1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. Block of four, hinged on one stamp at top otherwise unmounted, remarkably well centred and fresh. Superb quality and very scarce thus. SG 41
Last update: 4th February, 2025
FI1145 1878 QV 1d colour trial. Denominated at ONE PENNY, struck in brown-purple, on thin paper. Lower marginal block of four. Very scarce as such. SOLD
FI890 1878 QV 1d, claret, no watermark. Exceptionally well centred, very fine unused without gum. SG 1 £250
FI893 1878 QV 6d, blue-green, no watermark. Very fine unmounted. Exceptionally difficult as such. SG 3 £180
FI895 1878 QV 6d, blue-green, no watermark. Strip of three, superb used twice cancelled F.I. in oval. A lovely and scarce multiple. SG 3 £225
FI897 1878 QV 1/-, bistre-brown, no watermark. Well centred, fine mint. SG 4 £45
FI896 1878 QV 1/-, bistre-brown, no watermark. Right marginal, well centred, very fine mint. SG 4 £70
FI1088 1878 QV 1/-, bistre-brown, no watermark. Block of four. Well centred, very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 4 £550
FI1167 1878 QV 1/-, bistre-brown, no watermark. Complete sheet of 60, imperforate to margin at right and base. Somewhat weak with a number of perfs. parted around edges, hinge strengthened in numerous places. Odd minor fault, fine appearance. RARE. SG 4 £2,750
FI898 1882 QV 1d dull claret, watermark Crown CA. Lower marginal, very fine unused without gum. SG 5 £110
FI899 1882 QV 1d dull claret, watermark Crown CA, inverted and reversed. Fine mint. SG 5y £300
FI900 1882 QV 1d dull claret, watermark Crown CA, inverted and reversed. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I' in barred oval. Lovely and scarce. SG 5y £685
FI901 1882 QV 4d grey-black, watermark Crown CA. Upper marginal, superb unused without gum. SG 6 £275
FI902 1885 QV 1d pale claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Left marginal, very fine mint. SG 7 £70
FI1147 1885 QV 1d pale claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Right marginal block of four. Hinged on margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 7 £450
FI906 1885 QV 1d pale claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Lower left corner block of six. Very fine mint SG 7 £425
FI907 1885 QV 1d pale claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Upper right corner block of 12. Hinged on margin and perf. strengthened at left, otherwise very fine unmounted. A lovely and scarce multiple. SG 7 £1,000
FI904 1885 QV 1d pale claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways) and reversed. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 7x £400
FI903 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Very fine unused without gum. SG 8 £45
FI908 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Lower marginal, hinge remnant, fine mint. SG 8 £65
FI909 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Block of four. Hinge remnants, fine mint. Very scarce. SG 8 £500
FI911 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways) and reversed. Fine mint. SG 8x £185
FI910 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways) and reversed. Very fine mint. SG 8x £325
FI905 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways) and reversed. Upper right corner copy, very fine used cancelled 'F. I' barred oval. SG 8x £110
FI912 1887 QV 1d brownish claret, watermark Crown CA (sideways) Crown to right of CA and reversed. Upper marginal, very fine mint. SG 8y £325
FI914 1885 QV 4d pale grey-black, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Very fine unused without gum. SG 9 £275
FI913 1887 QV 4d grey-black, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Lower marginal, very fine unused without gum. SG 10 £145
FI915 1891 QV 1d red-brown, watermark Crown CA. Left marginal, fine used. SG 11 £45
FI917 1891 QV 1d red-brown, watermark Crown CA, reversed. Hinge trace, very fine mint. SG 11x £650
FI916 1891 QV 1d red-brown, watermark Crown CA, reversed. Very fine unmounted. Very scarce as such. SG 11x £1,100
FI922 1889 QV 4d olive grey-black, watermark Crown CA. Very fine unused without gum. SG 12 £60
FI918 1889 QV 4d olive grey-black, watermark Crown CA. Lower right corner copy, very fine mint. SG 12 £175
FI919 1889 QV 4d olive grey-black, watermark Crown CA. Lower marginal, very fine used. SG 12 £45
FI920 1889 QV 4d olive grey-black, watermark Crown CA, reversed. Hinge remnants, fine mint. SG 12x £325
FI921 1889 QV 4d olive grey-black, watermark Crown CA, reversed. Very fine used. SG 12x £145
FI924 1891 QV 1d red-brown, vertical strip of three, lower stamp bisected diagonally. On piece cancelled correct cork type, datestamp below although not clear. Heijtz 13c £225
FI925 1891 QV 1d red-brown, bisected diagonally. On piece cancelled 'F. I. ' barred oval. £45
FI923 1891 QV '½d' surcharge on 1d, watermark Crown CA (sideways). Unsevered pair, fine used cancelled correct cork type. SG 13a £800
FI926 1891 QV '½d' surcharge on 1d, watermark Crown CA. The 'posthumous' type. Very fine mint. Heijtz 13f £50
FI927 1891 QV '½d' surcharge on 1d, watermark Crown CA. The 'posthumous' type. On piece cancelled with cds. Attached to original BPA certificate (1956), signed by Robson Lowe. Delightful. Heijtz 13f £75
FI938 1891-96 QV ½d, 2d 2½d, 6d and 9d, each overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in black. Fine appearance, faults on reverse including no gum on ½d, 2½d and 6d. SG 15s, 26s, 27s, 33s, 35s £225
FI1079 1891 QV ½d pale blue-green. Handstamped red 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG unlisted, Heijtz 5b £150
FI1080 1891 QV ½d pale blue-green. Very fine mint. SG unlisted, Heijtz 5b £150
FI1082 1891 QV ½d pale blue-green. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I.' in oval. Scarce. SG unlisted, Heijtz 5b £225
FI1070 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Overprinted black 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 15s £100
FI1071 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Very fine mint. SG 15 £20
FI1072 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Right marginal, very fine mint. SG 15 £22
FI1073 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Lower left corner copy, superb mint. SG 15 £25
FI1074 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Pair, very fine unmounted. SG 15 £80
FI52 1891 QV ½d blue-green. Block of 20 being the lower two rows of the sheet showing imprint in margin. Split between columns three and four, very fine and fresh unmounted. Lovely. SG 15 £325
FI1064 1896 QV ½d deep dull green. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 16bs £90
FI1065 1894-95 QV ½d deep yellow-green. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 17s £90
FI1067 1894-95 QV ½d deep yellow-green. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 17 £110
FI1053 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 17bs £90
FI1314 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Very fine unmounted. SG 17b £5
FI1055 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 17b £20
FI1056 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Upper marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 17b £20
FI1057 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Upper left corner block of four. Marginal puncture just affecting corner stamp, very fine unmounted. SG 17b £15
FI1060 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Upper right corner block of six. Very fine unmounted. SG 17b £33
FI1061 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Two lower marginal blocks of four, previously joined and showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 17b £50
FI1166 1899 QV ½d yellow-green. Complete sheet of 60. Imprint in lower margin, the entire third column showing missing perf. hole upper right of five of the six examples. Odd hinge marks on margins and a few stamps otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 17b £225
FI1048 1902 QV ½d dull yellowish green. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 17cs £90
FI1315 1902 QV ½d dull yellowish green. Lower marginal. Very fine unmounted. SG 17c £12
FI1051 1902 QV ½d dull yellowish green. Lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margin. Small stain at lower right, otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 17c £75
FI1077 1902 QV ½d dull yellowish green. Complete sheet of 60. Lacking margin at upper right, very fine unmounted. SG 17c £425
FI1052 1902 QV ½d dull yellowish green. Block of four. Very fine used cancelled central 'FALKLAND ISLANDS' datestamp. SG 17c £20
FI1045 1891 QV 1d orange red-brown. Handstamped red 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 18s £150
FI1046 1891 QV 1d orange red-brown. Very fine mint. SG 18 £110
FI1047 1891 QV 1d brown. Pair, fine used cancelled 'F.I.' in ovals. SG 18a £110
FI1042 1892 QV 1d reddish chestnut. Very fine mint. SG 19 £40
FI1038 1894 QV 1d orange-brown, watermark reversed. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 20s £90
FI1316 1894 QV 1d orange-brown, watermark reversed. Fine mint. SG 20 £45
FI1040 1894 QV 1d orange-brown, watermark reversed. Lower marginal strip of three. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 20 £225
FI1041 1894 QV 1d orange-brown, watermark reversed. Very fine used cancelled Large Windmill cork (Barnes no. 8/94). SG 20 £95
FI1035 1894 QV 1d claret. Very fine mint. SG 21 SOLD
FI1036 1894 QV 1d claret. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. A scarce multiple. Basel opinion (2002). SG 21 £700
FI1034 1894 QV 1d claret, watermark reversed. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 21xs £90
FI1037 1894 QV 1d claret, watermark reversed. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 21x £425
