SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Upper right corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR hinged in the margin only, the stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. Most attractive and a rare multiple. T&M 2.1
SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Upper left corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR, hinged in the margin only, the stamps superb fresh unmounted mint. Most attractive. Rare. T&M 2.2
SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Upper marginal BLOCK OF SIX (3x2) showing plate number ‘2’. Hinge marks on one, the other five stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. Several stamps showing letters out of alignment. A very rare and attractive multiple. T&M 5.1
Last update: 9th July, 2024
Stamps of Transvaal ZAR overprinted 'Swaziland'
TS298 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1d carmine (perf 12½x12) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Hinge remnants, otherwise fine mint. SG 1 £15
TS531 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1d carmine (perf 12½x12) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Hinge remnants, otherwise fine mint. SG 1 £15
TS369 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1d carmine (perf 12½x12) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ in black. COMPLETE PANE OF 60 with full margins. Some splitting and reinforcing, mainly in the margin, the majority of stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. A rare and spectacular survivor. SG 1 £1,100
TS297 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1/- green (perf 12½x12) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Very fine mint with light hinge remnant. SG 3 £12
TS575 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1/- green (perf 12½x12) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Horizontal marginal pair from the upper right corner of the pane. The right hand stamp showing damaged ‘e’. Superb fresh unmounted mint. PFSA certificate (1999). SG 3 £65
TS276 1889 Transvaal ZAR 1/- green (perf 12½x12) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Very fine used with light part strikes of the Bremersdorp squared circle datestamp SG 3 £12
TS378 1889 Transvaal ZAR ½d grey over-printed ‘Swazieland’ in black. Variety overprint misplaced horizontally. Very fine mint. Unusual. SG 4 var £45
TS532 1889 Transvaal ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Hinge remnant, otherwise fine mint. SG 5 £20
MS2 1889 Transvaal ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Upper right corner block of four, stamp 1/10 showing lower half of 'e' blocked. Fresh unmounted, vertical crease in margin partially splitting the paper. SG 5 and var. £150
MS4 1889 Transvaal ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½) overprinted 'Swazieland'. Showing 'Swazilan' variety (pane C, row 6/1 with dot above left-hand '2'). Fine mint. R.P.S. certificate (1982). SG 5b £300
TS370 1889 Transvaal ZAR 6d blue (perf 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ in black. COMPLETE PANE OF 60 with full margins. Split vertically through the centre and rejoined and with some other minor splitting and reinforcing, mainly in the margin. Very fine or superb fresh mint with more than half the stamps being unmounted. A very rare and spectacular survivor. SG 6 £1,500
TS534 1889 Transvaal ZAR 6d blue overprinted 'Swazieland'. Perforation fault and creased, otherwise fine used with Bremersdorp (11 OCT 94) squared circle datestamp. With large part original gum suggesting CTO usage. SG 6 £15
MS5 1890 Transvaal ZAR 2/6 buff overprinted ‘Swazieland’. Heavy overprint from the second printing. Fresh and fine mint. SG 7 £225
TS591 1890 Transvaal ZAR 2/6 buff overprinted. 'Swazieland'. Very fine used with part BREMERS(DORP) oval datestamp struck in violet. Very scarce. SG 7 £375
TS537 1890 Transvaal ZAR 5/- slate-blue overprinted 'Swazieland'. Fine used with Bremersdorp (11 OCT 94) squared circle datestamp. With large part original gum suggesting CTO usage. Scarce. SG 8 £175
MS6 1892 Transvaal ZAR ½d grey overprinted 'Swazieland' in carmine. Block of four showing overprint offset on reverse. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 10 vars. £150
MS164 1892 Transvaal ZAR ½d grey, overprinted 'Swazieland' in carmine, major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Very fine mint. P.F.S.A. certificate (1983). SG 10b £400
TS355 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR ½d grey (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. Hinge remnants and small perf stain (visible on reverse), otherwise very fine mint. Very scarce. £150
TS579 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR ½d grey (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland.’ with round stop. Very fine mint with small hinge remnant. RPS certificate (2013). Rare. £175
TS580 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR ½d grey (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland.’ with square stop. Thin and crease mentioned on PFSA certificate (2012), otherwise fine mint. £75
TS582 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR ½d grey (perf 12½ x 12½). overprinted ‘Swazieland.’ BLOCK OF FOUR, each showing square stop. The upper pair with reinforced splitting and hinge remnants, the lower pair is superb unmounted mint. RPS certificate (2017). A rare multiple. £450
TS587 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR 1d carmine (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. Very fine fresh mint with faint hinge mark. BPA certificate (2002). Very scarce, especially so fine. £175
TS356 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR 1d carmine (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. Thins, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. £75
TS357 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½ x 12½) overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. Shallow thins, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. £125
TS286 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½ x 12½), overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. Corner fault and some staining on reverse, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. £75
MS156 1894 'OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT REPRINTS'. ZAR 2d olive-bistre (perf 12½ x 12½), overprinted ‘Swazieland’ with round stop. A little soiled at top, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. £75
TS292 REPRINT AND FORGERY Reprint of the Transvaal ZAR 1/- green, bearing a forged ‘Swazieland’ overprint and line perforated 12½x12 (the genuine is comb perforated). Block of 15 (5x3), very fine unmounted mint. (As SG 3) £45
Stamps inscribed 'SWAZILAND'
TS403 1933 KGV 5/- DIE PROOF printed in black on thin white card. Imperforate with large margins. Very light, unobtrusive horizontal crease at base. Most attractive and very rare. Discussed and illustrated in ‘Swaziland Philately to 1968’ (2013, p220) by Peter van der Molen. £675
TS404 1933 KGV 10/- DIE PROOF printed in black on thin white card. Imperforate with large margins. Very small unobtrusive horizontal crease at left. Most attractive and very rare. Discussed and illustrated in ‘Swaziland Philately to 1968’ (2013, p220) by Peter van der Molen. £675
MS158 1933 KGV definitives, ½d to 10/-, complete set of ten values perforated ‘SPECIMEN’. Very fine fresh mint. SG 11s-20s £250
MS271 1933 KGV definitives, ½d to 10/-, complete set of ten values perforated ‘SPECIMEN’. Hinge traces, wondefully fresh mint. Exceptional. SG 11s-20s £285
TS118 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. The 2/6 and 5/- off-centre (the 5/- so far it is almost a variety) otherwise very fine mint with the 10/- apparently unmounted. SG 11-20 £75
TS185 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-, fine mint. SG 11-20 £90
TS372 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-, very fine or superb mint. Most with very light, almost imperceptible hinge marks, the three high values appear unmounted. SG 11-20 £125
MS78 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten values ½d to 10/-. Very fine or superb and fresh unmounted, all bar the 2/6 marginal. SG 11-20 £275
TS337 1933 KGV definitive, ½d to 6d each a lower marginal copy showing plate '1' in margin. Fine or very fine mint, the 4d with margin detached. Lovely. SG 11-16 £20
MS79 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten values ½d to 10/-. Blocks of four, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely and scarce group. SG 11-20 £900
MS102 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten values ½d to 10/-. Blocks of four, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely and scarce group. SG 11-20 £900
TS340 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. Fine to superb used. SG 11-20 £165
TS373 1933 KGV definitives, ½d to 6d, each a lower right corner pair showing plate ‘1’ in margins. Very fine mint with very light hinge marks. SG 11-16 £25
MS165 1933 KGV definitives, ½d to 2/6 each a lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margins. Very fine unmounted. A highly attractive and very scarce group. SG 11-18 £150
MS239 1933 KGV 3d blue definitive. Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Remarkably scarce. SG 14 £15
MS238 1933 KGV 4d orange definitive. Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margin. Some perfs. parted, very fine unmounted. Remarkably scarce. SG 14 £20
MS49 1933 KGV 2/6 definitive, lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Hinge trace, superb and fresh mint. Lovely. SG 18 £20
TS376 1933 KGV definitives, 2/6 bright violet in a lower left corner block of four. Very fine and fresh unmounted mint. SG 18 £90
TS192 1933 KGV 2/6 definitive. Very fine unmounted. SG 18 £20
TS338 1933 KGV 5/- definitive. Hinge trace, very fine mint. SG 19 £30
TS193 1933 KGV 5/- definitive. Superb unmounted. SG 19 £45
MS50 1933 KGV 5/- definitive, lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Hinge trace, superb and fresh mint. Lovely. SG 19 £40
TS165 1933 KGV 5/- definitive. Lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin, stamp superb unmounted. SG 19 £45
TS213 1933 KGV 5/- definitive, block of four very fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon. SG 19 £175
TS216 1933 KGV 5/- definitive. Very fine used. SG 19 £45
TS339 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Superb unmounted mint. SG 20 £200
TS214 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Superb unmounted. SG 20 £180
TS166 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Upper right corner copy, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. A lovely stamp. SG 20 £185
TS89 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Superb used cancelled ‘MBABANE 31 III 35’. Uncommon. SG 20 £120
