Last update: 21st October, 2024
1926-27 Pictorials
SA3637 1923 Harrison 1d Springbok essay, small format in carmine. Right marginal, with gum, very fine. £30
SA5659 1923 Harrison 1d Springbok essay, small format in carmine. Block of four, without gum, very fine. £120
SA5400 1923 Harrison 1d Springbok essay, small format in carmine. Right marginal block of four, without gum, very fine. £120
SA5615 1923 Harrison 1d Springbok essay, small format in carmine. Lower left corner block of four, without gum, very fine. £125
SA5658 1923 Harrison 1d Springbok essay, larger format in deep violet and blue. With gum, very fine mint or unmounted. £160
SA385 1926 ½d (London printings), wmk. upright. Right marginal (proving) pair, superb unmounted. SG 30L £8
SA3657 1926 ½d (London printings), wmk. upright. Right marginal (proving) block of four, very fine unmounted. SG 30L £15
SA5794 1926 ½d (London printings), wmk. upright. Upper left corner strip of three (proving), hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 30L £10
SA3666 1926 ½d (London printing), wmk. upright. Lower left corner block of six (proving). Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 30L £20
SA5801 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Lower left corner block of six. Very fine unmounted. SG 30P £20
SA400 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Block of 20 being the lower two rows of the sheet, two cuts in Jubilee line. Some vertical perfs. parted, hinged on margin stamps unmounted. A most unusual multiple. SG 30P (UHB 33Ce) £60
SA5963 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Lower marginal block of four showing missing perforation holes between both pairs, in addition extended last left leg of 'A' of 'AFRIKA' (row 20/9). Fine mint. SG 30P vars. (UHB 33 V4, V13) £35
SA4206 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Upper marginal block of four showing missing perforation holes between stamp and top margin, in addition horizontal shift of perforations into design of stamps. Very fine unmounted. SG 30P var. (UHB 33 V14) £35
SA5792 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Right marginal block of four showing double strike of perforations in margin and into stamps. Superb unmounted. SG 30P var. (UHB 33 V16) £80
SA4516 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Right marginal block of six showing double strike of perforations in margin and into stamps. Very fine unmounted. SG 30P var. (UHB 33 V16) £120
SA4330 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Left marginal block of four showing striking under-inked impressions on all stamps, in addition horizontal shift of perforations into design of stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 30P var. £40
SA3660 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Block of nine showing heavily over-inked impression, in addition resultant green ink smears running diagonally through. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 30P var. £40
SA5964 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Lower marginal block of four, showing large green blob on 'TAG' of 'POSTAGE' on upper left stamp (row 19/5), part centre marking in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 30P var. £30
SA5955 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Upper left corner block of 15 (3x5), showing diagonal paper 'flap' impression, stamps to the left a deeper impression to those on the right. Very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and most unusual. SG 30P var. £90
SA5051 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Block of 24 being two horizontal rows across the sheet. Showing at left part of the margin folded over prior to printing and perforating, resulting in the Jubilee lines and a small portion of the printed design being printed on the folded and gummed side. Hinged on three stamps and folded vertically for display, otherwise unmounted. A striking and most unusual variety. SG 30P vars. £275
SA2227 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright, perf. 13½ x 14. Vertical pair ex. booklet, trimmed perfs. at right and base, fine mint. SG 30Pe SOLD
AS484 1927 Pretoria printing ½d black and green, perf 13½x14, with watermark inverted. Booklet pane of six with binding margin showing jubilee line and horizontal; bars. Slightly trimmed perforations at right otherwise very fine mint with hinge marks across right vertical pair leaving two pairs unmounted. Very scarce. SG 30e
Note: this pane emanates from the 1927 2/6 booklet, SG SB6.
SA5111 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Major variety IMPERFORATE TO LEFT MARGIN. Very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 30P var. £250
SA5962 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. inverted. Apparently issue 3, upper left corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 30Pcw (UHB 33 V22) £15
SA3663 1926 ½d (Pretoria printings), wmk. inverted, perf. 13½ x 14. Vertical pair ex. booklet, un-trimmed perforations. Very fine unmounted. SG 30Pew SOLD
SA5112 1926 1d (London printing), wmk. upright. Upper left corner block of four showing unusual part offset of frame on reverse. Some vertical perforations parted hinge strengthened otherwise fine mint or unmounted. SG 31L var. £30
AS485 1927 Pretoria printing 1d black and carmine, perf 13½ x 14, with watermark inverted. Booklet pane of six with binding margin with jubilee line and horizontal bars. Very fine mint with light hinge marks. Rare. SG 31e
Note: this pane emanates from the 1927 2/6 booklet, SG SB6.