FI1165 1895-96 QV 1d Venetian red. Complete sheet of 60. Light stain on right margin just affecting two stamps, odd marginal hinge marks otherwise fresh unmounted. SG 22 £950
FI1029 1895-96 QV 1d Venetian red, watermark reversed. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 22axs £90
FI1030 1895-96 QV 1d Venetian red, watermark reversed. Very fine unmounted. SG 22ax £18
FI1031 1895-96 QV 1d Venetian red, watermark reversed. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. SG 22ax £20
FI1032 1895-96 QV 1d Venetian red, watermark reversed. Pair, very fine mint. SG 22ax £20
FI1026 1898(?) QV 1d Venetian claret. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 22bs £90
FI1027 1898(?) QV 1d Venetian claret. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 22b £200
FI1028 1898(?) QV 1d Venetian claret. Lower right corner block of eight. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 22b £375
FI1022 1899 QV 1d pale red. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.". Very fine without gum. SG 23s £90
FI1317 1899 QV 1d pale red. Superb unmounted. SG 23 £12
FI1024 1899 QV 1d pale red. Upper right corner block of four, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 23 SOLD
FI1025 1899 QV 1d pale red. Upper right corner block of ten, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 23 £110
FI758 1899 QV 1d pale red. Lower left corner block of ten, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 23 £110
FI1016 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.". Very fine without gum. SG 24s £90
FI1017 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Very fine unmounted. SG 24 SOLD
FI1018 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 24 £100
FI1019 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Upper marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 24 £110
FI1020 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Lower marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 24 £110
FI1021 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Left marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 24 £110
FI1164 1902 QV 1d orange-red. Complete sheet of 60. A few stamps hinged otherwise fresh unmounted. SG 24 £700
FI1130 1895 QV 2d (pale) purple. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 25 SOLD
FI1010 1895 QV 2d (pale) purple. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 25 £40
FI1011 1895 QV 2d (pale) purple. Upper marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 25 £40
FI1013 1895 QV 2d (pale) purple. Right marginal block of six. Very fine unmounted. SG 25 £60
FI1014 1895 QV 2d (pale) purple. Upper marginal block of eight. Superb unmounted. SG 25 £85
FI1163 1896 QV 2d (pale) purple. Complete sheet of 60, showing full imprint in margin. Light paper clip stain on upper left corner stamp, marginal hinges, fresh unmounted. SG 25 £350
FI57 1896 QV 2d (pale) purple. Complete sheet of 60 showing full imprint in margin. Wonderfully fresh, unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 25 £400
FI1005 1895 QV 2d (deep) purple. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 25s £90
FI1006 1895 QV 2d (deep) purple. Lower marginal, part imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 25 £7
FI1007 1895 QV 2d (deep) purple. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 25 £11
FI623 1895 QV 2d (deep) purple. Lower left corner block of 20, part imprint in lower margin. Hinged on upper row otherwise unmounted. SG 25 £140
FI1002 1896 QV 2d reddish purple. Handstamped small violet 'SPECEIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 26s £90
FI1003 1896 QV 2d reddish purple. Very fine unmounted. SG 26 SOLD
FI1318 1896 QV 2d reddish purple. Right marginal. Very fine unmounted. SG 26 £12
FI989 1891 QV 2½d pale chalky ultramarine. Handstamped black 'SPECIMEN.'. Light faults, without gum. SG 27s £75
FI990 1891 QV 2½d pale chalky ultramarine. Handstamped red 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 27s SOLD
FI991 1891 QV 2½d dull blue. Upper marginal, very fine unmounted. Scarce as such. SG 28 SOLD
FI992 1891 QV 2½d dull blue. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I.' in oval. SG 28 £50
FI993 1894 QV 2½d Prussian blue. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 29s SOLD
FI997 1894 QV 2½d Prussian blue. Lower left corner copy. Very fine mint. RPS certificate (1992). SG 29 £245
FI994 1894 QV 2½d Prussian blue. Upper marginal, hinged on margin stamp very fine unmounted. Uncommon as such. SG 29 SOLD
FI995 1894 QV 2½d Prussian blue. Fine used cancelled 'F I' in large square (Barnes 5/92). SG 29 SOLD
FI996 1894 QV 2½d Prussian blue. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I.' in oval. RPS certificate (1988). SG 29 £165
FI985 1894-6 QV 2½d ultramarine. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 30s £90
FI999 1894-96 QV 2½d ultramarine. Right marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 30 £65
FI986 1894-96 QV 2½d ultramarine. Upper marginal, hinged on margin stamp very fine unmounted. SG 30 £65
FI1144 1894-96 QV 2½d ultramarine. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 30 £275
FI998 1894-6 QV 2½d ultramarine, watermark reversed. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 30axs £90
FI1162 1898 QV 2½d pale ultramarine. Complete sheet of 60, showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margins and encroaching onto some stamps, otherwise fine unmounted. SG 30b £2,250
FI984 1898 QV 2½d pale ultramarine. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I.' barred oval. SG 30b SOLD
FI980 1901 QV 2½d deep ultramarine. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.". Very fine without gum. SG 30cs £90
FI982 1901 QV 2½d deep ultramarine. Pair, very fine mint. SG 30c £80
FI58 1901 QV 2½d deep ultramarine. Complete sheet of 60, showing full imprint in margin. Upper left corner pair damaged by paper clip, otherwise wonderfully fresh, unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 30c £1,850
FI965 1894 QV 4d brownish black, watermark reversed. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 31s £90
FI967 1894 QV 4d brownish black, watermark reversed. Fine used cancelled large squares cork (Barnes 1/91). SG 31 £185
FI968 1894 QV 4d brownish black, watermark reversed. Fine used cancelled large square 'F I' cork (Barnes 5/92). SG 31 £225
FI969 1894 QV 4d brownish black, watermark reversed. Pair, superb used cancelled almost complete 'FALKLAND ISLANDS / JA 7 1895' datestamp. Lovely. BPA certificate (2022). SG 31 £650
FI970 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 32s £90
FI971 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Left marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £20
FI972 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Upper left corner copy, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £22
FI973 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Right marginal pair, superb unmounted. SG 32 £45
FI974 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £85
FI975 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Upper marginal block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 32 £90
FI976 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Lower right corner block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 32 £90
FI977 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Lower right corner block of six, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 32 £120
FI1001 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Re-joined block of 30, being five vertical columns 2-6 of the sheet. Very fine unmounted. SG 32 £400
FI857 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Block of 30 being the left five columns of the sheet. Hinged on margins, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 32 £400
FI1161 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Complete sheet of 60. Minor mark from paper clip affecting upper right stamp, otherwise wonderfully fresh unmounted. SG 32 £950
FI978 1895 QV 4d olive-black. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I.' in oval. SG 32 £35
FI958 1891 QV 6d orange-yellow. Overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in black. Some adhesion to bace on reverse, fine with gum. SG 33s £60
FI959 1891 QV 6d orange-yellow, watermark reversed. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I' in oval. SG 33x £80
FI960 1896 QV 6d yellow. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 34s £90
FI961 1896 QV 6d yellow. Very fine mint. SG 34 £55
FI962 1896 QV 6d yellow. Lower right corner copy. Very fine mint. SG 34 £60
FI963 1896 QV 6d yellow. Upper left corner strip of three. Hinged on margin and one stamp otherwise unmounted. SG 34 £275
FI964 1896 QV 6d yellow. Block of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 34 £325
FI760 1896 QV 6d yellow. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 34 £400
FI1160 1896 QV 6d yellow. Complete sheet of 60, lacking small part of margin at upper right. Unobtrusive stain affecting four stamps at lower centre otherwise very fine and fresh unmounted. Very scarce. SG 34 £3,250
FI950 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Overprinted black 'SPECIMEN.'. A little toned, fine with gum. SG 35s £85
FI949 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 35s £90
FI951 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Very fine mint. SG 35 £40
FI952 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Superb unmounted. SG 35 £100
FI1159 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Complete sheet of 60, imprint in lower margin. Hinged in margins stamps and a few stamps, otherwise wonderfully fresh unmounted. A RARE SURVIVOR. SG 35 £2,850
FI953 1895 QV 9d pale reddish orange. Pair, very fine used cancelled 'F.I' in oval. SG 35 £80
FI956 1896 QV 9d salmon. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 36s £90