TS215 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Very fine used. SG 20 £120
TS186 1933 KGV definitives, 10/- sepia. Fine used with crowned oval fiscal datestamp (21 Feb 34). SG 20 £45
MS264 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee. Set of four values. Superb unmounted. SG 21-24 £15
TS117 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 6d slate and purple. Showing the variety EXTRA FLAGSTAFF. Very fine mint. SG 24a £85
TS285 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 6d slate and purple. Showing the variety EXTRA FLAGSTAFF. Very fine used with Mbabane (3 Nov 35) double circle datestamp. Scarce. SG 24s £190
TS209 1937 KGVI Coronation. Set of three values each in a block of four, very fine used on piece. SG 25-27 £10
MS189 1937 KGVI Coronation, set of three on printed First Day cover, cancelled 'MALKERNS'. Originally to have been sent registered although then cancelled, addressed to New York. Unusual. £30
MS7 1938 KGVI definitive, lower left corner block of four plate proof for the 2/6 duty struck in purple on thin unwatermarked and ungummed paper. Without the ruled blue security lines present on some of these, large part marginal endorsement 'Wrong colour'. Most attractive and very scarce. £650
MS8 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 13. Very fine unmounted. SG 28-38 £165
TS314 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 13, blocks of four. All marginal and mostly corner, clean gum for these, very fine unmounted. A lovely and scarce group. SG 28-38 £700
TS217 1943 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 14. Superb unmounted. SG 28a-38a £65
TS160 1943 KGVI definitives, ½d to 1/- set of eight values perf. 13½ x 14. Each in a lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margins. Hinged on two stamps on each strip, otherwise unmounted, ½d with one toned perf. An attractive and uncommon group. SG 28a-35a £65
TS225 1943 KGVI definitives, ½d to 10/- set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 14. Each in a lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margins. Hinged on two stamps on each strip, otherwise unmounted. An attractive and scarce group. SG 28a-38a £360
MS241 1943 KGVI definitives, ½d to 10/- set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 14. Each in a lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. An attractive and scarce group. SG 28a-38a £550
MS272 1943-44 KGVI definitives, ½d to 10/- less 2d. Group of lower marginal singles, pairs or corner pairs, all showing plate '1' in margins. Both perforation types, although not all values, and shades. ½d x 3, 1d x 3, 1½d x 3, 3d, 4d, 6d x 2, 1/-, 2/6 x 2, 5/- x 3 and 10/-. Very fine or superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG between 28a-38a £385
TS242 1943-44 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values perf. 13½ x 14. Each in a left or right marginal block of four showing printer's guide cross in margins. Most to 1/- both left and right plus shades, ½d x 5, 1d x 2, 1½d x 2, 2d x 3, 4d x 2 and 1/- x 2. 10/- severed and re-joined, otherwise very fine or superb unmounted. An attractive group. SG 28a-38a £325
MS224 1938-43 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values each a matching lower left corner block of four. Mostly first printings perf. 13½x13, the ½d, 2d and 1/- perf. 13½x14 and 1½d perf. 14. In addition the 2d and 10/- showing plate '1' in margins. Typical gum for the early printings, very fine or superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG 28a, 29, 30a, 31a, 32, 33, 34, 35a, 36, 37, 38 £675
MS259 1943-50 KGVI definitives, ½d to 1/- set of eight values perf. 13½ x 14. Each a lower left corner block of four. All very fine used cancelled 'STEGI 8 XI 47'. Lovely group. SG 28a, 29a, 30b, 31a, 32d, 33a, 34b, 35a £50
MS248 1943-50 KGVI definitives, ½d to 1/- set of eight values perf. 13½ x 14, the ½d the bronze-green shade. Each a lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margins. All very fine used lightly cancelled 'MBABANE 7 1 53'. Lovely group. SG 28b, 29a, 30b, 31a, 32d, 33a, 34c, 35a £225
MS187 1938 1st April, envelope bearing KGVI ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d and 3d (SG 28-32), cancelled 'MBABANE' on the First Day of Issue. Addressed to England. Very fine and clean. £30
MS181 1938 1st April, envelope bearing KGVI ½d to 1/- (SG 28-35), cancelled 'MBABANE' on the First Day of Issue. Addressed to England (Selfridge & Co.). £30
MS52 1938 KGVI ½d light green, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 28 shade £20
TS84 1938 KGVI ½d green, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of six showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 28 £20
MS254 1950 KGVI ½d bronze-green, perf 13½ x 14. Lower left corner block of four, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 28b £10
TS195 1938 KGVI 1d rose-red, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ (number reversed) in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. SG 29 £18
MS54 1938 KGVI 1d rose-red, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ (number reversed) in margin. Thick yellowed gum, very fine unmounted. SG 29 £18
MS275 1943 KGVI 1d rose-red, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ (number reversed) in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 29a £8
MS257 1938 KGVI 1½d light blue, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of four, part imprint. Very fine unmounted. SG 30 £20
MS258 1941 KGVI 1½d light blue, perf. 14. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 30a £8
MS173 1941 KGVI 1½d light blue, perf. 14. Lower right corner of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 30a £15
MS222 1938 KGVI 2d yellow-brown, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 31 £15
MS9 1938 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 13. Superb unmounted. SG 32 £9
MS59 1938 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal strip of four showing full imprint in margin. Thick yellowed gum, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £60
MS86 1938 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of eight showing full imprint in margin. Folded through at centre otherwise very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 32 £110
MS47 1938 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of eight showing full imprint in margin. Folded through at centre otherwise very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 32 £110
MS57 1938 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Thick yellowed gum, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £65
MS11 1938 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 13. Superb unmounted. SG 32a £14
TS197 1938 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of four showing part imprint, superb unmounted mint. SG 32a £60
MS179 1943 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 32a £175
TS230 1938 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner plate ‘1’ block of four, superb unmounted. SG 32a £90
MS12 1938 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 32a £100
MS13 1943 KGVI 3d ultramarine, perf 13½ x 14. Superb unmounted. SG 32b £7
MS15 1947 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 14. Superb unmounted. SG 32d £16
MS261 1947 KGVI 3d deep blue, perf 13½ x 14. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 32d £55
MS274 1943 KGVI 4d orange, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 33a £12
MS17 1938 KGVI 6d deep magenta, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 34 £250
TS200 1944 KGVI 6d reddish purple, perf. 13½ x 14. Lower marginal block of four showing part imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 34b £20
MS260 1944 KGVI 6d reddish purple, perf 13½ x 14. Right marginal block of four showing printer's guide cross in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 34b £15
MS70 1944 KGVI 6d reddish purple, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 34b £27
TS264 1954 KGVI 6d claret, perf 13½ x 14. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 34c £35
MS62 1938 KGVI 1/- brown-olive, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margin. Fresh gum for these, very fine unmounted. SG 35 £125
MS277 1943 KGVI 1/- brown-olive, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 35a £10
MS196 1938 KGVI 2/6 bright violet, perf 13½ x 13. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Characteristic gum, superb unmounted. SG 36 £180
TS243 1943 KGVI 2/6 violet, perf. 13½ x 14. Superb unmounted. SG 36a £20
TS161 1943 KGVI 2/6 violet, perf. 13½ x 14. Upper marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 36a £80
TS233 1943 KGVI 2/6 violet, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner pair showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 36a £70
MS172 1943 KGVI 2/6 violet, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Hinged on one stamp at top otherwise unmounted. SG 36a £120
TS224 1947 KGVI 2/6 reddish violet, perf. 13½ x 14. Lower marginal strip of four showing full imprint, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 36b £120
MS77 1947 KGVI 2/6 reddish violet, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner pair showing plate ‘1’ in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 36b £65
TS245 1938 KGVI 5/- grey, perf 13½ x 13. Superb unmounted. SG 37 £50
TS266 1938 KGVI 5/- grey, perf 13½ x 13. Lower marginal showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 37 £55
TS234 1938 KGVI 5/- grey, perf 13½ x 13. Block of four very fine used cancelled 'EMBEMBE 5 SEP 42' datestamps. SG 37 £70
TS247 1943 KGVI 5/- slate, perf 13½ x 14. Upper marginal, superb fresh unmounted. SG 37a £45
TS143 1944 KGVI 5/- grey, perf. 13½ x 14. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 37b £145
TS300 1944 KGVI 5/- grey, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 37b £110
MS74 1944 KGVI 5/- grey, perf 13½ x 14. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 37b £250
TS267 1938 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 13. Very fine unmounted. SG 38 £55
TS183 1938 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 13. Upper marginal superb unmounted. SG 38 £55
TS95 1938 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf 13½ x 13. Block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 38 £240
MS223 1938 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 13. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Folded vertically and horizontally, lightly browned gum but still remarkably clean gum for this, very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 38 £300
MS252 1938 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 13. Lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margin. Folded vertically, superb unmounted with remarkably clean gum for these. Very scarce. SG 38 £850