AS483 1927 Pretoria printing 1d black and carmine, perf 13½ x 14, with watermark inverted. Booklet pane of six with binding margin showing EXTRA RED JUBILEE LINE at upper right. A few slightly trimmed perforations otherwise very fine mint with hinge marks on three stamps, three are unmounted. Rare. SG 31e var.
Note: this pane emanates from the 1927 2/6 booklet, SG SB6. For this printing the two lower rows of the plate were removed leaving only the top row with an extra jubilee line.
SA5114 1926 1d Ship (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright. Block of four showing light offset on reverse. Very fine mint or unmounted, unusual. SG 31P var. £30
SA2228 1926 1d Ship (Pretoria printings), wmk. upright, perf. 13½ x 14. Vertical pair ex. booklet, trimmed perfs. at base, fine mint. SG 31Pe £35
SA3668 1926 1d Ship (Pretoria printings), wmk. inverted, perf. 13½ x 14. Vertical pair ex. booklet, un-trimmed perforations. Very fine unmounted. SG 31Pew £90
SA3114 1926 1d Ship (Pretoria printings), wmk. inverted, perf. 13½ x 14. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 31Pew £110
SA2208 1926 6d (London printings), wmk. upright. Superb unmounted. SG 32L £45
SA5838 1926 6d (London printings), wmk. upright. Block of four, superb unmounted. SG 32L £90
SA5901 1927 6d (Pretoria printing), wmk. upright. Upper rightt corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 32P £80
SA5610 1927 6d (Pretoria printing), wmk. upright. Showing good misplacement of vignettes and resulting 'white oranges'. Very fine mint. SG 32P var. (UHB 35 V4) £120
SA5118 1927 6d (Pretoria printing) wmk. inverted. Block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. An uncommon multiple. SG 32Pw £100
SA5889 1927 6d (Pretoria printing) wmk. inverted. Upper left corner pair. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 32Pw SOLD
1926 4d Triangular
1927-30 London Pictorials
SA315 1927-30 2d to 10/-, complete set of seven values. Fine or very fine mint. SG 34-39 £325
SA5241 1927 2d, left marginal superb and fresh unmounted. SG 34 £20
SA5457 1927 2d, lower left corner block of four showing good upwards shift of perforations, now well into design of stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 34 vars. £60
SA5678 1927 2d, major variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Left marginal, very fine mint. SG 34aw £600
SA6137 1927 2d, perf. 14 x 13½ down. Lower marginal block of four, part imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 34b £70
SA311 1927 2d, perf. 14 x 13½ down. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the pane, imprint in margin. Hinged on upper row lower unmounted. A lovely large multiple. SG 34b £275
AS214 1930 2d grey and maroon, perf. 14 x 13½ down. Block of four, diagonal crease across upper pair, otherwise fine used with central Von Brandis Johannesburg (3 Feb 31) double circle datestamp. SG 34b £35
SA2964 1927 2d, perf. 14 x 13½ down, upper left corner block of four. Fine used cancelled 'SIR LOWRYS ROAD', blue registration line through lower pair. SG 34b £35
SA5242 1927 3d, superb unmounted. SG 35 £18
SA5039 1927 3d, right marginal superb unmounted, a deep shade. SG 35 £20
SA5211 1927 3d, upper marginal, hinged on margin stamp very fine unmounted. SG 35 £18
SA313 1927 3d, lower marginal block of 12, part imprint in margin. Hinged on upper row otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 35 £75
SA2166 1927 3d, very fine used. SG 35 £20
AS218 1930 3d black and red. Block of four, very fine used with central HARRISMITH (16 Mar 27) double circle datestamp. SG 35 £45
SA5040 1930 3d, perf. 14 x 13½ down, showing good black inking smear running vertically through left stamp. Very fine unmounted. Striking and unusual on this issue. SG 35a var. £85
SA2167 1930 3d, perf. 14 x 13½ down, fine used. SG 35a £40
SA5122 1930 3d, perf. 14 x 13½ down. Fine used block of four. SG 35a £80
AS217 1930 3d black and red, perf 14 x 13½ down. Block of four, ink mark at lower left and a few split perfs between lower pair, otherwise fine used with WEPENER (20 Jan 30) double circle datestamp. Scarce. SG 35a £65
SA5460 1928 4d, lower left corner block of four showing Oval perforations (as noted in the UHB as off interpanneau margin at left). Hinge trace otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 35b var. (UHB 27 V1) £120
SA2168 1928 4d, very fine used. SG 35b £30
SA1609 1928 4d, perf. 14 x 13½ up. Lower marginal pair with full imprint. Very fine mint. SG 35c £55
SA5680 1928 4d, perf. 14 x 13½ up. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 35c £120
