Henk de Lange
Recent acquisitions are numbered in blue. Last update: 22 February 2024
South Africa
H894 Union Castle Line The very rare court size (120x 75mm) postcard with Blackish vignette of "Castle Line to South Africa / Donald Currie & Co Managers". Fine unused condition. This apparently is the earliest Castle Line vignette card. The artist is W.L. Wyllie (1851-1931) whose barely legible signature appears below the "c" of "Castle" £250
H895 Union Castle Line 1900 Standard size 1d CGH p.s. postcard with colourful vignette of "A Castle Liner' written on board of the R.M.S. "Dunvegan Castle". The card cancelled with Cape Colony Ocean Post Office SP 19 00, index "A" and addressed to London. Fine condition. £50
H573 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1887 (May 11) Three colour franking cancelled BONC '34' with single circle Wellington cds adjacent plus 2½d red accountancy mark at bottom left. Addressed to the USA. Fine proving BONC cover £65
H692 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1889 (Dec 20) Clean cover franked Hope seated 1d (2) and 2d cancelled BONC '896'. Neat Lady Grey Div. Aliwal North single circle date stamp plus '2½d' red accountancy mark at lower left. Addressed to Germany and back stamped. Cover opened at left and partially at top left with minor damage. From the Mosheim Lady Grey corespondence £45
H574 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1896 (May 8) 1½d Postal stationery postcard cancelled BONC '13' with Stellenbosch cds adjacent. Addressed to Germany. Fine proving BONC card. £25
H577 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1898 (Sep 5) Illustrated 'Fra Diavolo Cigars' advertising cover franked 1d Hope standing from Cape Town to Worcester. Backstamped. Scarce and attractive. £40
H578 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1902 (Mar 28) Re-directed mail, postcard ex Coalbrookdale UK addressed to Lieut W Alfred Youden in Simonstown who re-addressed the card to Scotland. Uprated with CGH 1d Table Mountain to pay for the 'foreign' re-direction fee, stamp cancelled by 'Passed Censor Cape Town' (unusual) with 'Cape Town Mar 26 02' cancel at left. View side showing The Library, Shrewsbury with much handwriting around picture. Some creasing and small tear at right but scarce re-directing franking. £50
H701 NATAL 1904 (Jan 2)) The Chamberlain Tour Memorial Postcard with views on both sides, franked 1d KEVII ex Durban and addressed to Southampton England. A difficult card to find.
Note: Chamberlain visited South Africa between 26 December 1902 and 25 February 1903 seeking to promote Anglo-Afrikaner conciliation. During his visit Chamberlain became convinced that the Boer territories required a period of government by the British Crown before being granted self-governance within the Empire.
H893 Swaziland 1889 Transvaal ZAR 10/- dull chestnut (perf 12½) overprinted "Swaziland". The stamp and overprint plated as position 1/3. Fine used with part Bremersdorp oval cancel in purple. A wonderful and extremely rare stamp. SG 9. 2023 PFSA Expert Committee Certificate. SOLD
H614 South Africa - Postal Stationery 1913 KGV 1d ps postcard without dividing line unused. Superb and very scarce. H&G 2 £40
H616 South Africa - Postal History 1917 Red Cross 'Make Your Sixpence Fly' Large Wing Aerial Post Card unused. Fine and scarce. £85
H618 South Africa - Postal History 1920 (Oct 29) Incoming post card ex Holland to Cape Town with feint boxed 'NOT KNOWN / ONBEKEND' two tax markings and, as the addressee could not be found at the address given, the card re-directed with various endorsements. Tax paid with ½d and 1d South African postage dues and tied with Triangular hand stamps. The ½d value in particular very scarce correctly used on cover/card. On reverse short text and four different Cape Town dated cancels £80
H620 South Africa - Postal History 1923 (Mar 21) 6d registered postal stationery envelope uprated with KGV 1d and cancelled with various examples of the very scarce 'WEST'S BLUFF NATAL' postmarks, addressed to The Hague in Holland. Backstamped. £35
H621 South Africa - Postal History 1924 (Jul 19) 5½d registered postal stationery envelope cancelled with multiple strikes of the rare 'WATERBERGS SIDING' postmark, addressed to Bombay India with arrival strike. £60
H623 South Africa - Postal History 1932 (Jan 26) Registered envelope carried on first Imperial Airways return flight from Cape Town to London, franked 1929 Air Mail 4d block of 4, bottom left stamp showing short "I" in AIRMAIL variety. Unboxed bilingual "CONTRARY TO REGULATION" cachet at bottom. Backstamped 'Cape Town 26 JAN 32' and 'Returned L.O. Cape Town 15 MAR 32'. £40
H625 South Africa - Postal History 1932 (Sep 29) Previously unrecorded "DUNDEE PAID 29 SEP 32" postmark in red on postcard to Pomery. On reverse text with political connotation. This postmark is a new find and has now been recorded by Prof A Visser. £25
H626 South Africa - Postal History 1934 (Mar 16) 6d Roto's Official block of 6 with two stamps top row showing Stop after "OFFISIEEL" on English stamps, SGO13a, fine used on cover to Pretoria with 1934 Royal Tour HRH Prince George commemorative postmarks. Backstamped Pretoria £35
H630 South Africa - Postal History 1943 (Mar 13) Scarce Westlake Camp skeleton postmarks on cover bearing various War issues addressed to Hereford, England. Westlake Camp (close to Muizenberg outside Cape Town) was established as a transit and repatriation centre for the Royal Air Force (RAF) personnel and was run by the Imperial Army which also maintained a hospital here. (Reisener) £45
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