamp showing Short right leg to 'R' (left pane row 3/1), in addition requisition number 'M02416" in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce in this positional format. SG 156ba, 156b £450
SNA3025 HONG KONG 1952 KGVI $1 red-orange and green, chalk-surfaced paper. Block of four, upper left stamp showing Short right leg to 'R' (right pane, row 7/3, left pane row 3/1). Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 156ca, 156c £625
SNA1526 HONG KONG 1938 KGVI $10 green and violet. Characteristic gum, very fine unmounted. Uncommon as such. SG 161 £475
SNA3027 HONG KONG 1947 KGVI $10 reddish violet and blue, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper right corner copy showing requisition number 'Q0001" in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely and unique as such. SG 162b £300
SNA1094 HONG KONG 1941 KGVI Centenary of British Occupation. Set of six values. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 163-168 £60
SNA1383 HONG KONG 1941 KGVI Centenary of British Occupation. Set of six values lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins, the 2c two types either perforated through margin or not. Very fine unmounted. SG 163-168 £325
SNA659 HONG KONG 1948 KGVI 10c Royal Silver Wedding, upper right corner block of four, lower left stamp showing 'spur on 'N' flaw. Superb unmounted. SG 171, 171a £80
SNA3036 HONG KONG 1954 QEII definitive, complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 178-191 £175
SNA3035 HONG KONG 1954 QEII 10c lilac. Vertical coil join strip of four. Superb unmounted. SG 179 coil join £35
SNA3029 HONG KONG 1954 QEII $1 orange and green. Lower marginal pair plate '1' in margin, lower stamp showing Short right leg to 'R'. Superb unmounted. SG 187, 187a £135
SNA3030 HONG KONG 1954 QEII $1 orange and green. Upper marginal showing joined stroke in characters (Yang 178b). Superb unmounted. SG 187 var. £45
SNA2570 HONG KONG 1954 QEII $1 orange and green. Lower right corner block of four, both plates '1 1', in margin, lower left stamp showing Short right leg to 'R'. Superb unmounted. SG 187, 187a £200
SNA336 HONG KONG 1958 (?) QEII $10 definitive, the reddish violet in an extraordinary vivid and aniline shade. Upper left corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 191 shade £200
SNA3041 HONG KONG 1962 QEII definitives, chalk-surfaced paper. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 196-210 £110
SNA549 HONG KONG 1962 QEII definitives. $1.30 to $20 group of five, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 206-210 £350
SNA1097 HONG KONG 1946-56 Postage dues, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Set of seven values. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG D6a-D12 £60
SNA3023 HONG KONG 1891 QV 5 DOLLARS on $10 surcharge, purple on red. Very fine fresh mint. SG F9 £365
SNA3021 HONG KONG 1938 5c green Postal Fiscal. Very fine unmounted. SG F12 £75
SNA3022 HONG KONG 1938 5c green Postal Fiscal. Block of four, very fine unmounted. SG F12 £300
SNA1531 INDIA 1913 KGV 5r, ultramarine and violet. Left marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 188 £125
SNA1099 INDIA 1940-43 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 265-277 £35
SNA1100 INDIA 1948 Ghandi set of four. Superb unmounted. SG 305-308 £300
SNA1650 INDIA 1949 Monuments definitive. Complete set of 16 values, 15r with usual toned gum otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. SG 309-324 £200
SNA1101 INDIA 1949 UPU set of four. Superb unmounted. SG 325-328 £20
SNA1102 INDIA 1950 Inauguration of Republic set of four. Superb unmounted. SG 329-332 £30
SNA1103 INDIA 1950 additional definitives and Geological Survey. Superb unmounted. SG 333-334 £16
SNA1628 INDIA 1909 KEVII 25r, brownish orange and blue, overprinted 'O. H. M. S.' Lower marginal, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely stamp. SG O72 £425
SNA2179 IRAQ 1918-20 Turkish Pictorials overprinted. Complete set of 14 values, plus a few lower value shades. Fine or very fine mint. SG 1-14 £160
SNA3004 IRAQ 1918-20 Turkish Pictorials overprinted 1/4a on 5pa. dull purple. Lower marginal block of 12 showing imprint and further '1/4 An.' overprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 1 £18
SNA2515 IRAQ 1918 10r on 100pi indigo, Turkish Pictorials overprinted, type I. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 14 £160
SNA3323 IRAQ 1918 10r on 100pi indigo, Turkish Pictorials overprinted, type II (Height 22mm, '10Rs' well centred under 'IRAQ'). Very fine used. SG 14a £40
SNA1780 IRAQ 1949 AIR MAIL Miniature sheet, perforated. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 338 £40
SNA1273 IRAQ 1931 King Faisal 10r. scarlet, overprinted 'ON STATE SERVICE'. Very fine mint. SG O104 £185
AM1015 IRELAND 1922 KGV 2d orange overprinted in three lines. Lower left corner control ‘T 22’ block of four. Some perforations splitting along upper left margin. The stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 55 £15
AM1016 IRELAND 1923 KGV 3d bluish violet overprinted in three lines. Lower left corner control ‘U 22’ block of four. The stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 57 £45
SNA1852 IRELAND 1922 KGV 10s Seahorse overprint (Thom printing), dull grey-blue. Left marginal block of four, part guide cross in margin. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. Lovely. SG 66 £600
SNA1741 IRELAND 1925 KGV 2/6, 5/- and 10/- Seahorse overprints (narrow date). Each a marginal block of four, light gum browning otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 83-85 £700
SNA1700 IRELAND 1925 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Upper left corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 83 £55
SNA1271 IRELAND 1925 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Lower left corner copy superb unmounted. SG 83 £55
SNA1637 IRELAND 1925 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint (narrow date), apparently plate 7, Dublin Castle. COMPLETE SHEET OF 40. Some light marginal faults sensibly re-enforced, thick crackly gum. Fresh, a remarkable and impressive survivor. SG 83 £1,600
SNA1701 IRELAND 1925 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Lower left corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 84 £80
SNA1702 IRELAND 1925 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Upper right corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 85 £200
SNA1735 IRELAND 1925 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Lower left corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 85 £200
SNA1459 IRELAND 1925 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint (narrow date). Upper left corner block of four, showing the Needle-eyed accents on both upper stamps. Hinged on margin and lower pair, upper unmounted. David MacDonnell certificate (2016). Lovely. SG 85 £650
SNA1495 IRELAND 1937 2/6 to 10/- high values. Superb unmounted. SG 102-104 £250
SNA1577 IRELAND 1940-49 definitives, ½d to 1/- complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 111-122 £70
SNA1551 IRELAND 1942-45 2/6 to 10/- high values. Superb unmounted. SG 123-125 £95
SNA1550 IRELAND 1948-65 Air. Complete set of seven values. Superb unmounted. SG 140-143b £18
AM793 JAMAICA 1873 QV 1/- dull brown. Lower right corner BLOCK OF 12 (3x4) with interpanneau wing margins at right and sheet margin at base showing marginal inscriptions. Also showing staggered vertical perforations between stamps and lower margin. A few split perforations, hinged on one stamp and almost imperceptible diagonal crease affects three, otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. A very scarce and impressive positional multiple. SG 13 £350
AM794 JAMAICA 1897 QV 5/- lilac. Lower left corner BLOCK OF FOUR showing the current number ‘3’ in margin. Very fine or superb fresh mint with hinge remnants on two, the other two are unmounted. A rare and attractive block. SG 26 £475
SNA674 JAMAICA 1905-11 QV re-issue, watermark Multiple Crown CA. 3d to 2/- with all shades and chalk surfaced paper types less 1/- deep brown and 2/- venetian red, each in a block of four. The 4d red-brown upper marginal showing '170' in margin, the 6d golden yellow lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin and two x 2/- upper and lower marginal showing '2' or plate '1' in margins. Odd unobtrusive tone spots and 4d red-brown with rounded corner lower left otherwise very fine mint or unmounted. A lovely group. SG 46-56 less 53a, 55 £575
AM795 JAMAICA 1905 QV 3d olive-green. Lower left corner pair showing plate number ‘1’. Very fine mint with light hinge marks. SG 46 £45
AM797 JAMAICA 1907 QV 3d sage-green. Upper left corner block of four showing current number ‘11’. Superb unmounted mint, hinged in margin only. SG 46a £65
AM799 JAMAICA 1908 QV 4d red-brown. BLOCK OF FOUR, superb fresh unmounted mint. Very scarce, especially in such fine condition. SG 48 £425
AM801 JAMAICA 1906 QV 6d dull orange. Lower marginal BLOCK OF FOUR showing part marginal inscription. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 51 £125
SNA52 JAMAICA 1910 QV 1s black on green, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Block of nine, centre stamp showing $ FOR S in SHILLING. Lower right corner stamp hinged otherwise wonderfully fresh unmounted. Brandon opinion (1995). Lovely. SG 54a, 54 £825
SNA803 JAMAICA 1912-20 KGV keytype. Complete set of ten values plus most listed shades although only one 1½d and 5/-, all 3d and 4d's. Very fine and fresh mint with a few unmounted. SG 58-67 £130
SNA814 JAMAICA 1916 KGV ½d and 3d overprinted 'WAR STAMP'. All three listed shades of the 3d, one with overprint at centre. Very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 68, 69, 69a, 69b £35
SNA813 JAMAICA 1916 KGV ½d 'WAR STAMP'. Block of six the lower left stamp showing no stop after 'STAMP'. Superb fresh unmounted.SG 68, 68a £20
SNA2099 JAMAICA 1917 KGV ½d, 1½ and 3d overprinted 'WAR STAMP'. Set of three values plus shades of the ½d and 3d. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 73-75 £15
SNA2087 JAMAICA 1919-20 KGV ½d and 3d overprinted 'WAR STAMP'. All three listed shades of the 3d plus some additional. Very fine fresh unmounted. SG 76, 77, 77b, 77c £45
SNA815 JAMAICA 1919-20 KGV ½d and 3d overprinted 'WAR STAMP'. All three listed shades of the 3d plus some additional. Very fine fresh mint or unmounted. SG 76, 77, 77b, 77c £35
SNA2094 JAMAICA 1919-21 KGV pictorial definitive, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Complete set of 12 values plus listed shades of the 2½d, 5/- and unlisted of the 1½d. Very fine or superb unmounted. A difficult assembly of this highly attractive set. SG 78-89, 82a, 88a £345
SNA2630 JAMAICA 1919-21 KGV pictorial definitive, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Complete set of 12 values BLOCKS OF FOUR, the 5/- a block of six, marginal or corner. Odd hinge mark in margin otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely and scarce set of this highly attractive issue. SG 78-89 £1,300
SNA2628 JAMAICA 1919-21 1/- pictorial definitive, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 85 £30
SNA2629 JAMAICA 1919-21 1/- pictorial definitive, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 85 £30
SNA2085 JAMAICA 1921-27 KGV ½d green and 6d dull purple and bright magenta, wmk. multiple Script CA. Very fine unmounted. SG 92, 93 £30
SNA2083 JAMAICA 1929-32 KGV 1d both shades, 1½d and 9d. Very fine unmounted. SG 108-110, 108a £65
SNA2088 JAMAICA 1932 Pictorials, set of three. Very fine unmounted. SG 111-113 £95
SNA957 JAMAICA 1938-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 18 values. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 121-133a £110
SNA2388 JAMAICA 1938-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 18 values, blocks of four. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 121-133a £450
SNA3136 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI ½d blue-green definitive. Four lower marginal of lower right corner blocks of four, showing plates '2A', '2B', '2C', and '2D' in margins. Hinged on upper pairs lower unmounted. SG 121 £30
SNA3354 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI ½d blue-green definitive. Lower right corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '2D' in margin. Twice folded, very fine unmounted. SG 121 £20
SNA3139 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI ½d blue-green definitive. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, showing imprint and plate '3B' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 121 £20
SNA3138 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI ½d blue-green definitive. Lower left corner block of 12, showing imprint and plate '3C' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 121 £20
SNA3137 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI ½d blue-green definitive. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, showing imprint and plate '3D' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 121 £25
SNA3005 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI ½d orange definitive. Lower right corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '3B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 121b £35
SNA3141 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI ½d orange definitive. Lower left corner block of 12 showing imprint and plate '3C' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 121b £35
SNA3142 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI ½d orange definitive. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, showing imprint and plate '3D' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 121b £30
SNA3150 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Four lower marginal blocks of 12, showing imprint and plates '1A', '1B', '1C' or '1D' in margins. Hinged on two stamps in each block otherwise unmounted. SG 122 £45
SNA3148 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Lower left corner block of 12, showing imprint and plate '1C' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 122 £12
SNA3149 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Lower right corner block of 12, showing imprint and plate '1D' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 122 £12
SNA3146 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, showing imprint and plate '2A' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 122 £15
SNA3143 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Upper marginal block of six, unusually sowing part plate '2B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 122 £10
SNA3144 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Two lower right corner blocks of four, showing plates '2B' or '2D' in margins. Hinged on upper pairs lower unmounted. SG 122 £10
SNA3147 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet definitive. Lower marginal block of ten, showing imprint and plate '2C' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 122 £10
SNA3123 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI 1d blue-green definitive. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, showing imprint and plate '2D' in margin. Hinged on two otherwise unmounted. SG 122a £50
SNA3006 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI 1d blue-green definitive. Lower right corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '3D' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 122a £60
SNA3124 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1½d brown definitive. Lower right corner strip of six showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 123 £8
SNA3125 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1½d brown definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '2A' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 123 £6
SNA3352 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1½d brown definitive. Lower right corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '2A' in margin. Folded vertically, very fine unmounted. SG 123 £15
SNA3126 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1½d brown definitive. Lower left corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '3A' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 123 £15
SNA3349 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1½d brown definitive. Lower right corner block of ten showing imprint and plate '5C' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 123 £18
SNA1413 JAMAICA 1938-51 KGVI ½d orange plus 1d scarlet and blue-green definitives. Lower right corner blocks of four showing plates '3B', '2B' and '3B in margins. Endorsed in pencil on margin with relevant dates. Superb unmounted. SG 121b, 122, 122a £45
SNA2091 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 12½. Showing 'Extra branch' flaw (centre plate 1 with frame plates 1 to 7, row 6/1). Superb unmounted. SG 124a £45
SNA3074 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 12½. Lower right corner block of four, frame plate '3' in margin, lower right stamp showing 'Fishing rod' flaw (centre plate '1' with frame plates 1 to 7, row 6/1). Superb unmounted. SG 124b, 124 £65
SNA3118 JAMAICA 1939 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 13x13½. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '5 2' in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 124c £12
SNA3116 JAMAICA 1939 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 13x13½. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '6 2' in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 124c £12