SA5993 1928 4d, perf. 14 x 13½ up. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the sheet (right pane), imprint in margin. Very fine unmounted. A scarce survivor. SG 35c £400
SA5191 1928 4d, perf. 14 x 13½ up. Block of four major variety WATERMARK INVERTED. Very fine mint. RARE. SG 35cw £1,400
SA540 1928 4d, perf. 14 x 13½ down, right marginal very fine used. SG 35c £35
SA3770 1927 1/-, issue 1 with dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA', very fine mint. SG 36 £18
SA2150 1927 1/-, issue 1 with dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA', very fine unmounted. SG 36 £30
SA312 1927 1/-, issue 1 with dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA'. Lower marginal block of four, superb fresh unmounted. SG 36 £75
SA2170 1930 1/-, issue 1 with dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA' perf 14 x 13½ down, very fine used. SG 36a £45
SA4337 1930 1/-, issue 1 with dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA' perf 14 x 13½ down, block of six very fine used cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG 9 OCT 30' datestamps. Attractive and a scarce multiple. SG 36a £135
SA4752 1930 1/-, issue 2 without dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA'. Left marginal, very fine mint. SG 36 £22
AS199 1930 1/-, issue 2 without dot in 'A' of 'AFRIKA' perf 14x13½ down. Block of four, very fine used with NEW BRIGHTON LOCATION (31 Dec 31) double circle datestamps (apparently unrecorded in this format). SG 36a £130
SA5123 1927 2/6, exceptionally fine and fresh mint, well centred. SG 37 £100
SA3002 1927 2/6, right marginal superb unmounted. SG 37 £150
SA2693 1927 2/6, left marginal, centred left very fine unmounted. SG 37 £140
SA6546 1930 2/6, perf. 14 x 13½ down. Very fine fresh mint, well centred. A difficult stamp. SG 37a £250
SA5381 1927 5/-, very fine mint, well centred. SG 38 £200
SA2694 1927 5/-, lower marginal superb and fresh unmounted. SG 38 £325
SA5125 1930 5/-, perf 14 x 13½ down, fine used. Scarce. SG 38a £375
SA1277 1934 14th June, large piece cut from a parcel wrapper, bearing a remarkable 11 x 5/- perf. 14 x 13½ up (SG 38a), plus a vertical strip of three 1/- Rotos. Cancelled JOHANNESBURG and sent airmail to Switzerland. A number defective but an intact block of four remaining in fair to fine condition. Highly unusual. £650
SA2153 1927 10/-, very fine fresh mint. SG 39 £125
SA5126 1927 10/-, right marginal fine fresh mint. SG 39 £125
SA6607 1927 10/-, left marginal showing distinct downwards shift of blue printing. Pristine unmounted. SG 39 var. £300
SA4272 1927 10/-, block of four superb used cancelled 'KLERKSDORP 22 VIII 39' datestamps. Lovely strong colour. SG 39 £250
SA5192 1927 10/-, upper left corner block of four, superb used light central datestamp. A delightful multiple. SG 39 £260
SA5243 1927 10/-, vertical block of six superb used cancelled with 'PIETERSBURG 3 III 39' datestamps. Lovely strong colour. SG 39 £350
SA2015 1927 10/-, vertical block of eight very fine or superb used cancelled with 'WYNBERG 19 V 39' datestamps, top pair some monor faults. A lovely multiple. SG 39 £500
SA2938 1930 10/-, perf. 14 x 13½ down, block of four. Very fine mint and a scarce multiple. SG 39b £400
SA4535 1930 10/-, perf. 14 x 13½ down, block of four. Very fine used cancelled 'RISSIK STREET 14 MAR 30'. Very scarce. SG 39b £275
SA6126 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in carmine German ink, imperforate on un-gummed paper. Block of four. Attractive and scarce. Dix 22 £320
SA6127 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in carmine German ink, imperforate on gummed paper, trefoil watermark. Block of four. Attractive and scarce. Dix 24 £320
SA6125 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in green English ink, imperforate on un-gummed paper. Block of four. Attractive and scarce. Dix 26 £320
SA6123 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in brown German ink, imperforate on un-gummed paper. Overprinted in black 'S. W. A.'. Attractive and uncommon, of unknown status. Dix 30 £90
SA6128 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in brown German ink, imperforate on un-gummed paper. Overprinted in black 'S. W. A.', lower left corner block of four. Attractive and scarce, of unknown status and apparently the largest surviving multiple. Dix 30 £350
SA6129 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in black English ink, imperforate on gummed paper, trefoil watermark. Vertical block of six, wide sheet margin at left. Attractive and very scarce. Dix 20. £480
