c1965 black and white photograph of Ian Douglas Smith (150x200mm), signed at right 'I. Douglas Smith' in blue-black ink. Reverse handstamped 'This photograph is the property of The / Rhodesia Information Service, Box 8232, Causeway, / Salisbury, Rhodesia / Acknowledgements would be appreciated'. Creased lower left corner and some edge faults, scarce.
1974 – 77 M.P.O. (military Post Office) labels. An apparently complete collection of these including reprints, comprising: M.P.O. 1 SALISBURY, on green (February 1974) M.P.O. 1 altered to ‘2’ in ink, on deeper green (utilised June 1976) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, on yellowish green (February 1974) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, non-serifed lettering, on blue-green (24th September 1976) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, non-serifed lettering, on bluish green (23rd May 1977) M.P.O. 1 BULAWAYO, on yellow (September 1976) M.P.O. 3 SALISBURY, on salmon (1st March 1976) M.P.O. 3 (SALISBURY) hansdtamped over in violet ‘UMTALI’, on salmon (10th March 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on orange (August 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on pale salmon (second printing, August 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on mottled pale salmon (3rd May 1977) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, on white (13th May 1976) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, dark grey on white (October 1976) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, on white (3rd May 1977) M.P.O. 5 GWELO, on pale blue (30th November 1977) A total of 15 labels, unused on gummed paper. A most unusual group.
Note: this group was accumulated by a serving member of the Armed Forces at the time, and may be assumed to be the definitive record of these labels.
Last update: 7th February, 2025
RU2099 1965 - 1976, a complete run of the postage dues issued during this period. Including 1965 1d roulette 5 and 9 on white paper, 2d and 4d fluorescent papers, the decimal types with all papers/gums brown, white and white fluorescent plus 5c brown shade. Superb unmounted. A remarkably difficult assembly. SG D8-unlisted £60
RU2553 1965 roulette postage dues, set of four values on plain envelope cancelled 'SALISBURY 17 JUN 65', the first day of issue. Very scarce and the first example we have seen. £85
RA9353 1965 roulette postage dues, complete set of four values plus 1d roulette 5 and 1d roulette 9 on white paper. Very fine used. Uncommon group. SG D8-D11 £25
RU1209 1965 roulette postage dues, complete set of four values plus 1d roulette 5, blocks of four. Very fine used. Uncommon group. SG D8-D11 £100
RU1984 1965 roulette postage dues, complete set of four values plus 1d roulette 5, blocks of four. Very fine used and some better offices including TRELAWNEY, TENGWE, MTOROSHANGA and MURIEL MINE. Uncommon group. SG D8-D11 £100
RU1213 1965 1d roulette 5 postage due. Upper marginal block of six, showing paper repair in margin. Superb unmounted. SG D8 and var.
Note: the use of the larger roulette 5 proved unsatisfactory, hence the change to the smaller roulette 9. Repairs to the margins were often required
RA4759 1965 1d roulette 5 postage due. Block of four superb used cancelled 'GWANDA 16 FEB 70'. SG D8 £30
RU1703 1966 postage dues, complete set of six values superb CTO. SG D12-D17 £10
RU1700 1966 postage dues, complete set of six values in lower left corner blocks of four showing cylinder '1A'. Superb CTO. Uncommon group. SG D12-D17 £35
RU1220 1966 postage dues, complete set of six values in lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint. Superb CTO. Uncommon group. SG D12-D17 £35
RU1702 1970-73 decimal postage dues, complete set five values original brown gummed paper (both 5c shades). Superb unmounted. SG D18-D22 and unlisted £8
RU1217 1970-73 decimal postage dues, original printings on brown gummed paper. Set of five values cylinder '1A' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG D18-D22 £35
RU1218 1970-73 decimal postage dues, original printings on brown gummed paper. Set of five values imprint blocks of six. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG D18-D22 £50
RA9351 1970-73 decimal postage dues, original printings on brown gummed paper. Complete set of five values plus 5c shade. Very fine used. SG D18-D22 £20
RU1216 1970 2c postage due, major variety PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG D19a £20
RU1214 1970 2c postage due, major variety PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE. Lower right corner copy showing (proving) running sheet number 'PTC 20754', superb unmounted. SG D19a £30
RA8033 1970 2c postage due, major variety PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE. Complete sheet of 50, cylinder 1B and showing minor annotated constant varieties on six stamps. Superb unmounted, very scarce in complete sheet format. SG D19a £900
RU40 1970 2c postage due, major variety PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE. Complete sheet of 50, cylinder 1B. Part margin lacking at top, upper right corner block of four cancelled light indiscernible datestamp although 25 NOV 77 visible. Together with a contemporary article written by Cecil Russell outlining the known facts of this variety at the time. Light marginal faults, stamps superb unmounted. Very scarce in complete sheet format. SG D19a £950
RU1215 1970 2c postage due, major variety PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE. Superb used cancelled 'KARIBA'. RARE. SG D19a £100
RU2093 1976 1c, 2c, 5c and 6c postage dues, later printings on white gummed paper. The complete set of four values cylinder '1B' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG unlisted £40
RA9352 1976 1c, 2c, 5c and 6c postage dues, later printings on white gummed paper. Very fine used. SG unlisted £10
RU1846 1976 2c, 6c and 10c additional printings on white fluorescent paper, complete set of three values. Very fine used. SG unlisted £15
RU1222 1976 2c, 6c and 10c additional printings on white fluorescent paper, complete set cylinder '1A' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG unlisted £35
F484 1966 5th July, cover bearing Southern Rhodesia 2d Arms, machine cancelled 'AVONDALE' addressed to Salisbury. This franking disallowed, scored around in red and then endorsed in ink 'T 6d'. Apparently no further action taken, although bearing in mind addressed to Sports Pools, this may well have been one of a batch of underpaid covers which would have receive a pool charge for all. Unusual. £30
F482 1966 18th August, printed SPORTS-POOLS cover bearing Federal QEII 3d (SG 23), cancelled alongside 'WEDZA'. Disallowed and scored around in red ink and endorsed 'T6d'. Apparently no further action taken with this cover, although most probably one of a number of such covers that would have received a pool charge. £30
RU22 1967 27th November, cover bearing South Africa 2½c cancelled below 'SHANGANI' addressed to Salisbury. Obviously invalid, scored through and endorsed 'TAX 6d' in red ink. Then applied with roulette 6d (SG D11) cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 29 NOV 67'. Most attractive. £55
RU15 1970 29th July, registered stationery envelope bearing Malawi 2d plus 9d x two, sent registered from Lilongwe to Salisbury. Twice endorsed 'P.O.O.C. and then applied with 2c and pair 5c dues (SG D19, D20 brown gum), cancelled SALISBURY 31 JUL 70. Attractive. £25
RU13 1972 10th March, cover underpaid at 5c sent airmail from South Africa addressed to Bulawayo. Front struck with black circular 't 4/9' cachet, then reverse applied with 2c due (SG D19 brown gum), cancelled 'MORNINGSIDE 16 MAR 72'. £15
RU18 1973 3rd January, cover posted underpaid at 2c cancelled 'RAYLTON', addressed to Bulawayo. Endorsed in ink 'T 1/5c' then applied with 1c due (SG D18 brown gum), cancelled 'MORNINGSIDE BULAWAYO 5 JAN 73'. £20
RU20 1973 16th July, cover sent underpaid at 2½c cancelled 'WATERFALLS', addressed to Bulawayo. Struck with violet 'T /cents' cachet endorsed '1', then applied with 1c due (SG D18 brown gum), cancelled 'BULAWAYO 19 JUL 73'. £20
PD07 1974 26th March, cover underpaid at 2½c machine cancelled 'CRANBORNE' to Salisbury. Endorsed 'T 1c' in red ink, then applied with 1c due (SG D18, brown gum), cancelled 'SALISBURY' date unclear. £20
