Henk de Lange
Recent acquisitions are numbered in blue. Last update: 4 January, 2025

Rhodesia 1892-1924
H672 RHODESIA 1892 Arms Surcharges ½d on 6d ultramarine tied to piece with indistinct barred numeral fine used. SG 14 £140
H810 RHODESIA 1909 Revenues £20 yellow-bistre with green overprint pair with oval cancel and date perfs. Very fine used and scarce multiple. £250
H862 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 1912 Victoria Falls Hotel cover bearing double heads ½d and 2 x 1d stuck over the Hotel logo, cancelled 'Victoria Falls 22 JUN 1912' and addressed to Belgium. On reverse attractive 'The Victoria Falls Hotel' printed logo, Victoria Falls dispatch and Brussels arrival cancels. Roughly opened at top. £150
H707 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: ½d apple-green group block of 4 very fine unmounted mint. A very fresh and rare multiple. RJL 6 £450
H654 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: perf 13½: ½d yellow-green (dull blackish grey under UV) bottom left corner block of 4 very fine unmounted mint. SG 182 £500
H655 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: perf 13½: ½d yellow-green (dull blackish grey under UV) left marginal block of 9 unmounted mint. Superb condition and one of the larger multiples in existence. SG 182 £1,400
H811 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads 1d carmine-lake group very deep shade leaning towards blood red fine mint. Few lightly fox perf edges. SG 124 shade £35
H812 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads 1d carmine-lake block of 4 very fine unmounted mint. Very small section towards centre right with gum disturbance. Fine colours. SG 124 £120
H864 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 2d black and grey from the Long gash printing, position 24 showing dot NW of Tiara. Fine mint. SG 126 £30
H866 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 2d black and greyish slate from the Hook printing. Fine mint. SG 129 £30
H813 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads 2d black and brownish grey from the Thick ear printing with smooth value tablets, position 2 with Thick ear variety fine mint. RSC A SOLD
H865 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 2d black and brownish grey from the Thick ear printing with smooth value tablets. Fine mint. RSC A £30
H867 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 4d black and orange from the Hook printing vertical pair, position 31/36, pos 36 with 'Rust flaw' above King's head and orange printers ink smears between stamps. Very fine with 'Gwelo 22 FEB 1912' remainder cancels. RSC C £60
H868 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 4d blue-black and yellowish orange from the No gash printing, position 28 with 'Staple" flaw below King. Fine used with part o.g. RSC F £30
H869 RHODESIA 1910 Double Head perf 15: 4d black and yellow-orange from the Thick ear printing, position 46 with sloping line and various dots at left of Queen's right shoulder. Fine used. RSC E £30
H720 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 5d Error purple brown and ochre from the Thick ear printing, position 36 showing 'Rust flaw and Thick ear scratches fine mint. Diagonal handling bend. SG 141ab £250
H721 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: the scarce 5d lake brown and green from the Hook printing, position 10 with Medal marks variety fine used. Part Marandellas cancel. SG 143 SOLD
H870 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 5d lake-brown and olive from the No gash printing with error PFNHALONGA instead of PENHALONGA postmark. SG 143 SOLD
H876 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 5d perf 15 lake-brown and olive from the No gash printing, position 2 with Dot in left margin and two sloping lines in front of King's curl. Fine mint with traces of hinge remnants. A great position 2 mint rarity and missing from almost all collections. SG 175 £800
H818 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads perf 15: 5d lake-brown and olive from the No gash printing, position 43 with Printers mark at upper left fine mint. SG 175 £350
H725 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 8d greenish black and purple from the Mid gash printing, position 2 with Mid gash in ear variety. Fine mint. SG 148 £140
H872 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads perf 13½: 8d black and purple from the Long gash printing very fine used with almost full 'UMTALI 21 AUG 1911' commercially used cancel. Very scarce. SG 185 £95
H871 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads perf 13½: 8d grey-purple and dull purple from the Long gash printing, position 46 with King's extra curl variety . Part o.g. with gum disturbance. SG 185a £250
H728 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 1s perf 15 black and pale turquoise blue shade from the No gash printing very fine mint. SG 177, RSC 'F £500
H820 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 2s deep black and very light blue shade (Baby blue) from the No gash printing with smooth value tablets, position 50 with thin vertical line above left value tablet plus various other constant plating dots fine used. Part Salisbury cancel. Very rare RSC E £180
H821 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads perf 15: 2s deep black and light blue shade from the No gash printing with smooth value tablets. Fine used with faint Gwelo cancel. Very rare. SG 178 group RSC E £180
H732 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 2/6 bistre-brown and crimson from the Mid gash printing. Very fine mint. SG 156a £500
H873 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 3/- green and violet from the Long gash printing commercially used with 'SALISBURY' cancel. SG 158 SOLD
H874 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: 3s bright green and magenta shade from the Short gash printing, position 8 with printers mark at upper left. Postally used. Light colour run which is normal for this shade printed with highly fugitive ink. SG 158a, possible RSC D £220
H823 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads: £1 crimson and slate-black from the Long gash printing, position 26 with Button flaw variety fine mint. SG 166a £750
H824 RHODESIA 1910 Double Heads perf 15: £1 shade Scarlet and blue-black family from the Short gash printing commercially used with BULAWAYO.A. 24 JUL 1916 postmark. Light surface crease. SG 179 group, RSC H £550
H690 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals single working plates: perf 15 1½d bistre-brown bottom marginal block of 8 very fine unmounted mint. SG 206 £350
H546 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die II perf 14 3s chestnut and bright blue fine used. SG 237 £60
H547 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die II perf 14 5s dark blue and vivid deep blue-green shade very fine mint. SG 239 shade £100
H849 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die II perf 14: £1 black and violet with fuzzy frame and 'Printers hand painting' above and to right of King's cap. Very fine mint. SG 243. £400
H850 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die IIIA (White shoulder) perf 14: 8d red-lilac and bluish green fine mint. Lightly toned at top. SG 255h £120
H552 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die IIIA (White shoulder) perf 14: 8d red-lilac and bluish green mint, light colour run. Minor gum traces and possible soaked of document. SG 255h £60
H553 RHODESIA 1913-22 Admirals Die IIIA (White shoulder) perf 14: 2s deep black and yellow-brown fine used. SG 255j £90
H559 RHODESIA 1922-24 Admirals Die III perf 14: 2d black and grey-purple showing 'Collar' flaw position 40 used. SG 291 var £15
H859 RHODESIA 1922-24 Admirals Die III perf 14: 10s carmine and yellow-green fine mint. Barest trace of hinging. SG 310 SOLD
H861 RHODESIA 1922-24 Admirals Die III perf 14: £1 black and magenta showing 'Collar'flaw position 20. Fine fiscally used leaving variety clear. SG 311 var £70
H878 RHODESIA 1922-24 Admirals Die III perf 15: 4d black and orange-vermilion bottom left corner single very fine MNH. SG 313 £75
H879 RHODESIA 1922-24 Admirals Die III perf 15: 5s deep blue and bright green very fine MNH. SG 321 £250
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