SNA3075 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 12½. Lower right corner block of four, frame plate '7' in margin, lower right stamp showing 'Fishing rod' flaw (centre plate '1' with frame plates 1 to 7, row 6/1). Superb unmounted. SG 124b, 124 £65
SNA3113 JAMAICA 1939 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 13x13½. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '8 4' in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 124c £12
SNA3117 JAMAICA 1951 KGVI 2d definitive, grey and green, perf. 12½x13. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '11 5' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 124d £8
SNA3130 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2½d definitive greenish blue and ultramarine. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 125 £30
SNA3119 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2½d definitive greenish blue and ultramarine. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 125 £40
SNA3129 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2½d definitive greenish blue and ultramarine. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 125 £55
SNA3103 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, ultramarine and green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2 2' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps unmounted. SG 126 £6
SNA3101 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, ultramarine and green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126 £8
SNA3350 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, ultramarine and green. Lower right corner block of six showing imprint and plates '2 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126 £10
SNA3104 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, ultramarine and green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '3 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126 £8
SNA3102 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, ultramarine and green. Lower right corner block of six showing imprint and plates '3 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126 £10
SNA3100 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI 3d definitive, greenish blue and ultramarine. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '5 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126b £25
SNA3099 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI 3d definitive, greenish blue and ultramarine. Lower right corner block of six showing imprint and plates '6 4' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 126b £35
SNA1415 JAMAICA 1952 KGVI 3d definitive, green and scarlet. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '6 4' in margin. Endorsed in pencil on margin '31/3/53'. Superb unmounted. SG 126c £35
SNA3007 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 4d definitive, brown and green. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '2' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 127 £6
SNA1418 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 4d definitive, brown and green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2 2' in margin. One stamp hinged otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 127 £6
SNA3132 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 6d definitive, grey and purple, perf. 12½. Two copies, apparently from the 1944 or 1946 printings. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 128 £15
SNA3345 JAMAICA 1950 KGVI 6d definitive, perf. 13½ x 13 grey and purple. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 128a £18
SNA3346 JAMAICA 1950 KGVI 6d definitive, perf. 13½ x 13 grey and purple. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '6 3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 128a £18
SNA3133 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Group go seven singles, each apparently from a different printing with dates marked in pencil on margin or reverse. Unusual group. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £80
SNA1678 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- green and purple-brown. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £80
SNA1417 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '2' in margin. Endorsed in pencil on margin 'Feb 44'. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £80
SNA3338 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Lower right corner block of six showing imprint and frame plate '2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £110
SNA3341 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Lower right corner block of four showing imprint and plates '3 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £80
SNA3343 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '4' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 130 £80
SNA1420 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 1/- definitive, green and purple-brown. Block of four, upper left stamp showing 'Repaired chimney' flaw (row 11/1), positional (by printer's marks on both right stamps). Superb unmounted. SG 130a, 130 £465
SNA3340 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 2/- blue and chocolate. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 131 £175
SNA2092 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 14. Superb unmounted. SG 132 £12
SNA3336 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 14. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 132 £50
SNA3335 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 14. Lower marginal block of four showing large part imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 132 £80
SNA240 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 13. Lower marginal block of four showing vignette plate ‘1’ and part imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 132b £45
SNA1108 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 13. Lower left corner block of four showing vignette plate ‘1’ and printer's guide cross in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 132b £60
SNA1465 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange, perf 13. Lower left corner block of eight showing vignette plate number ‘1’, large part imprint and printer's guide cross in margin. Folded vertically, superb unmounted. SG 132b £110
SNA2090 JAMAICA 1950 KGVI 5/- blue and orange, perf 13. Superb unmounted. SG 132ba £8
SNA3333 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 14. Lower marginal strip of three showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 133 £40
SNA1711 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 14. Lower marginal block of four showing plate '1' and large part imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 133 £50
SNA3334 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' and part imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 133 £50
SNA1587 JAMAICA 1938 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 14. Lower marginal block of 16 showing plate '1' and imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. A lovely large multiple. SG 133 £200
SNA2089 JAMAICA 1950 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 13. Superb unmounted. SG 133aa £12
SNA3332 JAMAICA 1950 KGVI 10/- definitive, myrtle-green, perf. 13. Lower marginal strip of three showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Hinge trace on two otherwise unmounted. SG 133aa £55
SNA35 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI £1 definitive, chocolate and violet. Lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 133a £45
SNA3331 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI definitive, chocolate and violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint and printer's guide marks in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 133a £275
SNA3073 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI £1 definitive, chocolate and violet. Lower right corner pair showing plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 133a £125
SNA1554 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI £1 definitive, chocolate and violet. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on one stamp otherwise superb unmounted. SG 133a £225
SNA3072 JAMAICA 1949 KGVI £1 definitive, chocolate and violet. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Lower margin folded, very fine unmounted. SG 133a £275
SNA340 JAMAICA 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in corner blocks of four, the £1 lower right showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 143-144 £125
SNA1585 JAMAICA 1956 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values. Superb unmounted. SG 159-174 £70
SNA3355 JAMAICA 1956 QEII definitive. Comprehensive group of lower right corner blocks of four, six or eight, showing plate numbers in margins. ½d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', '1B 6B', 1d '1A 1A', '1A 1A' perforated lower margin, '1B 1B', '1B 1B' perforated lower margin, '1C 1C', '1A 3A', '1B 3B', '1C 3C', '1b 4B', '1B 4B' perforated lower margin, '1A 5A', '1A 5A' perforated lower margin, '1C 5C', '1C 5C' perforated lower margin, '1A 6A', '1C 6C', 2d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', '1C 3C', '2A 6A', '2B 5B', 2B 6B', '2C 6C', 2½d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', 3d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', 4d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', 5d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', 1C 1C', 6d '1A 1A', '1B 1B', '1C 1C', then 8d to 2/- both '1A 1A' and '1B 1B', then 3/-, 5/-, 10/- and £1 both '1 1' and '1a 1a'. Odd minor fault, still very fine or superb unmounted. A remarkable group which would be difficult to replicate. SG 159-174 £1,250
SNA2093 JAMAICA 1958 QEII 2s definitive, grey-blue and bronze-green shade. Superb unmounted. SG 170a £35
SNA2102 JAMAICA 1956 QEII 10s black and blue-green. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG 173 £285
SNA2096 JAMAICA 1964-68 definitives. Complete set of 16 values plus 8d shade and 3s perf. variety. Superb unmounted. SG 217-232, 224b, 229b £25
AM886 JAMAICA / Booklet 1935 KGV 2/- black on pink Silver Jubilee booklet. Complete and intact, containing four panes of six of the 1d Jubilee. Some staining around staples and gum evenly yellowed, otherwise very fine. Rare. SG SB8 £850
SNA1739 JAMAICA / Postal History 1949 (15th August), cover bearing KGVI £1 chocolate and violet plus 3d greenish blue and ultramarine (SG 133a, 126b), cancelled 'KINGSTON' on the First Day of issue for these two duties. Locally addressed. Uncommon. £80
SNA772 JORDAN 1955 20 fils Dome of the Rock definitive. Left marginal block of four, upper left stamp showing 'confetti' flaw at upper right. Very fine unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 453 and var. £70
SNA1110 KUWAIT 1939 KGVI 1r to 10r overprints on India. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 47-50 £110
SNA242 KUWAIT 1948-49 KGVI overprints on GB. Complete set of 11 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 64-73a £70
SNA1981 KUWAIT 1948 KGVI overprints on GB. ½d to 5/- set of ten values blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 64-73 £135
SNA1111 KUWAIT 1948-49 KGVI 10r ultramarine overprint on GB. Upper marginal, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 73a £45
SNA351 KUWAIT 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding overprints, both values in matching lower left corner blocks of four, the £1 showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 74-75 £160
SNA1980 KUWAIT 1948 KGVI Olympic Games. Set of four values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 76-79 £15
SNA243 KUWAIT 1950-51 KGVI overprints on GB. Complete set of nine values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 84-92 £80
SNA1112 KUWAIT 1952-54 QEII overprints on GB. Complete set of ten values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 93-102 £12
SNA1113 KUWAIT 1955 QEII overprints on GB, type I. Complete set of three values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 107-109 £22
SNA2232 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1900 QV 5/- green and blue. Upper marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. SG 8 £190
SNA1794 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1897 QV 5/- green and blue, overprinted for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Lower marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 16 £600
SNA1722 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1902 KEVII 1/- green and carmine, wmk. Crown CA. Upper left corner pair, left stamp showing Dropped 'R' in 'LEEWARD' (row 1/1). Superb and fresh unmounted. RARE in this positional format and condition. SG 26a, 26 £600
SNA1274 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1911 KEVII 6d dull and bright purple, wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Upper left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 42 £60
SNA657 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1911 KEVII 2/6 back and red on blue, wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Block of four very fine mint or unmounted. SG 44 £160
SNA2970 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1910 KEVII 5/- green and red on yellow, wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Upper right corner block of four, very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 44 £300
SNA2448 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1912-28 KGV, wmk. multiple Crown CA and multiple Script CA. Range of 34 values from ¼d to £1 applied to two large pieces cut from a French Colonial archive, overprinted or perforated 'SPECIMEN'. The first piece endorsed in pencil '1 Mars 1913', so presumably the Crown CA watermark, then the further group presumably the Script CA watermark. Some additional printings of the 3d (x2), 1/- (x2) and 5/-'s. Mostly stuck down though some hinged so watermarks detectable. Lovely and fresh. SG between 46s-80s £800
SNA647 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1912-22 KGV ¼d to 2/6, wmk. multiple Crown CA. 11 values in blocks of four, plus all listed plus some unlisted shades, except 3d on white back, on buff and orange-buff, 1/- on white back. Very fine mint or unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 46-56 less 51a, 51c, 51d, 54a £550
SNA632 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1922 KGV 3d purple on buff, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Horizontal pair, very fine mint. SG 51c £55
SNA631 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1917 KGV 1/- black on blue-green, olive back, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Block of four superb unmounted. SG 54b £75
SNA497 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1913 KGV 5/-, green and red on yellow, white back, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Very fine mint. SG 57a £40
SNA604 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1922 KGV 2d slate-grey, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper right corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 65 £15
SNA605 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1923 KGV 2½d orange-yellow, wmk. multiple Script CA. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 66 £60
SNA614 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1923 KGV 5/- green and red on pale yellow, wmk. multiple Script CA. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 78 £250
SNA633 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1928 KGV 10/- green and red on green, wmk. multiple Script CA. Very fine mint. SG 79 £55
SNA634 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1928 KGV 10/- green and red on green, wmk. multiple Script CA. Left marginal, hinge trace superb mint. SG 79 £60
SNA628 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1928 KGV 10/- green and red on green, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper left corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Left stamp with rounded corner, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 79 £160
SNA629 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1928 KGV £1 purple and black or red, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper marginal hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 80 £225
SNA1276 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1928 KGV £1 purple and black or red, wmk. multiple Script CA. Right marginal horizontal pair, very fine unmounted. SG 80 £450
SNA646 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee. Complete set of four values. Very fine mint. SG 88-91 £20
SNA1615 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1938-51 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 19 values. Superb unmounted. SG 95-114c £140
SNA1909 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1938-51 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 19 values, blocks of four. Hinged on one stamp on most blocks otherwise unmounted. A difficult group. SG 95-114b £575
SNA2528 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1938-51 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 19 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 95-114b £695
SNA1275 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1942 KGVI 1/- grey and black on emerald. Superb unmounted. SG 110ba £18
SNA1278 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1938 KGVI 2/- reddish purple and blue on blue, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 111 £28