TS301 1943 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 14. Lower left corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 38a £30
MS256 1943 KGVI 10/- sepia, perf. 13½ x 14. Lower marginal block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 38a £45
MT81 1947 UPU Paris Congress, blue rexine folder applied internally with KGVI definitive set of 11 values plus 1947 Royal visit set. Fine and uncommon. £70
TS593 1945 Victory 1d brown and carmine. An upper right corner horizontal strip of three, each stamp showing distinctive interrupted printing of the frame at top, with the corner stamp particularly affected. Hinge marks in the margin, the stamps are superb unmounted mint. A most unusual and spectacular variety on an issue largely devoid of errors. SG 39 + var. £450
TS317 1945 Victory 1d brown and carmine. Lower right corner block of eight (4x2) showing marginal arrow. Also showing a very unusual variety on stamp R10/4 with the printing, overprinting and perforating occurring over a paper intrusion (a piece of selvedge 12x28mm). Superb fresh unmounted mint. A wonderful variety on an issue largely devoid of errors. SG 39 + var. £550
MS262 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, set superb unmounted. SG 46-47 £28
TS152 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, set in pairs, the 10/- lower marginal showing imprint. Superb unmounted. SG 46-47 £85
TS205 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, set in lower right corner blocks of eight showing plates ‘1’ and imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon in this format. SG 46-47 £350
TS206 1948 KGVI 10/- Royal Silver Wedding. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 47 £125
TS341 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Set very fine used. SG 46-47 £35
TS405 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding 10/- purple-brown. Very fine used with part MBABANE (1948) double circle datestamp. SG 47 £30
TS208 1949 UPU, set of four values in blocks of four. Very fine used. SG 48-51 £22
TS358 1956 QEII definitives. Complete set of 12, ½d to £1, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 53-64 £75
TS210 1956 QEII definitives. Complete set of 12 values superb unmounted. SG 53-64 £75
TS189 1956 QEII definitives. 2/6, 5/-, 10/- and £1 very fine used. SG 61-64 £50
TS40 1956 QEII definitives. £1 black and turquoise-blue, superb unmounted mint. SG 64 £35
TS311 1956 QEII definitives, £1 black and turquoise-blue. An upper marginal example, hinged in margin only, the stamp superb unmounted mint. SG 64 £45
TS342 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. Set of 13 values, ½c to R2 very fine unmounted mint. SG 65-77 £50
MS99 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. Set of 13 values, ½c to R2, plus all additional types / positions. Superb and fresh unmounted, a few with Stanley Gibbons circular guarantee handstamp on reverse. Total of 24 stamps. A difficult assembly. SG 65-77b £1,750
MS97 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, 1c, 2c, 2½c x two, 4c, 5c, 25c and 50c, each showing a small shift of the surcharge from the normal position. Superb unmounted. SG 66, 67-69, 71, 72, 74, 75 vars. £20
MS229 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. ½c on ½d black and orange. Lower marginal pair, cut wide to show full imprint and frame plate '1a'. Superb unmounted. SG 65 £12
MS159 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. ½c on ½d black and orange, major variety SURCHARGE INVERTED. Hinge trace, very fine fresh mint. SG 65a £850
MS112 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 1c on 1d black and emerald. Two examples showing either shift of surcharge left or down, both just into margin. Superb unmounted. SG 66 vars. £60
MS90 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 1c on 1d black and emerald, major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE (the second surcharge falling across the horizontal perforations). Superb unmounted. SG 66a £1,650
MS94 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Superb unmounted. SG 73 £35
MS124 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Left marginal example, fresh unmounted mint. SG 73 £35
MS230 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Lower marginal, cut wide to show full imprint. Superb unmounted. SG 73 £45
TS211 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Left marginal block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 73 £140
TS155 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Right marginal block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 73 £140
MS126 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Upper marginal block of four, superb fresh unmounted. SG 73 £140
MS127 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive, on piece in combination with 5c on 6d Type I cancelled MBABANE on the first day of issue. SG 73, 72 £10
MS170 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE (the second surcharge falling across the horizontal perforations). Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 73a £1,800
MS82 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 10c on 1/- black and deep olive. Major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE (the second surcharge falling across the horizontal perforations), right marginal. Superb and fresh unmounted, pencil signature in margin. KGVI Expertising opinion (2014). SG 73a £1,850
MS128 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 25c on 2/6, Type I, left marginal showing surcharge shifted down. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 74 var. £30
MS130 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 50c on 5/-, Type I. On piece in combination with 25c on 2/6 Type I cancelled MBABANE on the first day of issue. SG 75, 74 £5
MS231 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 50c on 5/-, Type II. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 75a £40
MS233 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, R1 on 10/-, type I. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 76 £6
MS225 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, R1 on 10/-, type I. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 76 £12
MS137 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, R1 on 10/-, type I. Horizontal pair on large part (trimmed at right) printed 'ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE' envelope, registered airmail from Mbabane to Canada. SG 76 £10
TS348 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R1 on 10/-, Type II. Superb used. SG 76a £8
MS134 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R1 on 10/-, Type II. Left marginal superb used. SG 76a £8
MS202 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R1 on 10/-, Type III. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb and fresh mint. Very scarce. SG 76b £600
MS203 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R1 on 10/-, Type III. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the sheet, showing imprint and plates '1a 1a' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. RARE. SG 76b £1,700
TS289 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R1 on 10/-, Type III. Very fine used. Scarce. SG 76b £110
MS249 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R2 on £1, Type I. Superb unmounted. SG 77 £22
MS139 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R2 on £1, Type I. In combination with R1 Type I on piece cancelled 'MBABANE' on the first day of issue. SG 77, 76 £20
TS171 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type I. Block of four superb used cancelled central 'MBABANE 27 III 61' datestamp. SG 77 £65
MS141 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Left marginal showing distinct flaws on both the foot of 'R' and back of '2'. Superb unmounted. SG 77a var. £25
MS234 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 77a £65
MS204 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 77a £120
TS349 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Superb used. SG 77a £20
MS142 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Superb used. SG 77a £20
TS170 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II, middle left. Block of four superb used cancelled central 'MBABANE 23 VI 61' datestamp. SG 77a £70
TS212 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. R2 on £1, with Type II at base. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 77b £110
TS308 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. R2 on £1, with Type II at base. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 77b £450
TS169 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II at base. Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 77b £450
MS253 1961 QEII decimal surcharge. R2 on £1, Type II at base. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 77b £800
MS205 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. R2 on £1, with Type II at base. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1a 1a' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. RARE. SG 77b £1,500
MS201 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. R2 on £1, with Type II at base. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the sheet showing imprint and plates '1a 1a' in margins. Hinge trace on four stamps otherwise very fine unmounted. A most attractive and appealing multiple. RARE. SG 77b £1,650
MS143 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. R2 on £1, with Type II at base. Right marginal superb used. SG 77b £225
TS287 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. R2 on £1, Type II with surcharge at base. A right marginal horizontal pair. Very fine used, tied to small piece by part strike of a HLATIKULU (13 IV 62) double circle datestamp. A very scarce pair. SG 77b £350
TS350 1961 QEII decimal definitives, complete set of 12, ½c to R2. Very fine used. SG 78-89 £32
TS172 1961 QEII decimal definitives. R2 black and turquoise-blue. Right marginal example, superb unmounted mint. SG 89 £13
MS236 1961 QEII decimal definitives, R2 black and turquoise-blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 89 £125
MS195 1962 QEII definitive, complete set of 16 values. All corner or marginal, superb unmounted. SG 90-105 £40
TS122 1962 QEII definitives complete set of 16, ½c to R2. Very fine lightly mounted mint. SG 90-105 £12
TS294 1962 QEII ½c 'Swazi Shields' definitive showing a marked 3mm shift of the brown printing to the left, one spear now touching the Queen’s oval. Superb unmounted mint. SG 90 var £45
MS23 1962 QEII ½c 'Swazi Shields' definitive, vertical pair showing a marked 3mm shift of the brown printing to the left, one spear now touching the Queen’s oval. Superb unmounted. SG 90 vars. £90
MS24 1962 QEII 2c 'Forestry' definitive, showing dramatic 7mm upwards shift of the black printing. Normal for comparison. Fine unused, an extraordinary variety. SG 92 var. £90