FI957 1896 QV 9d salmon. Lower left corner copy. Superb unmounted. SG 36 £110
FI939 1895 QV 1/- grey-brown. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 37s £90
FI941 1895 QV 1/- grey-brown. Upper marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 37 £130
FI942 1895 QV 1/- grey-brown. Very fine used. SG 37 £35
FI1148 1895 QV 1/- grey-brown, watermark reversed. Upper marginal block of four, exceptionally fine unmounted. SG 37x £750
FI658 1895 QV 1/- grey-brown, watermark reversed. Lower right corner block of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 37x £675
FI944 1896 QV 1/- yellow-brown. Handstamped small violet 'SPECIMEN.'. Very fine without gum. SG 38s £90
FI945 1896 QV 1/- yellow-brown. Very fine unmounted. SG 38 £120
FI1149 1896 QV 1/- yellow-brown. Block of six. Exceptionally fine fine unmounted. SG 38 £550
FI1084 1903 16th September, envelope bearing QV ½d, 1d, 2d and 2½d (SG 17c, 24, 25, 30c), cancelled large 'FALKLAND ISLANDS' datestamps, addressed to Argentina. Sent registered with two 'CROWN / REGISTERED' strikes. Buenos Aires transit backstamp. Most attractive. £575
FI929 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. Hinge trace, superb fresh mint. SG 41 £195
FI50 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. Block of four, hinged on one stamp at top otherwise unmounted, remarkably well centred and fresh. Superb quality and very scarce thus. SG 41 £1,000
FI930 1898 QV 5/- red. Very fine unmounted. SG 42 £350
FI935 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue and 5/- red. Each overprinted 'SPECIMEN' Very fine fresh mint. SG 41s, 42s £425
FI934 1898 QV 5/- red. Very fine used. SG 42 £175
FI342 1904 KEVII ½d to 1/-, basic set of six values very fine mint. SG 43-48 £95
FI785 1906 KEVII 1d vermilion, wmk. sideways. Block of 24 (6x4), light faults on three stamps in lower row otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 44b £30
FI763 1904 KEVII 2d purple. Lower marginal block of six, superb unmounted. SG 45 £175
FI764 1904 KEVII 6d, orange. Upper marginal block of four, one stamp hinge trace otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. SG 47 £200
FI05 1904 KEVII 5/- red, lower right corner copy. Superb fresh mint. SG 50 £185
FI33 1904 KEVII 5/- red, upper marginal hinge trace on margin, stamp superb unmounted. SG 50 £300
FI368 1914 KGV ½d line perf. 14, showing strong pre-printing paper crease at top. Striking and most unusual. Very fine mint. SG 60a var. £80
FI659 1912 KGV 5/- deep rose-red. Upper marginal strip of four showing printer's guide cross in margin. Very fine mint. Most attractive. SG 67 £400
FI624 1912 KGV 5/- deep rose-red. Upper marginal block of four, upper left stamp with small abrasion above 'n' of 'Falkland' otherwise superb and fresh unmounted. SG 67 £550
FI341 1912 KGV 5/- deep rose-red. Block of four very fine used cancelled 'FALKLAND ISLANDS MR 10 13'. Virtually severed vertically, scarce and most attractive. SG 67 £420
FI859 1916 KGV 5/- maroon. Very fine unmounted. SG 67b £185
FI853 1914 KGV 10/- red on green. Very fine unmounted. SG 68 £250
FI370 1914 KGV £1 black on red. Very fine fresh mint, hinge trace and well centred. SG 69 £375
AM115 1914 KGV £1 black on red, upper left corner marginal. Very fine lightly mounted mint. Exceptional. SG 69 £375
FI747 1919 KGV 1d 'WAR TAX' overprint, orange-vermilion (comb perf). Major variety WATERMARK REVERSED. Upper marginal, superb unmounted and clearly visible in the margin. SG 71cx (Heijtz 36c wmk1.) £950
FI1143 1928 KGV 2d reddish maroon, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Complete sheet of 60, screw heads showing at lower left and right corners. Some perfs. parted otherwise very fine unmounted. A lovely and scarce survivor. SG 75c £550
FI1150 1925 KGV 1/- deep ochre, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 78 £110
FI34 1923 KGV slate-green, wmk. Multiple Script CA. Lower left corner block of four, minor gum crease on one otherwise superb unmounted. SG 80 £400
FI1151 1929 KGV 'Whale and Penguin', complete set of 11 values. Very fine and fresh unmounted. A difficult set in this condition. SG 116-126 £700
FI784 1929 KGV 'Whale and Penguin', complete set of 11 values, plus additional shades of the ½d, 1d, 6d and 1/-. Very fine and fresh unmounted. A difficult set in this condition. SG 116-126 £875
FI849 1929 KGV 'Whale and Penguin', ½d to 1s set of 7 values. Corner blocks of four. Fine or very fine unmounted. SG 116-122 £400
FI625 1929 KGV 2/6 carmine on blue. Right marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 123 £320
FI883 Postal History 1934 24th September, envelope bearing KGV 1d scarlet (SG 117), lightly cancelled 'PORT STANLEY', addressed to England. Struck with crisp violet 'PAQUEBOT' cachet and further oval 'FALKLAND ISLANDS GOVERNMENT / SHIP "DISCOVERY". £145
FI842 1933 KGV Centenary, commemorative medallion as issued. Badge of the Colony to one side and reverse KGV. Some wear. £25
FI1133 1933 KGV Centenary. Complete set of 12 values, very fine or superb unmounted. The top four values matching upper marginal. A lovely a difficult group. SG 127-138 SOLD
FI1128 1933 KGV Centenary. Complete set of 12 values, perforated 'SPECIMEN'. Very fine or superb unmounted. A difficult set, and especially in this condition. SG 127s-138s £4,750
FI1319 1933 KGV Centenary ½d black and green (first printing). (Wider) lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 127 £30
FI515 1933 KGV Centenary ½d black and green. Very fine used cancelled part FOX BAY / FALKLAND ISLANDS NO 30 33 datestamp. SG 127 £10
FI1168 1933 KGV Centenary 1d black and scarlet. Showing prominent 'Thick serif to '1' at left' flaw (row 1/3, first printing only). Very fine mint. SG 128a £475
FI844 1933 KGV Centenary 1d black and scarlet. Complete sheet of 60, lacking lower margin. Apparently the second printing without Thick serif to '1' at left flaw. A number of vertical perforations parted and short crease at top into one stamp. otherwise fresh unmounted. SG 128 £175
FI836 1933 KGV Centenary 1½d black and blue. Block of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 129 £95
FI750 1933 KGV Centenary 1½d black and blue. Block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 129 £120
FI628 1933 KGV Centenary 1½d black and blue (apparently first printing). Block of four very fine used cancelled PORT STANLEY / FALKLAND ISLANDS 26 SP 33 datestamps. An uncommon multiple. SG 129 SOLD
FI827 1933 KGV Centenary 3d black and violet. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 131 £130
FI550 1933 KGV Centenary 4d black and (brownish) orange (apparently first printing). Very fine used cancelled PORT STANLEY / FALKLAND ISLANDS 7 JA 33 datestamp. SG 132 £25
FI552 1933 KGV Centenary 4d black and (brownish) orange (apparently first printing). Very fine used cancelled PORT STANLEY / FALKLAND ISLANDS 16 DE 33 datestamp. SG 132 £25
FI863 1933 KGV Centenary 6d black and slate (first printing). Very fine unmounted. SG 133 £95
FI1096 1933 KGV Centenary 6d black and slate (first printing). Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 133 SOLD
FI567 1933 KGV Centenary 1/- black and olive-green (apparently first printing). Very fine used cancelled PORT STANLEY / FALKLAND ISLANDS 4 JA 33 datestamp. SG 134 £80
FI447 1933 KGV Centenary 2/6d black and violet. Very fine mint. SG 135 £165
FI35 1933 KGV Centenary 2/6 black and violet. Right marginal very fine well centred mint. SG 135 SOLD
FI885 1933 KGV Centenary 2/6d black and violet. Pristine unmounted. SG 135 £350
FI1132 1933 KGV Centenary 10/- black and chestnut. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 137 £1,100
FI452 1933 KGV Centenary £1 black and carmine. Very fine fresh mint, pencil signature on reverse. SG 138 £1,750
FI711 1933 KGV Centenary £1 black and carmine. Right marginal, hinged on face of margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted, clear white gum. An exceptional stamp. SG 138 SOLD
FI589 Postal History 1933 7th December, (Davies) blue cover bearing KGV 1d Centenary (SG 128), crisply cancelled SOUTH GEORGIA, addressed to England. £55
FI603 Postal History 1934 11th April, (Rutherford) cover bearing KGV 1d, 3d and 4d Centenary (SG 128, 131, 132), each cancelled SOUTH GEORGIA datestamps. Sent registered with 'No. 64' label to England. £220
FI615 Postal History 1934 11th April, (Rutherford) cover bearing KGV 1½d x two, 4d and 6d Centenary (SG 129, 132, 133), each cancelled SOUTH GEORGIA datestamps. Sent registered with 'No. 65' label to England. £325
FI616 Postal History 1934 11th April, (Rutherford) cover bearing KGV 2d, 6d and 1/- Centenary (SG 130, 133, 134), each cancelled SOUTH GEORGIA datestamps. Sent registered with 'No. 63' label to England. £375
FI15 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, set of four values in marginal blocks of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 139-142 £225
FI782 1937 KGVI Coronation. Set of three blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 143-145 £8
FI884 1938-50 KGVI definitive. Complete basic set of 18 values. Superb unmounted. SG 146-163 £325
FI112 1938-50 KGVI definitive. Complete basic set of 18 values blocks of four, all to 1/- unmounted high values hinged. A lovely group. SG 146-163 £900
FI746 1938 KGVI definitive, 2d, 4d and 6d then 9d and 1/- on two separate covers (Selfridge & Co.), each cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 3 JA 38' First Day of Issue datestamps, sent registered to England. The 1/- with defect at top otherwise fine. An attractive and uncommon pair. £75
FI332 1937 KGVI definitive, original set of 12 values on cover cancelled with back-dated 'PORT STANLEY 3 JA 38' first day of issue datestamps. Of note is the 10/- duty which is the 1944 third printing. Most unusual.