PD09 1975 1st March, stampless cover endorsed at top 'On Government Service', cancelled 'TRIANGLE' addressed to Salisbury. Disallowed although not marked as such, the reverse applied with pair 4c and 10c definitives (SG 492, 497) as dues, cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 20 MAR'. Endorsed '3', and presumably the 18c was a pool charge for three underpaid postal items. £40
PD10 1975 3rd March, stampless cover endorsed at top 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE', Causeway locally addressed. This disallowed, no tax markings then applied with pair 3c definitives (SG 491) as dues, cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 5 MAR 75'. Attractive. £45
PD11 (date unclear) native cover endorsed upper left 'urgent / Pay forward' addressed to Causeway. Struck with violet circular 'T-' cachet although not endorsed, then applied with pair 3c definitives (SG 491) as dues, cancelled 'CAUSEWAY JAN 76'. Attractive. £45
PD17 1976 2nd August, stampless cover endorsed at top 'O.G.S.', from Llewellin Barracks to Causeway. This disallowed, no tax markings then applied with 2c and 6c dues (SG D19, D21, brown gum), cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 4 AUG 76'. £30
PD19 1976 10th September, airmail cover from South Africa to Salisbury, underpaid at 5c, then struck with black circular 'T 2/10' cachet. Applied with 1c and 2c dues (SG D18, D19, white gum), cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 20 SEP 76'. £25
PD20 (undated) long cover endorsed at top 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE', this disallowed. Applied with pair 5c dues (SG D20, white gum) on front and block of four 1c dues (SG D18, white gum) on reverse, cancelled 'CAUSEWAY 14 OCT 76'. £30
PD21 1976 10th November, stampless cover endorsed 'FORCES MAIL' upper left and with boxed military cachet mostly obscured. This disallowed and endorsed 'T 8c', then applied with 1c, 2c and 5c dues (SG D18-21, brown gum), cancelled 'UNION AVENUE SALISBURY 17 NOV 76'. Attractive. £25
RU2174 1978 28th March, native cover posted unpaid endorsed 'pay forward', addressed to Hunters Road. Struck with violet boxed T 8 CENTS' cachet, then applied with 2c and 6d dues (later printings), cancelled on the 31st March. £25
PD25 1978 9th October, native cover apparently with re-used 5c sent from Gokwe to Salisbury. Struck with violet circular 'T -/c' cachet and endorsed 'TAX' in red ink. Applied with 6c due (SG D21, white gum), cancelled 'SALISBURY 10 OCT 78'. Some faults as to be expected, most attractive. £25
PD26 1979 5th March, stampless cover endorsed at top 'O.G.S.', sent from Chikato to Salisbury. This disallowed and endorsed 'T 10c' in red ink, then applied with 10c due (SG D22, white gum), cancelled 'SALISBURY 8 MAR 79'. This value seldom encountered. £30
PD28 1979 2nd April, cover Gatooma to Salisbury underpaid at 4c, struck with violet circular 'T -c' cachet endorsed '2'. Applied with what appears to be a re-used 2c due (SG D19, white gum), cancelled 'SALISBURY 5 APR 79'. £15
PD30 1980 11th March, window envelope from South Africa underpaid at 5c, struck with black circular 'T c' cachet endorsed '2/10' plus violet boxed 'T 4-cents' cachet. Applied with four 1c dues (SG D19, white gum), cancelled 'SALISBURY 19 MAR 80'. £20
R59 1980 12th March, underpaid long cover from Pretoria to Salisbury endorsed 'TAX 2/10' and boxed 'T4 / cents' cachet applied. Pair of 2c white paper postage dues paying deficiency indistinctly cancelled. £15
RU1883 1967 1/- booklet. Fine and complete. SG SB7
Note: this booklet is considerably more difficult to find than the lowly SG valuation would imply
RU2254 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at right, no interleaving, all values original printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2459 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at right, with interleaving, 1d 3rd printing, 2d and 3d 2nd printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2460 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at right, with interleaving, 1d 3rd printing, 2d and 3d 2nd printings, the first 1d pane showing running sheet number in margin. SG SB8 £25
RU2458 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at right, with interleaving, 1d 4th printing, 2d and 3d 2nd printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2461 1968 5/- Mardon booklet 1d pane. Margins at right, showing running sheet number '59540' in margin thus proving the printing. SG SB8 booklet pane £6
RU2456 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left, without interleaving, all values first printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2253 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left, with interleaving, 1d 3rd printing, 2d and 3d second printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2252 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left, with interleaving, 1d 4th printing, 2d and 3d second printings. SG SB8 £20
RU2454 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left, with interleaving, 1d 4th printing, 2d and 3d second printings. Both 3d panes showing large brown dot in Queen's cameo (position unknown). SG SB8 and vars. £30
RU2455 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left, with interleaving, 1d 4th printing, 2d and 3d second printings. One 1d pane showing cylinder colour dots in margin. SG SB8 £22
RU1271 1968 5/- Mardon booklet. Margins at left without interleaving, exploded and with all panes cancelled 24th FEB 1969. SG SB8 £15
RU2462 1968 5/- Mardon booklet panes. Margins at left, a group of the various printings used, 1d 1st, 3rd and 4th, 2d 1st and 3d 1st and 2nd. SG SB8 booklet panes £20
RA2901 1970 46c booklets, first printing with front covers pre-folded at staple edge. Complete set of four types, A, B, C and D panes. Very fine and complete. SG SB9 (1st printing) £35
RU1273 1970 46c booklet, first printing with front cover pre-folded at staple edge. A type panes imperforate top and right margins. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (first printing) £15
RU1274 1970 46c booklet, first printing with front cover pre-folded at staple edge. B type panes imperforate top margins. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (first printing) £10
RU1275 1970 46c booklet, first printing with front cover pre-folded at staple edge. C type panes imperforate right margins. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (first printing) £7
RU1276 1970 46c booklet, first printing with front cover pre-folded at staple edge. D type panes perforated all round. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (first printing) £4
RU1277 1970 46c booklet, first printing with cover pre-folder at staple edge. B type panes, all three 1c panes showing dot between 'TA' of 'POSTAGE' flaws. Fine and complete. SG SB9 and vars. (first printing) £20
RU1278 1970 46c booklet, first printing with cover pre-folder at staple edge. C type panes, both 2½c panes showing broken wall flaws. Fine and complete. SG SB9 and vars. (first printing) £12
RU1279 1970 46c booklet, first printing with cover pre-folder at staple edge. D type panes, all three 1c panes showing dot between 'TA' of 'POSTAGE' flaws. Fine and complete. SG SB9 and vars. (first printing) £10
RU1281 1970 46c booklet, first printing with cover pre-folded at staple edge. D type with a second printed cover stapled through the front in error. Unusual. Fine and complete. SG SB9 var. (first printing) £20
RU1284 1970 46c booklet, second printing with front cover not pre-folded at staple edge. A type panes imperforate top and right margins. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (second printing) £15
RU1285 1970 46c booklet, second printing with front cover not pre-folded at staple edge. B type panes imperforate top margins. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (second printing) £10
RU1287 1970 46c booklet, second printing with front cover not pre-folded at staple edge. D type panes perforated all round. Fine and complete. SG SB9 (second printing) £4
RU1292 1972 48c booklets, complete set of four types A, B, C and D panes. Very fine and complete. SG SB10 £65
RU1293 1972 48c booklet. A type panes imperforate top and right margins. Fine and complete. SG SB10 £30
RU1294 1972 48c booklet. B type panes imperforate top margins. Fine and complete. SG SB10 £20
RU1296 1972 48c booklet. D type panes perforated all round. Fine and complete. SG SB10 £8
RU1297 1972 48c booklet. B type panes, all three 1c panes showing dot between 'TA' of 'POSTAGE flaws. Fine and complete. SG SB10 and vars. £30