MS29 1962 QEII 25c 'Swazi Warrior' definitive, watermark inverted. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 102w £110
TS123 1962 QEII definitives. 1c, 2½c, 3½c, 4c, 5c, 7c and 1968 3c on 5c, each in a block of four with variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb unmounted mint. SG 91w, 93w-97w, 136w £85
TS39 1962 QEII decimal definitives. 50c, R1 and R2, the three high values, in corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted mint. SG 103-105 £100
TS125 1968 Independence issue miniature sheet of 20 stamps (5 sets of four se-tenant). Superb unmounted mint. SG MS141 £8
TS126 1968 Independence issue miniature sheet of 20 stamps (5 sets of four se-tenant). Very fine used. SG MS141 £12
TS41 1968 QEII definitives overprinted 'INDEPENDENCE'. Set of 17, ½c to R2 (one of each value), in marginal blocks of four, superb unmounted mint. The 50c and R2 with watermark sideways. SG 142-155, 157, 159-160 £55
TS127 1968 QEII definitives overprinted 'INDEPENDENCE'. Set of 17, ½c to R2 (one of each value), in matching marginal blocks of ten. The 50c with watermark upright, the R2 sideways (scarcer versions). Superb fresh mint unmounted. SG 142-157, 160 £145
TS163 1968 QEII ½c definitive overprinted 'INDEPENDENCE'. Showing major variety BROWN OMITTED, right marginal superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 142a £325
TS352 1976 Birds definitive, complete set of 15 values all lower marginal superb unmounted mint. SG 236-250 £20
MS193 1976 Birds definitive, complete set of 15 values in corner blocks of four, showing mixed plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 236-250 £80
TS353 Postage Dues 1933 2d pale violet, ordinary paper. Very fine used cancelled part BREMERSDORP datestamp. SG D2 £30
TS148 Postage Dues 1957 2d pale violet, chalky paper. Lower right corner example showing the variety Large ‘d’. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG D2ab £45
TS90 Postage Dues 1957 2d pale violet, chalky paper. Right marginal pair, the right stamp showing the variety Large ‘d’. Superb unmounted. SG D2ab £45
TS354 Postage Dues 1957 2d pale violet, chalky paper. Very fine used cancelled part datestamp at base. SG D2a £40
TS547 EMBEKELWENI / SWAZILAND (SEP 13) large part strike of a double circle datestamp on a rejoined vertical pair of Transvaal KEVII 6d black and orange. SG 266 / Z72 £15
MS191 MBABANE / SWAZILAND (26 OCT 12) double circle datestamps on Transvaal KEVII 6d pair (SG 266a). £20
TS545 MBABANE / SWAZILAND (23 JUN 07) part double circle datestamp on a Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet. Horizontal crease, otherwise fine. SG 274 / Z80 £8
TS546 MBABANE / SWAZILAND (13 APR 10) large part double circle datestamp, a very fine crisp impression struck on a Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet. SG 274 / Z80 £20
TS379 Picture postcard (undivided back) with black and white photo on viewside titled “Landing Place, Tenbe River, Swazieland.”. Light stain on address side, otherwise fine unused. Very scarce. £55
MS31 1932 proof for the KGV postal stationery card. The wording only in black on thin surfaced paper (140 x 89mm) showing pencilled 'box' for the intended position of the stamp impression, endorsed in ink 'Wording appd', initialled and dated '3/11'. Light paper clip mark at left. RARE. £325
SA1912 1932 31st December, envelope bearing South Africa 1d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O13 or cw), cancelled MBABANE / SWAZILAND, addressed to Pretoria. £25
MS32 1935 KGV postal stationery card, proof impression of the ½d green on buff card, endorsed 'Appd', initialled and dated '25/6' (1935). RARE. £225
MS33 1935 KGV postal stationery card, proof impression of the 1d red on buff card, endorsed 'Appd', initialled and dated '15/11' (1935). RARE. £225
MS34 1932 KGV registered stationery envelope (G size) without stamp impression, folded and glued endorsed 'Appd for wording', initialled and dated '3/11'. Ex. the De La Rue archives. RARE. £225
MS100 1937 (20 Feb), printed On His Majesty's Service' envelope bearing KGV 3d pair, 4d and 6d (SG 14, 15, 16), cancelled MBABANE and sent registered Airmail to England. Minor faults, most attractive multi coloured franking. £55
MS35 1938 KGVI 1d postal stationery card, handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in violet. Scarce. £90
MS37 1938 KGVI 1d postal stationery cards, a group of four showing the variation of colour of both the buff card and printed impressions, all apparently different printings. Very fine unused.
Note: there were eight printings of these cards totalling 70 836 in all
MS36 1938 (?) KGVI 1d postal stationery card, a later printing with 'POST CARD' in smaller font and central uprights of 'W' crossing. Very fine unused. £25
MS183 1939 (July), envelope bearing KGVI 3d ultramarine (SG 32), cancelled EZULWENI 25 JUL, addressed to the USA. £25
TS86 1941 (22nd January), unsealed open letter rate envelope addressed to the USA, bearing KGVI ½d green (SG 28) tied by STEGI (22 Jan) double circle datestamp. Scarce usage. £45
MS188 1942 7th May, envelope bearing KGVI 1½d pair (SG 30a), lightly cancelled PIGGS PEAK, addressed to the USA. Opened at left then resealed with printed 'OPENED BY EXAMINER 5644' label, arrival backstamp. Unusual. £60
MS184 1942 (May), rose envelope bearing KGVI 10/- sepia (SG 38), cancelled BREMERSDORP 19 V, sent registered to Scotland. Most attractive. £45
MS227 1942 15th July, envelope re-used with application of printed Barclays Bank label, bearing KGVI 1½d (SG 30a), cancelled 'BREMERSDORP', addressed to Stegi. Arrival backstamp. Most unusual. £65
MS39 1944 (6th June), KGVI 1d postal stationery card uprated with KGVI ½d (SG 28a), cancelled MBABANE and addressed to Belgian Congo, then locally re-addressed. A most unusual destination. £40
MS185 1946 (June), envelope bearing KGVI 2/6 violet (SG 36a), cancelled STEGI 5 VI, addressed to the USA. Attractive. £35
TS97 1947? (March), envelope endorsed ‘AIR MAIL’ to Canada, bearing KGVI definitives 3d (fault), 6d and 1/- (SG 32d, 34b, 35a) tied by light Bremersdorp (3 Mar) double circle datestamps. An attractive three-colour combination envelope. £40
MS43 1948 (April), KGVI 1d postal stationery card cancelled HLATIKULU and addressed to Heilbron. Fine and clean. £30
TS139 1949 (17th December), unsealed open letter rate envelope addressed to the USA, bearing a single KGVI ½d green (SG 28) tied by BREMERSDORP (17 Dec) double circle datestamp. Scarce usage. £45
TS402 1950 (24th January), KGVI 1d postal stationery card addressed to Southern Rhodesia, the imprinted stamp cancelled with a BREMERSDORP (24 Jan) double circle datestamp. Very fine. £35
MS186 1950 (March), KGVI 1d postal stationery card cancelled PIGGS PEAK, crossed through at top further endorsed 'Printed Matter', addressed to the USA. £35
MS38 1953 (6th February), KGVI 1d postal stationery card cancelled PIGGS PEAK, addressed to Johannesburg. £30
MS44 1956 (4th February), QEII 1½d postal stationery card together with wrapper band printed in green '12 INLAND POST CARDS'. The reverse of the card stamped on reverse '-4.FEB 1957', this being a Receiving Authority mark thus identifying it as of a 'Specimen' status. Most unusual. £75
MS41 1956 (25th May), KGVI 1d postal stationery card uprated with two KGVI ½d's, cancelled KWALUSENI and sent airmail to Cape Town. Some writing on front (a shopping list!) otherwise fine and unusual. £35
TS368 1956 (30th May) envelope addressed to the USA and sent at the 1d unsealed letter rate. Bearing a KGVI 1d rose-red (SG 29a) tied by a MHLOTSHENI (30 May) double circle datestamp. With sender’s address handstamped at upper left. £65
MS206 1956 17th August, printed manila ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE envelope bearing QEII 2d and 6d definitives (SG 55, 58), cancelled MBABANE and sent registered to Paarl. £20
MS209 1957 1st February, airmail envelope bearing QEII 1s and 1s3d definitives (SG 59, 60), cancelled BREMERSDORP, addressed to New York, U.S.A. £20
MS40 1957 (24th September), KGVI 1d postal stationery card uprated with QEII ½d (SG 53), cancelled MBABANE and addressed to Johannesburg (the 1½d rate effective July, 1954). Clean and attractive. £30
MS45 1958 (2nd January), QEII 1½d postal stationery card uprated with QEII ½d (SG 53), cancelled MHLAMBANYATI and addressed to Johannesburg. Most unusual. £35
MS210 1959 18th February, printed On Her Majesty's Service envelope bearing QEII 4½d definitive (SG 57), cancelled MBABANE, Director of Medical Services cachet below, addressed to California, U.S.A. £15
TS83 1959 (23rd October), wrapper addressed to USA bearing a single QEII 1d black and emerald (SG 54) tied by MBABANE (23 Oct) double circle datestamp. Diagonal crease (well clear of adhesive). An attractive example of this scarce rate. £45
MS211 1960 9th December, envelope bearing QEII 1d and pair 4½d definitives (SG 54, 57), cancelled MBABANE, sent registered to Rhodesia. £20
MS219 1961 (26th October), QEII 6d stationery registered envelope overprinted '5c', bearing QEII 2½c and on reverse 10c definitives (SG 81, 84). Cancelled MANZINI and sent airmail to London. Attractive. £35
MS218 1961 QEII 1½c postal stationery card. Superb unused. Uncommon. £20
TS363 1961 QEII 1½d postal stationery card surcharged ‘1½c’ (Shelley type 1b). Commercially used to Johannesburg (newspaper competition entry), cancelled with an Mbabane machine slogan (‘World United / Against Malaria’). This card is rated ‘RRR’ for foreign use (‘Swaziland Philately’ by Peter van der Molen). £125
MS212 1961 13th September, envelope bearing QEII 2½c pair plus 12½c definitives (SG 81, 85), cancelled PIGGS PEAK and sent registered airmail to England. Opening tears at top. £15
MS214 1963 12th February, printed company envelope bearing QEII 1c definitive (SG91), cancelled MHLAMBANYATI, addressed to Johannesburg. £20
MS208 1964 15th November, printed On Her Majesty's Service manila envelope bearing QEII 15c definitive (SG 100), machine cancelled MBABANE, sent airmail to London. £15
TS20 1966 envelope to Mbabane bearing QEII 2½c tied by KWALUSENI (21 VI) double circle datestamp. This type not recorded in Putzel and with solid bar (modified SWAZILAND ?) at base. £25
MS215 1969 4th August, airmail envelope bearing QEII 3½c and 25c Independence overprints (SG 147, 155), cancelled STEGI and sent registered to Portugal. £20
TS542 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘1/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Some creasing otherwise fine mint with hinge remainders. Very scarce. T&M 1.1 £125
TS606 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘1/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Small unobtrusive split at top, otherwise fine mint with hinge remnants. Very scarce. T&M 1.1 £150