Note: it is thought that a genuine canceller was 'used' during the early 1950's in the Manchester area of the UK. This, obviously, complicates the allocation of used stamps by their dated postmark to specific printings
KGVI Please note: the dates stated on the following KGVI items refer to the PRINTING year, and not issue year. Where SG lists all the relevant printings, these are quoted by SG numbers. Elsewhere numbers are taken from the Stefan Heijtz specialised catalogue.  
FI1277 1937 KGVI ½d black and yellow-green. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76a SOLD
FI1278 1937 KGVI ½d black and yellow-green. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '3993' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 76a SOLD
FI1279 1937 KGVI ½d black and yellow-green. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Hinge trace on one, otherwise very fine unmounted. Heijtz 76a £6
FI1282 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76b £3
FI1283 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76b £4
FI1280 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Upper right corner block of four, without running sheet number in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76b SOLD
FI1281 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '4501' in margin. Fine mint or unmounted. Heijtz 76b SOLD
FI726 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on upper pair, lower unmounted. Heijtz 76b SOLD
FI1284 1942 KGVI ½d black and green. Lower right corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 76b SOLD
FI1285 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76c £3
FI739 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76c £4
FI317 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Upper right corner block of eight, without running sheet number in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76c £8
FI318 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76c £3
FI1286 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76c SOLD
FI314 1944 KGVI ½d black and brighter green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb used on piece cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 15 NO 45'. Heijtz 76c £6
FI1287 1947 KGVI ½d black and blue-green (thin paper). Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 76d £25
FI1288 1947 KGVI ½d black and blue-green (thin paper). Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 76d SOLD
FI302 1937 KGVI 1d black and carmine. Upper left corner, very fine mint. SG 147 £15
FI1267 1937 KGVI 1d black and carmine. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 147 £80
FI303 1937 KGVI 1d black and carmine. Upper left corner block of four. Few gum bends otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 147 £100
FI1268 1937 KGVI 1d black and carmine. Lower left corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 147 £80
FI1266 1937 KGVI 1d black and carmine. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Hinge trace, very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 147 £60
FI1269 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 147a £12
FI1270 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Upper left corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 147a £14
FI653 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Upper right corner block of four, showing running sheet number '3153' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 147a SOLD
FI1275 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '5406' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 147a SOLD
FI1271 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 147a £14
FI871 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 147a SOLD
FI421 1937 KGVI 1d black and vermilion. Complete sheet of 60 running sheet number '4856' in upper margin. Few minor perforation separations very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 147a £200
FI283 1941 KGVI 1d black and bright violet. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78a £30
FI1289 1941 KGVI 1d black and bright violet. Upper right corner block of four, without running sheet number in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78a £35
FI1291 1941 KGVI 1d black and bright violet. Upper right corner block of 12 showing running sheet number '0045' in margin. Odd minor tone, very fine unmounted. Heijtz 78a SOLD
FI1290 1941 KGVI 1d black and bright violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 78a £40
FI1142 1941 KGVI 1d black and bright violet. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. uncommon. Heijtz 78a £45
FI1292 1942 KGVI 1d black and purple-violet. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '0420' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78b SOLD
FI1293 1942 KGVI 1d black and purple-violet. Lower left corner block of 15 showing running sheet number '4597' in left margin (apparently issues in the colony. Odd minor fox mark otherwise very fine unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 78b SOLD
FI872 1942 KGVI 1d black and purple-violet. Lower marginal block of six showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78b SOLD
FI795 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78c £10
FI1294 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '1847' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Heijtz 78c SOLD
FI740 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Lower right corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 78c £12
FI770 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78c SOLD
FI1295 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Lower right corner bock of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 78c £15
FI292 1944 KGVI 1d greyish black and violet. Upper left corner block of ten. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78c £25
FI1296 1947 KGVI 1d grey-black and dull purple-violet (thin paper). Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78d £40
FI1297 1947 KGVI 1d grey-black and dull purple-violet (thin paper). Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 78d SOLD
FI1298 1947 KGVI 1d grey-black and dull purple-violet (thin paper). Upper left corner block of ten. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 78d £100
FI729 1937 KGVI 2d black and deep violet. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 79a £40
FI1272 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Block of four superb unmounted. Heijtz 79b £5
FI1098 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 79b £6
FI1276 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '0153' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 79b SOLD
FI1273 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 79b £6
FI1106 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 79b SOLD
FI1274 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 79b £6
FI422 1938 KGVI 2d black and pale violet. Complete sheet of 60 running sheet number '1368' in upper margin. Few minor perforation separations, very fine unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 79b £75
FI1299 1941 KGVI 2d black and carmine. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80a £12
FI1300 1941 KGVI 2d black and carmine. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '0464' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 80a SOLD
FI1301 1941 KGVI 2d black and carmine. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Heijtz 80a SOLD
FI1302 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80b £8
FI1303 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Upper right corner block of four, without running sheet number in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80b £15
FI1304 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '3132' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Heijtz 80b SOLD
FI1307 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Upper right corner block of 12 showing running sheet number '1014' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 80b SOLD
FI1306 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Upper left corner block of six showing running sheet number '4376' in upper margin. superb unmounted. Heijtz 80b SOLD
FI256 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Lower left corner block of 15 showing running sheet number '4792' in left margin, the full quarter pane as released. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 80b SOLD
FI1305 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Lower block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 80b SOLD
FI774 1942 KGVI 2d black and deep carmine-red. Right marginal vertical strip of four showing fine vertical paper crease running vertically through with resultant fine printed line showing. Superb unmounted. Most unusual. Heijtz 80b var. £75
FI796 1944 KGVI 2d black and carmine-red. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80c £10
FI1308 1944 KGVI 2d black and carmine-red. Lower left corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. Heijtz 80c £8
FI1309 1944 KGVI 2d black and carmine-red. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 80c SOLD
FI730 1944 KGVI 2d black and carmine-red. Lower right corner block of four showing frame plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80c £10
FI261 1944 KGVI 2d black and carmine-red. Block of four superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 22 JY 46'. Heijtz 80c £15
FI1310 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d £10
FI1313 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Upper right corner block of four without running sheet number in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d £20
FI1139 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Upper right corner block of four, showing running sheet number '0992' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d SOLD
FI1312 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Upper right corner block of 12 showing running sheet number '0520' on upper margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d SOLD
FI772 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d SOLD
FI1311 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Lower right corner block of four, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d £15
FI266 1949 KGVI 2d black and deep red (thin paper). Lower two rows of the sheet showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 80d £55
FI1260 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 151 £5
FI1261 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 151 £6
FI1262 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '4112' in right margin. Superb unmounted. SG 151 SOLD
FI1263 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 151 £5
FI786 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 151 SOLD
FI1264 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 151 £5
FI1265 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Complete sheet of 60 running sheet number '0079' in right margin. Minor perforation separation and odd tone spot on reverse, very fine unmounted. SG 151 £60
FI359 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. On piece cancelled 'SOUTH GEORGIA 14 39'. SG 151 (Z78) £7
FI251 1937 KGVI 2½d black and bright blue. Block of four superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 26 JY 50'. SG 151 £2
FI240 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Upper marginal superb unmounted. SG 152 £6