RU1300 1972 48c booklet, A type panes mis-stapled at the right of the normal, through the stamps. Fine and complete. SG SB10 var. £35
RU1299 1972 48c booklet, B type panes mis-stapled at the right of the normal, through the stamps. Fine and complete. SG SB10 var. £25
RA2903 1973 50c booklets, complete set of four types, A, B, C and D panes. Very fine and complete. Uncommon group. SG SB11 £90
RU1302 1973 50c booklet. A type panes imperforate top and right margins. Fine and complete. SG SB11 £35
RU1306 1973 50c booklet. A type each pane CTO '7 MAY 1973, First Day of Issue. Scarce as such. Fine and complete. SG SB11 £30
RU1307 1974 50c booklet. Fine and complete. SG SB12 £5
RU2671 c1965, undated printed 'AIR EXPRESS LETTER SERVICE' envelope, bearing Southern Rhodesia QEII 3d and 6d pair (SG 95, 97), uncancelled although partially overstruck with violet 'CAA - LATE FEE PAID' handstamp. The reverse applied with pair and single (defective) 3/6 roulette CAA Airways Letter Service labels, each cancelled with violet boxed strikes. Addressed to Lusaka. Highly unusual and not previously seen. £75
RU1512 c1965 black and white photograph of Ian Douglas Smith (150x200mm), signed at right 'I. Douglas Smith' in blue-black ink. Reverse handstamped 'This photograph is the property of The / Rhodesia Information Service, Box 8232, Causeway, / Salisbury, Rhodesia / Acknowledgements would be appreciated'. Creased lower left corner and some edge faults, scarce. £125
RU1513 c1965 black and white photograph of Ian Douglas Smith (190x290mm), mounted on thick white card and boldly signed at right 'I. Douglas Smith' in blue ink. Very fine, scarce. £200
RU2513 1969 (July), group of three items, firstly with a typewritten letter on headed 'PRINCIPAL PRIVATE SECRETARY TO THE PRIME MINISTER / SALISBURY' notepaper, in response to a request for a signed photograph, this duly done with a black and white portrait of Ian Douglas Smith (88x396mm) boldly signed in black ink at base 'I. Douglas Smith'. Together with the return envelope sent Airmail to Finland bearing QEII 6d Mardon, machine cancelled. Previously mounted to page. Delightful. £195
RU2514 c1969, coloured post card sized coloured picture of Ian Douglas Smith, boldly signed at right in blue ink 'I. Douglas Smith'. Mounted on page with typewritten brief history of his life and political career. £125
RA1567 1965 11th November, cover bearing pair QEII ½d definitives cancelled 'SALISBURY 11th November 1965', printed at left 'RHODESIA INDEPENDENCE (etc.)'. Uncommon. £20
RU2251 1966 11th November, privately printed cover for the first anniversary of Independence, illustrated with a year old infant at left and 'Happy Birthday / And many more.' Together with a typewritten letter from one L. R. Thompson, Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, stating that he was unable to sign 60 copies of this envelope and further to state that he would decline to do so for all such requests. This does confirm the thought that very little was indeed signed by Ian Smith during this early period. Delightful and not previously seen. £125
RU2126 1965 8th December, cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), cancelled 'FIRST DAY OF ISSUE / SALISBURY' and sent registered airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with green cachet, 'INVALID STAMPS USED / POSTAGE DUE' endorsed '3/6'. Apparently no further action taken and allowed. Fine and attractive. £20
RU2672 1965 8th December, printed First Day envelope bearing 2/6 Independence (SG 358), cancelled 'SALISBURY'. Unaddressed, signed at base Lesley Bunting. Delightful.
Note: Lesley Bunting was Miss Rhodesia in 1965. She was in London for the Miss World contest at the time of the Rhodesian Government Unilateral Declaration of Independence. She was badgered by the press for her comments about this, although parried all questions with admirable diplomacy and unfailing charm. After returning home, she did sign a small number of envelopes. She came third in the competition
RU2548 1965 17th December, printed propaganda Air Letter with wording 'This Christmas is particularly dear to us . . . ', posted from QueQue and bearing Southern Rhodesia QEII 6d definitive (SG 97), machine cancelled. Addressed to England with a type written message, in part 'it is amazing how agitated the rest of the world is over us. It is difficult to see how it is all going to work out in the end but we must wait and see I suppose.' These Air Letters are very scarce commercially used. £65
RU2128 1965 23rd December, printed commemoration cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), cancelled 'SALISBURY' and sent airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with two boxed green cachets, 'STAMPS NOT VALID' and 'MORE TO PAY' endorsed '2-6', then applied with GB 2/6 due. Fine and attractive. £20
RU2123 1966 11th January, cover bearing Independence 2/6 block of four (SG 358), machine cancelled in violet 'SALISBURY' and with cds below. 'GOOD LUCK RHODESIA' label upper left, addressed to London. No charge markings although applied with GB 2/6 due. Attractive. £35
RU2549 1966 11th January, long printed airmail envelope bearing pair 2/6 Independence (SG 358), machine cancelled 'CAUSEWAY', addressed to the UK. Upon arrival struck with green boxed 'RATES EXCEED' cachet endorsed '4 AIR' and '1½', plus further 'INVALID STAMPS USED', this endorsed '10/-'. Duly applied with pair GB 5/- dues. An unusual high value charge, presumably at double the rate of postage applied and not the correct actual rate. £35
RU2131 1966 13th January, cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), cancelled 'MASHABA', sent airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with green rectangular 'INVALID STAMPS USED' cachet endorse '2/6', then applied with GB 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d and 1s dues. Attractive. £20
RU2673 1966 17th January, printed First Day cover bearing complete set of the Independence overprints including the Churchill 5/-, cancelled 'GWELO'. Sent registered locally addressed. Very fine and clean, very scarce as few exist with both 5/-'s, indeed the first we have been able to offer. SOLD
RU2119 1966 17th January, printed First Day cover bearing complete set of the Independence overprints (less Churchill), cancelled 'SALISBURY'. Sent registered to England and upon arrival struck with green boxed 'INVALID STAMPS USED / POSTAGE DUE' endorsed '6/-'. Reverse duly applied with GB 1/- and 5/- dues. Attractive. £60
RU2675 1966 17th January, printed First Day cover bearing complete set of the Independence overprints (less Churchill), cancelled 'SALISBURY'. Sent registered to England and upon arrival struck with green boxed 'INVALID STAMPS USED / POSTAGE DUE' and further cachet endorsed '5/-'. Duly applied with GB 5/- due alongside. Attractive. £65
RA2099 1966 17th January, reduced coloured image of the Independence 'PROCLAMATION', bearing upper right £1 Independence overprint (SG 372) cancelled 'SALISBURY 17 JAN 1966' on the first day of issue. Attractive. £25
RU2102 1966 17th January, reduced coloured image of the Declaration of Independence, bearing at upper right 5/- on 1/3 Churchill Independence overprint (SG 373), cancelled 'SALISBURY 17 JAN 1966' on the first day of issue. Most attractive. £75
RU2124 1966 17th January, cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), machine cancelled 'BINDURA' and addressed to England. Further with 'GOOD LUCK RHODESIA' 1966 Publicity label (tied), and upon arrival struck with green rectangular 'INVALID STAMPS USED / POSTAGE DUE' cachet endorsed '2/6'. Duly applied with GB 2/6 due. Fine and attractive. £20
RU2130 1966 17th January, cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), cancelled 'SALISBURY' and sent airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with green rectangular 'STAMPS NOT VALIDUSED' and further 'MORE TO PAY' cachet endorsed '2/3'. Duly applied on reverse with GB 3d and 4d x six dues. Fine and attractive. £20
RU2550 1966 28th January, long envelope bearing part set of the Independence overprints, less 5/- and 10/- values, cancelled 'CAUSEWAY', sent registered airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with green boxed 'STAMPS NOT VALID' and '1/3 TO PAY' cachets, duly applied with GB 3d and 1/- dues. Minor faults.
Note: it is interesting to see neither the 5/- nor 10/- from this issue on the envelope, presumably not available at the time.