TS407 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘1/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. A few faults including reinforced edge tears, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation, including the initials of ‘G.WH.’ (G. Wreford Hudson, who was appointed Taxing Master to the High Court of Swazieland). Very scarce. T&M 1.1
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS543 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘1/-’. Handstamped in violet on pale blue paper, line perf 12. Horizontal crease and some thinning, otherwise fine used with much original gum and manuscript ‘Stamp’ and initialled. Very scarce. T&M 1.3 £125
TS607 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘1/-’. Handstamped in violet on pale blue paper, line perf 12. Horizontal crease at foot, otherwise fine used with much original gum and manuscript ‘Stamp’ and initialled. Very scarce. T&M 1.3 £150
TS408 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘2/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Vertical crease, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. T&M 1.5
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS409 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘2/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Very fine mint and very scarce thus. T&M 1.5 £150
TS410 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘4/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Fine mint with approximately 50% original gum. Very scarce. T&M 1.9
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS411 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on rose paper, line perf 12. Some thinning, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. T&M 1.12
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS412 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on rose paper, line perf 12. Very fine mint. Very scarce in such fine condition. T&M 1.12 £175
TS608 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 circular handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on rose paper, line perf 12. Very fine mint with hinge remnants. Very scarce in such fine condition. £175
TS413 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Hinge thin, otherwise fine mint. Very scarce. T&M 1.10
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS594 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ with central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12 on three sides. Corner fault and creased, otherwise fine used cancelled with initials ‘A.F.W.’ (?) and manuscript ‘X’ . Very scarce. T&M 1.10 £35
TS420 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘5/-’. Handstamped in violet on pale blue paper, line perf 12. Bisected diagonally, fine used affixed to small piece with manuscript ‘Cancelled’ and initialled ‘G.WH’ (G. Wreford Hudson, who was appointed Taxing Master to the High Court of Swazieland). Rare. T&M unlisted
Note: this is believed to be the only example of a bisect from this issue and is paying a rate of 2/6 (a figure quoted in m/s on the reverse) and is the baisis of the Barefoot listing. This stamp is illustrated on page 482 of ‘Swaziland Philately’ by Peter van der Molen (2013)
TS414 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘6/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull cream paper, line perf 12. Unobtrusive vertical crease, other-wise fine mint. Very scarce. T&M 1.13
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
MS171 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZILAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value '10/-'. Handstamped in violet on deep yellow paper, line perf 12. Some creasing as often found other­wise fine used with manuscript initials ‘G.W.H.’ (G. Wreford Hudson, who was appointed Tax Master and Registrar of the Chief Court of Swaziland in October 1890). Rare. T&M 1.19 £150
TS417 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘10/-’. Handstamped in violet on dull greenish yellow paper, line perf 12. Diagonal crease otherwise fine used with pen stroke cancellation. Very scarce. T&M 1.19
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS415 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘10/-’. Handstamped in violet on rose paper, line perf 12. Small thin at upper right, otherwise very fine mint. Very scarce. T&M 1.20 £125
TS416 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1890 double circle handstamp with wording ‘SWAZIELAND GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE’ and central figure of value ‘10/-’. Handstamped in violet on rose paper, line perf 12. Faults, though very scarce used on small piece with manuscript ‘Cancelled’ and initialled ‘G.WH’ (G. Wreford Hudson, who was appointed Taxing Master to the High Court of Swazieland). T&M 1.20
Note: this stamp is illustrated in the Swaziland Revenue booklet by Trotter & Midwood (2005)
TS421 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ A few very light gum wrinkles, otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted mint. T&M 2.1
Note: contrary to what is stated in the listings by Drysdall, Trotter & Midwood and van der Molen, all examples seen by us of the 1d duty with this overprint are on watermark multiple Crown CA paper (SG 261) and not single Crown CA (SG 245)
TS423 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Vertical pair, fine to very fine mint with hinge marks on the upper stamp only, the lower stamp is unmounted. T&M 2.1 £75
TS424 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Upper right corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR hinged in the margin only, the stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. Most attractive and a rare multiple. T&M 2.1 £275
TS425 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Very fine used with large part PIGGS PEAK (3 NOV 04) double circle postal datestamp. T&M 2.1 £45
TS426 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1d grey-black and carmine postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Fine used tied to small piece by slightly blurred MBABANE / SWAZILAND (11 OCT 05) double circle datestamp. T&M 2.1 £45
TS427 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Hinge remainders otherwise very fine mint. T&M 2.2 £55
TS428 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Very fine fresh mint. T&M 2.2 £65
TS429 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Hinge remainders otherwise very fine mint. T&M 2.2 £55
TS544 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Hinge remainders otherwise very fine mint. T&M 2.2 £55
TS430 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Upper left corner marginal BLOCK OF FOUR, hinged in the margin only, the stamps superb fresh unmounted mint. Most attractive. Rare. T&M 2.2 £375
TS431 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Fine used tied to small piece by slightly blurred MBABANE / SWAZILAND (11 OCT 05) double circle datestamp. T&M 2.2 £45
TS432 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Vertical pair, fine used with large oval bank datestamp (21 JUL 1911) struck in violet. T&M 2.2 £85
TS433 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland. / Revenue / only.’ Showing variety overprint at top of stamp. Rounded corner at lower left, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. T&M 2.2 var £45
TS434 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1/- dull purple and blue-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (26 JUL 1905). T&M 3.1 £45
TS435 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1/- dull purple and blue-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (2-1.1905) and light manuscript cancellation. T&M 3.1 £45
TS436 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 1/- dull purple and blue-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Horizontal pair very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamps (12-1.1905) and manuscript cancellations. T&M 3.1 £90
TS437 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/- dull purple and brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Horizontal crease at foot otherwise fine used with oval Mbabane bank cachet struck in violet. T&M 3.2 £40
TS438 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/- dull purple and brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ A few short perforations, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (1.1905) and manuscript cancellations. T&M 3.2 £40
TS439 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Very fine fresh mint. T&M 3.3 £150
TS440 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 3.3 £55
TS563 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Unobtrusive vertical creasing, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (12 JAN 1906) and manuscript cancellation. T&M 3.3 £35
TS441 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Five examples, including a vertical strip of four. Fine used with each stamp tied to small piece by Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamps (27-3.1905) and with initials in red manuscript. T&M 3.3 £275
TS442 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 5/- dull purple and grey-black revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (12-1.1905) and manuscript cancellations. T&M 3.4 £55
TS443 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 5/- dull purple and grey-black revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Very fine used with oval bank cachet struck in violet. T&M 3.4 £55
TS444 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 10/- brownish grey and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ (sloping upwards to right). Unobtrusive vertical crease and a few faintly toned perforations at top, otherwise very fine fresh mint. Very scarce. T&M 3.5 £125
TS445 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 10/- brownish grey and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ (sloping upwards to right). Fine used with oval bank cachet struck in violet and manuscript cancellations. Scarce. T&M 3.5 £125
TS551 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII 10/- brownish grey and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Fine used with oval bank cachet struck in violet and manuscript cancellations. Scarce. T&M 3.5 £110
TS446 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Unobtrusive vertical creasing, otherwise very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (29 SEP 1905) and manuscript cancellations. Rare. T&M 3.6 £150
TS548 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (10 FEB 1912). Rare. T&M 3.6 £150
TS552 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Faint Unobtrusive vertical crease, otherwise very fine used with crowned oval datestamp and manuscript cancellations. Rare. T&M 3.6 £125
TS553 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1904 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland.’ Unobtrusive vertical crease and some short perforations, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp and manuscript cancellations. Rare. T&M 3.6 £75