SNA1277 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1947 KGVI 2/- deep purple and blue on blue, ordinary paper. Upper marginal superb unmounted. SG 111ab £12
SNA1115 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1943 KGVI 5/- green and red on yellow, ordinary paper. Showing broken 'E' flaw (row 4/3 left pane). Superb unmounted. Murray Payne certificate (2018). Very scarce. SG 112ba £975
SNA1280 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1951 KGVI 5/- bright green and red on yellow, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 112c £55
SNA1284 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1947 KGVI 10/- ordinary paper, deep green and deep vermilion on green. Superb unmounted. SG 113c £70
SNA2556 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1947 KGVI 10/- ordinary paper, deep green and deep vermilion on green. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 113c £400
SNA457 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1942 KGVI £1 purple and black on carmine. Upper left corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 114a £70
SNA458 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1945 KGVI £1 brown-purple and black on salmon. Very fine unmounted. SG 114b £32
SNA1286 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1945 KGVI £1 brown-purple and black on salmon. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. SG 114b £32
SNA1029 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1945 KGVI £1 brown-purple and black on salmon. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 114b £135
SNA1116 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1952 KGVI £1 perf. 13, violet and black on scarlet. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 114c £22
SNA459 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1952 KGVI £1 perf. 13, violet and black on scarlet. Lower marginal superb and fresh unmounted. SG 114c £24
SNA1117 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1952 KGVI £1 perf. 13, violet and black on scarlet. Upper left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 114c £100
SNA1030 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1952 KGVI £1 perf. 13, violet and black on scarlet. Lower marginal block of eight. Hinged on margin stamps superb and fresh unmounted. Most attractive. SG 114c £220
SNA3328 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1946 4th May, printed 'ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE / Post Office, St. Kitts, Nevis' envelope, bearing KGVI 1/4d to £1, 13 values presumably all that available at the time, the 10/- being the ordinary paper pale green and dull ref shade, SG 113a. Cancelled 'ST KITTS' sc datestamps, addressed to the USA. Most attractive. SG between 95-114b £375
SNA3396 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1946 KGVI Victory 1½ brown. Upper right corner block of four, both left stamps showing good pre-printing paper crease running vertically through, now opened out. Very fine unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 115 and vars. SOLD
SNA1118 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1954 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 126-140 £50
SNA1608 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1954 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values, each a matching lower right corner copy showing plate number in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 126-140 £60
SNA1385 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1954 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values all in upper corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margins. The ½c to $1.20 ALL showing the 'Loop' flaw (row 2/2). Superb unmounted. A delightful and uncommon group. SG 126a / 126, 138a / 138, 139-140 £585
SNA245 LEEWARD ISLANDS 1954 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values all in lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margins. Superb unmounted. An uncommon group. SG 126-140 £350
SNA11 MALAYA / STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1936-37 KGV definitive issue. 1c to $5 complete set of 15 values, blocks of four. Lightest hinge traces or unmounted. A lovely and very scarce set of multiples. SG 260-274 £1,000
SNA2140 MALAYA / BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION 1946 KGVI 2c orange, die I, ordinary paper, overprinted 'B M A / MALAYA'. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 3 £90
SNA2139 MALAYA / BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION 1946 KGVI 3c blue-green, die II, ordinary paper, overprinted 'B M A / MALAYA'. Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 4a £40
SNA252 MALAYA / JOHORE 1949-55 Sultan Sir Ibrahim definitive. Complete set of 21 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 133-147 £110
SNA2465 MALAYA / JOHORE 1949-55 Sultan Sir Ibrahim definitive. Complete set of 21 values, blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 133-147 £450
SNA2447 MALAYA / JOHORE 1938 Postage dues. Complete set of five, each a matching upper right corner copy. Pristine unmounted. Lovely. SG D1-D5 £200
SNA247 MALAYA / KEDAH 1937 Sultan Abdul Hamid Halimshah. Complete set of nine values very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 60-68 £220
AM1038 MALAYA / KEDAH / Japanese occupation 1942 Kedah $5 black and scarlet overprinted ‘DAI NIPPON / 2602’ in red. Lower marginal BLOCK OF FOUR showing complete Waterlow & Sons imprint. Superb unmounted mint. A wonderful multiple. SG J15 £500
SNA323 MALAYA / KEDAH 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four, the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 70-71 £120
SNA329 MALAYA / KEDAH 1948 KGVI $5 Royal Silver Wedding. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 71 £120
SNA325 MALAYA / KELANTAN 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 55-56 £125
SNA246 MALAYA / KELANTAN 1951-55 Sultan Ibrahim definitive. Complete set of 21 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 61-81 £135
SNA3270 MALAYA / KELANTAN 1957-61 Sultan Ibrahim pictorial definitive. Complete set of 12 values plus 10c deep maroon shade, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 83-94, 89 £450
SNA326 MALAYA / MALACCA 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 1-2 £140
SNA248 MALAYA / MALACCA 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 20 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 3-17 £110
SNA2802 MALAYA / MALACCA 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 20 values, blocks of four. Very fine or superb and fresh unmounted. SG 3-17 £525
SNA1387 MALAYA / MALACCA 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 20 values corner blocks of four showing plates '1 1' in margins. Some light toning affecting several values including $5, fine unmounted. SG 3-17 £450
SNA1130 MALAYA / MALACCA 1954-55 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values. Superb unmounted. SG 23-38 £45
SNA259 MALAYA / MALACCA 1954-55 QEII definitive. Complete set in corner blocks of four each showing plate '1 1' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 23-38 £300
SNA3269 MALAYA / MALACCA 1957 QEII definitive. Complete set of 11 values, lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins, in addition the 10c to $5 plate numbers. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 39-49 £450
SNA324 MALAYA / NEGRI SEMBILAN 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 40-41 £110
SNA328 MALAYA / NEGRI SEMBILAN 1948 KGVI $5 Royal Silver Wedding. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 41 £110
SNA1128 MALAYA / PAHANG 1941 Sultan Sir Abu Baker 8c scarlet, on thin striated paper. Right marginal superb unmounted. SG 36 £12
SNA1129 MALAYA / PAHANG 1941 Sultan Sir Abu Baker 15c ultramarine, ordinary paper. Superb unmounted. SG 39 £36
SNA327 MALAYA / PAHANG 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 47-48 £100
SNA250 MALAYA / PAHANG 1950-55 Sultan Sir Abu Bakar definitive. Complete set of 21 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 53-73 £85
SNA322 MALAYA / PENANG 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 1-2 £160
SNA251 MALAYA / PENANG 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 20 values superb and fresh unmounted. SG 3-22 £100
SNA2806 MALAYA / PENANG 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 20, blocks of four, the 20cbright blue and 35c scarlet and purple lower right corner blocks showing plates '1 1' in margins. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 3-22 £485
SNA2788 MALAYA / PENANG 1957 QEII Pictorial definitive. Complete set of 1 values in lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb and unmounted. SG 44-54 £385
SNA321 MALAYA / PERAK 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 122-123 £100
SNA320 MALAYA / PERLIS 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1a' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 1-2 £140
SNA1602 MALAYA / SABAH 1964 QEII definitive set of North Borneo overprinted SABAH. Complete set of 16 values, all lower marginal. Superb unmounted. SG 408-423 £65
AM1126 MALAYA / SABAH 1964 QEII definitive set of North Borneo overprinted SABAH. Complete set of 16, superb fresh unmounted mint. A most attractive set. SG 408-423 £75
SNA319 MALAYA / SELANGOR 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Both values in blocks of four the 10c upper right corner and the $5 lower right corner showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 88-89 £120
SNA1386 MALAYA / SELANGOR 1949 Sultan Hisamund-din Alam Shah definitive. Original set of 15 values less the six later duties, matching lower right corner pairs showing plates '1 1' in margins. Hinged on one stamp otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. SG 90-110 less94, 97, 99, 102, 104, 105 £175
SNA992 MALDIVE ISLANDS 1950 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of nine values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 21-29 £200
SNA572 MALTA (GB used in) QV 6d chestnut (plate 11). Right wing margin copy cancelled with bold almost complete 'A25' cancel. Superb. SG Z62 £35
SNA1797 MALTA 1882 QV ½d orange-buff, wmk. Crown CC. Block of four, very fine mint. SG 8 £450
SNA570 MALTA 1882 QV ½d yellow-buff, wmk. Crown CC. Very fine mint. SG 10 £50
SNA571 MALTA 1882 QV ½d orange-yellow, wmk. Crown CA. Very fine used. SG 18 £25
SNA2256 MALTA 1884 QV ½d red-yellow, wmk. Crown CA. Upper right corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 19 £80
SNA1798 MALTA 1884 QV ½d red-yellow, wmk. Crown CA. Upper left corner block of ten showing inscription in margin 'MALTA _ POSTAGE ONE HALF-P'. Hinged on margin stamps wonderfully fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 19 £200
SNA1520 MALTA 1884 QV ½d red-yellow, wmk. Crown CA. Lower left corner block of eight showing plate '1' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 19 £160
SNA2257 MALTA 1882 QV ½d red-yellow, wmk. Crown CA. Block of 16 across the vertical interpanneau margin. Hinged on two stamps at top otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 19 £320
SNA1521 MALTA 1885 QV ½d green. Upper marginal horizontal strip of four, showing 'STAGE ONE HALF-PENNY.' inscription in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 20 £30
SNA1389 MALTA 1986 QV 5s, rose. Block of four, hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 30 £480
SNA1784 MALTA 1899 10s blue-black. Block of four, minor gum wrinkles at left, very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 35 £425
SNA2258 MALTA 1902 QV 'One Penny' surcharge on 2½d. Strip of three, centre stamp showing 'One Pnney' variety. Very fine unmounted. SG 37a, 37 £20
SNA536 MALTA 1904-12 KEVII wmk. multiple Crown CA. Complete set of 17 values. Fine to very fine mint. SG 45-63 £200
SNA2259 MALTA 1922 KGV ½d green, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 98 £30
SNA2260 MALTA 1921 KGV 1d scarlet, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 99 £35
SNA2261 MALTA 1921 KGV 2d grey, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 100 £60
SNA2262 MALTA 1922 KGV 2½d bright blue, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 101 £35
SNA2263 MALTA 1922 KGV 6d dull purple and bright purple, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '3' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 102 £165
SNA575 MALTA 1922 KGV 5s, green and red on yellow, overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT'. Lower marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 113 £75
SNA1907 MALTA 1922 KGV wmk. Multiple Script CA, overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT'. Complete set of eight values plus additional 1d shade. Very fine mint. SG 114-121 £125
SNA2758 MALTA 1922 10/- slate-grey and brown. Upper left corner block of four. Hinged on margin and lower pair, otherwise unmounted. Very fine an fresh. SG 138 £275
SNA2766 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. sideways. Upper left corner copy. Very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 139 £175
SNA2494 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. sideways. Upper right corner block of four. Some vertical perforations parted at base, very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 139 £650
SNA1488 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. upright. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. SG 140 £120
SNA1991 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. upright. Lower marginal, superb unmounted. SG 140 £120
SNA2767 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. upright. Lower left corner block of four. Very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 140 £500
SNA1523 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. upright. Lower right corner block of four. Hinged on one stamp otherwise superb unmounted. SG 140 £500
SNA2264 MALTA 1925 £1 black and bright carmine, wmk. upright. Lower right corner block of four. Very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 140 £500
SNA1738 MALTA 1939 July, printed cover for the IDEAL STAMP COMPANY, bearing £1 black and bright carmine (SG 140), lightly cancelled 'G.P.O. / MALTA' datestamp, sent registered and locally addressed. Most attractive. £275
SNA1673 MALTA 1926 10s slate-grey and brown, overprinted 'POSTAGE'. Lower right corner block of ten showing vignette plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 155 £100
SNA260 MATLA 1928 10s St.Paul overprinted 'POSTAGE AND REVENUE.' in red. Lower marginal block of four showing full imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 192 £320
SNA573 MALTA 1937 KGVI Coronation. Set of three each lower marginal and showing plates 'B1', 'A1' or '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 214-216 £25
SNA1579 MALTA 1938-43 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 21 values. Superb unmounted. SG 217-31 £50
SNA1120 MALTA 1938-43 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 21 values, blocks of four, mostly marginal or corner. Superb unmounted. SG 217-31 £225
SNA3267 MALTA 1938-43 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 21 values, lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 217-31 £450
SNA586 MALTA 1938 KGVI 10s black and carmine. Upper right corner block of 20 (5x4). Superb unmounted. SG 231 £295
SNA264 MALTA 1938 KGVI 10s black and carmine. Upper right corner block of four. Superb used cancelled 'PRINCE OF WALES RD / SLIEMA VALETTA'. Lovely. SG 231 £65
SNA1391 MALTA 1938 KGVI 6d definitive, olive-green and scarlet. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 225 £18
SNA1121 MALTA 1948-53 KGVI definitive overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT / 1947'. Complete set of 21 values. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 234-248 £65
SNA1461 MALTA 1948-53 KGVI definitive overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT / 1947'. Complete set of 21 values blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 234-248 £300
SNA1122 MALTA 1948-53 KGVI definitive overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT / 1947'. Complete set of 21 values blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 234-248 £300
SNA262 MALTA 1948 KGVI 2d scarlet, overprinted 'SELF - GOVERNMENT 1947'. 'Flag on citadel' flaw in positional lower right corner block of six. Adhesion on margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 238b, 238 £110
SNA758 MALTA 1948 KGVI 2d scarlet, overprinted 'SELF - GOVERNMENT 1947'. 'Flag on citadel' flaw in positional lower right corner block of six. Superb unmounted. SG 238b, 238 £110
SNA2379 MALTA 1953 KGVI 2d hello-ochre, overprinted 'SELF - GOVERNMENT 1947'. 'Halation' flaw in positional upper marginal (by printer's guide marks) block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 238ca, 238c £165
SNA1242 MALTA 1948 KGVI 3d blue, overprinted 'SELF - GOVERNMENT 1947'. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 240 £18
SNA1123 MALTA 1956-57 QEII definitive. Complete set of 17 values, blocks of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 266-282 £425
SNA1732 MALTA 1956-57 QEII definitive. Complete set of 17 values, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 266-282 £775
SNA2149 MALTA 1956 QRII 2s definitive, olive-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 278 £60
SNA1388 MALTA 1965 QE II definitive. Complete set of 21 values each a matching lower marginal copy showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 330-348 £16