SA6124 1929 Hunter Penrose essay. Denominated at '1M' in black English ink, imperforate on plain paper. Block of four. Attractive and scarce. Dix 19 £350
SA6566 1929 1/- Air. Large size (54x43 mm) 'paste-up' impression struck in black on glazed card. Exceptional and RARE. SG 41 plate proof (as recorded in the Union Handbook) £700
SA4200 1929 Air, colour trail proofs. The 1/- duty in five differing shades of orange-yellow to carmine, each in a pair. Printed on reverse of obsolete maps. A lovely and scarce set. SG 41 colour trials £450
SA2695 1929 Air, set superb unmounted. SG 40-41 £25
SA3490 1929 Air, set in matching upper right corner blocks of four, one 1/- hinged otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 40-41 £100
SA2471 1929 4d Air, showing short 'I' in 'AIR' variety, left stamp in a right marginal pair (row 3/9). Light offset of another stamp on reverse, fine unmounted. SG 40 and var. (UHB 20 V2) £20
SA3492 1929 4d Air, showing short 'I' in 'AIR' variety, left stamp in a right marginal pair (row 3/9). Very fine mint. SG 40 and var. (UHB 20 V2) £20
SA3493 1929 1/- Air, showing spot under 'U' of "LUGPOS' flaw (row 6/5). Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 41 var. £45
SA5463 1929 1/- Air, showing spot under 'U' of "LUGPOS' flaw (row 6/5). Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 41 var. £45
1930-45 Rotogravure
SA6222 1930-45, a complete set of 13 values, types and shades. Very fine mint. SG 42-49b £285
SA6602 1930 ½d, wmk. inverted. Superb unmounted. SG 42w £6
SA6508 1930 ½d, vertical coil strip of six showing A A E E language settings. Superb unmounted. SG 42a £50
SA3720 1930 ½d, wmk. inverted showing 'Cobweb' variety, upper left stamp in a block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted (including variety). SG 42(w)c £40
AS207 1930 ½d black and green, watermark inverted. Showing 'Cobweb' variety, upper left stamp in a block of four. Very fine mint, the lower pair is unmounted. SG 42(w)c £45
SA3719 1930 ½d, wmk. upright, a markedly weak / worn impression showing 'Cobweb' variety, upper left stamp in a block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 42c £45
SA5248 1930 ½d, wmk. inverted, a markedly weak / worn impression showing 'Cobweb' variety, upper left stamp in a block of four. Very fine used and uncommon as such. SG 42(w)c £45
SA6524 1930 ½d, showing 'Dollar' variety. Very fine unmounted. SG 42d £50
SA5245 1930 ½d, wmk. inverted, showing 'Dollar' variety, lower right stamp in a block of four. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted (including variety). SG 42(w)d £55
SA3723 1930 ½d, wmk. upright, block of ten showing 'Cobweb', 'Dollar' and black bard in buck's ear varieties. Hinged on upper row lower unmounted. SG 42c, 42d and var. (UHB 36 V13, V14, V24) £90
SA5043 1930 ½d, wmk. inverted, two re-joined vertical pairs forming the original block of four, showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the upper pair. Corner missing at upper right, fine used. A most unusual survivor. SG 42w var. £95
SA4213 1930 ½d, showing good black ink smear on right stamp, fine mint. Uncommon. SG 42 var. £45
SA3853 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design block of four English black and German red inks, on official Springbok watermark paper, very fine unmounted. Uncommon. Dix 34 £120
SA3855 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design right marginal strip of eight English ink, left four stamps without watermark, right four stamps trefoil watermark, very fine unmounted. Very scarce. Dix 43 £225
SA3859 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark 'Proof ex. Leiden', very fine mint. Dix 44 £50
SA6204 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark, very fine mint. £35
SA3845 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark on un-gummed paper, very fine. Dix 69 £60
SA3848 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark, very fine mint. £40
SA3849 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark, very fine mint. £45
SA3850 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark, very fine mint. £40
SA5255 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design, without watermark. Left marginal block of four, hinged on upper pair which is creased, lower superb unmounted. £50
SA3852 1929 'Darmstadt Trials' 1d, complete design without watermark, right marginal pair superb unmounted. £65
SA5853 1930 1d, type I wmk. inverted. Upper left corner pair, exceptionally deep and intense shades, superb unmounted. A remarkable stamp. SG 43cw shade £20