TS447 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1906 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / only’ in bluish black. BLOCK OF FOUR, very fine or superb mint with faint hinge mark on one stamp, the other three are unmounted. A very scarce multiple. T&M 4.1 £225
TS448 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1906 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / only’ in bluish black. Fine used with boxed cachet struck in violet. T&M 4.1 £35
TS449 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1906 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / only’ in bluish black. Horizontal pair. Unobtrusive thinned perf at top of left stamp, otherwise fine used with boxed cachet struck in violet. T&M 4.1 £65
TS450 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1906 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / only’ in bluish black. BLOCK OF 12 (3x4), fine used tied to piece by boxed ‘RESIDENT COMMISSIONER / 9 MAY 1907 / SWAZILAND’ boxed datestamps struck in violet. A very scarce and impressive multiple. T&M 4.1 £375
TS558 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1906 Transvaal KEVII 6d grey-black and orange-brown postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / only’ in bluish black. Very fine used with oval bank cachet. Very scarce. T&M 4.2 £85
TS452 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Showing broken ‘a’ in ‘Swaziland’. Very fine lightly mounted mint. T&M 5.1 £75
TS453 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Upper marginal BLOCK OF SIX (3x2) showing plate number ‘2’. Hinge marks on one, the other five stamps are superb fresh unmounted mint. Several stamps showing letters out of alignment. A very rare and attractive multiple. T&M 5.1 £375
TS454 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Showing dropped ‘i’ in ‘Swaziland’. Very fine used with light oval cachet struck in violet. T&M 5.1 £55
TS455 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Showing raised ‘O’ in ‘Only.’ Fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 5.1 £45
TS456 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Showing several letters out of alignment. Fine used with large part SULPHUR SPRINGS (4 APR 10) double circle datestamp. T&M 5.1 £65
TS457 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1909 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Horizontal pair, very fine used with light oval datestamp (12 MAR 1909) struck in violet. T&M 5.1 £90
TS458 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1911 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (23 FEB 1912). Rare. T&M 6.1 £225
TS560 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1911 Transvaal KEVII 2/6 brownish grey and orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue.’ Paper adherences on reverse and some pre-affixing creasing, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (13 FEB 1912). Rare. T&M 6.1 £125
TS459 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Light corner crease at lower left, otherwise fine mint. T&M 7.1 £45
TS460 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ A few unobtrusive creases, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 7.1 £35
TS461 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Cape of Good stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Some colour run, otherwise fine used with AMSTERDAM / TRANSVAAL (30 OCT 12) double circle datestamp. T&M 7.1 £35
TS550 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 6d dull reddish lilac and reddish purple revenue overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 7.2 £40
TS462 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII 1/- dull purple and blue-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Very fine used with Assistant Commissioner / Swaziland (9 MAR 1914) oval datestamp struck in violet. T&M 7.4 £65
TS463 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Natal KEVII 2/- dull purple and blue on blue revenue stamp (watermark sideways) overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Upper right corner slightly rounded otherwise very fine mint. Rare. T&M 7.5 £100
TS464 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Natal KEVII 2/- dull purple and blue on blue revenue stamp (watermark sideways) overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Fine used with manuscript cancellation dated ‘10/9/15’. Rare. T&M 7.5 £125
TS561 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Natal KEVII 2/- dull purple and blue on blue revenue stamp (watermark sideways) overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (8 OCT 1915). T&M 7.5 £125
TS510 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII 5/- dull purple and grey-black revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Unobtrusive vertical crease otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. T&M 7.9 £45
TS562 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII 5/- dull purple and grey-black revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Unobtrusive pin holes from pre-affixing to document, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. (12 AUG 1915) T&M 7.9 £45
TS549 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII 10/- brownish grey and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Very fine used with part Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (10 FEB 1912). Rare. T&M 7.10 £125
TS465 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Cape of Good Hope KEVII £1 deep grey-green and brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Superb used, tied to small piece by Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval date-stamp. T&M 7.11 £225
TS466 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (8 OCT 1915). Rare. T&M 7.12 £200
TS559 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1913 Transvaal KEVII £1 brownish grey and yellow-green revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (8 OCT 1915). Rare. T&M 7.12 £200
TS467 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 8.1 £35
TS468 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 1d scarlet postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 8.1 £35
TS470 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 6d black and (bright) orange postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 8.2 £35
TS471 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 6d black and (bright) orange postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (8 OCT 1915). T&M 8.2 £35
TS474 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 6d black and (bright) orange postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Horizontal strip of four, very fine used with manuscript cancellations. T&M 8.2 £140
TS472 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 6d black and (bright) orange postage stamp overprinted ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Vertical pair, fine used on small piece with manuscript cancellations. T&M 8.2 £70
TS473 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Transvaal KEVII 6d black and orange postage stamp overprinted with ‘REVENUE / ONLY. / SWAZILAND’. Vertical pair, the lower stamp faulty, otherwise fine used on small piece with manuscript cancellations. T&M 8.2 £35
TS475 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine mint. T&M 9.1 £85
TS477 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.1 £65
TS478 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with oval bank cachet struck in violet. T&M 9.1 £65
TS555 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ BLOCK OF FOUR very fine used with manuscript cancellation. A scarce multiple. T&M 9.1 £225
TS479 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ A single example in combination with an unoverprinted Union 1d, very fine used tied to small piece by MBABANE / SWAZILAND (21 APL 24) double circle datestamps. T&M 9.1 £75
TS480 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 6d dull purple and bright rose-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.3 £55
TS481 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 6d dull purple and bright rose-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Showing variety No Stop after ‘ONLY’. Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.3v1 £80
TS483 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull purple and deep grey-blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (8 OCT 1915) crowned oval datestamps. T&M 9.4 £45
TS484 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull purple and deep grey-blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.4 £45
TS485 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull purple and deep grey-blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.4 £45
TS486 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull purple and deep grey-blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Horizontal pair The right stamp with unobtrusive preaffixing vertical crease, otherwise very fine used with manuscript cancellations. T&M 9.4 £65
TS487 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull purple and deep grey-blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Block of four, very fine used, each with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.4 £180
TS489 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and reddish purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with boxed datestamp (FEB 1920) struck in greenish blue and manuscript cancellations. T&M 9.5 £65
TS491 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 2/- dull claret and dull green revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (27 OCT 31) crowned oval datestamp. Very scarce. T&M 9.6 £120
TS557 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 2/- dull claret and dull green revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with boxed Court cachet. Very scarce. T&M 9.6 £120
TS492 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (27 SEP 20) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.7 £75
TS494 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 9.7 £65
TS495 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- grey-brown and orange-brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Unobtrusive vertical crease at right, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (17 JUN 25) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.8 £55
TS497 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (30 JUL 1924) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.9 £75
TS498 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (20 MAR 1924) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.9 £75