AM437 MALTA 1965 definitive issue. 2d lower right cylinder block of four showing large 15mm downward shift of the gold printing resulting in the upper and lower gold designs being transposed, some now appearing in the margin. With normal block for comparison. SG 333 var £65
SNA3001 MALTA 1968-70 Postage Dues, perf. 12½. Complete set of ten values in upper left corner blocks of four showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG D32-D41 £35
SNA896 MALTA 1968-70 Postage Dues, perf. 12½. Complete set of ten values plus 2d shade in lower marginal blocks of eight showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. SG D32-D41 £80
SNA686 MONTSERRAT 1903 KEVII ½d to 5s, wmk. Crown CC or Crown CA. Complete set of ten values, all to 2/6 upper marginal and the 5s a lower right corner copy, and all showing plate '1' in margins. To 2/6 hinged on margins stamps superb and fresh unmounted, 5s hinge trace. A REMARKABLE SET. SG 14-23 £350
SNA2228 MONTSERRAT 1903 KEVII 5s black and scarlet, wmk. Crown CC. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 23 £240
SNA2453 MONTSERRAT 1909 KEVII 5s, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Upper left corner copy showing plate '1' in margin. Superb fresh mint. Lovely. SG 47 £75
SNA1446 MONTSERRAT 1922 KGV 4s, wmk. multiple Script CA. Lower left corner copy showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 82 £22
SNA2229 MONTSERRAT 1932 KGV 300th Anniversary of Settlement. Colour trial in yellow-brown, denominated at 1d. Imperforate and mounted on piece, alongside an 'x' in pencil presumably denoting as an unaccepted colour, further '1/-' endorsed below although still not as issued. Lovely. SG 85 colour trial £350
SNA2771 MONTSERRAT 1932 KGV 300th Anniversary of Settlement. Complete set of ten values, blocks of four. Hinged on one stamp in each block otherwise unmounted. Lovely. SG 84-93 £850
SNA1685 MONTSERRAT 1932 KGV 300th Anniversary of Settlement. 1s, 2/6 and 5s blocks of four, the 1s lower right corner showing plate '1' in margin, others matching upper right corner. Superb unmounted. SG 91-93 £600
SNA3475 MONTSERRAT 1938-48 KGVI definitive, complete set of 12 values. Superb unmounted. SG 101a-112 £70
SNA1490 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI definitive, ½d to 5s perf. 13 set of ten values. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 101-110 £160
SNA1908 MONTSERRAT 1938-48 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values, blocks of four. All values to 5s perf. 14, 10s and £1 perf. 12. Superb unmounted. SG 101a-112 £300
SNA1682 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI definitive, set to 5s less 1s, perf. 13. Each in a lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. A scarce group. SG 101-110 £650
SNA1132 MONTSERRAT 1942-43 KGVI definitive, set to 5s perf. 14. Each in a lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 101a-110a £325
SNA3436 MONTSERRAT 1942-48 KGVI definitive. Complete of 12 values, to 5s perf. 14, 10/- and £1 perf. 12. Each to 5/- a lower right corner block of four, the 10/- and £1 lower left, showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 101a-110a £500
SNA3452 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/- and £1, perf. 12. Each a matching lower left corner pair showing plate '1' in margins. Pencil endorsement as original printings, superb unmounted. SG 111-112 £145
SNA3453 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/- and £1, perf. 12. Each a matching lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 111-112 £225
SNA3458 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/- and £1, perf. 12. Both values matching lower right corner vertical blocks of eight. Superb unmounted. SG 111-112 £425
SNA3437 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI ½d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 101 £30
SNA3438 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 1d, perf. 13. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 102 £30
SNA3439 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 1½d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 103 £100
SNA3441 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 104 £100
SNA3440 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2½d, perf. 13. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 105 £50
SNA3442 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2½d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 105 £30
SNA3440 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2½d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of eight showing both imprint and plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin and one otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 105 £90
SNA3443 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 3d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 106 £50
SNA3473 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 6d, perf. 13. Very fine unmounted. SG 107 £16
SNA3444 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 6d, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. ery fine unmounted. SG 107 £100
SNA3476 MONTSERRAT 1942-1950 KGVI 6d, perf. 14. A group of six apparently representing the six printings, August 1942, October 1943, August 1945, June 1947, September 1948 and April 1950. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 107a shades £30
SNA3469 MONTSERRAT 1942 KGVI 6d, perf. 14, violet. Upper right corner block of four, pencil endorsement in margin 'Oct '42'. Superb unmounted. SG 107a shade £25
SNA3471 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 6d, perf. 14, deep cold violet. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 107a shade £25
SNA3470 MONTSERRAT 1945 KGVI 6d, perf. 14, cold violet. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin, further pencil endorsement 'August 45'. Superb unmounted. SG 107a shade £25
SNA3467 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 6d, perf. 14, deep brownish purple. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 107a shade £25
SNA3468 MONTSERRAT 1950 KGVI 6d, perf. 14, deep reddish violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 107a shade £25
SNA3472 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 1/-, perf. 13. Very fine unmounted. SG 108 £20
SNA3464 MONTSERRAT 1942 KGVI 1/- lake, perf. 14. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £15
SNA3463 MONTSERRAT 1942 KGVI 1/- lake, perf. 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £20
SNA3460 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 1/- deep lake, perf. 14. Upper right corner block of four, pencil endorsement in margin 'Oct '43'. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £10
SNA3466 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 1/- deep lake, perf. 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £20
SNA3461 MONTSERRAT 1945 KGVI 1/- deep red-lake, perf. 14. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £15
SNA3465 MONTSERRAT 1945 KGVI 1/- deep red-lake, perf. 14. Lower right corner block of four plate '1' and pencil endorsement in margin 'Aug '45'. Superb unmounted. SG 108a shade £20
SNA3474 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2/6, perf. 13. Very fine unmounted. SG 109 £30
SNA3445 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2/6, perf. 13. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 109 £180
SNA3446 MONTSERRAT 1938 KGVI 2/6, perf. 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 109 £180
SNA3456 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 2/6, perf. 14. Lower left corner block of four, lower left stamp showing ink smear through '2/6 value tablet. Superb unmounted. SG 109a and var. £85
SNA3457 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 2/6 perf. 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Pencil endorsement 'Oct 43', superb unmounted. SG 109a £110
SNA3455 MONTSERRAT 1942 KGVI 5/- rose-carmine, perf. 14. Lower right corner block of eight showing both imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Lovely and scarce. SG 110 £250
SNA3454 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 5/- bright rose-carmine, perf. 14. Upper right corner block of four, pencil endorsement in margin 'Oct '43'. Superb unmounted. SG 110a £80
SNA3462 MONTSERRAT 1943 KGVI 5/- bright rose-carmine, perf. 14. Left marginal block of eight. Superb unmounted. SG 110a shade £160
SNA3459 MONTSERRAT 1946 KGVI 5/- deep rose-carmine, perf. 14. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 110a shade £80
SNA1680 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/-, perf. 12. Lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 111 £18
SNA1679 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/-, perf. 12. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 111 £60
SNA3450 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/-, perf. 12. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 111 £110
SNA3451 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI 10/-, perf. 12. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 111 £80
SNA3448 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI £1, perf. 12. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 112 £180
SNA3449 MONTSERRAT 1948 KGVI £1, perf. 12. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 112 £180
SNA1133 MONTSERRAT 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values. Superb unmounted. SG 123-135 £55
SNA1726 MONTSERRAT 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values, blocks of four, top six values corner. Superb unmounted. SG 123-135 £240
SNA1392 MONTSERRAT 1951 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values, lower right corner blocks of four all bar the $1.20 (1 1) showing plates '1a 1a' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 123-135 £400
SNA2786 MONTSERRAT 1951 KGVI definitive $1.20, $2.40 and $4.80. Each a block of four, the $4.80 lower left corner. Superb unmounted. SG 133-135 £210
SNA1135 MONTSERRAT 1953-58 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 136a-149a £55
SNA1744 MONTSERRAT 1953-58 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values plus inscription changes of the four duties. Superb unmounted. SG 136a-149a £85
SNA557 MONTSERRAT 1953-58 QEII definitive 1c black. Upper marginal showing strong pre-printing paper crease running vertically through. Hinged on margin stamp unmounted. SG 137 var. £65
AM1134 NAURU 1916 KGV ½d yellow-green with variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE, ONE ALBINO. Very fine mint with small hinge remnant. SG 1b £45
SNA113 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse, rose-carmine, Waterlow printing. Superb used cancelled crisp part 'P.O. PLEASANT ISLAND / NAURU' sc datestamp, this most likely dated 2nd September 1916. BPA certificate (1956). RARE. SG 17
Note: three sheets of 40 from this printing were overprinted, resulting in 120 possible. Few of these were used, and some cancelled by the Postmaster, Mr. H B Pope on the 2nd September 1916, apparently the day he left the island to join Allied Forces
AM1140 NAURU 1916 Waterlow printing seahorse 10/- indigo-blue overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ (Type GB23). Very fine mint with light hinge remnants. SG 18s £750
SNA114 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse, indigo-blue, Waterlow printing. Superb used cancelled crisp part 'P.O. PLEASANT ISLAND / SE 2 16 / NAURU' sc datestamp. Brandon opinion (2011). RARE. SG 18
Note: one and a half sheets of 40 from this printing were overprinted, resulting in 60 possible. Few of these were used, and some cancelled by the Postmaster, Mr. H B Pope on the 2nd September 1916, apparently the day he left the island to join Allied Forces
SNA1287 NAURU 1916 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, yellow-brown, De La Rue printing. Very fine mint, perfectly centred. SG 20 £60
AM1142 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 2/6 yellow-brown. Very fine mint. An attractive deep shade. SG 20 £75
AM1021 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 2/6 yellow-brown. Left marginal BLOCK OF FOUR showing some wear to the plate. Very faint hinge marks between stamps and the margin and yellowed gum, otherwise very fine mint. Very attractive multiple. SG 20 £325
AM1022 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 2/6 yellow-brown. Lower right corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR showing some wear to the plate. Superb unmounted mint. A most attractive multiple. SG 20 £475
SNA130 NAURU 1916 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, yellow-brown, De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of four, showing the split serif of 'N' plus second 'U' of 'NAURU' on upper right stamp (row 9/4, apparently a late state of this with both missing). Minor gum creasing, very fine unmounted. Lovely and scarce. SG 20 and var. £450
SNA819 NAURU 1916 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, brown, De La Rue printing. Upper marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 21 £420
SNA902 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, De La Rue printing, bright carmine. Hinge trace, superb and fresh mint, perfectly centred. SG 22 £90
SNA2444 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, De La Rue printing, bright carmine. Hinge trace, superb and fresh mint, perfectly centred. SG 22 £90
AM1139 NAURU 1916 De La Rue printing seahorse 5/- bright carmine. A lower marginal example showing part of the centre sheet marking. Very fine well centred fresh mint with light hinge remnants. SG 22 £125
SNA3322 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, De La Rue printing. Superb and fresh unmounted, perfectly centred. SG 22 £150
SNA3272 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, De La Rue printing, bright carmine. An extraordinary vivid and intense shade, upper right corner pair, showing sloping overprint from left to right. Very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 22 vars. £375
SNA44 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, bright carmine, De La Rue printing. Block of four superb and fresh unmounted, perfectly centred. A wonderful and very scarce multiple. SG 22 £550
SNA127 NAURU 1916 KGV 5/- Seahorse overprint, bright carmine, De La Rue printing. Showing OVERPRINT TREBLE, TWO ALBINO, the second lower visible from the front. Superb fresh mint in a vivid bright shade, perfectly centred. RARE, very few examples known, possibly as few as three. SG 22a £1,400
AM1025 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 10/- pale blue. Very fine mint with almost imperceptible hinge mark. SG 23 £200
SNA1449 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, pale blue, De La Rue printing. Lower left corner copy, very fine mint. Lovely. SG 23 £225
SNA1289 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, pale blue, De La Rue printing. Very fine unmounted. SG 23 £325
SNA2386 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, pale blue, De La Rue printing. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. SG 23 £350
AM1024 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 10/- pale blue. Lower right corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR. Superb, very well centred unmounted mint. A rare and attractive multiple. Exceptional. BPA certificate (1989) SG 23 £1,700
SNA129 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, pale blue, De La Rue printing. Showing TREBLE OVERPRINT (BLACK, RED PLUS ALBINO). Very fine mint. RARE, believed only five examples known. SG 23a £3,000
AM1026 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 10/- pale blue. Fine used with light PLEASANT ISLAND (NO 8 / 19) single circle datestamp. Clear BPA certificate (1977). SG 23 £275
SNA2385 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, deep bright blue shade, De La Rue printing. Right marginal, perfect entering and wonderfully fresh, gum yellowed, unmounted. Still a lovely example of this wonderful shade. SG 23d £475
SNA1288 NAURU 1916 KGV 10/- Seahorse overprint, deep bright blue shade, De La Rue printing. Very fine fresh unmounted. An exceptional example of this wonderful shade. SG 23d £675
AM1023 NAURU 1919 De La Rue printing seahorse 10/- deep bright blue. BLOCK OF FOUR, each with a light hinge mark, otherwise very fine mint. A rare multiple of this very attractive and distinct shade. SG 23d £1,900
SNA131 NAURU 1919 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, chocolate-brown, Bradbury Wilkinson printing. Very fine used. SG 24 £135
AM1030 NAURU 1919 Bradbury Wilkinson printing seahorse 2/6 chocolate brown. Very fine used with partial PLEASANT ISLAND single circle datestamp. SG 24 £150
SNA132 NAURU 1919 KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, pale brown, Bradbury Wilkinson printing. Left marginal block of four, part guide cross in margin. Hinged on one stamp, otherwise superb fresh unmounted. SG 25 £400
SNA105 NAURU 1908 29th September, cover bearing Marshall Islands 3pfg. vertical pair plus 5pfg., each crisply cancelled 'NAURU / MARSHALL INSELEN / 29.9.08', addressed to Jaluit (Jeschke). An early use of this cancel which was introduced on the 14th July, and apparently carried on the 'Atollenpost' to Jaluit, with arrival backstamp (8.10.08). £275
SNA106 NAURU 1911 21st September, Marshall Islands 5pfg. green stationery card uprated with additional Marshall Islands 5pfg., each crisply cancelled 'NAURU / MARSHALL INSELEN / 21.9.11', addressed to Austria. Arrival strike on front (20 XI 11). Without message although in pencil '..... bought in Jaluit'. £150