SA5044 1930 1d, type I wmk. upright. Vertical block of six partiallt re-joined and hinge strengthened, showing good JOINED PAPER variety affecting the middle pair. Fine or very fine used. A striking and highly unusual survivor. SG 43 and var. £125
SA3645 1930 1d, type I wmk. inverted, block of four in an intense shade, showing black ink smear running vertically through left stamps stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43cw var. £40
SA3646 1930 1d, type I wmk. inverted, upper marginal block of four in an intense shade, showing black ink smear running vertically through margin and left stamps stamps. Arrowcator in margin, very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43cw var. £40
SA3885 1930 1d, type I wmk. upright, horizontal block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower pair. Hinge remnants, fine mint. SG 43 var. (UHB 37 V53) £120
SA2291 1930 1d, type I, vertical block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower pair. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43 var. (UHB 37 V53) £120
SA5252 1930 1d, type I wmk. upright, jet black and deep maroon shade. Block of four showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the upper pair. Very fine mint or unmounted. RARE. SG 43 shade var. (UHB 37A V54) £275
SA4230 1930 1d, type I wmk. upright, right marginal block of four showing sheet number '1253 D', opposite English stamp showing broken mainmast. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43 (UHB 37 Cg) £45
SA2292 1932 1d, type I wmk. upright, right marginal block of four showing sheet number '7770 D', opposite English stamp showing broken mainmast. Very fine used, uncommon. SG 43 (UHB 37 Cg) £25
SA5251 1932 1d, type I wmk. upright, right marginal block of four showing sheet number '0158 D', opposite English stamp showing broken mainmast. Very fine used cancelled 'EZULWINDI / SWAZILAND 29 NOV 32' datestamp. Uncommon. SG 43 (UHB 37 Cg) £55
SA4226 1930 1d, type I wmk. upright, right marginal block of four showing sheet number '9445 E', opposite English stamp showing broken mainmast. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43 (UHB 37 Ci) £65
SA2267 1932 1d, type II wmk. upright, showing black 'doctor blade' ink smear on right stamp. Very fine mint. SG 43d var. £45
SA1846 1932 1d, type II wmk. inverted, upper marginal block of four showing red doctor blade smear running vertically from top of upper left stamp through margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 43dw and var. SOLD
SA1849 1932 1d, type II wmk. inverted, left marginal block of four showing large red doctor blade smear running vertically through margin and left pair. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 43dw var. £145
AS475 1930 1d black and carmine (type I) with watermark inverted. Booklet pane of six with binding margin at left. Trimmed perforations and hinge mark on one, otherwise fine and fresh unmounted mint. Uncommon. SG 43cw (ex Booklet SG SB7 or SB8) £55
SA4328 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Very fine mint. SG 44 £18
SA5404 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac shade, wmk. upright. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 44 £30
SA5157 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Left marginal block of four showing purple doctor blade ink smudge affecting left stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 44 and var. £60
SA5158 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Left marginal block of six showing very strong smear of the slate-grey ink affecting all stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 44 vars. £150
SA5185 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Right marginal part arrow block of four, showing dramatic horizontal shift of perforations now through design of stamps. Cut to give the impression of being imperforate between. Very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 44 vars. (UHB 38 V51) £225
AS198 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Horizontal pair, very fine used with Oudtshoorn (10 Sep 31) double circle datestamp. SG 44 £20
SA6200 1931 2d deep slate and purple shade, wmk. inverted. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 44bw shade £30
SA3618 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. Right marginal single showing doctor blade variety running vertically through. Stamp very fine unmounted. SG 44 shade var. £20