RU2241 1966 31st January, airmail cover bearing three 1d Independence overprints, machine cancelled 'BULAWAYO' and addressed to Kitwe, Zambia. Ink tax endorsement than duly applied with strip of three Zambia 2d postage dues cancelled 'KITWE 5 FEB 66'. £35
RU2127 1966 2nd February, cover bearing Independence overprint 9d block of four (SG 365), cancelled 'UMTALI' and sent registered to England. Upon arrival struck with green boxed 'INVALID STAMPS USED / POSTAGE DUE' and endorsed '1/3'. Duly applied with GB 3d and 1/- dues. Attractive. £25
RU2125 1966 2nd February, cover bearing Independence 2/6 (SG 358), cancelled 'MARLBOROUGH' and sent registered (still using Federal label) airmail to England. Upon arrival struck with boxed green cachet, 'INVALID STAMPS USED / Postage Due' endorsed 'TO PAY', then applied with GB 3d and 1/- dues. Fine and attractive. £20
RU2238 1966 17th February, airmail cover bearing block of six ½d Independence overprints, machine cancelled 'MARANDELLAS', addressed to Mazabuka. Further with 'GOOD LUCK RHODESIA' publicity label, this written over in red crayon with tax indication. Duly applied with Zambia 6d due (SG D9, defective), cancelled 'MAZABUKA'. Attractive. £35
RU2014 1966 12th March, long manilla cover bearing 11 values of the Independence overprints to £1 (no 2/- or 5/-'s), cancelled 'SALISBURY' and addressed to Zambia. The cover duly surcharged and then applied with Zambian 2d and 6d dues cancelled 'MUFULIRA'. Attractive. £45
RU2199 1966 16th March, cover bearing Harrison 2d (SG 375), machine cancelled 'SALISBURY' and applied with 'THANK YOU South Africa / PETROL' label, locally addressed. A little crumpled. £8
RU2313 1966 24th May, airmail envelope bearing RSA 2½c and 20c definitives, machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', addressed to the USA. Applied at lower left with 'Central African AIRWAYS / GOOD LUCK RHODESIA' label. Uncommon to see these used outside of Rhodesia at the time. £20
RA2105 1966 1st June, cover bearing 3d Harrison definitive (SG 376) machine cancelled 'RAYLTON', addressed to Bulawayo. The reverse struck with violet oval 'RHODESIA RAILWAYS / PARCELS OFFICE / GWELO' cachet, the cover apparently carried by them to Bulawayo. Most unusual. £25
RU1515 1966 8th July, 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA' printed registered envelope uprated with 6d and 5/- CAA (SG 393, 396), cancelled 'AVONDALE' and sent airmail to Holland. Unusual. £30
F562 1966 24th October, cover bearing CAA 6d (SG 393), cancelled 'BULAWAYO', applied at left with Central African Airways 3/6 Letter Service label, rouletted at left otherwise imperforate, showing serial number '44097' at top. This cancelled with violet 'Central African AIRWAYS / 21 OCT 1966 / SALISBURY AIRPORT' cachet, addressed to Johannesburg. Uncommon. £40
RA1295 1966 1d Mardon trial printing dri-gum, on plain cover postmarked on the First Day of Issue, 25th July 1966. Very scarce. £40
RA5377 1966 10th August, £1 Mardon definitive (SG 407) on plain cover cancelled ‘FIRST DAY OF ISSUE / SALISBURY’. Fine and clean, RARE £120
RA1296 1966 4d Mardon 2nd printing, on plain cover postmarked on the First Day of Issue, 21st September 1966. Uncommon. £22
AR513 1966 printed propaganda Air Letter with wording “What is particularly heartening these days . . .” Very fine unused, folded. £15
RA1578 1966 printed propaganda Air Letter, 'No doubt you are worried (etc.)'. Very fine unused. £15
AR511 c1966 envelope with printed flag of Southern Rhodesia / Rhodesia (used 1964-1968) at lower left and wording ‘WE ARE NOT INTERESTED / in the possibility of defeat / It does not exist in our country’ Very fine unused. Not previously seen by us. £65
RA3895 c1966, large printed 'ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE / SOUTHERN RHODESIA' envelope, all but 'RHODESIA' blacked out (by hand?), further rubber stamped at top 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE'. The envelope originally item no. S.E.17, and printed in 1939. Obviously done soon after Independence to use up old stocks. Unused, most unusual and not previously seen. £15
RA3896 c1966, large printed 'ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE / SOUTHERN RHODESIA' envelopes, all but 'RHODESIA' blacked out (by hand?), further rubber stamped at top 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE'. Five examples each a different print date, from 1938, 1939 x 2, 1941 and 1951, the envelopes originally item no. S.E.17. Obviously done soon after Independence to use up old stocks. Unused, most unusual and not previously seen. £35
RU2656 1967 4th July, envelope bearing Harrison 3d definitive, cancelled EMERALD HILL in VIOLET. Locally addressed. Very scarce. £45
RA5378 1967 21st November, 9d Mardon definitive (SG 402), on plain cover cancelled ‘SALISBURY’ on the first day of issue. Uncommon. £30
RA3234 1967 (?), printed black/orange ‘P. T. C. / TELEGRAM’ window envelope, sent from Avondale to Emerald Hill, respective backstamps. Dates not clear, but Emerald Hill datestamp 24 MAR 67(?). £15
RU139 1968 3rd August, printed 'Greetings Telegram / POST OFFICE - RHODESIA AND NYASALAND', bearing Mardon 4d definitive, machine cancelled BULAWAYO, locally addressed and then redirected airmail to Johannesburg. Bulawayo acceptance strike on reverse, this dated 2nd August, and then entering the postal system due to the redirection. Opening fault at top. Most unusual. £35
RU2547 1968 19th August, printed long cover for the RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS, Bulawayo 19th – 25th August, 1968. Bearing 3d World Ploughing (SG 422), cancelled with special 'RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS / BULAWAYO' datestamp, unaddressed. £15
RA1575 1968 19th August, printed long cover for the RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS, Bulawayo 19th – 25th August, 1968. Bearing five x 3d World Ploughing (SG 422), cancelled with special 'RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS / BULAWAYO' datestamps, sent registered to Salisbury. £15
RU2188 1968 19th August, cover for the RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS, Bulawayo 19th – 25th August, 1968. Bearing 1/6 Beit (SG 426), cancelled with special 'RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS / BULAWAYO' datestamps, addressed to Scotland. £12
RA1576 1968 19th August, plain long cover bearing 3d / 2½c to 2/- / 20c Dual Currencies (SG 408-11), cancelled with special 'RHODESIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS / BULAWAYO' datestamps, addressed to Salisbury. £15
RU2255 1968 25th September, stationery registered envelope bearing 6d CAA, 9d Rhopex, 2/6 Ploughing and Mardon 5/- TRIAL PRINTING (SG 393, 389, 425, 405 trial printing), cancelled 'SALISBURY' and sent airmail to the USA. Arrival backstamps for the 30th September. An attractive and highly unusual usage of the 5/- Mardon trial printing. £110
RU2684 1968 9th October, printed envelope for the 'SMITH WILSON RHODESIAN TALKS / 9-12 Oct. 1968'. on board H. M. S. Fearless. Bearing Gibraltar QEII 4d definitive cancelled 'PAQUETBOT / GIBRALTAR', alongside with special octagonal 'H.M.S. FEARLESS' cachet. Very scarce. £75
RU1882 1968 6th November, blue cover (now opened out for display) endorsed at top 'FORCES MAIL' and sent without charge. Struck with red rectangular '(Crown) / HEADQUARTERS / OFFICIAL FREE / 2 BRIGADE' cachet and then despatch 'SALISBURY' datestamp. Locally addressed and with corresponding blue cachet on reverse, although this dated 1st November. Most unusual early period cover from the Terrorist War. £65