SNA107 NAURU 1912 19th June, black and white Post Card of five native girls, bearing Marshall Islands 10pfg., crisply cancelled 'NAURU / MARSHALL INSELEN / 19.6.12', addressed to England. £125
AM1149 NAURU 1917 (25th October), censored envelope sent registered to Switzerland bearing a De La Rue ‘Seahorse’ 5/- bright carmine (SG 22), tied by a P.O. PLEASANT ISLAND / (NAURU) (OC 25 17) single circle datestamp. With a boxed registration cachet struck in violet and number ‘840’ added in red manuscript. The envelope was opened by censor and resealed with large printed black on white ‘OPENED BY CENSOR. / 428’ labels. London (9 Jan) transit and Bern (13 Jan) arrival backstamps. Scarce and most attractive. £425
SNA120 NAURU 1918 15th June, cover bearing KGV 2/6 Seahorse overprint, yellow-brown, De La Rue printing (SG 20), showing split left serif of 'N' of 'NAURU' (row 9/4). Lightly cancelled 'P.O.PLEASANT ISLAND / NAURU / JU 15 18' and addressed to Switzerland (Blatter). Sent registered with a light strike of the violet boxed cachet endorsed in red ink '2585, further struck with red circular 'PASSED BY CENSOR / 1 AU 18' cachet. Bern arrival backstamp for the 12th October. A most attractive cover. £300
SNA2518 NAURU 1924-34 'Century', type A on rough surfaced paper. ½d to 2/6 part set of 12 values, blocks of four, marginal or corner. Odd minor faults otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted. Attractive. SG 26A-37A £275
SNA3240 NAURU 1954 definitive. Complete set of nine values, each a matching lower left corner block of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 48-56 £80
SNA2615 NEWFOUNDLAND 1857 8d scarlet-vermilion. Large even margins all round, exceptionally fine used cancelled with light grid. Most attractive. SG 8 £575
SNA2616 NEWFOUNDLAND 1860 3d green triangular. Pair, good to large margins, very fine fresh mint. SG 11 £195
SNA2614 NEWFOUNDLAND 1862 new colours 2d rose-lake. Large even margins all round, exceptionally fine fresh mint. SG 17 £225
SNA2613 NEWFOUNDLAND 1862 new colours 5d chocolate-brown. Horizontal pair, very fine used on piece cancelled light grid strikes. Attractive. SG 19 £475
SNA2618 NEWFOUNDLAND 1862 new colours 6½d rose-lake. Upper right corner pair, large to huge margins. Very fine mint. SG 21 £185
SNA2617 NEWFOUNDLAND 1862 new colours 8d rose-lake. Upper right corner copy, large to huge margins. Superb unmounted. As good as it gets. SG 22 £165
SNA2587 NEWFOUNDLAND 1910 1c green King James I. Block of four, showing BOTH 'NFWFOUNDLAND' and 'JAMRS' flaws (right pane, r. 5/1 and 5/2) on upper pair. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 95, 95a, 95b £225
SNA3002 NEWFOUNDLAND 1919 Newfoundland Contingent 'Caribou'. Complete set of 12 values blocks of four. Very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 130-141 £1,100
SNA2619 NEWFOUNDLAND 1919 Newfoundland Contingent 'Caribou', 3c red-brown. Lower left corner horizontal block of 10. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 132a £160
SNA3003 NEWFOUNDLAND 1934 4c carmine Duke of Windsor. Lower left corner vertical block of nine, showing dramatic additional part strike of perforations at an angle affecting the left three stamps. Superb unmounted. Most unusual. SG 224 and vars. £245
SNA1988 NEWFOUNDLAND 1937 KGVI 15c Coronation. Vertical pair showing strong diagonal pre-printing paper crease running diagonally through. Very fine unused without gum. Striking and scarce. SG 263 var. £85
SNA2620 NEWFOUNDLAND 1941-44 KGVI pictorials. Complete set of 14 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 276-289 £200
SNA1395 NEW GUINEA 1931 Native Village overprinted 'AIR MAIL'. Complete set of 13 values, very fine mint. SG 137-149 £145
SNA1795 NEW GUINEA 1935 Bulolo Goldfields £2 bright violet. Lower marginal. Pristine unmounted. Lovely. SG 204 £400
SNA1394 NEW GUINEA 1935 Bulolo Goldfields £5 emerald-green. Lower left corner block of four. Gum lightly yellowed, fresh unmounted. Lovely and scarce. SG 205 £1,850
SNA2230 NEW GUINEA 1937 KGVI 5d Coronation. Lower left corner block of four, upper right stamp showing Re-entry (row 5/2). Superb unmounted. SG 210a, 210 £75
SNA61 NEW HEBRIDES 1938 Gold currency definitive. Complete set of 12 values. Superb unmounted. SG 52-63 £230
SNA49 NEW HEBRIDES 1938 Gold currency definitive, complete set of 12 values blocks of four. Odd light browning as usual, very fine unmounted. A scarce set in multiples. SG 52-63 £975
SNA2784 NEW HEBRIDES 1938 15th August, envelope bearing 10f. violet on blue (SG 63), lightly cancelled and sent registered to England. Appropriate cachets, Sydney and Sutton Coldfield backstamps. Most attractive. £135
SNA60 NEW HEBRIDES 1938 'POSTAGE DUE' overprints. Complete set of five values, all left marginal. Superb unmounted. SG D6-D10 £135
SNA1139 NEW HEBRIDES 1953 'POSTAGE DUE' overprints. Complete set of five values. Superb unmounted. SG D11-D15 £21
SNA2000 NEW ZEALAND 1856 QV 2d blue, on blue paper, no watermark. Four good to large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred ovals. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 5 £265
SNA3231 NEW ZEALAND 1856 QV 2d blue, on blue paper, no watermark. Four good to large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred oval. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 5 £285
SNA3228 NEW ZEALAND 1857 QV 6d (deep) brown, no watermark. Four large to very large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred oval. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 13 £285
SNA3232 NEW ZEALAND 1857 QV 6d (light) brown, no watermark. Four good to large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred oval. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 13 £300
SNA3230 NEW ZEALAND 1857 QV 6d pale brown, no watermark. Four large to very large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred oval. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 14 £300
SNA3229 NEW ZEALAND 1862 QV 1/- yellow-green, watermark Large Star. Four good to large margins, cancelled with light crisp barred oval. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 45 £400
SNA2773 NEW ZEALAND 1864 QV 1d carmine-vermilion, watermark NZ, imperforate. Four good to large margins, very fine mint. Most attractive. SG 97 £575
SNA2774 NEW ZEALAND 1864 QV 1/- green, watermark NZ, imperforate. Four good to very large margins, cancelled with part crisp barred ovals. Most attractive and exceptional. SG 100 £325
SNA3233 NEW ZEALAND 1866 QV 1d pale orange vermilion, Wmk. Large Star, perf. 12½ (comb or line, at Auckland). Left marginal block of nine. Hinged on four stamps otherwise unmounted. Most attractive and an exceptional multiple. SG 111 £1,750
SNA2782 NEW ZEALAND 1913 KEVII 3d chestnut overprinted 'AUCKLAND EXHIBITION, 1913.'. Block of four. Hinged on one stamp otherwise very fine unmounted. SG414 £600
SNA2004 NEW ZEALAND 1932 1d + 1d Health. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 552 £80
SNA2003 NEW ZEALAND 1933 1d + 1d Health. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 553 £60
SNA2006 NEW ZEALAND 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet. Block of four, upper right stamp showing Broken ribbon flaw (row 6/6, plate 8). Superb unmounted. SG 605a, 605 £95
SNA1223 NEW ZEALAND 1940 KGVI Centenary of British Sovereignty. Group of lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint and plate numbers in margins, ½d (4), 1d (7), 1½d (3), 2d (8), 2½d, 3d (3), 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d and 9d. 1d's include B2 and J5, 1½d's include the scarce B2. Very fine unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 613-22 £350
SNA2007 NEW ZEALAND 1946 KGVI Peace Issue. Complete set of 11 values marginal blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 667-677 £14
SNA1147 NEW ZEALAND 1947 KGVI overprinted 'Official'. Complete set of seven values plus additional 1/- plate 2. Superb unmounted. SG O152-O158, O157b £75
SNA2787 NEW ZEALAND 1954-57 QEII definitives. Complete set of 16 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 723-736 £400
SNA2785 NEW ZEALAND 1954-57 QEII 2/6 to 10/- high values. Blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 733d-736 £385
SNA2009 NEW ZEALAND 1950 1s3d orange-yellow Postal Fiscal. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F191 £65
SNA2010 NEW ZEALAND 1949 2s6d deep brown Postal Fiscal. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F193 £55
SNA2011 NEW ZEALAND 1949 4s red-brown Postal Fiscal. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F194 £135
SNA2012 NEW ZEALAND 1950 5s green Postal Fiscal. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F195 £80
SNA2013 NEW ZEALAND 1948 6s carmine-rose Postal Fiscal. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F196 £175
SNA2014 NEW ZEALAND 1950 7s pale blue Postal Fiscal. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F197 £175
SNA2015 NEW ZEALAND 1948 8s slate-violet Postal Fiscal. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F199 £285
SNA2016 NEW ZEALAND 1950 10s carmine-lake Postal Fiscal. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F201 £185
SNA2781 NEW ZEALAND 1952 £2 bright purple, wmk. inverted Postal Fiscal. Lower marginal, superb unmounted. SG F206w £165
SNA2775 NEW ZEALAND 1952 £4 light blue, wmk. inverted Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F210 £265
SNA2779 NEW ZEALAND 1942 '3/6' surcharge grey-green, type I Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F212 £16
SNA2017 NEW ZEALAND 1942 '3/6' surcharge grey-green, type I Postal Fiscal. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F212 £75
SNA2780 NEW ZEALAND 1953 '3/6' surcharge grey-green, type II Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F213 £34
SNA2778 NEW ZEALAND 1944 '5/6' surcharge lilac, Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F214 £55
SNA2018 NEW ZEALAND 1944 '5/6' surcharge lilac Postal Fiscal. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG F214 £210
SNA2777 NEW ZEALAND 1953 '11/-' surcharge yellow, Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F215 £110
SNA2776 NEW ZEALAND 1945 '22/-' surcharge scarlet, Postal Fiscal. Superb unmounted. SG F216 £345
SNA567 NEW ZEALAND 1947-65 Life Insurance. Complete set of eight values. Superb unmounted. SG L42-L49 £20
SNA2008 NEW ZEALAND 1947-65 Life Insurance. Complete set of eight values, marginal blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG L42-L49 £80
SNA1534 NIUE 1938 KGVI high values, set of three. Superb unmounted. SG 75-77 £40
SNA3316 NIUE 1938 KGVI high values, set of three. Blocks of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 75-77 £150
SNA1143 NIUE 1944-46 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of nine values. Superb unmounted. SG 89-97 £28
SNA1936 NIUE 1944-46 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of nine values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 89-97 £130
SNA1146 NORFOLK ISLANDS 1953 Pictorial definitives. Complete set of six values. Superb unmounted. SG 13-18 £22
SNA2268 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 1c, 2c, 3c, 6c and 18c, five values, printer's samples in the characteristic unissued colours, but each exceptionally UNPUNCHED and perf. 14½-15 (rather than the usual perf. 12½), with type WS4 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' (serifed letters) die-stamped in blue. A very rare and attractive group, none of these values recorded by Samuel with type W4S. £750
SNA2269 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 1c to 18c, seven values, printer's samples in the characteristic unissued colours, IMPERFORATE and with exceptionally wide margins, each with 3½mm punch hole and type WS1 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' overprint (in RED on the 6c, but the usual black on the other values), affixed to individual pieces. An extraordinary group, clearly specially prepared for display purposes and resembling die proofs (but mostly with tiny traces of adjacent stamps, proving they were cut from sheets of nine.) £750
SNA2272 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials set of nine to 24c, imperforate colour trials with large margins, in colours later used for the for the printer's samples. The 5c and rare. Ex. Dr. Wood, on his original printed page. £700
SNA2270 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 2c, 3c, 8c 12c, four values, printer's samples in the characteristic unissued colours, each IMPERFORATE and UNPUNCHED, with WS1 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' overprint (the 2c and 12c affixed to individual pieces) Rare in this form. £350
SNA2271 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 1c to 24c set of 12 values (extra 6c and two 5c and 24c with different frame colours), printer's samples in the characteristic unissued colours, IMPERFORATE, unpunched, with type WS2 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' overprint in blue. A most attractive and rare group. Ex. Cassels £950
SNA2274 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 12c black and blue-green, printer's sample in the characteristic unissued colour, and type WS1 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' overprint in black, small puncture. Single, left marginal, without gum, very fine. £35
SNA2283 NORTH BORNEO 1894 Pictorials 12c black and blue-green, printer's sample in the characteristic unissued colour, and type WS1 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' overprint in black, small puncture, complete sheet of nine. Without gum, very fine. £275
SNA2275 NORTH BORNEO 1895 surcharges. Complete set of five values. Very fine fresh mint. SG 87-91 £130
SNA1292 NORTH BORNEO 1897 18c pictorial, black and green perf. 16. Upper marginal major variety IMPERFORATE TO TOP MARGIN. Patchy gum, fine mint. Very scarce. SG 108 var. £275
SNA2278 NORTH BORNEO 1897 Pictorials 18c black and green, perf. 14½-15. Very fine mint. SG 110b £75
SNA2279 NORTH BORNEO 1899 Pictorials '4 CENTS' surcharge on 12c black and dull blue, perf. 14½-15. Upper marginal, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 115 £65
SNA2282 NORTH BORNEO 1899 Arms '4 CENTS' surcharge on $1 scarlet. Lower left corner, hinged on margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. SG 121 £8
SNA2285 NORTH BORNEO 1901 Pictorials 8c black and brown overprinted 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE', perf. 13½-14. Showing No stop after 'PROTECTORATE'. Very fine fresh mint. SG 133a £3
SNA2287 NORTH BORNEO 1901 Pictorials 10c brown and slate-lilac overprinted 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE', perf. 13½-14. Showing No stop after 'PROTECTORATE'. Very fine fresh mint. SG 134c £265
SNA2286 NORTH BORNEO 1902 Pictorials 16c green and chestnut overprinted 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE', perf. 14½-15. Very fine fresh mint. SG 136a £145
SNA2290 NORTH BORNEO 1904 $1 scarlet overprinted 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE'. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 141 £6
SNA2289 NORTH BORNEO 1904 Pictorials '4 cents' local surcharge on 24c blue and lake, perf. 13½-14. Very fine unmounted. SG 151b £65
SNA2288 NORTH BORNEO 1909 1c pictorial, sample in un-issued colours black and blue, imperforate. Overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' in blue and applied to piece cut from the Waterlow Sample book, endorsed 'S.T.723' at top. Lovely and RARE. SG 158 printer's sample £250
SNA1291 NORTH BORNEO 1909 5c pictorial, sample in un-issued colours black and slate, imperforate. Overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' in blue and applied to piece cut from the Waterlow Sample book, endorsed 'S.T.733' at top. Lovely and RARE. SG 165 printer's sample £250
SNA477 NORTH BORNEO 1909 6c pictorial, sample in un-issued colours black and violet, imperforate. Overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' in blue and applied to piece cut from the Waterlow Sample book, endorsed '726' at top. Lovely and RARE. SG 167 printer's sample £250
SNA478 NORTH BORNEO 1909 10c pictorial, sample in un-issued colours black and olive, imperforate. Overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' in blue and applied to piece cut from the Waterlow Sample book, endorsed '735' at top. Lovely and RARE. SG 170 printer's sample £250
SNA832 NORTH BORNEO 1909 5c Indian Elephant. Printer's sample sheetlet of nine, un-issued colours black and slate. Each overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD. / SPECIMEN' and small security puncture. Most attractive. SG 165 printer's sample £300
SNA2292 NORTH BORNEO 1923 3c green and black, perf. 13½-14. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 163 £70
SNA826 NORTH BORNEO 1909 5c yellow-brown and black, perf. 13½-14. Very fine fresh mint. SG 165 £16
SNA2300 NORTH BORNEO 1909 24c deep rose-lilac and black, perf. 13½-14. Very fine mint. SG 176 £30
SNA2298 NORTH BORNEO 1909 '20 CENTS' surcharge on 18c blue-green and black. Very fine fresh mint. SG 177 £8
SNA2299 NORTH BORNEO 1909 '20 CENTS' surcharge on 18c blue-green and black, overprinted SPECIMEN. Very fine fresh mint. SG 177s £40
SNA418 NORTH BORNEO 1911 $1 Arms, in close to issued colours chestnut and black, imperforate on ungummed paper. Overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD / SPECIMEN' in blue. Lovely. SG 180 printer's sample £175
SNA1477 NORTH BORNEO 1911 Arms, 25c, 50c, $1, $5 and $10 each imperforate on ungummed paper. A lovely and scarce group. SG178, 179, 180, 182, 183 plate proofs £550