SA4252 1931 2d deep slate and purple shade, wmk. upright. Showing light doctor blade variety running vertically through left stamp. Very fine unmounted. SG 44 shade var. £40
SA5142 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Block of four showing JOINED PAPER variety clearly apparent through the upper pair. From the lower margin of the sheet showing small part 'arrow' lower left corner. Very fine unmounted. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £175
SA4541 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the centre block. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £250
SA3625 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Lower left corner block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower block. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £295
SA5696 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Lower marginal arrow (issue 1) block of ten showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower block. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £350
SA5693 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Lower marginal arrow block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower block. Very fine unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £300
SA5692 1931 2d, slate-grey and deep lilac, wmk. upright. Lower right corner block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the lower block, in addition running sheet number '7902'. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44 var. (UHB 38 V43) £295
AS479 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac with watermark upright. Block of six (2x3) with sides guillotined, being an ECONOMY STRIP ex the central two columns of the sheet used to make up booklets. The left-centre stamp showing an ‘aeroplane’ flaw. Hinged on upper and lower pairs, otherwise very fine and fresh mint, the central pair being unmounted. Scarce. SG 44 var. £85
AS478 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac with watermark upright. Block of six (2x3) with sides guillotined, being an ECONOMY STRIP ex the central two columns of the sheet used to make up booklets. With trace of central arrow at top. Hinged on upper and lower pairs (one with corner crease), otherwise very fine fresh mint, the central pair being unmounted. Scarce. SG 44 var. £65
SA6601 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac, wmk. inverted. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 44bw £32
SA5154 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. inverted. Block of six with arrow, showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the entire block. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44bw var. (UHB 38 V43) £250
SA553 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of six with arrow, showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the upper block. Very fine mint or unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 44bw var. (UHB 38 V43) £275
SA5466 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of six with part arrow, showing JOINED PAPER variety affecting the upper block. Superb and fresh unmounted. Wonderful quality for these and uncommon. SG 44bw var. (UHB 38 V43) £275
SA5697 1931 2d, slate-grey and lilac, wmk. inverted. Vertical block of eight showing JOINED PAPER variety, affecting the centre block. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 44bw var. (UHB 38 V43) £285
AS216 1941 2d grey and dull purple, watermark inverted. An upper marginal arrow pair, showing doctor blade variety in right margin. The right stamp showing evidence of a ‘break in the left inner vertical frame line’. Light gum stains around hinge remainder, otherwise very fine mint. SG 44bw £45
SA2699 1931 2d slate-grey and lilac, wmk. upright. COIL STRIP OF 19, few hinge remnants and tone spots, fine mint. RARE. SG unlisted, UHB R13 £250
SA3619 1938 2d, blue and violet. Very fine mint. SG 44e £150
AS209 1938 2d blue and violet. Block of four, the upper left stamp showing the ‘Airship’ flaw. A few very small perf tones, otherwise very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 44e, 44ea £425
SA4656 1938 2d, blue and violet. Right marginal block of four showing arrow in margin, in addition dot in margin above 'T' of 'SOUTH' (row 10/6). Horizontal perfs. parted between pairs although not margin, superb unmounted. SG 44e and var. (UHB 38A V36) £650
SA3605 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Showing break in frame line under 'POSTAGE' (row 5/1). Very fine mint. SG 45 var. (UHB 39 V5) £95