RU2118 1968 11th November, printed cover for the Third Anniversary of Independence bearing complete overprint set (no Churchill). Cancelled 'SALSBURY'. Very fine and most attractive. £60
RU449 1968 10th December, large registered stationery envelope (foreshortened at left) Salisbury to USA, bearing 1/3 and 10/- Harrison and 6d and 2/- Mardons. US customs cachets in purple and arrival backstamp. Some faults though scarce high value usage. £45
RU630 1968 14th December, large registered stationery envelope (foreshortened at left) Salisbury to USA, bearing 1/3, 5/- and 10/- Mardons. US customs cachet in purple and arrival backstamp. Some faults though very scarce high value usage. £45
RU2670 1919 10th January, printed 'AIR EXPRESS LETTER SERVICE' envelope, bearing 2d and 3d Mardon definitives (SG 398, 399), cancelled 'SALISBURY'. Applied with 3/6 roulette AIR RHODESIA AIR LETTER SERVICE label cancelled with violet boxed 'AIR RHODESIA CITY CARGO SALISBURY' handstamps dated 8th January. Addressed to Bulawayo. Highly unusual, indeed the first we have seen. SOLD
RU134 1969 20th May, cover sent stampless machine cancelled 'BULAWAYO', addressed to the Government Hospital. Applied at lower left with Harrison definitive 5/- (SG 385), this most unusual struck with large 'CANCELLED' handstamp. No indication as to why this was used, highly unusual and not previously seen. £70
RU143 1969 19th June, 1d to £1 definitive issue available at the time, being a mixture of both Harrison and Mardon printings, applied to eight similar covers and all addressed airmail to England. £30
RU2200 1969 28th September, small envelope bearing 3d Bridges (SG 435), cancelled 'HARTLEY HILLS' locally addressed. Delightful. £15
RU2105 1969 11th November, airmail cover bearing 5/- on 1/3 Churchill Independence overprint (SG 373), cancelled 'SALISBURY 11 NOV 1969' as noted on the Fourth Anniversary of Independence. Locally addressed. £45
RU659 1969 (date unclear), cover bearing Dual Currency 25c in combination with 3d Mardon definitive, on commercial Airmail cover Salisbury to Scotland. Scarce. £35
RU140 c1970 gilt edged cream card printed at top with embossed Arms of Rhodesia, printed in black. £15
RU141 c1970 white card printed at top with Arms and 'RHODESIA' below, printed in black. £10
RU98 1970 2nd February, cover bearing Mardon 3d and 2/6 / 25c dual currency (SG 399, 412), each cancelled 'HARARI' and sent registered airmail to England. transit and arrival backstamps. A most unusual commercial usage. £35
RU97 1970 2nd February, FRONT only of a registered stationery envelope, bearing Mardon 9d definitives x two (SG 402), cancelled 'BASERA', addressed to Salisbury. A most uncommon office as such. £15
RU2135 1970 1st May, cover (opened out for display) bearing 2c, 2½c and 3½c decimal definitive (SG 440-42) machine cancelled 'SALISBURY' sent Airmail to England. Applied with red/white printed label 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' and struck with green boxed 'TO PAY / INSUFFICIENT / POSTAGE PAID' cachet endorsed '1/10'. Then applied on reverse with GB 1d x two and 4d x five dues. £20
RU1911 1970 8th May, printed cover for Eighth Annual Convention of Lions International, Salisbury May 8-10, 1970, bearing 8c decimal definitive (SG 444), cancelled SALISBURY and with special cachet alongside. Very fine. £15
RU1336 1970 25th May, airmail cover bearing 8c definitive Avondale to Jersey. No tax markings, then applied with 2d, 3d pairs and 1/- Jersey dues (SG D2-4) tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps. £25
RU1337 1970 25th May, airmail cover bearing 8c definitive Mt Pleasant to Jersey. No tax markings, then applied with 2d x five and 1/- Jersey dues (SG D2, D4) tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps £25
RU2654 1970 25th May, airmail cover bearing 8c definitive Mt Pleasant to Guernsey, small green boxed 'TO PAY / POSTED / UNPAID cachet endorsed '1/10d' applied with 4d, 6d and 1/- Guernsey dues (SG D6, D7) tied Guernsey Post Office datestamps. £30
RU2239 1970 21st May, cover bearing 3½c definitive, machine cancelled 'GWELO' sent airmail to Lusaka. Endorsed with red ink tax markings duly applied with 1N two x 3N definitives used as postage dues, each cancelled 'RIDGEWAY'. £30
RU1906 1970 25th June, cover bearing 8c decimal definitive (SG 444) machine cancelled SALISBURY sent Airmail to England. Applied with red/white printed label 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' and struck with green '1/9 / TO PAY' cachet. Then applied with 3d, 6d and 1/- GB dues cancelled LONDON. Very fine. £20
RU2495 1970 25th June airmail cover bearing 8c definitive Salisbury to Jersey. Large black on white 'SOUTHERN RHODESIAN STAMPS / The States of Jersey has announced [etc]' label affixed then applied with 1d, 3d x three and 1/- (SG D1, D3, D4) Jersey Dues tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps. £25
RU2021 1970 13th July, printed cover for the 7th Danie Craven Week, cancelled with special '75th Anniversary' rugby cachet. Uncommon. £15
RU1339 1970 23rd July airmail cover bearing 8c definitive Salisbury to Jersey. Small black on white 'SOUTHERN RHODESIAN STAMPS / The States of Jersey has announced [etc]' label affixed then applied with 1d, 3d x three and 1/- (SG D1, D3, D4) Jersey Dues tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps. £25
RU2165 1970 19th August, Air Mail letter sheet bearing 2½c and 5c definitives (SG 441, 443) plus GB 5d Commonwealth Games, cancelled 'HIGHLANDS', although not the GB adhesive. Addressed to England and upon arrival applied with printed 'SOUTHERN RHODESIAN STAMPS (etc.)' label and struck with green 'STAMPS NOT VALID' cachet. This endorsed '6d' and duly applied with GB 6d due cancelled '28 AU'. Unusual and innovative, apparently not charged at the correct rate. £20
RU2203 1970 20th August, large manila envelope bearing various decimal definitives to the value of 57½c, cancelled 'SALISBURY' and sent registered airmail to Scotland. Applied with 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' label and struck with 'INVALID STAMPS USED' cachet endorsed '8/6d'. Duly applied with 1/- and 2/6 strip of three dues cancelled 24 AU. A most appealing and unusual cover. £30
RU2164 1970 21st August, Air Mail letter sheet bearing 2½c and 5c definitives (SG 441, 443), machine cancelled 'AVONDALE', addressed to England. Struck with green boxed '1/9d TO PAY' cachet duly applied with GB 1d, 8d and 1/- dues. £15
RU2139 1970 24th August, cover bearing 15c Posta (SG 455) machine cancelled SALISBURY sent Airmail to Scotland. Applied with red/white printed label 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' and struck with green instructional cachet endorsed '1/9'. Then applied with 3d, 6d and 1/- GB dues. £20
RU2136 1970 26th August, cover bearing 8c decimal definitive (SG 444) machine cancelled SALISBURY sent Airmail to England. Applied with red/white printed label 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' and struck with green 'MORE TO PAY / INSUFFICIENT PREPAID / D 7' cachet. Then applied with GB 3d and 4d dues. £20
RU2138 1970 date obscured, cover bearing 5c and 10c definitives (SG 443, 445) machine cancelled HIGHLANDS sent Airmail to Scotland. Applied with red/white printed label 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA STAMPS (etc.)' and struck with violet instructional cachet endorsed '3/6'. Reverse then applied with 6d pair and 2/6 GB dues. £20
RU2236 1970 26th August, cover bearing 2½c definitive, machine cancelled 'BULAWAYO' addressed to Livingstone. No apparent tax markings then applied with Zambian 5n cancelled 'LIVINGSTONE'. £25