SNA2306 NORTH BORNEO 1911 Arms $5 and $10 green and black. Composite sheetlet of nine with $5 x five and $10 x four, each with small puncture and overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD. / SPECIMEN' diagonally in black. Without gum. Lovely. SG 182, 183 printer's proofs £400
SNA2294 NORTH BORNEO 1911 25c Arms black and yellow-green, perf. 14½-15. Upper marginal, pristine unmounted. SG 178a £45
SNA2296 NORTH BORNEO 1911 Arms, 25c to $10 complete set of six overprinted 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine fresh mint. SG 178s-183s £325
SNA3000 NORTH BORNEO 1916 4c pictorial surcharge. Block of four, upper right stamp showing 's' inverted (row 2/5). Very fine unmounted. SG 187, 187a £275
SNA2330 NORTH BORNEO 1916 1c to 25c overprints with cross, in vermilion. Complete set of 13 values. Fine or very fine mint. SG 189-201 £675
SNA827 NORTH BORNEO 1916 5c Indian Elephant overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine fresh mint. SG 193 £45
SNA2334 NORTH BORNEO 1916 5c Indian Elephant overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Superb unmounted. SG 193 £75
SNA2336 NORTH BORNEO 1916 8c lake and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 195 £18
SNA2339 NORTH BORNEO 1916 10c blue and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 196 £45
SNA2341 NORTH BORNEO 1916 12c deep blue and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 197 £75
SNA2343 NORTH BORNEO 1916 16c brown-lake and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 198 £80
SNA2344 NORTH BORNEO 1916 20c on 18c blue-green and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 199 £50
SNA2345 NORTH BORNEO 1916 24c lilac and black overprinted with cross, in vermilion. Very fine mint. SG 200 £110
SNA3258 NORTH BORNEO 1916 1c brown and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 202 £30
SNA464 NORTH BORNEO 1916 1c brown and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Upper left corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 202 £110
SNA465 NORTH BORNEO 1916 2c green and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 203 £120
SNA2335 NORTH BORNEO 1916 2c green and black overprinted with cross, in carmine, perf. 14½-15. Very fine mint. SG 203a £165
SNA3257 NORTH BORNEO 1916 3c rose-lake and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 204 £75
SNA828 NORTH BORNEO 1916 5c yellow-brown and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Very fine fresh mint. SG 205 £45
SNA830 NORTH BORNEO 1916 5c yellow-brown and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Superb used. SG 205 £55
SNA2349 NORTH BORNEO 1916 6c apple-green and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Very fine mint. SG 206 £45
SNA2353 NORTH BORNEO 1916 12c deep blue and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Very fine mint. SG 209 £85
SNA2354 NORTH BORNEO 1916 24c dull mauve and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Very fine mint. SG 212 £95
SNA2356 NORTH BORNEO 1916 25c green and black overprinted with cross, in carmine. Very fine fresh mint. BPA certificate (2020). SG 213 £775
SNA2297 NORTH BORNEO 1918 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS' overprints, 1c to 24c set of 11 values. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 214-226 £135
SNA2293 NORTH BORNEO 1918 3c rose-red and black, perf. 14½-15, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Hinge remain, fresh mint. SG 216b £30
SNA2301 NORTH BORNEO 1918 4c scarlet and black, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Major variety . Very fine unmounted, scarce as such. SG 218a £550
SNA831 NORTH BORNEO 1918 5c Indian Elephant deep brown, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Upper right corner block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 219 £40
SNA2302 NORTH BORNEO 1918 12c deep bright blue and black, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 224 £28
SNA2303 NORTH BORNEO 1918 12c deep bright blue and black, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. Hinge trace, superb and fresh mint. SG 224a £485
SNA2304 NORTH BORNEO 1918 16c brown-lake and black, overprinted 'RED CROSS / TWO CENTS'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 225 £30
SNA461 NORTH BORNEO 1918 '+ FOUR CENTS' surcharges, basic set 1c to 50c. Blocks of four, odd light faults otherwise very fine unmounted. A lovely group. SG 235-242, 243-246, 248 £250
SNA2307 NORTH BORNEO 1918 25c yellow-green and black '+ FOUR CENTS' surcharge, showing Re-entry (row 4/9). Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 246a £55
SNA2321 NORTH BORNEO 1922 Malaya-Borneo Exhibition overprints. Complete set of 14 values overprinted 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine mint. SG 253s-275s £400
SNA1479 NORTH BORNEO 1922 Malaya-Borneo Exhibition overprints. Complete set of 14 values blocks of four. Lightly browned gum, odd stamp hinged otherwise fine unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 253-275 £650
SNA2311 NORTH BORNEO 1922 1c brown and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', major variety 'BORHEO' for 'BORNEO'. Very fine mint. SG 253a £265
SNA2312 NORTH BORNEO 1922 10c turquoise-blue and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 263a £150
SNA2313 NORTH BORNEO 1922 12c deep blue and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 265a £125
SNA2314 NORTH BORNEO 1922 12c deep blue and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', pair, right stamp showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Very fine mint. SG 265, 265a £95
SNA2315 NORTH BORNEO 1922 16c brown-lake and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 267a £210
SNA2316 NORTH BORNEO 1922 '20 CENTS' on 18c blue-green and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.' (in red), showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 269a £475
SNA2320 NORTH BORNEO 1922 24c lilac and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.'. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 271 £75
SNA2317 NORTH BORNEO 1922 50c steel-blue and black overprinted 'MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922.', showing Stop after 'EXHIBITION.'. Very fine mint. SG 275a £225
SNA2322 NORTH BORNEO 1923 'THREE CENTS' on 4c black and scarlet surcharge. Very fine unmounted. SG 276 £10
SNA2770 NORTH BORNEO 1931 50th Anniversary of British Borneo Company. Set of eight values unissued colours, each overprinted 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD. / SPECIMEN', small puncture at lower left. Without gum. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 295-302 printer's sample stamps £650
SNA2051 NORTH BORNEO 1931 50th Anniversary of British Borneo Company. Plate proof of the $5, struck in near issued colours of purple and black, on thin ungummed paper. Lovely. SG 302 plate proof £475
SNA2769 NORTH BORNEO 1931 50th Anniversary of British Borneo Company. Set of eight values overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red. Very fine mint. SG 295s-302s £400
SNA2789 NORTH BORNEO 1931 50th Anniversary of British Borneo Company. Set of eight values blocks of four, all corner. Odd stamp with hinge trace otherwise very fine unmounted. A delightful group of this iconic British Empire issue. SG 295-302 £1,500
SNA2768 NORTH BORNEO 1931 $5 50th Anniversary of British Borneo Company. Block of four, printer's guide line at upper centre. Very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 302 £1,200
SNA423 NORTH BORNEO 1939 3c pictorial definitive, in un-issued colours grey and dull blue, perforated on ungummed paper, security puncture. Overprinted 'SPECIMEN / WATERLOW & SONS LTD' in black. Lovely. SG 305 printer's sample £60
SNA422 NORTH BORNEO 1939 50c pictorial definitive, in un-issued colours olive-green and blue-black, imperforate on ungummed paper. Overprinted 'SPECIMEN / WATERLOW & SONS LTD' in black. Lovely. SG 314 printer's sample £65
SNA2326 NORTH BORNEO 1939 pictorial definitives. Complete set of 15 values, superb unmounted. SG 303-317 £975
SNA1482 NORTH BORNEO 1939 pictorial definitives. Complete set of 15 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. A lovely and RARE group. SG 303-317 £4,200
SNA1478 NORTH BORNEO 1941 1c and 2c overprinted 'WAR TAX'. Superb unmounted. SG 318-319 £12
SNA2426 NORTH BORNEO 1941 1c and 2c overprinted 'WAR TAX'. Each a block of 25 (5x5), and apparently the complete overprint setting for these. Superb unmounted. Unusual. SG 318-319 £275
SNA354 NORTH BORNEO 1945 pictorial definitive overprinted 'BMA'. Complete set of 15 values each cancelled with boxed 'VICTORIA / DEC. 24TH / 1846-1946 / LABUAN' strikes. Only the $1 showing small part datestamp. Attractive and uncommon. SG 320-334 £185
AM1041 NORTH BORNEO 1945 $1 brown and carmine overprinted ‘BMA’. Block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 332 £260
SNA58 NORTH BORNEO 1947 pictorial definitive overprinted with bars and KGVI cypher. Complete set of 15 values, superb unmounted. SG 335-349 £70
SNA782 NORTH BORNEO 1947 pictorial definitive overprinted with bars and KGVI cypher. Complete set of 15 values, blocks of four, mostly marginal. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 335-349 £320
SNA353 NORTH BORNEO 1949 U.P.U. Set of four values, each in a lower marginal block of four showing full imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 352-355 £30
SNA59 NORTH BORNEO 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 15 values plus both 50c types. Superb unmounted. SG 356-370 £100
SNA1396 NORTH BORNEO 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 15 values plus both 50c types. Superb unmounted. SG 356-370 £100
SNA355 NORTH BORNEO 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 15 values plus both 50c types, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 356-370 £420
SNA3268 NORTH BORNEO 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 15 values plus both 50c types, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate number in margins. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 356-370 £800
SNA1397 NORTH BORNEO 1961 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values. Superb unmounted. SG 391-406 £130
SNA1997 NORTH BORNEO 1961 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values, each a marginal copy. Superb unmounted. SG 391-406 £130
SNA1140 NORTH BORNEO 1961 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values, each a matching lower right corner copy showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. Lovely. SG 391-406 £160
SNA2577 NORTH BORNEO 1961 QEII definitive, complete set of 16 values. Blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 391-406 £550
SNA3373 NORTH BORNEO 1961 QEII definitive, complete set of 16 values. Lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. A lovely and very difficult group. SG 391-406 £1,100
SNA2357 NORTH BORNEO 1897 3c green and dull mauve, overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine unmounted. SG D15 £65
SNA2359 NORTH BORNEO 1897 3c black and carmine, perf. 13½-14, overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine mint. SG D16a £65
SNA2358 NORTH BORNEO 1909 2c black and green 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE overprint, further overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine unmounted. SG D38 £50
SNA2360 NORTH BORNEO 1912 6c black and bistre-brown 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE overprint, further overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine unmounted. SG D42 £45
SNA2361 NORTH BORNEO 1906 2c brown and slate-blue 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE overprint, further overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine unmounted. SG D45 £160
SNA2362 NORTH BORNEO 1909 12c black and dull blue 'BRITISH PROTECTORATE overprint, further overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Very fine mint. SG D46 £55
SNA2364 NORTH BORNEO 1923 6c black and apple-green, overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE' (at foot). Very fine unmounted. SG D61 £22
SNA2365 NORTH BORNEO 1924 2c black and turquoise-blue, perf. 14½-15, overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE'. Upper marginal, very fine unmounted. SG D63a £195
SNA2366 NORTH BORNEO 1930 16c black and red-brown, overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE' (at foot). Very fine unmounted. SG D84 £90
SNA2367 NORTH BORNEO 1939 2c to 10c postage dues. Complete set of five values. Very fine unmounted. SG D85-D89 £125
SNA648 NORTH BORNEO / LABUAN 1902-3 Arms. Set of 12 values. Fine to very fine mint. SG 117-128 £60
SNA2807 NORTH BORNEO / LABUAN 1902-3 Arms. Set of 12 values, BLOCKS OF FOUR. Odd light faults on lower values, very fine mint or unmounted. A lovely and scarce set of this delightful issue. SG 117-128 £400
SNA71 PAKISTAN 1947 KGVI India overprinted 'PAKISTAN'. Complete set of 19 values, superb unmounted. SG1-19 £140
SNA1156 PAKISTAN 1947 KGVI India overprinted 'PAKISTAN'. Complete set of 19 values, superb unmounted. SG1-19 £140
SNA72 PAKISTAN 1948-57 pictorial definitive. Complete set of 20 values, superb unmounted. SG 24-43a £110
SNA1158 PAKISTAN 1951 Fourth Anniversary of Independence. Complete set of eight values including both types of the 3½a. Superb unmounted. SG 55-62 £20
SNA3274 PAKISTAN 1947 KGVI overprinted 'PAKISTAN' and additionally 'SERVICE'. Complete set of 13 values, superb unmounted. SG O1-O13 £100
SNA75 PAKISTAN 1948 pictorial definitive overprinted 'SERVICE'. Complete set of 13 values, superb unmounted. SG O14-O26 £85
SNA1160 PAKISTAN 1949 redrawn definitives overprinted 'SERVICE'. Complete set of five values, superb unmounted. SG O27-O31 £80
SNA1159 PAKISTAN 1951 Fourth Anniversary of Independence inscribed SERVICE. Complete set of three values. Superb unmounted. SG O32-O34 £16
SNA47 PAKISTAN / BAHAWALPUR 1948 pictorial definitive. Complete set of 14 values, superb unmounted. A classic British Empire issue. SG 19-32 £60
SNA1161 PAKISTAN / BAHAWALPUR 1945 ½a to 1r pictorials overprinted with red Arabic Official. Usual gum, very fine unmounted. SG O1-O6 £80
SNA1008 PAKISTAN / BAHAWALPUR 1945 ½a to 1r pictorials overprinted with red Arabic Official. Blocks of four, usual gum very fine unmounted. SG O1-O6 £320
SNA1007 PAKISTAN / BAHAWALPUR 1945 1a revenue stamp overprinted with red Arabic Official. Block of four, some vertical perforations parted, usual gum, very fine unmounted. SG O7 £350
SNA335 PAKISTAN / BAHAWALPUR 1948 2a pictorial definitive overprinted with black Arabic Official. Block of four, upper right stamp showing large red inking blob. Most unusual, superb unmounted. SG O22 and var. £65
SNA1869 PALESTINE 1918 1p. ultramarine. Lower left corner block of six showing Control 'C 18' in margin. Minor wrinkling and hinged in margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 3 £55
SNA1868 PALESTINE 1918 5m on 1p. surcharge. Lower left corner block of four showing Controls 'D 18' and 'C' in margin. Hinged on one stamp otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 4 £165
SNA808 PALESTINE 1920 5p overprint, type 4. Showing bold and complete offset of overprint on reverse. Very fine fresh mint. SG 23 var. £30
SNA1870 PALESTINE 1920 1m sepia and 5m orange, perf. 14, overprinted type 6. Hinge remain on 5m, very fine mint. SG 45, 46 £225
SNA810 PALESTINE 1927-45 Pictorials. Complete set of 14 values, very fine and fresh mint. SG 90-103 £100
SNA1871 PALESTINE 1927-45 2m, 3m, 5m, 6m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m and 200m (late printings c1944). Blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 90, 91, 93b, 94a, 97b, 99a, 100a, 102, 103b £80
SNA1873 PALESTINE 1932-44 4m to £P1 (paper types D), complete set of eight values. Blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 104-111 £125
SNA1538 PALESTINE 1942 250m - £P1 new values, set of three values. Superb unmounted. SG 109-111 £25
SNA954 NEW GUINEA 1932 £1 Bird of Paradise (without dates). Lower marginal block of four showing 'JOHN ASH' imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 189 £575
SNA83 PAPUA 1934 50th Anniversary. Complete set of four values, each in a lower marginal strip of three showing full imprint in margins. Very fine unmounted. SG 146-149 £65
SNA2231 PAPUA 1937 KGVI 1d Coronation. Left marginal pair, right stamp showing 'Halo' flaw (plate 1a, row 5/2). Superb unmounted. SG 154a, 154 £40
SNA1889 PAPUA 1938 KGVI 50th Anniversary. Complete set of five values, lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Hinged on upper pairs lower unmounted. SG 158-162 £135
SNA1890 PAPUA 1939 KGVI Air. Complete set of six values, blocks of four. Hinge traces on upper pairs, lower unmounted. SG 163-168 £125
SNA1162 PAPUA 1939 KGVI Air. Complete set of six values, each in a lower left corner block of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine unmounted. SG 163-168 £250
SNA1163 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1952-58 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of 16 values. Superb unmounted. SG 1-15 £65
SNA3321 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1952-58 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of 16 values lower left corner blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG 1-15 £525
SNA81 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1940-51 KGVI definitive. Complete set of ten values. Superb unmounted. SG 1-8 £50
SNA1796 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1940 KGVI definitive. Original set of eight values, lower right corner pairs, 6d lower marginal, showing plate numbers in margins, the 6d with imprint and frame plate '1'. Very fine unmounted. SG 1-8 less 5b, 6a £100