TS500 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 10/- dull reddish purple and yellow-olive revenue overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Unobtrusive vertical crease, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (17 JUN 1925) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.10 £65
TS501 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV 10/- dull reddish purple and yellow-olive revenue overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (28 AUG 1924) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.10 £100
TS502 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamp 10/- dull reddish purple with the frame in a distinct bistre shade. Overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with punched ‘star’ and Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.10 shade £85
TS504 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep blue and sepia revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.11 £150
TS505 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep blue and sepia revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (11 JUN 1916) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.11 £150
TS506 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep blue and sepia revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (13 FEB 1917) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.11 £150
TS507 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep green and scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (24 DEC 1926) crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.12 £150
TS509 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1914 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep green and scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘SWAZILAND / REVENUE / ONLY.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. T&M 9.12 £150
TS568 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. Scarce. T&M 10.1 £75
TS512 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Fine used on small piece in combination with Union 1/- revenue, both with manuscript cancellations. T&M 10.1 £65
TS569 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. T&M 10.2 £85
TS570 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. T&M 10.2 £85
TS513 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- deep grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Superb used, tied to small piece by large ‘MASTER OF THE SPECIAL COURT OF SWAZILAND’ (5 DEC 1931) oval datestamp struck in violet. T&M 10.3 £125
TS514 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamp £1 deep green and scarlet overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp. Very scarce. T&M 10.4 £150
TS515 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamp £1 deep green and scarlet overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue Only.’ Unobtrusive vertical crease otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds (9 JAN 1930) crowned oval datestamp. Very scarce. T&M 10.4 £110
TS517 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Lower left corner marginal block of six showing plate number ‘6’. Some reinforced perforations, otherwise very fine mint. A rare and attractive multiple. T&M 11.1 £350
TS518 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Horizontal pair showing the variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Very fine lightly mounted mint. T&M 11.1v1 £275
TS519 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1930 Union of South Africa ‘Roto’ 1d black and carmine postage stamp with watermark inverted, overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine unmounted mint. T&M 11.2 £55
TS521 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 6d dull purple and bright rose-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with large ‘Assistant Commissioner / Stegi’ (25 APR 1932) circular datestamp struck in purple. T&M 11.3 £50
TS522 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 6d dull purple and bright rose-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 11.3 £50
TS523 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 11.4 £60
TS571 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1d red postage stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ BLOCK OF FOUR, fine used with manuscript cancellations. A very scarce multiple. Not recorded used in T&M. T&M 11.1 £250
TS572 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 11.4 £75
TS573 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- dull reddish purple and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ showing the variety OVERPRINT AT TOP OF STAMP. Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. Scarce. T&M 11.4v1 £150
TS564 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1930 Union of South Africa KGV small format revenue stamp 1/- grey-black and deep rose-lilac overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with circular datestamp (16 AUG 32). Not recorded used in T&M. Very rare. T&M 11.5 £250
TS565 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1930 Union of South Africa KGV small format revenue stamp 1/- grey-black and deep rose-lilac overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with circular datestamp (16 AUG 32). Not recorded used in T&M. Very rare. T&M 11.5 £250
TS525 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds oval datestamp. T&M 11.8 £90
TS566 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 deep green and bright orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 11.8 £90
TS526 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- deep grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Fine used with circular datestamp (15 AUG 32) and manuscript initials. T&M 11.9 shade £90
TS527 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- deep grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Fine used with oval datestamp. T&M 11.9 shade £90
TS528 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- grey-brown and orange-brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds oval datestamp (18 JUN 1926). T&M 11.9 £90
TS529 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV 5/- deep grey-brown and chestnut revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Some thinning at right, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 11.9 shade £45
TS567 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamp £1 deep green and scarlet overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Very fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (4 OCT 1930). Very scarce. T&M 11.11 £150
TS530 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1927 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep green and scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘Swaziland / Revenue / Only.’ Faults include thinning and a rounded corner, otherwise fine used with Transvaal Registrar of Deeds crowned oval datestamp (10 APR 1930). Very scarce. T&M 11.11 £75
TS595 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1934 (5th March), KGV postage issue 10/- BLOCK OF FOUR with 1/- and 2/6 tied to small piece with REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 5 MAR 34 / TRANSVAAL crowned oval datestamps. One 10/- with spike hole, otherwise very fine. A scarce multiple. Attractive. SG 17, 18, 20 £125
TS596 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1937 (2nd October), KGV 5/- grey and 10/- sepia (strip of three) very fine used tied to small piece with REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 2 OCT 37 / TRANSVAAL crowned oval datestamps. SG 19, 20 £125
TS600 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1940 (2nd December), KGVI 10/- sepia tied to small piece by SURVEYOR GENERAL’S OFFICE (2 Dec 40) crowned oval datestamp. Also with 5-pointed star punch hole. SG 38 £5
TS604 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1940 (8th March), Union of South Africa printed bilingual ‘WARRANT-VOUCHER’ for £58 issued at office of the ‘MAGISTRATE AND NATIVE COMMISSIONER / UBOMBO’ (Natal), subsequently paid out via Barclays Bank, Piet Retief (Transvaal) on 2nd April 1940. Bearing a single KGVI postage and revenue issue 1d rose-red (SG 29) affixed at base and folded over, cancelled with red crayon line and part of recipient’s signature. Several folds and slightly foreshortened at right, otherwise fine. Most unusual. £55
TS597 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1944 (13th March), KGVI 10/- sepia irregular BLOCK OF 22 tied to piece by REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 13 3 44 / TRANSVAAL circular datestamps. An impressive multiple. SG 38 £75
TS599 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1945 (25th June), KGVI 6d deep magenta, 5/- grey block of eight and 10/- sepia strip of three, all tied to piece by REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 25 6 45 / TRANSVAAL circular datestamps. Unobtrusive horizontal crease affects three stamps, otherwise a very fine and impressive multiple. SG 34, 37, 38 £75
TS602 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1949 (23rd August), detailed invoice for £1.10s made out to ‘New Haven Skool’ for a cooking class. Bearing a single KGVI postage and revenue issue 1d rose-red (SG 29a) tied by a neat boxed cachet ‘HLATIKULU TRADING STORE / HLATIKULU SWAZILAND / via PIET RETIEF’ struck in violet and initialled in manuscript. £45
TS598 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1952 (18th January), printed receipt for £3 for a ‘Domestic Science Grant’ from the ‘Education Dep(artment)’. Bearing a single KGVI postage and revenue issue 1d rose-red (SG 29a) dated ‘11/2/52’ and initialled in manuscript. £45
TS601 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1956 QEII 5/- and 10/- definitives tied to piece by large REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS / SWAZILAND circular cancellation (apparently undated). Also showing THE PATENT OFFICE / [Arms] SWAZILAND oval embossed from the reverse. SG 62, 63 £15
TS603 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1962 (25th March), printed statement from the ‘Swaziland News Agency (Pty.) Ltd.’ for R586.78 made out to the the ‘Norway Free Evangelical Mission, P.O. Hlatikulu’. With a receipt affixed for R366.38, bearing a single QEII 1c black and emerald (SG 79) tied by manuscript cancellation. £45
TS388 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1965 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. 35c black and deep turquoise-blue. Left marginal example, superb fresh unmounted mint. Very scarce. T&M t1.1 / Barefoot unlisted £45
TS389 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1965 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. 35c black and deep turquoise-blue. Fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. T&M t1.1 / Barefoot unlisted £35
TS390 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1965 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. 50c black and plum, very fine mint. Very scarce. T&M t1.3 / Barefoot 1 £45