RU1340 1970 28th August, airmail cover bearing 2½c and 5c definitives Salisbury to Jersey. Small black on white 'SOUTHERN RHODESIAN STAMPS / The States of Jersey has announced [etc]' label affixed then applied with 1d, 2d x four and 1/- (SG D1, D2, D4) Jersey Dues tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps. £25
RU1351 1970 August, airmail cover bearing 2½c PTC, Salisbury to Kitwe. Violet double ring 'T/5' endorsed '2'. Reverse applied with 1N and pair of 3N definitives used as postage dues tied Kitwe datestamps. £20
RU1354 1970 August, airmail cover Salisbury to India, bearing 5c x two definitives. Semi-circular 'CALCUTTA / DUE' tax marking applied in black and endorsed 'RS 2/10'. No due stamps applied as normal. £30
RU1353 1970 August, airmail cover bearing 10c definitive, Salisbury to India. Black semi-circular 'CALCUTTA / DUE' tax marking applied and endorsed 'RS 2/10'. No due stamps applied as normal. £30
RU1343 1970 2nd September, airmail cover bearing 2½c and 5c definitives Salisbury to Guernsey, violet boxed 'TO PAY / POSTED / UNPAID cachet endorsed '1/10' applied with 1d x two, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d and 6d Guernsey dues (SG D1-D6) tied Guernsey Post Office datestamps. £25
RU1341 1970 3rd September, airmail cover bearing 2½c and 5c definitives Salisbury to Jersey. Small black on white 'SOUTHERN RHODESIAN STAMPS / The States of Jersey has announced [etc]' label affixed then applied with 3d strip of three and 1/- (SG D3, D4) Jersey Dues tied Jersey Channel Islands datestamps. £25
RU1352 1970 7th September, registered airmail window envelope, Causeway to Zambia. No tax markings but reverse bears pairs of 1N and 15N definitives used as postage dues tied Kitwe datestamps. £20
RU2141 1970 November, airmail cover bearing 2½c definitive, Causeway to Zambia. Upon arrival endorsed in pencil 'T2c' the applied with 2n and 5n definitives used as postage cancelled 'LUSAKA'. £20
RU2555 1971 22nd February, UK Postal Strike. Airmail cover bearing 15c decimal definitive, cancelled 'AVONDALE', addressed to England, in addition 50c decimal definitive applied lower left similarly cancelled, this paying the additional charge for delivery in the UK. truck with double ring 'EMERGENCY / MAIL SERVICE' cachet plus green 'BRISTOL EMERGENCY POST' cachet. £25
RU1434 1971 23rd February, Airmail cover bearing 1/6 Harrison with additional pairs of 1/- and 1/6 Harrisons (=50c) paying special charge for UK delivery, and struck with double ring 'EMERGENCY / MAIL SERVICE' cachet. £25
RA4260 1971, printed British folded 'POST CARD-REPLY', bearing 2½p Machin, the reply section cancelled dc 'MORGENSTER / RHODESIA' for the 27th July. Printed address to Sussex. A scarce office on cover.

Note: the sender of this item, R. King, apparently posted the same post card to all existing Post Offices in the Commonwealth, including Rhodesia, as usage of these reply cards was soon to be abolished.
RU1923 1971 4th - 6th September. Three covers bearing 8c decimal definitive (SG 444), each cancelled with different special pictorial datestamp for KARIBA, TROUTBECK and VICTORIA FALLS. The latter seen regularly but the former two are very scarce and hardly ever encountered. Unusual trio. £30
RU1909 1971 10th November, printed VICTORIA FALLS HOTEL cover bearing 5c and 8c decimal definitives (SG 443, 444), cancelled with special pictorial 'VICTORIA FALLS / RHODESIA' datestamp. Very fine. £20
RU1432 1971 (date unclear), Airmail cover Bulawayo to UK bearing 5c and 10c definitives, with additional 50c definitive paying special delivery charge for UK delivery, and struck with double ring 'EMERGENCY / MAIL SERVICE' cachet. £20
RU2496 1971 15th December, printed 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE' manila envelope, bearing 25c Granite (SG 468), cancelled 'CAUSEWAY'. Printed 'GOVERNMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT' address label, to England. Struck with violet 'INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE FOR AIRMAIL (etc.)' hand stamp at left. Some creasing. Unusual and attractive. £25
RU2242 1971 31st December, cover bearing 2c, 3½c and 20c decimal definitives, cancelled 'UMTALI' and sent registered airmail to Mauritius. Apparently allowed and by this point the Mauritian authorities ceased surcharging mail from Rhodesia. £20
RA5011 1972 31st October, Post Office printed blue/white REGISTERED LETTER envelope, bearing 2c and 13c Christmas (SG 477, 479), cancelled ‘UNION AVENUE SALISBURY’, printed registration label, addressed to Hatfield. £10
RU1916 1973 2nd April, illustrated official David Livingstone Centenary First Day Cover, unusually but appropriately cancelled with special pictorial 'VICTORIA FALLS / RHODESIA' datestamp. £15
RU1924 1973 31st July, airmail cover struck with special International Dental Conference cachet, Victoria Falls, bearing W.M.O. 3c cancelled with pictorial 'VICTORIA FALLS datestamp. Uncommon. £15
RA2138 1973 1st – 4th November, set of 5 printed covers for the various Boeing 720 First Flights, each bearing 4c decimal definitive (SG 442b) and with special 'FIRST SCHEDULED FLIGHT' cachets. Salisbury to Johannesburg, Salisbury to Beira, Bulawayo to Johannesburg, Salisbury to Lourenco Marques and Salisbury to Durban. £20
RU11 1973 1st – 4th November, two printed covers for the various Boeing 720 First Flights, each bearing 7½c c decimal definitive (SG 443c), Salisbury to Johannesburg and Salisbury to Durban. Each with relevant special 'FIRST SCHEDULED FLIGHT' cachet and rubber stamped by the Captain of each. £25
R70 1973 14th December, airmail cover bearing 4c Responsible Government 'MOUNT PLEASANT' to Johannesburg. Straight line violet bilingual 'UNKNOWN (etc.)' cachet applied in South Africa and endorsed 'RETURN TO SENDER' . Attractive. £12
RU2666 c1974 date unclear, printed manilla 'THE RHODESIA HERALD' newspaper wrapper, bearing 50c decimal definitive (SG 450), cancelled indistinct SALISBURY, addressed to Cape Town. Attractive and uncommon. £45
RA9174 1974 23rd January, printed 'O.H.M.S.' cover, 'FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY . . . . TOUR RHODESIA, THE HOLIDAY COUNTRY' below. Un-addressed but struck with violet boxed 'MAGISTRATES OFFICE' cachet lower left. Unusual. £10
RU2170 1974 25th April, printed cover for the Ruwa Park Cuboree, bearing 2½c decimal definitive (SG 441), cancelled with special magenta boxed strike. £10
RA2139 1974 30th May, printed cover for the Golden Jubilee of Parliament in Rhodesia, bearing 2½c (SG 484) cancelled at SALISBURY and with special large sc PARLIAMENTARY EXHIBITION cachet. £5
RA7355 1975 5th February, Postcard bearing 5c animal definitive, sent underpaid to Lundy, Bristol Channel. Struck with boxed green 'TO PAY' cachet and upon arrival applied with Lundy 2 puffin local issue, cancelled 'LUNDY 14 FEB 75'. Most unusual. £45
RU110 1975 1st June, Dr. Albert Schweitzer Centenary commemoration card, applied with 2½c definitive cancelled 'BULAWAYO. Printed on both sides and published by The National Museum of Rhodesia, Bulawayo. Unusual. £20
RU2320 1975 25th August, envelope bearing 4c Animal definitive (SG 492), cancelled with special large 'VICTORIA FALLS / RHODESIA' datestamp. Typewritten alongside 'In Commemoration of THE FIRST POLITICAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE between THE RHODESIAN GOVT. and the A.N.C. of RHODESIA / the S.A.R. Train, VICTORIA FALLS BRIDGE'. Addressed to Johannesburg. Most unusual. £65
RA7188 1975 2nd October, airmail cover from Belgium, addressed to 'The Hon. Ian Smith / Prime Minister', struck with magenta security cachet 'CHECKED / G.P.S.O.' and signed. Attractive. £45
RU2109 1976 16th September, window envelope bearing 2½c and 1c bisect definitives. Both machine cancelled ‘SALISBURY’ indicating this practice as being allowed. Uncommon.