SNA2454 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1940-51 KGVI definitive. Complete set of ten values, blocks of four. Very fine unmounted mint. SG 1-8 £210
AM534 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1951 KGVI definitive 4d black and emerald-green. Left marginal block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. One of the key stamps of the set. SG 5b £75
AM535 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1951 KGVI definitive 8d olive-green and magenta. Block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. One of the key stamps of the set. SG 6a £65
SNA481 PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1951 KGVI 4d and 8d definitives. Each in a lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 5b, 6a £225
SNA41 ST. KITTS-NEVIS / ST. CHRISTOPHER 1884 QV 1d carmine-rose, wmk. Crown CA. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps superb and fresh unmounted. SG 13 £20
SNA42 ST. KITTS-NEVIS / ST. CHRISTOPHER 1884 QV 4d grey, wmk. Crown CA. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps superb and fresh unmounted. SG 18 £15
SNA1293 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1923 KGV Tercentenary £1 black and purple on red. Very fine fresh mint. SG 60 £575
SNA3239 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-48 KGVI definitive, complete set of 12 values blocks of four. £1 and others marginal showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine unmounted. SG 68a-71f £325
SNA2052 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-48 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values corner blocks of four, all bar the 2½d showing plate '1' or '1 1' in margins. Hinged on margins stamps very fine or superb unmounted. A very difficult assembly. SG 68-71f £525
SNA3280 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-48 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values plus additional 1d shade, matching upper left corner blocks of four showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. A very difficult assembly. SG 68-71f £600
SNA2188 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-49 KGVI ½d definitive. Group of eight blocks of four mounted on album page. Various shades and annotated with printing dates from 1938 to 1949. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 68, 68a £60
SNA2191 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-49 KGVI 1d definitive. Group of eight blocks of four or six mounted on album page. Various shades and annotated with printing dates from 1938 to 1949. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 69, 69a, 69c £60
SNA2192 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938-50 KGVI 1½d orange definitive. Group of eight blocks of four or eight mounted on album page. Various shades and annotated with printing dates from 1938 to 1950. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 70 £10
SNA1725 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 2d definitive, carmine and grey. Right marginal block of four, hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. SG 71 £85
SNA2194 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 2d definitive, carmine and grey. Right marginal block of four, characteristic gum, fine unmounted. SG 71 £85
SNA2195 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1941 KGVI 2d definitive, carmine and deep grey, chalk-surfaced paper. Right marginal block of four, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 71a £145
SNA2196 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 2d definitive, scarlet and pale grey, ordinary paper. Lower left corner block of four, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 71b £6
SNA2197 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 2d definitive, scarlet and pale grey, ordinary paper. Apparently a later printing on thinner paper with the watermark clearly showing through. Lower left corner block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 71b £10
SNA2200 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 2d definitive, scarlet and pale grey, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 71c £7
SNA2201 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 2d definitive, scarlet and pale grey, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper left corner block of four, now split into two vertical pairs, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 71c £40
SNA1723 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 2½d ultramarine definitive. Block of four, characteristic gum, fine unmounted. SG 72 £30
SNA2193 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943-50 KGVI 2½d bright ultramarine definitive. Group of six blocks of four, mounted on album page and annotated with various printing dates from May 1943 to June 1950. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 72a £12
SNA2204 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 3d definitive, dull reddish purple and scarlet, ordinary paper. Lower left corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 73 £90
SNA2206 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1940 KGVI 3d definitive, brown-purple and carmine-red, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 73a £32
SNA2208 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1946 KGVI 3d definitive, reddish lilac and scarlet, ordinary paper. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 73c £15
SNA2209 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1946 KGVI 3d definitive, reddish lilac and scarlet, ordinary paper. Upper left corner block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 73c £30
SNA2210 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1949 KGVI 3d definitive, rose-lilac and bright scarlet, ordinary paper. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 73f SOLD
SNA2202 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 3d definitive, deep reddish purple and bright scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 73g £45
SNA2203 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 3d definitive, deep reddish purple and bright scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper right corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted, some parted perfs. SG 73g £45
SNA2207 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 3d definitive, deep reddish purple and bright scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Lower marginal block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 73g £60
SNA2181 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 6d definitive, green and bright purple, chalk-surfaced paper. Block of four, lower left stamp showing Break in oval flaw (row 12/1). Very fine and fresh unmounted, good gum for this printing. SG 74, 74a £180
SNA2184 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1944 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, ordinary paper. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 74c £8
SNA2185 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1944 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, ordinary paper. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 74c £32
SNA2186 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1944 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, ordinary paper. Left marginal block of four, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 74c £32
SNA2187 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1947 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, ordinary paper, apparently the 1947 printing. Lower left corner block of four, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 74c £35
SNA2189 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, chalk-surfaced paper. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 74d £8
SNA2182 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, chalk-surfaced paper. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 74d £32
SNA2190 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, chalk-surfaced paper. Left marginal block of four, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 74d £32
SNA2183 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI 6d definitive, green and purple, chalk-surfaced paper. Lower left corner block of four, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 74d £32
SNA2171 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 1s definitive, black and green, ordinary paper. Block of four, typical gum for these, fine unmounted. SG 75 £40
SNA2172 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 1s definitive, black and green, ordinary paper, perf. 14. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 75b £18
SNA2173 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 1s definitive, black and green, ordinary paper, perf. 14. Lower left corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 75b £20
SNA2174 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 1s definitive, black and green, chalk-surfaced paper, perf. 14. Superb unmounted. SG 75c £14
SNA1724 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, ordinary paper. Right marginal block of four, hinge trace on upper pair lower unmounted. SG 76 £85
SNA2166 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, ordinary paper. Upper right corner block of four, running sheet number '220' in margin. Typical gum for these, fine unmounted. SG 76 SOLD
SNA2167 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 76a £22
SNA2168 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 76a £90
SNA2169 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1943 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, chalk-surfaced paper. Apparently the later 1950 printing. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 76a SOLD
SNA2170 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1945 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, ordinary paper. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 76ab £40
SNA2575 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1945 KGVI 2/6 definitive, black and scarlet, ordinary paper. Upper left corner block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 76ab £60
SNA2160 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 5s definitive, grey-green and scarlet, ordinary paper. Block of four, typical browned gum, fine unmounted. SG 77 £180
SNA2161 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 5s definitive, grey-green and scarlet, ordinary paper. Right marginal block of four, typical browned gum, fine unmounted. SG 77 SOLD
SNA2756 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1938 KGVI 5s definitive, grey-green and scarlet, ordinary paper. Upper left corner block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Typical browned gum, very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 77 £300
SNA2164 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1945 KGVI 5/- definitive, bluish green and scarlet, ordinary paper. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 77b £100
SNA2165 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1945 KGVI 5/- definitive, bluish green and scarlet, ordinary paper. Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 77b £100
SNA2162 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 5/- definitive, green and scarlet-vermilion, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb unmounted. SG 77c £45
SNA2755 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 5/- definitive, green and scarlet-vermilion, chalk-surfaced paper. Upper left corner block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 77c £250
SNA3234 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI 5/- definitive, green and scarlet-vermilion, chalk-surfaced paper. Showing frame flaw at top right (row1/3, 1950 printing only). Superb unmounted. SG 77cc £365
SNA3276 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI 10/- definitive black and ultramarine. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 77e £100
SNA3277 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1948 KGVI £1 definitive black and brown. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 77f £150
SNA2576 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1950 KGVI definitives, overprinted 'ANGUILLA TERCENTENARY 1650-1950'. Set of six values in matching upper left corner blocks of four showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 86-91 £24
SNA1164 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1952 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values. Superb unmounted. SG 94-105 £22
SNA3279 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1952 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 12 values, lower right corner blocks of four showing plates '1 1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 94-105 £250
SNA1593 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1954-57 QEII definitive. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 106a-118 £65
SNA1592 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1963 QEII $1.20 definitive, deep green and violet blue shade. Superb unmounted. SG 117a £45
SNA1817 ST. KITTS-NEVIS 1963-65 QEII definitive. Complete set of 16 values plus 25c turquoise-green shade. Lower right corner blocks of four showing cylinder numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 129-144, 139a £200
SNA1407 ST. LUCIA 1891-98 QV 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d and 1s, die II. Each a corner block of four showing plate '3' in margins. Hinge trace or superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG 44, 45, 47, 48, 50 £250
SNA3018 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV pictorial definitives. ½d to 5/- set of 11 values, each a black and white photographic essay close to issued design. A lovely group and RARE. SG 113-123 photographic essays £450
SNA1492 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV pictorial definitives. Complete set of 12 values. Superb unmounted. SG 113-124 £150
SNA2757 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV ½d and 1/- pictorial definitive. Lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 113, 121 £28
SNA2759 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV pictorial definitives. Complete set of 12 values, blocks of four, mostly marginal or corner. Very fine unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group.SG 113-124 £650
SNA2760 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV pictorial definitives. Complete set of 12 values blocks of four, all bar the 1d and 3d lower right corner and showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine unmounted. A very scarce group. SG 113-124 £750
SNA1448 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV pictorial definitives. Complete set of 12 values on two covers (one large), cancelled 'CASTRIES' on the First Day of issue, and sent registered Airmail to London. Minor cover faults. SG 113-124 £165
SNA2793 ST. LUCIA 1937 17th April, envelope bearing KGV 10/- pictorial definitive (SG 124), crisply cancelled oval 'REGISTERED CASTRIES ST. LUCIA', addressed to Scotland. Most attractive. £200
SNA86 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV ½d pictorial definitive, perf. 13 x 12. Vertical strip of six showing coil join between stamps 2/3, very fine unmounted. SG 113a coil join £20
SNA1892 ST. LUCIA 1936 KGV 1½d pictorial definitive, perf. 12x13. Block of four. Hinge trace on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 115a £75
SNA2571 ST. LUCIA 1938 KGVI definitive. 3d Ventine Falls photographic essays, two examples showing the King's portrait either front and quarter side, each stamp sized. Delightful. An un-issued design. £140
SNA1165 ST. LUCIA 1938-48 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 17 values. Very fine to superb unmounted. SG 128-141 £55
SNA2529 ST. LUCIA 1938-48 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 17 values plus all listed perforation and shade types. A total of 27 stamps. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 128-141 £125
SNA1900 ST. LUCIA 1946 KGVI 8d brown, 3s bright purple and £1 sepia. Each a matching lower marginal irregular block of five showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 134c, 136a, 141 £110
SNA1568 ST. LUCIA 1938-47 KGVI ½d and both 1d colours. Each a vertical pair showing coil join between. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 128a, 129, 129b £30
SNA1901 ST. LUCIA 1947 KGVI 3½d ultramarine. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 133b £6
SNA1813 ST. LUCIA 1938 KGVI 6d claret, perf. 13½. Lower marginal part imprint. Very fine unmounted with the proper gum for these. SG 134 £12
SNA3393 ST. LUCIA 1938 KGVI 6d claret, perf. 13½. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 134 £90
SNA1904 ST. LUCIA 1945 KGVI 6d carmine-lake, perf. 13½. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 134a £24
SNA3391 ST. LUCIA 1948 KGVI 6d claret, perf. 12. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 134b £24
SNA3386 ST. LUCIA 1946 KGVI 8d brown. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Endorsed in pencil on margin 'Feb 46 orig', superb unmounted. SG 134c SOLD
SNA3385 ST. LUCIA 1946 KGVI 3/- bright purple. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 136a £60
SNA990 ST. LUCIA 1938 KGVI 10s black on yellow. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 138 £70
SNA1905 ST. LUCIA 1938 KGVI 10s black on yellow. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 138 £100