FI241 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Block of four superb unmounted. SG 152 £25
FI242 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Right marginal block of four superb unmounted. SG 152 £25
FI731 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Upper right corner block of four without running sheet number. Superb unmounted. SG 152 £35
FI1258 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 152 £25
FI1103 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 152 SOLD
FI1104 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 2' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 152 £45
FI1259 1949 KGVI 2½d black and blue. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1 2' in margin. Hinged on one otherwise superb unmounted. SG 152 SOLD
FI1256 1941 KGVI 3d black and greenish blue. Block of four superb unmounted. Heijtz 83a £40
FI1135 1941 KGVI 3d black and greenish blue. Lower marginal strip of three showing imprint and frame plate '1' in margin. Hinge trace on one otherwise superb unmounted. Heijtz 83a £45
FI1255 1941 KGVI 3d black and greenish blue. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '0170' in margin. Hinged on one otherwise superb unmounted. Heijtz 83a SOLD
FI1250 1942 KGVI 3d black and deep blue. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83b £30
FI745 1942 KGVI 3d black and deep blue. Upper right corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 83b SOLD
FI1152 1942 KGVI 3d black and deep blue. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '3130' in right margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83b SOLD
FI234 1942 KGVI 3d black and deep blue. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83b £30
FI706 1942 KGVI 3d black and deep blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83b £55
FI1257 1944 KGVI 3d slate-black and deep blue. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83c £30
FI742 1944 KGVI 3d slate-black and deep blue. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83c £35
FI1253 1944 KGVI 3d slate-black and deep blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1'. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83c SOLD
FI1254 1944 KGVI 3d slate-black and deep blue. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 83c £100
FI1131 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84a £15
FI1113 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84a £60
FI1248 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '1698' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84a SOLD
FI1118 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84a £65
FI1245 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Uncommon. Heijtz 84a SOLD
FI1252 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Complete sheet of 60. Some unobtrusive staining mostly to the edges, fine unmounted. A scarce survivor. Heijtz 84a £250
AM765 1938 KGVI 4d black and purple. Tied to small piece by 'SOUTH GEORGIA' (28 OC / 4) datestamp. SG Z80 £10
FI221 1937 KGVI 4d black and bright purple. Block of four superb used on piece cancelled 'SOUTH GEORGIA MR 30 38', another below. Heijtz 84a (SG Z80) £60
FI1249 1938 KGVI 4d grey-black and dull purple. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84b SOLD
FI1247 1938 KGVI 4d grey-black and dull purple. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. Heijtz 84b £25
FI797 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c £15
FI1115 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c £18
FI1114 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c £18
FI1116 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c SOLD
FI1117 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c £18
FI1251 1944 KGVI 4d black and purple. Lower right corner block of 12. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 84c £55
FI1241 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85a £30
FI1243 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '0513' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85a SOLD
FI1246 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Upper right corner block of four, showing running sheet number '338' in margin, this above the upper left stamp with the margin of the upper right stamp removed (an error in numbering?). Light faults on reverse, fine mint or unmounted. Most unusual. Heijtz 85a SOLD
FI1242 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85a £30
FI1244 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. Heijtz 85a £20
FI873 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85a SOLD
FI192 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Superb used cancelled 'FOX BAY DE 3 38'. Heijtz 85a £5
FI194 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Block of four on piece superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 8 JY 38'. Heijtz 85a £20
FI195 1937 KGVI 6d slate-black and dull brown. Block of four on piece superb used cancelled 'SOUTH GEORGIA MR 30 38', another below. Heijtz 85a (SG Z81) £45
FI1153 1938 KGVI 6d black and dark brown shade. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85b1 SOLD
FI203 1938 KGVI 6d black and dark brown shade. Upper right corner block of four showing running sheet number '0813' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85b1 SOLD
FI201 1938 KGVI 6d black and brown shade. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85b2 SOLD
FI798 1944 KGVI 6d slate-black and deep sepia. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85c £10
FI735 1944 KGVI 6d slate-black and deep sepia. Lower left corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 85c £12
FI1137 1944 KGVI 6d slate-black and deep sepia. Lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 85c SOLD
FI182 1949 KGVI 6d black. Block of four, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 156 £18
FI183 1949 KGVI 6d black. Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 156 £24
FI1238 1949 KGVI 6d black. Upper left corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 156 £26
FI736 1949 KGVI 6d black. Upper right corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 156 £26
FI1240 1949 KGVI 6d black. Upper right corner vertical strip of five showing running sheet number '0852' on side margin. Superb unmounted. SG 156 SOLD
FI1111 1949 KGVI 6d black. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on one stamp otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 156 SOLD
FI1136 1949 KGVI 6d black. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 156 £28
FI1239 1949 KGVI 6d black. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plate '1' in margin. Hinged on one otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 156 £60
FI158 1937 KGVI 9d black and grey-blue. Block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87a £100
FI160 1937 KGVI 9d black and grey-blue. Upper right corner block of four running sheet number '246' in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 87a SOLD
FI1235 1937 KGVI 9d black and grey-blue. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. Heijtz 87a £45
FI661 1937 KGVI 9d black and grey-blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. Heijtz 87a £140
FI874 1937 KGVI 9d black and grey-blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 87a SOLD
FI167 1938 KGVI 9d sepia and grey-blue. Block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87b SOLD
FI175 1938 KGVI 9d sepia and grey-blue. Superb used block of four cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 6 FE 46'. Heijtz 87b £20
FI169 1944 KGVI 9d brown-black and grey-blue (greyish paper). Block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87c £60
FI171 1944 KGVI 9d brown-black and grey-blue (greyish paper). Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87c £60
FI172 1944 KGVI 9d brown-black and grey-blue (greyish paper). Upper right corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87c SOLD
FI177 1947 KGVI 9d black and pale grey-blue (thin paper). Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87d £120
FI1110 1947 KGVI 9d black and pale grey-blue (thin paper). Upper left corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87d £130
FI743 1947 KGVI 9d black and pale grey-blue (thin paper). Upper right corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87d £130
FI1237 1947 KGVI 9d black and pale grey-blue (thin paper). Lower left corner block of four, some vertical perforations parted otherwise superb unmounted. Heijtz 87d £110
FI1236 1947 KGVI 9d black and pale grey-blue (thin paper). Upper right corner block of four, superb unmounted. Heijtz 87d £130
FI876 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Superb unmounted. SG 158 £60
FI1101 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 158 £250
FI737 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 158 £225
FI852 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Upper marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 158 £225
FI886 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps very fine unmounted. SG 158 £150
FI875 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 158 SOLD
FI136 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Superb used cancelled '4 MR 38'. SG 158 £18
FI360 1937 KGVI 1/- light dull blue. Fine used on piece cancelled 'SOUTH GEORGIA DE 15 38', stain at right. SG 158 (Z83) £35
FI1100 1938 KGVI 1/- dull greenish blue. Upper marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 158a SOLD
FI151 1938 KGVI 1/- dull greenish blue. Superb used cancelled '16 FE 44'. SG 158a £5
FI152 1938 KGVI 1/- dull greenish blue. Vertical strip of three, light wrinkles very fine used cancelled light 'SOUTH GEORGIA datestamps. SG 158a £20
FI148 1944 KGVI 1/- dull blue (greyish paper). Block of four superb unmounted. SG 158b £125
FI1099 1944 KGVI 1/- dull blue (greyish paper). Upper left corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 158b £80
FI149 1944 KGVI 1/- dull blue (greyish paper). Upper left corner block of four superb unmounted. SG 158b £125
FI708 1944 KGVI 1/- dull blue (greyish paper). Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on one stamp otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 158b SOLD
FI641 1947 KGVI 1/- deep dull blue (thin paper). Upper left corner block of four superb unmounted. SG 158c SOLD
FI1154 1946 KGVI 1/3 black and carmine-red. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 159 SOLD
FI787 1946 KGVI 1/3 black and carmine-red. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 159 £20
FI877 1937 KGVI 2/6 slate. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 90a £75
FI662 1937 KGVI 2/6 slate. Upper right corner copy, superb unmounted. Heijtz 90a £80
FI344 1937 KGVI 2/6 slate. Block of four very fine mint. Heijtz 90a £175
FI801 1937 KGVI 2/6 slate. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 90a £300
FI642 1937 KGVI 2/6 slate. Block of four, collector's handstamp on reverse of each, very fine unmounted. Heijtz 90a £300
FI800 1944 KGVI 2/6 yellowish slate. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 90c £225
FI1155 1944 KGVI 2/6 yellowish slate. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 90c £225
FI878 1937 KGVI 5/- blue and chestnut. Superb unmounted. SG 161 £110
FI1108 1937 KGVI 5/- blue and chestnut. Block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 161 £525
FI384 1937 KGVI 5/- blue and chestnut. Superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 5 AP 38'. SG 161 £75