Note: on the 1st July various postal rates were increased, no postal rates remaining such that it included a ½c rate. On that same date all stamps that indicated a ½c face value were withdrawn. However, they were still valid for postage so anyone who wanted to use a 2½c would need to add an additional 1c stamp, thus overpaying by ½c. This was not of any great significance, although some people did bisect a 1c stamp to avoid over-paying. At first this was allowed, although sometime on the 16th September this was suddenly stopped and any further covers were treated as underpaid and taxed
RU1943 1976 12th Octobber, cover endorsed at top 'Forces Mail' and struck with green rectangular 'B.S.A. POLICE / VICTORIA FALLS (date inserted by hand)' cachet with corresponding datestamp below. £25
RU2184 1976 16th October, printed cover for the 19th Jamboree-on-the-air Scouting event, Ruwa Park. Bearing 3c definitive (SG 491), cancelled 'RUWA'. £6
RU2171 1976 16th October, printed cover for the 19th Jamboree-on-the-air Scouting event, Hillside, Bulawayo. Bearing 4c Animals (SG 529), cancelled 'HILLSIDE'. £8
RA1589 1976 28th October, printed political cover for the Opening of the Geneva Conference on Rhodesia. The same printed cover as for the 'Kissinger proposals', but overprinted in red top left ' Opening of Geneva Conference / on Rhodesia / 28th October 1976'. Bearing 5c Animals definitive cancelled at SALISBURY. SOLD
RU1944 1976 4th November, cover endorsed at top 'Forces Mail' and struck with green rectangular 'B.S.A. POLICE / VICTORIA FALLS' cachet with corresponding datestamp below. £20
RU2180 1977 30th April, long printed cover for Trade Fair 77 plus Scouting Emblems, bearing 3c Birds (SG 537), cancelled 'BULAWAYO'. £8
RU2325 1977 7th November, envelope bearing 6c and 20c definitives, cancelled 'UNION AVENUE SALISBURY', and sent registered to Johannesburg. Further applied with 1977 RAPT label illustrating an Antbear. Unusual. £20
RU2324 1977 10th November, envelope bearing 6c and 20c definitives, cancelled 'UNION AVENUE SALISBURY', and sent registered to Johannesburg. Further applied with 1977 RAPT label illustrating Brown Hyenas. Unusual. £20
RA3248 1977 and 1978, two printed RHODESIA registered envelopes, one light and the other darker buff papers. Both sent registered airmail to South Africa from SALISBURY or BULAWAYO, and both with machine printed registration label with value indicated at 26c or 32c. Fine and uncommon. £10
RA1594 1978 3rd March, printed political cover for the signing of Constitutional Agreement giving Rhodesia one man one vote (once) by the end of 1978. Illustrated with picture of the signing ceremony, bearing 4c animals definitive cancelled at SALISBURY. £6
RU2552 1978 1st May, printed envelope for the Opening of the Bulawayo Trade Fair, bearing the issued set. Cancelled 'BULAWAYO'. £10
RU138 1978 3rd May, registered stationery envelope bearing 8c and 16c definitives, cancelled 'KAMBANI WANKIE' datestamp, addressed to Bulawayo. Plain registration label hand stamped in violet. Most unusual. £20
RU1948 1978 18th July, group of six covers each with 3c definitive, and each cancelled with a different 'VICTORIA FALLS' datestamp, apparently all those available at the Post Office at that time. Obviously philatelic, although a remarkable record from the era. £45
RU2507 1978 24th July, manila stationery registered envelope bearing 24c definitive, cancelled 'KAMBANI WANKIE / RHODESIA' datestamp in VIOLET. Addressed to Bulawayo, plain registration label with violet handstamp. Unusual. £30
RU2187 1978 9th September, printed cover for the 50th Chancellor Cup Scout Meeting, bearing 4c definitive (SG 557), cancelled 'RUNIVILLE'. £6
RU108 1978 28th October, printed cover for the 'JAMBOREE ON THE AIR', bearing 4c definitive cancelled 'FORT VICTORIA'. £8
RU1945 1978 31st October, printed company cover endorsed at top 'Forces Mail' and sent without charge. Struck at upper right with violet 'RHODESIA ARMY / OFFICIAL FREE' cachet and below 'VICTORIA FALLS' datestamp. Addressed to Salisbury. £20
RU2506 1979 26th March, envelope bearing 30c definitive, cancelled 'KAMBANI WANKIE' datestamp, sent registered to Bulawayo. Violet hand stamped registration label, arrival backstamps. £20
RU2510 1979 19th May, printed envelope for the Centenary of Albert Einstein, bearing 9c definitive cancelled 'BULAWAYO'. Two different violet cachets, and recorded as number '255'. Apparently issued by Barclays Bank at the Bulawayo Trade Fair. Explanatory note about Albert Einstein enclosed. Most unusual and not previously seen. £35
RU2545 1979 May/June, two printed envelopes for the last day of Rhodesia, 31st May, and the first day of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1st May. Each bearing 5d definitive, cancelled 'SALISBURY'. These number 936 of 1500 produced, although few apparently remain. £20
RU1947 1979 22nd June, cover endorsed at top 'FORCES MAIL' and sent without charge. Struck at lower right with blue-green 'RHODESIAN ARMY / OFFICIAL FREE' cachet and 'VICTORIA FALLS (blank below)' datestamp. Attractive. £20
RU2664 1979 3rd September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War, latest atrocities committed by them and the Security Forces response.The death of one member of the security forces, murder by ambush in the western area and further murder of six black civilians. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU2662 1979 6th September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', printed both sides, giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War. A communique announcing the major operation into the Gaza province in Mozambique, a fascinating account of information received from a captured FPLM terrorist and the planned actions apparently being undertaken by them, plans by Mugabe for a major operation and so thus the pre-emptive by the security forces. Also the downing of a Bell 205 helicopter. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £35
RU2661 1979 7th September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', printed both sides, giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War, the operation in the Gaza province in Mozambique destroying five bridges and further details of the ongoing action. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU2660 1979 7th September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', printed both sides, giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War, updates on the operation in the Gaza province in Mozambique and that more than 300 terrorists had been killed. Further of an attack on a boat on the Zambezi river and elimination of the occupants. And an attack on a 74 year old widow in the Eastern District. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU2659 1979 7th September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', printed both sides, giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War, latest atrocities committed by them and the Security Forces response, including an operation in the Gaza province in Mozambique and the deaths of 12 members of the security forces and that more than 300 terrorists had been killed. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU2658 1979 10th September, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', printed both sides, giving the latest details of the ongoing Terrorist War, latest atrocities committed by them and the Security Forces response, including an operation in the Gaza province in Mozambique as being a resounding success, with further details of ongoing operations.. The deaths of 2 members of the security forces. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU116 1979 29th August, printed 'PRESS STATEMENT' issued by the Department of Information. 'COMBINED OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS COMMUNIQUE', this just a single announcement of a member of the security forces death in action. A fascinating account from the time, and no doubt a very scarce survivor. £30
RU2186 1979 15th November, printed cover for the 70th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts Association, bearing 4c definitive (SG 557), cancelled with special red machine datestamp. Uncommon. £15
RA2145 1979 21st December, printed illustrated cover for the Ceasefire Agreement, bearing 7c definitive (SG 559) cancelled SALISBURY. £4
RA5192 1980 10th January, printed dark blue / blue Airletter, endorsed at top 'FORCES MAIL'. Then struck with violet boxed 'RHODESIAN ARMY / M. P. O. 2' cachet upper right. Further struck with violet circular 'RHODESIAN ARMY / (crest) / OFFICIAL FREE' cachet. The airletter then flown on the inaugural flight SALISBURY - LONDON on British Airways receiving an appropriate cachet 'CARRIED BY PASSENGER'. Most unusual. £20
RU2505 1980 8th February, envelope bearing 30c definitive, cancelled 'KAMBANI WANKIE' datestamp, sent registered to Bulawayo. Printed registration label, arrival backstamps. £20
RU2172 c1980 printed 'BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE', addressed in part to 'Management Committee Ballot Paper - Contributor'. Very fine unused. A most unusual survivor. £10
RU2674 1980 2nd April, printed envelope for the First Flight Salisbury to London by Air Zimbabwe. Bearing 9c definitive, cancelled 'SALISBURY'. Signed by the pilot. No. 318 of an unknown number produced, although few remain. SOLD
MPO unused labels
The start and escalation of the Bush or Terrorist war in Rhodesia required the establishment of a specific postal service to suit the special requirements of the service members and those who wished to communicate with them, as the existing postal network did not operate in the remote and hostile environments service members were often located in. In collaboration with the Posts and Telecommunications Corporation, the Military Post Office (MPO) was established in February 1974, serving Operation Hurricane in the north and north east of Rhodesia, which grew and became more complex with time and the escalation of the war. The system developed was as follows: Service members received, upon call-up, specially printed M.P.O. labels which they were required to complete. A 'specimen' label would be given to any member of the general public who wished to communicate with them. On this label was indicated their regimental number, name and initials, company and unit. Additional completed labels were then affixed to any postal article, charged and posted in the normal way. All postal items bearing such labels were, initially, sorted and delivered to 2 Brigade Headquarters, Old Cranborne Barracks. They were then sorted there and delivered to sub MPO's in the operational areas. Should it be required, they were further delivered into the field by whatever Military Transport was available. The system was expanded into the Operation Thrasher area in the eastern border district, then into Operation Repulse in the Fort Victoria area, with a corresponding increase in sub MPO's and delivery networks.