TS393 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1975 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. 35c turquoise green and blue. Very fine unused (without gum). Very scarce. T&M t3.1 £35
TS392 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1975 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. E1.50 buff and deep carmine. Six examples affixed to piece, the reverse being part of a printed form detailing rates of Graded Tax. Each with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. T&M t3.4 £120
TS396 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1970-79 Eight different duties comprising Perf 12½: 4c, 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, R1 and R2; and Perf 14: 20c. The 4c with faults, otherwise most are very fine mounted mint. T&M 14.2-7, 15.3 £25
TS384 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1970 watermark Block CA, Perf 12½. 5c yellow-orange, complete pane of 50 (5x10) with all margins, showing printers’ imprint THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD.’ and plate number ‘1B’. Also showing sheet ‘No. 8068’ printed in black. Superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 14.2, Barefoot 101. £125
TS583 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1970 watermark Block CA, perf 12½. 5c yellow-orange, right marginal BLOCK OF FOUR with variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb fresh unmounted mint. PFSA certificate (2008). T&M 14.2 var. / Barefoot 101 var. £110
TS584 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1970 watermark Block CA, perf 12½. 5c yellow-orange, left marginal BLOCK OF SIX with variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb fresh unmounted mint. RPS certificate (2012). T&M 14.2 var. / Barefoot 101 var. £165
TS386 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1977 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. 25c, E2 and E10 in corner imprint blocks of six and 50c, E1 and E2 in corner marginal blocks of four, the 50c with plate number ‘D1A’ and the E2 with sheet number ‘04234’. Superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 15.4-8 / Barefoot 128-32 £175
TS385 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1977-78 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. 25c dull emerald, complete pane of 50 (5x10) with all margins, showing printers’ imprint THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD.’ and plate number ‘1A’. Also showing sheet number ‘05979’ printed in black. Superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 15.4, Barefoot 128. £125
TS387 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1978 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. 50c olive-brown, right marginal BLOCK OF FOUR, showing a COMPLETE OFFSET on the reverse. From the single pane of 50 auctioned in 1987. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Spectacular. T&M 15.5 var / Barefoot 129 var £120
TS590 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1978 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. 50c olive-brown, BLOCK OF 20 (5x4) from the bottom of the sheet with margins on three sides. Showing a COMPLETE OFFSET on the reverse, including the Thomas De La Rue printer’s imprint. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Spectacular and very rare. From the single pane of 50 auctioned in 1987. RPS certificate (2012) T&M 15.5 var / Barefoot 129 var £600
TS397 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1977 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. E2 dull blue, very fine lightly mounted mint. T&M 15.7 / Barefoot 131 £10
TS398 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1977 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. E10 deep dull lilac, very fine lightly mounted mint. T&M 15.8 / Barefoot 132 £10
TS399 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1977 watermark Block CA (diagonal), Perf 14. E10 deep dull lilac, lower left horizontal corner pair showing part imprint. Superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 15.8 / Barefoot 132 £25
TS400 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1984 ‘Spears behind shield’ issue. 10c, 25c, 50c, E1 and E2 in corner marginal blocks of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 16.2-6 / Barefoot 136,138-141 £75
TS381 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1974, two imperforate ‘Graded Tax’ composite essays printed in green, affixed to ‘Bradbury Wilkinson and Company’ presentation card (114x152mm). The first with duty ‘1 RAND’ printed in black, with the area around the ‘1’ lightly scored through. The second with duty overlaid with background cut-outs. The card is dated ‘20 11 74’ on the reverse. Ex Bradbury Wilkinson Archives. £350
TS380 SWAZILAND / Revenue 1974, two imperforate ‘Graded Tax’ composite essays printed in blue, affixed to ‘Bradbury Wilkinson and Company’ presentation card (114x152mm). Each with printed black duty overlaid with background cut-outs and both with mica overlays showing different styles of the proposed duty. One is inscribed ‘1.50 EMALANGENI’ and endorsed ‘APPROVED / Letter 5/12/74’ and the other ‘1.50E’ which has been endorsed ‘NOT APPROVED’. The card is dated ‘20 11 74’ on the reverse. Ex Bradbury Wilkinson Archives. £475
TS382 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1975 ‘Graded Tax’ stamps. 1.50 Emalangeni black and deep bright blue. An upper left corner marginal BLOCK OF 35 (7x5) superb fresh unmounted mint (hinge marks on margin only). Ex Bradbury Wilkinson Archives. £225
TS383 SWAZILAND / Revenue c1979, gilt-edged presentation card (148x229mm) headed ‘SWAZILAND’ in red manuscript. Bearing ten different revenue duties of the ‘Small Numeral Design’. Comprising Perf 12½: 2c, 4c, 5c, 10c, 25c and 50c; Perf 14: 20c, E1, E2 and E10. Each is affixed by their own gum and subsequently their corners were crossed through in blue ink, tying the stamps. T&M 14.1-5, and 15.1, 3, 6-8. Ex De La Rue Archives. £175
MNR75 2d dated '13 OCT 86', without Arms, yellow paper. Block of four, very fine mint. SG 3 £110
MNR125 3d, dated '13 OCT 86', without Arms, yellow paper. Exceptionally fine fresh mint. SG 4 £48
MNR126 3d, dated '13 OCT 86', without Arms, yellow paper. Block of four, imperf. at top. Minor crease at upper left corner, very fine fresh mint or unmounted. Lovely. SG 4 £185
MNR69 30s, dated '24 NOV 86', without Arms, yellow paper. Very fine mint. SG25 £120
MNR74 1d dated '21 MAY 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Exceptionally fine mint. SG 26 £90
MNR72 2d dated '24 NOV 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Exceptionally fine mint. SG 27 £55
MNR124 3d, dated '13 OCT 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Major variety Tête-bêche (vertical pair). Exceptionally fine fresh mint. SG 28a £325
MNR71 6d dated '24 MAY 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Exceptionally fine mint. SG 30 £120
MNR123 1s6d, dated '6 SEP 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Major variety Tête-bêche (vertical pair). Fine mint. SG 33a £450
MNR134 7/6, dated '13 JAN 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Few bluntish perfs. otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 41 £300
MNR135 10s, dated 'JAN 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 42 £325
MNR122 10s, dated '2 JUL 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Major variety Tête-bêche (vertical pair). Very fine mint. SG 42a £400
MNR136 10s6d, dated '13 JAN 86', without Arms, blue granite paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 43 £450
MNR139 1d, dated '3 NOV 86', embossed Arms, yellow paper. Superb unmounted. SG 48 £33
MNR140 2d, dated '2 DEC 86', embossed Arms, yellow paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 49 £42
MNR141 1d, dated 'JUL 7 86', embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Few blunt perfs., fine unmounted. SG 52 £30
MNR76 1d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Straight edge at top, exceptionally fine mint. SG 72 £32
MNR145 1d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 72 £48
MNR117 1d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Horizontal pair, very fine unmounted. SG 72 £90
MNR115 1d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Block of four, straight edge at right and base. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. SG 72 £150
MNR119 1d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Vertical pair TETE-BECHE. Very fine mint. SG 72b £475
MNR118 2d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Horizontal pair TETE-BECHE. Sensibly hinge strengthened between, very fine mint. SG 73a £300
MNR144 3d, without date, blue granite paper, embossed Arms. Imperf. at base, very fine unmounted. SG 74 £40
MNR116 3d, without date, embossed Arms, blue granite paper. Vertical pair TETE-BECHE. Light staining on reverse of lower stamp, fine mint. SG 74a £200
MNR142 4d, without date, blue granite paper, embossed Arms. Imperf. at top, very fine unmounted. SG 75 £35
MNR143 6d, without date, blue granite paper, embossed Arms. Imperf. at base, very fine unmounted. SG 76 £40
MNR121 3d, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Major variety Tête-bêche (vertical pair). Very fine mint. SG 79b £300
MNR146 4d, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Very fine unmounted. SG 80 £27
MNR147 6d, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 81 £28
MNR148 9d, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Very fine unmounted. SG 82 £27
MNR106 5/6, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Very fine mint. SG 90 £28
MNR150 5/6, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Pristine unmounted. SG 90 £45
MNR105 7/6, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Exceptionally fine mint. SG 91 £35
MNR113 10s, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Very fine mint. SG 92 £32
MNR151 10s, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Very fine unmounted. SG 92 £60
MNR129 10/6, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Block of four, imperforate at base. Very fine mint. SG 93 £110
MNR128 10/6, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Block of four, unusually showing second strike of vertical perforations at left. Very fine mint. Most unusual. SG 93 and vars. £150
MNR130 10/6 without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Vertical strip of five, unusually imperforate at both left and right. Some light toning at base, fine mint or unmounted. Attractive and unusual. SG 93 £120
MNR120 £1, without date, embossed Arms, yellow paper. Major variety Tête-bêche (vertical pair). Very fine mint. SG 94a £425
MNR152 £1, without date, showing Arms inverted, yellow paper. Imperf. at base, superb unmounted. SG 94b £120
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