FI108 1938 KGVI 5/- indigo and pale yellow-brown. Superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 24 AP'. SG 161b £70
FI366 1938 KGVI 5/- indigo and pale yellow-brown. Block of four, some vertical perfs. parted at top otherwise superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 24 MR '. SG 161b £285
FI96 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Superb unmounted. SG 161c £95
FI97 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Right marginal superb unmounted. SG 161c £95
FI99 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 161c £400
FI802 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 161c £400
FI682 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 161c £400
FI775 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Showing yellow-brown inking line around 'LINGS' of 'SHILLINGS', an inclusion on the plate. Superb unmounted. Striking and unusual. SG 161c var. £175
FI110 1944 KGVI 5/- dull blue and yellow-brown (greyish paper). Superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 15 DE 44', early useage. Scarce. SG 161c £400
FI1107 1949 KGVI 5/- bright blue and bistre-brown (thin paper). Lower marginal, superb unmounted. SG 161d £325
FI1156 1949 KGVI 5/- bright blue and bistre-brown (thin paper). Right marginal lock of four. Superb unmounted. SG 161d £1,450
FI111 1949 KGVI 5/- bright blue and bistre-brown (thin paper). Superb used cancelled '10 MR 52'. Uncommon. SG 161d £335
FI828 1937 KGVI 10/- black and orange-brown. Left marginal block of four, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 162 £600
FI89 1938 KGVI 10/- black and orange. Superb used cancelled '19 FE 45'. SG 162a £55
FI90 1938 KGVI 10/- black and orange. Very fine used on piece cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 9 FE 45'. SG 162a £55
FI1157 1944 KGVI 10/- black and red-orange (greyish paper). Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 162b £450
FI347 1944 KGVI 10/- black and red-orange (greyish paper). Used on cover cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 1950', sent registered Airmail to the U.S.A., arrival backstamps NEW YORK 3 9 1950. A very scarce printing used on cover. SG 162b £400
FI74 1937 KGVI £1 black and dull violet. Superb used on piece cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 17 MY 38'. Heijtz 93a £60
FI643 1937 KGVI £1 black and dull violet. Block of four, very fine used central 'PORT STANLEY' datestamp. Heijtz 93a £225
FI75 1938 KGVI £1 black and reddish violet. Left marginal pair superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 21 JY 47'. Heijtz 93b £120
FI829 1938 KGVI £1 black and reddish violet. Upper right corner block of four, running sheet number '046' in margin. On piece cancelled central 'PORT STANLEY 2 OC 42' datestamp. Minor gum soiling. Heijtz 93b SOLD
FI879 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Upper marginal, superb unmounted. Heijtz 93c £95
FI69 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 93c £350
FI71 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Lower marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 93c £350
FI1109 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 93c £350
FI72 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Upper right corner block of four. Adherence on margin stamps superb unmounted. Heijtz 93c £350
FI804 1944 KGVI £1 grey-black and bluish violet. Lower left corner block of four. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. Heijtz 93c £250
FI880 1949 KGVI £1 black and bright violet, thin paper. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 93d £325
FI386 1949 KGVI £1 black and bright violet, thin paper. Left marginal, superb unmounted. Heijtz 93d £325
FI1158 1949 KGVI £1 black and bright violet, thin paper. Right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. Scarce. Heijtz 93d £1,300
FI338 1945 21st February, cover bearing KGVI 2/6 to £1 (all second printings), each cancelled violet sc 'FALKLAND ISLANDS / South Georgia 21 FEB 1945 / DEPENDENCY' datestamps. Addressed to London. Attractive. SG Z85, Z86a, Z87a, Z88 £250
FI326 1946 19th May, long cover bearing KGVI 6d (black and dark brown, Heijtz 85b1) vertical strip of five, cancelled 'FOX BAY', rubber handstamp address 'K.V.Lellman, Darwin, Falklands', arrival backstamp 'PORT STANLEY' dated 26th May. Attrictive. £65
FI53 1948 KGVI £1 Royal Silver Wedding, lower marginal pair showing full imprint in margin. Folded vertically between otherwise superb unmounted. SG 167 £200
AM186 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, both values, 2½d and £1 in marginal blocks of four. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 166-167 £300
FI380 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, both values, 2½d and £1 in matching left marginal blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 166-167 £300
FI860 1948 KGVI £1 Royal Silver Wedding, lower marginal strip of four showing imprint and plate '1a' in margin. Superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY 25 JA 49'. Lovely. SG 167 £260
FI19 1946 KGVI Victory, set perforated 'SPECIMEN'. 3d few short perfs. at top otherwise very fine mint. SG 164s-165s £150
FI882 Postal History 1953 4th June, envelope bearing QEII 1d Coronation block of four (SG 186), lightly cancelled 'PORT STANLEY' on the First Day of issue. Addressed to the USA, and delivered via Argentina, the postal authorities there not recognising the issue as valid, the block scored around in blue crayon, struck with boxed 'T2' cachet and 'BUENOS AIRES' datestamp alongside. No further postal strikes. Interesting and unusual. £65
FI673 1952 KGVI definitive, complete set of 14 values. Superb unmounted. SG 172-185 £130
FI861 1952 KGVI definitive, complete set of 14 values in matching upper left corner blocks of four. Hinged on margins stamps very fine unmounted. SG 172-185 £575
FI1126 1952 KGVI definitive, complete set of 14 values in lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb unmounted. A lovely and uncommon group. SG 172-185 £1,100
FI1127 1952 KGVI definitive, complete set of 14 values in lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1' or '1 1' (2½d), the 3d lower marginal showing imprint. The 1d in addition showing part 'A' and the 2d 'B' at lower right corner, which are usually trimmed off. Hinged on margins stamps very fine unmounted. An uncommon group. SG 172-185 £900
FI1097 1952 KGVI 10/- definitive, left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 185 £90
FI644 1952 KGVI £1 definitive, lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 185 £80
FI697 1953 KGVI £1 definitive intense black printing. Superb unmounted. SG 185 shade, Heijtz 115b £75
FI855 1952 25th April, small envelope bearing KGVI £1 block (SG 185), cancelled large triple circle 'PORT STANLEY / FIRST OVERSEAS AIRMAIL' datestamp. Sent registered airmail to England. Most appealing. £85
FI665 1955-57 QEII definitive, complete set of six values in corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 187-192 £110
FI390 1955-57 QEII definitive, complete set of six values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate number '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 187-192 £200
FI674 1960 QEII Birds definitive. Complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 193-207 £120
FI866 1960 QEII Birds definitive. Complete set of 15 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 193-207 £500
FI1213 1960 QEII birds definitive. Complete set of 15 values, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers, all bar 1d, 2½d, 9d and 5/- '1 1', those '2 1'. Superb unmounted. SG 193-207 £850
FI1218 1962 QEII Birds definitive. ½d to 1/- set of ten values, each a lower right corner block of six showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted and scarce in this ideal positional format. SG 193-202 £250
FI1172 1960 QEII Birds definitive. Complete set of 15 values, each on piece superb used cancelled 'FOX BAY'. SG 193-207 £65
FI1174 1960 QEII ½d Birds definitive. Complete sheet of 60, imprint and plate '1 1' in margin. Folded at centre, minor marginal faults, superb unmounted. SG 193 £80
FI1178 1962 QEII ½d Birds definitive, black and green, De La Rue printing. Upper right corner block of four, showing vignette plate '47770' in margin, this apparently the 1964 'd' printing. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 193a (printing d) £85
FI1177 1962 QEII ½d Birds definitive, black and green, De La Rue printing. Lower two rows of the sheet, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and the lower right stamp showing 'weak entry' (row 12/5). This apparently the 1964 'd' printing. Hinged on margins, stamps superb unmounted. SG 193a, 193ab (printing d, Heijtz 123b v2 and v3) £175
FI1179 1962 QEII ½d Birds definitive, black and green,De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '2 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and the lower right stamp showing 'weak entry' (row 12/5). This apparently the 1964 'e' printing. Very scarce, with only 33 sheets delivered. Superb used on piece cancelled 'FOX BAY'. Scarce. SG 193a, 193ab (printing e, Heijtz 123b, v2 and v3) £130
FI868 1960 QEII 1d Birds definitive. Left marginal showing downwards shift of vignette. Superb unmounted. SG 194 var. £65
FI867 1960 QEII 1d Birds definitive. Showing dramatic leftwards shift of vignette. Superb unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 194 var. £250
FI1214 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '2 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 194 £25
FI1175 1960 QEII 1d Birds definitive. Complete sheet of 60, imprint and plates '2 1' in margin. Folded at centre and minor marginal faults, superb unmounted. SG 194 £75
FI1180 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Showing upwards shift of perforations, right marginal. Hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 194a var. £20
FI1181 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Left marginal block of six, showing printer's guide cross and part pin marks in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 194a £40
FI1185 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Block of six, lower left stamp showing 'shoulder' flaw (row 8/4). Superb used cancelled 'PORT STANLEY'. SG 194a and var. (Heijtz 124b and v3) £20
FI1182 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Upper left corner block of four, this apparently the 1965 'f' printing, of which only 33 sheets were delivered. Superb unmounted. SG 194a (printing f) £50
FI1183 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Right marginal block of four, this apparently the 1965 'f' printing, of which only 33 sheets were delivered. Superb unmounted. SG 194a (printing f) £50
FI1184 1962 QEII 1d Birds definitive, black and carmine-red, De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plate '2 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and the lower right stamp showing 'weak entry' (row 12/5). This apparently the 1965 'f' printing. Only 33 sheets were delivered. Superb unmounted. An ideal positional multiple, very scarce. SG 194a, 194ab (printing f, Heijtz 124b, v1 and v2) £275
FI1176 19620 QEII 2d Birds definitive. Complete sheet of 60, imprint and plate '1 1' in margin. Folded at centre and minor marginal faults, superb unmounted. SG 195 £80
FI1173 1960 QEII 2d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of six, showing imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Superb used cancelled 'FOX BAY'. SG 195 £15