A far more detailed explanation of this service can be found in the article written by Cecil Russell, a copy of which is available upon request)

The labels used were as follows: MPO 2 Salisbury, GREEN, Operation Hurricane
MPO 3 Umtali, SALMON, Operation Thrasher
MPO 4 Fort Victoria, WHITE, Operation Repulse
MPO 5 Gwelo, GREY, Operation Grapple
MPO 1 Bulawayo, YELLOW, Operation Tangent – although this saw limited use with the cessation of hostilities.

The system of MPO's catered for all postal articles addressed TO service members. Mail FROM service members were sent without charge, and required the endorsement 'Forces Mail' and relevant unit handstamp.

The selection offered below is related to the MPO system. It is interesting to note that these covers exist in far smaller quantities than mail sent from service members, which is strange as one would assume that members of the public would be in a better position to communicate with, rather than receive mail from them. A possible explanation is, to a service member in a hostile and remote area, the last thing on his mind would be to retain an envelope for the sake of philatelic prosterity.
RU2019 1968 16th March, colour Post Card posted unpaid and struck with bold red rectangular and crested '2 (IND) COMPANY / ROYAL RHODESIA / REGIMENT / OFFICIAL FREE / KARIBA, RHODESIA' cachet. Further 'KARIBA' ads and addressed to Salisbury. Very fine and a scarce item from the earlier part of the terrorist war. £45
MPO1 1974 – 77 M.P.O. (military Post Office) labels. An apparently complete collection of these including reprints, comprising: M.P.O. 1 SALISBURY, on green (February 1974) M.P.O. 1 altered to ‘2’ in ink, on deeper green (utilised June 1976) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, on yellowish green (February 1974) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, non-serifed lettering, on blue-green (24th September 1976) M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, non-serifed lettering, on bluish green (23rd May 1977) M.P.O. 1 BULAWAYO, on yellow (September 1976) M.P.O. 3 SALISBURY, on salmon (1st March 1976) M.P.O. 3 (SALISBURY) hansdtamped over in violet ‘UMTALI’, on salmon (10th March 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on orange (August 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on pale salmon (second printing, August 1976) M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, on mottled pale salmon (3rd May 1977) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, on white (13th May 1976) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, dark grey on white (October 1976) M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, on white (3rd May 1977) M.P.O. 5 GWELO, on pale blue (30th November 1977) A total of 15 labels, unused on gummed paper. A most unusual group.
Note: this group was accumulated by a serving member of the Armed Forces at the time, and may be assumed to be the definitive record of these labels.
MPO2 M.P.O. 1 SALISBURY, black on green serif lettering. First printing, February 1974. £15
RA6033 M. P. O. 2 SALISBURY, black on green serif lettering. Addressed but not used.

Note: members of the public were given a sample or specimen copy of the label indicating name, rank etc. of the person concerned, thus enabling them to keep a permant record of the servicemans whereabouts.
MPO3 M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, black on green serif lettering, with manuscript alteration of original '1' to '2'. June 1976 £15
MPO4 M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, black on green serif lettering. First printing, February 1974. £15
MPO5 M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, black on blue-green sans serif lettering. Second printing,September 1976. £15
MPO6 M.P.O. 2 SALISBURY, black on blue-green, sans serif lettering. Third printing, May, 1977. £15
MPO7 M.P.O. 3 SALISBURY, black on salmon serif lettering. First printing, March 1976. £15
MPO8 M.P.O. 3 with violet rubber handstamp 'UMTALI' cancelling 'SALISBURY', black on salmon serif lettering. First printing March 1976, handstamped July 1976. £15
MPO9 M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, black on salmon, sans serif lettering. Second printing, August 1976. £15
MPO10 M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, black on light salmon sans serif lettering. Third printing, May 1977. £15
MPO11 M.P.O. 3 UMTALI, black on light salmon sans serif lettering. Third printing, May 1977. £15
MPO12 M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, black on white sans serif lettering. Second printing, October 1976. £20
MPO13 M.P.O. 4 FORT VICTORIA, black on white sans serif lettering. Third printing, May 1977. £20
MPO14 M.P.O. 1 BULAWAYO, black on yellow sans serif lettering, black on yellow. First printing, September 1976 £20
MPO15 M.P.O. 5 GWELO, black on pale blue sans serif lettering. First printing, November 1977. £25
MPO covers
MPO17 1974 20th September, cover with green M.P.O. 1 SALISBURY label, machine cancelled BULAWAYO, postage paid at 3c. £35
RA6907 1974 26th September, cover bearing 3c definitive (SG 491), machine cancelled ‘QUE QUE’, applied with printed black/green ‘M. P. O. 1 SALISBURY’ label. Roughly opened at left, otherwise fine and clean. £30
MPO20 1974 2nd October, cover with green M.P.O. 1 SALISBURY label, machine cancelled BULAWAYO, postage paid at 3c. £25
RA6909 1974 3rd October, cover bearing 3c definitive (SG 491), machine cancelled ‘RAYLTON’, applied with printed black/green ‘M. P. O. 1 SALISBURY’ label. Fine and clean. £30
RA6913 1979, two printed ‘ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE’ envelopes, struck with violet circular ‘RHODESIA ARMY / OFFICIAL FREE’ cachets, plus boxed violet ‘RHODESIAN ARMY MPO 5’ and ‘RHODESIAN ARMY MPO 51’ cachets respectively. £20
Army use of the MPO system
MPO45 1979 1st June, group of six long envelopes each struck with different violet rectangular cachet 'RHODESIAN ARMY / 1 JUN 1979' and each from a different MPO sub PO, being M.P.O. 22, M.P.O. 23, M.P.O. 31, M.P.O. 32, M.P.O. 33, and M.P.O. 42. In addition each struck with violet circular 'RHODESIA ARMY / crest / OFFICIAL FREE' cachet above MPO strike. All unaddressed. Unusual group £60
MPO46 1980 21st March, large envelope cancelled FORT VICTORIA, addressed to Causeway. Struck with violet rectangular cachet 'RHODESIAN ARMY / 21 MAR 1980 / M. P. O. 4'. £25
MPO47 1980 9th April, long envelope cancelled FORT VICTORIA, addressed to Causeway. Struck with violet rectangular cachet 'RHODESIAN ARMY / 9 APR 1980 / M. P. O. 4'. £20
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