SNA3384 ST. LUCIA 1946 KGVI £1 definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Pencil endorsement in margin 'Feb 46 orig', superb unmounted. SG 141 £130
SNA2572 ST. LUCIA 1948 KGVI £1 Royal Silver Wedding. Lower marginal strip of three showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 145 £65
SNA1404 ST. LUCIA 1948 KGVI £1 Royal Silver Wedding. Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint and plate '1a' in margin. Folded vertically, stamps superb unmounted. SG 145 £80
SNA1167 ST. LUCIA 1949 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 14 values plus 1c and 2c coil pairs. Superb unmounted. SG 146-159 £45
SNA995 ST. LUCIA 1949 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 14 values each in a lower right corner pair showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 146-159 £135
SNA2499 ST. LUCIA 1949 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 14 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 146-159 £165
SNA1168 ST. LUCIA 1953 QEII definitive. Complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 172-184 £12
SNA1818 ST. VINCENT 1880 QV 5s rose-red, wmk. small star. Very fine mint, good colour and well centred for these. RPS certificate (1986). SG 32 £725
SNA1670 ST. VINCENT 1888 QV 5s lake, wmk. Crown CA. Upper right corner block of four, hinged on one stamp others unmounted, wonderfully fresh. Lovely. SG 53 £150
SNA2934 ST. VINCENT 1911 KEVII £1 purple and black on red. Upper marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on face of margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 93 £350
SNA2041 ST. VINCENT 1913-17 KGV, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Complete set of 13 values plus additional shades to the 3d, blocks of four. The 5/- and £1 light toning, otherwise very fine mint or unmounted. Attractive and uncommon group. SG 108-120 £350
SNA495 ST. VINCENT 1913 KGV £1, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Lower left corner copy, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 120 £150
SNA2040 ST. VINCENT 1921-32 KGV wmk. multiple Script CA. ½d to 1/- plus numerous shades to the 2½d and 1s ochre shade, blocks of four. Odd minor fault, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 131-138a £165
SNA2019 ST. VINCENT 1927 KGV 1s ochre, wmk. multiple Script CA. Lower right corner copy showing corner paper fold now perforated through. Very fine mint. SG 138a var. £15
SNA2021 ST. VINCENT 1924 KGV 2s blue and purple, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper right corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 139 £40
SNA2511 ST. VINCENT 1924 KGV 5s carmine and myrtle, wmk. multiple Script CA. Lower right corner copy. Very fine unmounted. SG 140 £25
SNA2020 ST. VINCENT 1928 KGV £1 mauve and black, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper marginal. Superb unmounted. SG 141 £150
SNA2501 ST. VINCENT 1928 KGV £1 mauve and black, wmk. multiple Script CA. Right marginal block of four. Gum lightly yellowed, very fine unmounted. SG 141 £450
SNA2022 ST. VINCENT 1928 KGV £1 mauve and black, wmk. multiple Script CA. Upper left corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 141 £500
SNA2034 ST. VINCENT 1937 KGVI Coronation. Set of three values perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine mint. SG 146s-148s £45
SNA2037 ST. VINCENT 1938-47 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 15 values perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine mint. SG 149s-159s £225
SNA2036 ST. VINCENT 1938 KGVI definitive. Original part set of 11 values, no 3½d, 2s6d and 10s issued later, perforated 'SPECIMEN', plus further small 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in red applied by the receiving authority. Fine without gum. Most unusual. SG 149s-159s, less 154as, 157as, 158as £150
SNA1599 ST. VINCENT 1938-47 KGVI definitive, complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 149-159 £48
SNA1935 ST. VINCENT 1938-47 KGVI definitive, complete set of 15 values blocks of four. Several marginal hinged on face of margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 149-159 £225
SNA2026 ST. VINCENT 1938-47 KGVI definitive, complete set of 15 values blocks of four. All marginal or corner, hinged margins stamps very fine or superb unmounted. SG 149-159 £225
SNA2024 ST. VINCENT 1938 KGVI 2s blue and purple. Lower marginal block of four, part imprint. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 157 £28
SNA2568 ST. VINCENT 1938 KGVI £1 purple and black. Bock of four, superb used. SG 159 £60
SNA2025 ST. VINCENT 1938 KGVI £1 purple and black. Lower marginal block of four, very fine used. Most attractive. SG 159 £60
SNA2038 ST. VINCENT 1946 KGVI Victory. Set in vertical strips of three perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine unmounted. Scarce multiples. SG 160s-161s £200
SNA2033 ST. VINCENT 1946 KGVI Victory. Set struck with large violet 'SPECIMEN' strikes, a local postal authority receiving. 1½d with pulled perf. at top, otherwise fine unmounted. SG 160s-161s £50
SNA764 ST. VINCENT 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. The 1½d lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' and £1 lower marginal showing imprint in margins. Few light tones otherwise fine mint or unmounted. SG 162-163 £60
SNA1170 ST. VINCENT 1949-52 KGVI definitive, complete set of 19 values superb unmounted. SG 164-177 £32
SNA1730 ST. VINCENT 1949-52 KGVI definitive, complete set of 19 values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 164-177 £160
SNA2027 ST. VINCENT 1949-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 19 values lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Hinged on margins stamps superb unmounted. SG 164-177 £260
SNA2035 ST. VINCENT 1949 KGVI 48c to $4.80 definitive. Superb used. SG 173-177 £32
SNA762 ST. VINCENT 1949 KGVI 48c - $4.80 definitives, five values lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 173-177 £160
SNA763 ST. VINCENT 1949 KGVI $2.40 and $4.80 definitives, blocks of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 176-177 £65
SNA765 ST. VINCENT 1949 UPU, set of four values in lower marginal blocks of four showing combined imprint and plate number in margins. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 178-181 £10
SNA2762 ST. VINCENT 1955 QEII definitive. Complete set of 12 values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 189-200 £180
SNA2032 ST. VINCENT 1955-58 QEII 50c red-brown and chocolate shades. Superb unmounted. SG 198, 198a £8
SNA2765 ST. VINCENT 1962 QEII $2.50 indigo-blue shade. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 200a £300
SNA2029 ST. VINCENT 1964-65 QEII wmk. St. Edwards Crown, perf. 13x14. Part set of six values to 25c, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 212-213, 215-217, 219 £10
SNA1943 SAMOA 1945-46 5s Postal Fiscal of New Zealand overprinted 'WESTERN SAMOA'. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 208 £55
SNA907 SAMOA 1952 definitive, set of ten values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 219-228 £65
SNA2500 SARAWAK 1928 Sir Charles Brooke, wmk. rosette. Complete set of 15 values either upper left or right corner vertical blocks of six, showing plate '2' in margins. Characteristic gum for these, very fine unmounted, odd marginal faults. A lovely set. SG 76-90 £600
SNA1893 SARAWAK 1946 Centenary, complete set of four values. Superb unmounted. SG 146-149 £15
SNA1894 SARAWAK 1947 Brooke KGVI overprints. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 150-164 £18
SNA1897 SARAWAK 1947 Brooke KGVI overprints. Complete set of 15 values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 150-164 £80
SNA1898 SARAWAK 1947 Brooke KGVI overprints. Complete set of 15 values matching lower right corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 150-164 £80
SNA1686 SARAWAK 1947 Brooke KGVI overprints. Complete set of 15 values matching lower left corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 150-164 £80
SNA3241 SARAWAK 1947 Brooke KGVI overprints. Complete set of 15 values lower marginal blocks of eight showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 150-164 £250
SNA1589 SARAWAK 1949 UPU, set of four values lower right corner blocks of six showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 167-170 £65
SNA1588 SARAWAK 1949 UPU, set of four values blocks of ten being the lower two rows of the sheets, showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 167-170 £100
SNA3221 SARAWAK 1950-52 KGVI definitive, complete set of 16 values superb unmounted. SG 171-186 £85
SNA3266 SARAWAK 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 16 values plus additional 10c shade, lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 171-186 £800
SNA3265 SARAWAK 1950-52 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 16 values plus additional 10c shade, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Hinged on one stamp in each block otherwise very fine unmounted. Difficult group. SG 171-186 £700
AM567 SARAWAK 1950 KGVI $5 definitive. An upper left corner block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 185 £110
SNA1172 SARAWAK 1950 KGVI $5 definitive. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 185 £200
SNA1173 SARAWAK 1957 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 188-202 £70
SNA1174 SARAWAK 1957 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 188-202 £320
SNA547 SARAWAK 1957 QEII $5 definitive, upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 202 £120
SNA1934 SINGAPORE 1948 KGVI definitive, perf. 14, 1c to 50c set 12 values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 1-12 £125
SNA2151 SINGAPORE 1948 KGVI $2 definitive, perf. 14, green and scarlet. Superb unmounted. SG 14 £32
SNA110 SINGAPORE 1949-52 KGVI definitive, perf. 17½ x 18. Complete set of 18 values superb unmounted. SG 16-30 £320
SNA3371 SINGAPORE 1955 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 38-52 £450
SNA05 SINGAPORE 1955 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values in pairs, the 1c to 50c lower right corner showing plate numbers in margins, the $1 to $5 lower marginal showing large part imprint and plate numbers. Superb unmounted. SG 38-52 £225
SNA1710 TOBAGO 1894 QV 1s olive-yellow. Lower right corner block of six showing plate '1' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 24 £55
SNA1176 TONGA 1942-43 Pictorials, complete set of nine values blocks of four. Hinged on two stamps each block otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 74-82 £165
SNA918 TONGA 1938-44 Queen Salote Anniversaries, sets of three and five blocks of four. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 71-73, 83-87 £95
SNA1177 TONGA 1953 definitive, complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 101-114 £55
SNA1410 TONGA 1953 definitive, complete set of 14 values. Lower right corner blocks of eight showing both imprint and plate numbers in margins. Some light tone spots, unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group of this attractive issue. SG 101-114 £325
SNA812 TRANSJORDAN 1925-26 stamps of Palestine overprinted. Complete set of 15 values very fine and fresh mint. SG 143-157 £75
SNA2585 TRINIDAD 1859 QV 1s indigo. Exceptionally fine and fresh mint. SG 29 £85
SNA1409 TRINIDAD 1896 QV 5s green and brown, wmk. CA over Crown. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps very fine and fresh unmounted. A lovely and very scarce multiple. SG 122 £350
SNA766 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1918 £1 deep yellow-green and carmine, wmk. multiple Crown CA. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged in margin stamps very fine and fresh unmounted. A lovely and very scarce multiple. SG 156a £1,200
SNA2754 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1921 £1 grey-green and carmine, wmk. multiple Script CA. Lower left corner copy showing plate '1' in margin Very fine mint. SG 215 £180
SNA1555 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1935-36 Pictorial definitive, complete set of nine values. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 230-238 £90
SNA427 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1935-36 Pictorial definitive. Complete set of nine values, blocks of four. Very fine unmounted. A lovely set. SG 230a-238 £350
SNA2592 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1936 Pictorial definitive. 1c and 2c COIL stamps, both horizontal pairs showing joins between. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 230a, 231a coil joins £40
SNA2593 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1936 Pictorial definitive. 1c and 2c COIL stamps, both horizontal strips of six showing joins at centre. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 230a, 231a coil joins £50
SNA2594 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1935 72c Pictorial definitive. Block of four. Light creasing affecting left pair, very fine used cancelled with central datestamp. Lovely. SG 238 £95
SNA587 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1938-44 KGVI definitive, complete set of 14 values plus 12c black and purple shade. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 246-256, 252a £120
SNA2801 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1938-44 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 14 values, blocks of four. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 246-256, 252a £450
SNA2701 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1938 KGVI 4c chocolate. Very fine unmounted. SG 249 £22
SNA1712 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1940 KGVI $1.20 blue-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 255 £75
SNA1733 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1953 QEII definitive. Complete set of 12 values lower marginal or lower right corner strips of four, showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Hinged on margins stamps very fine or superb unmounted. Attractive and uncommon group. SG 267-278 £200
SNA2049 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1953 QEII definitives. Complete set of 12 values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 267-278 £250
SNA1605 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1969 QEII definitives, complete set of 16 values lower right corner blocks of four showing cylinder numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 339-354 £100
SNA2763 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1889-93 QV 1d pale rosy-lake, wmk. Crown CA. Complete pane of 30, showing both the Throat and Neck flaws (row3/4, 3/2). Minor creasing through central row otherwise fine and fresh mint or unmounted. Lovely. SG 64, 64a, 64b £225
SNA2809 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1900-04 Badge of the Colony. Set of nine values plus 2½d greyish blue shade, BLOCKS OF FOUR. Very fine fresh mint. A very scarce group. SG 101-109, 104a £550
SNA3324 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1919 KGV 1d and 3d 'WAR TAX' overprints. Matching upper left corner blocks of four, each showing a double impression of the 'W' of 'WAR' on the upper left stamps. Superb unmounted. SG 150, 151 and vars. £40
SNA1716 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1922 KGV 3s black on red. Upper right corner copy, superb unmounted. SG 175 £8
SNA1560 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1928 KGV 'POSTAGE & REVENUE', ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d and 3d. Each a plate proof struck in blue on thick card. Very fine. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 176-181 plate proofs £275
SNA1596 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1928 KGV 'POSTAGE & REVENUE', complete set of 11 values, blocks of four. Very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 176-186 £400
SNA1734 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1938 KGVI ½d yellowish green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 195 £45
SNA1927 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1948 KGVI Centenary of Separation from Bahamas. Set of seven values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 210-216 £45
SNA149 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1950 KGVI definitive, complete set of 13 values. Superb unmounted. SG 221-233 £60
SNA1745 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1950 KGVI definitive, complete set of 13 values blocks of four, all bar the 1/6, 2s and 5s lower marginal showing imprint in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 221-233 £350
SNA2761 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1950 KGVI definitive. Complete set of 13 values blocks of four, all matching upper marginal showing printer's guide dot in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 221-233 £300
SNA558 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. 1957 QEII definitive, set of 14 values 1d to 10s. Each a lower right corner pair showing either plate numbers '1 1' or '1a 1a' in margins. Superb unmounted. Scarce group. SG 237-250 £250
SNA548 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 1960 QEII £1 brown pelican. Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 253 £140
AA1995 OMNIBUS 1937 KGVI Coronation, a complete set of 202 stamps. Superb and fresh unmounted, mostly marginal. £140
SNA1220 OMNIBUS 1953 QEII Coronation, a complete set of 106 stamps. Superb and fresh unmounted. £110
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