FI1187 1966 QEII 2d Birds definitive, black and deep blue, De La Rue printing. Right marginal block of four, printer's guide marks in margin, lower left stamp showing 'shoulder' flaw (row 8/4). Superb unmounted. SG 195a and var. (Heijtz 125b and v2) £75
FI1189 1966 QEII 2d Birds definitive, black and deep blue, De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '2 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and the lower right stamp showing 'weak entry' (row 12/5). Superb used on piece cancelled 'FOX BAY'. An ideal positional multiple. SG 195a, 195ab (Heijtz 125b, v1 and v2) £375
FI1215 1962 QEII 2½d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '2 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 196 £15
FI1216 1962 QEII 3d Birds definitive, lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 197 £7
FI1217 1962 QEII 4d Birds definitive, lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 198 £9
FI1219 1962 QEII 5½d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 199 £20
FI1220 1962 QEII 6d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 200 £24
FI1203 1963 QEII 6d Birds definitive, De La Rue printing. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted (Heijtz 130b) £20
FI1221 1962 QEII 9d Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '2 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 201 £15
FI1222 1962 QEII 1/- Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 202 £9
FI1223 1962 QEII 1/3 Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 203 £80
FI793 1966 QEII 2s Birds definitive, black and lake-brown, De La Rue printing. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 204a £185
FI1190 1966 QEII 2/- Birds definitive, black and lake-brown, De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '2 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp showing 'weak entry' (row 12/5). Superb unmounted. An ideal and scarce positional multiple. SG 204a, 204ab (Heijtz 134b, v1 and v2) £1,850
FI1224 1962 QEII 5/- Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '2 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 205 £150
FI1170 1960 QEII 5/- Birds definitive. Block of four. Superb used twice cancelled 'PORT STANLEY'. SG 205 £35
FI1227 1962 QEII 10/- Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 206 £270
FI1228 1962 QEII £1 Birds definitive. Lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 207 £300
FI1171 1960 QEII £1 Birds definitive. Block of four. Superb used twice cancelled 'PORT STANLEY'. SG 207 £80
FI1197 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Right marginal block of 12, lower right stamp showing 'shoulder' flaw (row 8/4), in addition printer's guide line and dot between and guide cross and pin mark in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 227 and var. (Heijtz 123c v4) £25
FI1195 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Upper left corner block of four, lower right stamp showing 'extended cross-bar to first 'H' of 'THRUSH' flaw (row 2/2). Superb unmounted. SG 227, 227b £15
FI1198 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Lower right corner block of four, showing plates '2 1' in margin. Further the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and 'weak entry' (row 12/5). Superb unmounted. SG 227, 227a and var. (Heijtz 123c, v2, v3)
Note: this is apparently the 1966 'h' printing
FI1191 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Complete sheet of 60, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '2 1', running sheet '051' in margin. Further the 'H' (row 2/2), 'shoulder' (row 8/4) flaws and substituted cliche (row 12/4) and 'weak entry' (row 12/5). An early stage of the plate crack that affects the lower margin below stamp 12/2. Minor marginal faults, superb unmounted. A most unusual survivor. SG 227, 227a and vars. (Heijtz 123c, v1, v2, v3, v4)
Note: this is apparently the 1966 'h' printing
FI1200 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '2 1' in margin. Further the lower centre stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp the 'weak entry' (row 12/5). Superb used on piece cancelled 'FOX BAY'. SG 227, 227a and var. (Heijtz 123c, v2, v3)
Note: this is apparently the 1966 'h' printing
FI1201 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Lower right corner block of six, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Further the lower left stamp showing the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp apparently without the 'weak entry' (row 12/5). Superb used on piece cancelled 'FOX BAY'. SG 227 and var. (Heijtz 123c, v3)
Note: this is apparently the 1968 'j' printing, 84 sheets delivered. The shading below 'FA' of 'FALKLAND' is clearly visible
FI1192 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Complete sheet of 60, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Further the 'H' (row 2/2), 'shoulder' (row 8/4) flaws and substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp apparently without the 'weak entry' (row 12/5). The plate crack that affects the lower margin below stamp 12/2 still clearly evident. Superb unmounted. A most unusual survivor. SG 227 and vars. (Heijtz 123c, v1, v3, v4)
Note: this is apparently the 1968 'j' printing, 84 sheets delivered. The shading below 'FA' of 'FALKLAND' is clearly visible
FI402 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Lower two rows of the sheet, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '1 2' in margin. Further the substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp apparently without the 'weak entry' (row 12/5). The plate crack that affected the lower margin below stamp 12/2 is now no longer evident. Superb unmounted. SG 227 and var. (Heijtz 123c, v3)
Note: this is apparently the 1968 'j' printing, 84 sheets delivered. The shading below 'FA' of 'FALKLAND' is clearly visible
FI1193 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Complete sheet of 60, showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY' imprint and plates '1 2' in margin. Further the 'H' (row 2/2), 'shoulder' (row 8/4) flaws and substituted cliche (row 12/4) and lower right stamp apparently without the 'weak entry' (row 12/5). The plate crack that affected the lower margin below stamp 12/2 is now no longer evident. Superb unmounted. A most unusual survivor. SG 227 and vars. (Heijtz 123c, v1, v3, v4)
Note: this is apparently the 1968 'j' printing, 84 sheets delivered. The shading below 'FA' of 'FALKLAND' is clearly visible
FI1225 1966 QEII ½d Birds definitive, wmk. Crown CA sideways. Lower left corner block of six, showing prominent plate crack in margin at lower right corner. Superb unmounted. SG 227 SOLD
FI1125 1964 50th Anniversary of the Battle of the Falkland Islands. Set of four values, marginal blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 215-218 £30
FI38 1966 Churchill 1d, left marginal showing WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb unmounted. SG 224w £3
FI686 1968 QEII Flowers definitive. Complete set of 14 values, lower right corner singles showing plate '1A' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 232-245 £65
FI1226 1968 QEII Flowers definitive. Complete set of 14 values, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate '1A' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. An uncommon group. SG 232-245 £375
FI776 1968 QEII 1/- Flowers definitive. Major variety WATERMARK INVERTED, lower right corner copy showing cylinders '1A' in margin. Superb unmounted. Scarce and ideal in this marginal format. SG 240w £350
FI1233 1971 QEII definitive decimal surcharges. Complete set of 13 values in corner blocks of four, the ½p on ½d upper left and showing the Crown damaged flaw (row 2/2), the others from the lower right corners showing plate '1A' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 263-275, 263a £150
FI1234 1972 QEII decimal definitive. Complete set of 13 values in corner blocks of four, the 6p and 25p from the lower left, the others from lower right showing plate '1A' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 276-288 £185
FI1229 1974 QEII flowers decimal definitive, watermark changes. ½p and 2p watermark upright and 6p watermark sideways, each a lower right corner block of four showing plate '1A' numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 293, 294, 295 £250
FI1230 1974 QEII flowers decimal definitive, watermark change. ½p 'Dusty Miller' lower right corner block of four showing '1A' plate numbers and colour blocks. Superb unmounted. SG 293 £70
FI1231 1974 QEII flowers decimal definitive, watermark change. ½p 'Dusty Miller' right marginal block of four, colour blocks in margin, upper right stamp showing 'Smudge over second 'I' of 'decipiens' (row 3/12). Superb unmounted. SG 293 and var. £75
FI721 1974 35th Anniversary of the Battle of the River Plate. Complete set of four values, the 2p and 6p upper marginal, all showing watermark sideways to the right. Superb unmounted. SG 307w, 308w, 309w, 310w £165
FI1232 1975 QEII ½p 'Dusty Miller', watermark diagonal Crown CA, sideways. Lower right corner block of four showing '1A' plate numbers and colour blocks. Superb unmounted. SG 315 £15
FI719 1975 2p New Coinage. Upper marginal showing watermark sideways to the right. Superb unmounted. SG 316w £55
AA3304 1978 QEII Ships definitive, complete set of 15 values in lower left corner blocks of four showing plate numbers '1A' or '1C' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 331A-345A £90
FI720 1979 Sir Rowland Hill Death Centenary. 3p and 25p each showing watermark sideways to the left. Superb unmounted. SG 364w, 366w £225
FI701 1983 QEII Insects and Spiders definitive, without imprint date. Complete set of 15 values lower left corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 469A-483A £35
FI1121 1892 16th February, QV 'PENNY HALFPENNY' stationery card (Heijtz P1), cancelled 'FALKLAND ISLANDS' dc datestamp, this below the indicium, addressed to Guatemala. London MR 25 transit and Guatemala ABP 19 arrival strikes. The reverse headed 'Port Stanley 23/1 1892', and the message a response from a request to supply used stamps from the Island and that 'the stamps used have a novelty to the place directly'. An extraordinary destination. £250
FI1202 1905 30th January, folded two page letter from J. A. Tilleard, first curator of the Royal Philatelic Collection, to R. S. Hosford regarding the stamp issues of the Falkland Islands. He also returned two imperforate Argentinian stamps stating 'the Prince only collects stamps of the British Commonwealth' (later King George V). He ends giving the issue dates of the early issues. Full transcript accompanies. A most unusual adjunct. £85
FI39 1960 QEII 1d postal stationery card. Superb unused. Heijtz P7 £15
FI40 1960 QEII 1d + 1d Reply Paid postal stationery card. Superb unused. Heijtz P8 £25
FI1122 c1905 coloured post card 'PACIFIC LINE R M STEAMER "ORAVIA", superb unused. £30
FI865 DEPENDENCIES / GRAHAM LAND 1944 KGVI overprinted, set of eight values. Superb unmounted. SG A1-A8 £15
FI789 DEPENDENCIES / GRAHAM LAND 1944 KGVI overprinted, set of eight values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG A1-A8 £70
FI377 DEPENDENCIES / GRAHAM LAND 1944 KGVI 2d overprint, showing complete 'circle' variety behind Swan's head, this deleting the carmine-red print run then clearing for the black print run. Fine mint. Striking and scarce. SG A3 var.
Note: during the printing process, the margins were punched through. On a few occasions, these circular bits of paper were not all cleared but remained on the paper prior to the first colour print run
FI378 DEPENDENCIES / GRAHAM LAND 1944 KGVI 9d overprint, showing large part 'circle' variety upper right, this deleting grey-blue print run. Fine used, light violet datestamp. Striking and scarce. SG A7 var.
Note: prior to the printing process, the margins were punched through. On a few occasions, these circular bits of paper were not all cleared but remained on the paper prior to the first colour print run
FI788 DEPENDENCIES / SOUTH GEORGIA 1944 KGVI overprinted, set of eight values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG B1-B8 £70
FI670 DEPENDENCIES / SOUTH ORKNEYS 1944 KGVI overprinted, set of eight values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG C1-C8 £70
FI791 DEPENDENCIES / SOUTH SHETLANDS 1944 KGVI overprinted, set of eight values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG D1-D8 £70
FI30 DEPENDENCIES / SOUTH SHETLANDS 1944 KGVI overprints, complete set of eight values in lower marginal blocks of four showing full imprint. Superb unmounted. SG D1-D8 £125
FI1124 DEPENDENCIES 1946 KGVI thick maps, set of eight values in upper marginal blocks of four, each upper right stamp showing Gap in 80th parallel flaw (apparently row 1/4). Hinged on face of margins, very fine unmounted. SG G1-G8, G1a-G8a £70
FI700 DEPENDENCIES 1946 KGVI thick maps, set of eight values in lower right corner blocks of four showing plate '1A' in margins. In addition all showing Gap in 80th parallel flaw (row 5/9). Very fine unmounted. SG G1-G8, G1a-G8a £75
FI1123 DEPENDENCIES 1946 KGVI thick maps, ½d, 1d and 2d upper right corner blocks of four, each upper leftt stamp showing Gap in 80th parallel flaw (apparently row 1/9). Very fine unmounted. SG G1-G3, G1a-G3a £15
FI36 DEPENDENCIES 1946 KGVI 6d thick maps, black and ochre. Lower marginal strip of four showing full imprint. Light endorsement in margin, very fine unmounted. SG G6e £225
FI687 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, complete set of nine values superb unmounted. SG G9-G16 £70
FI806 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, complete set of nine values lower right corner blocks of four showing plate number '1A' in margins. The later 2½d plate '1' with both '2' and '3' in circles plus a later printing of the 3d '1A' and '4' in circle. Hinged on upper pairs lower unmounted. Uncommon group. SG G9-G16 £375
FI805 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, complete set of nine values lower marginal blocks of eight showing imprint in margins. All bar the later 2½d also showing dot in 'T' of 'SOUTH' flaws twice in each block (row 5/4, 5/6). Hinged on two stamps and margin otherwise unmounted. Uncommon group. SG G9-G16, G9b-G16a £750
FI807 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, complete set of nine values upper right corner blocks of eight. All bar the later 2½d showing retouched 30 degree longitudinal line on both positions 2/7 and 2/9. Hinged on margins stamps very fine unmounted. Uncommon group. SG G9-G16 and vars. £675
FI808 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, ½d black and green. Lower right corner horizontal block of 16, imprint and plate number '1A' in margin, showing the first state of the damaged bar to 'T' of 'SOUTH' on all five positions 5/2, 5/4, 5/6, 5/8 and 5/10. This prior to the repair that produced the dot in 'T' flaws. Hinged on face of margin and reverse margin, stamps unmounted. Folded twice vertically. Most unusual. SG G9 and vars. £50
FI1120 DEPENDENCIES 1949 KGVI thin maps, 2½d black and deep blue. Lower marginal strip of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG G11b £20
FI809 DEPENDENCIES 1948 KGVI thin maps, 3d black and blue. Upper right corner horizontal block of 14, showing retouched 30 degree longitudinal line on stamps 2/5, 2/7 and 2/9. Hinged on one stamp and margin otherwise unmounted. SG G12 and vars. £40
FI675 DEPENDENCIES 1954 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG G26-G40 £150
FI823 DEPENDENCIES 1954 QEII definitive, ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d and 2½d. Apparently all second printings in either blocks of four, six, eight or 15. Hinged on two stamps in each block otherwise unmounted. SG G26-G30 second printings £50
FI811 DEPENDENCIES 1962 QEII ½d definitive black and deep green. Block of ten being the right two columns of the sheet, plates '1 1' in margin and showing the 'tow-rope' flaw (row 5/11 and 12). Hinged on margin and lower pair otherwise unmounted. SG G26a and var. (Heijtz 60a v1) £40
FI813 DEPENDENCIES 1962 QEII ½d definitive black and deep green, De La Rue printing. Block of four 30 being the left half of the sheet, showing part imprint and plate number '45.956' in margin. Hinged on margins stamps unmounted. SG G26a £225
FI815 DEPENDENCIES 1962 QEII 1d definitive. Lower right corner block of 18 showing 'THOMAS DE LA RUE' imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on margin and two stamps otherwise unmounted. Uncommon in this ideal positional format. SG G27b £250
FI821 DEPENDENCIES 1954 QEII 1½d definitive, De La Rue printing. Lower right corner block of six showing imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Hinged on two stamps otherwise unmounted. SG G28 £65
AM767 DEPENDENCIES 1954 QEII definitive, £1 black ‘Belgica’. Lower right corner example superb fresh unmounted mint. SG G40 £65
SNA432 DEPENDENCIES 1954 QEII definitive, complete set of 15 values superb used. SG G26-G40 £90
AA3301 DEPENDENCIES 1980 QEII Ships definitive (no date imprint), complete set of 15 values in lower left corner blocks of six showing plate numbers '1A' or '1B' in margins. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 148-162 £100
AA3302 DEPENDENCIES 1984 QEII Ships definitive (1984 date imprint), complete set of 13 values in upper left corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 195-207 £40
FI373 DEPENDENCIES 1985 QEII Ships definitive (1985 date imprint), complete set of 5 values in upper right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 225-229 £70
FI676 FALKLAND ISLANDS / SOUTH GEORGIA 1963 QEII definitive, complete set of 16 values with both £1 types. Superb unmounted. SG 1-16 £130
FI826 FALKLAND ISLANDS / SOUTH GEORGIA 1971 QEII decimal surcharges, wmk. multiple block CA. Complete set of 14 original types blocks of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 18-31, Heijtz 95-108 £275
AA3300 FALKLAND ISLANDS / SOUTH GEORGIA 1977-78 QEII decimal overprint definitive, wmk. spiral Crown CA. Complete set of 12 values in blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Heijtz 129-134, 135a, 136a, 137a, 138a, 139a, 140 £200
FI716 FALKLAND ISLANDS / SOUTH GEORGIA 1977-78 QEII decimal surcharges, wmk. spiral Crown CA. Complete set of 12 values lower marginal blocks of four showing imprint in margins. Superb and fresh unmounted. Heijtz 129-140 £325
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