SA5781 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Left marginal showing break in frame line under 'POSTAGE' (row 5/1). Very fine mint. SG 45 var. (UHB 39 V5) £95
SA5257 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright, showing 'Window' flaw in positional lower marginal arrow pair. Right stamp lightly toned, fine mint. Uncommon on the upright wmk. SG 45b £60
SA2632 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Lower marginal arrow block of four, showing 'Window' flaw on lower right stamp. Few unobtrusive tones on reverse and marginal perfs. parted, hinged on margin and top pair. Uncommon on the upright wmk. SG 45b, 45 £140
SA5784 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Right marginal, margin cut wide to show running sheet number '7987'. Superb unmounted. Uncommon on the upright wmk. SG 45 £145
SA5780 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Right marginal block of four, showing running sheet number '2022'. Very fine mint or unmounted. Uncommon on the upright wmk. SG 45 £265
SA5778 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Vertical pair showing jumped perforations. Very fine mint. SG 45 var. £30
SA5779 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Left marginal, narrow stamps due to jumped perforator. Very fine mint. SG 45 var. £95
SA5767 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Vertical pair showing JOINED PAPER variety. Fine mint. RARE. SG 45 var. (UHB 39 V19) £225
SA2257 1931 3d, black and red wmk. upright. Superb used. SG 45 £70
SA3606 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG 45aw £25
SA6604 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Superb unmounted. SG 45aw £40
SA5777 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Lower marginal arrow block of four, showing 'Window' flaw lower right. Hinged on upper pair and margin, flaw unmounted. SG 45aw, 45bw £225
SA5844 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of four, upper left stamp showing break in frame line under 'POSTAGE' (row 5/1). Superb unmounted. SG 45aw and var. (UHB 39 V5) £100
SA5768 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Block of four showing JOINED PAPER variety running through upper pair. Very fine mint or unmounted. Scarce. SG 45aw var. (UHB 39 V9) £250
SA5468 1931 3d, black and red wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of four with arrow in margin, showing very clear JOINED PAPER variety running through upper pair. Remarkably fine and fresh unmounted. Scarce. SG 45aw var. (UHB 39 V9) £325
SA6603 1933 3d, blue. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 45c £22
AS303 1933 3d blue, watermark upright. Block of four, very fine or superb mint (hinged on the upper pair only, the lower pair is unmounted). SG 45c £40
SA2276 1933 3d, blue wmk. upright. Showing 'broken 'R' in 'AFRICA' (row 20/2) flaw, left marginal very fine mint. SG 45c var. £25
SA4955 1933 3d, blue wmk. upright. Showing 'broken 'R' in 'AFRICA' (row 20/2) flaw, in positional lower left corner pair. Very fine mint. SG 45c var. £25
SA3617 1933 3d, blue wmk. upright. Issue 2 showing weak impression. Lower marginal arrow block of four, without 'Window' flaw. Upper pair hinged, lower unmounted. SG 45c £50
SA3613 1933 3d, blue wmk. upright. Block of four upper left stamp showing break in frameline under 'POSTAGE' (row 5/1) flaw. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 45c and var. (UHB 39A V5) £50
SA6605 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Superb unmounted. SG 45cw £9
SA2635 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Block of four superb and fresh unmounted. SG 45cw £16
SA6547 1933 3d, blue wmk. upright. Showing 'Window' flaw, very fine fresh mint. SG 45d £70
SA5700 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Showing 'Window' flaw, lower right stamp in a block of four. Very fine fresh mint. SG 45dw £75
SA1510 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Showing 'Window' flaw in lower marginal positional arrow pair, superb unmounted. SG 45dw £60
SA3615 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Showing 'Window' flaw in a lower marginal positional arrow block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 45dw, 45d £65
SA3614 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of four lower left stamp showing break in frameline under 'POSTAGE' (row 5/1) flaw, very fine mint. SG 45cw and var. (UHB 39A V5) £35
SA3612 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted. Vertical pair showing strong doctor blade variety. Rounded corner upper left, fine mint. Scarce. SG 45cw var. £50
SA5047 1933 3d, blue wmk. inverted, block of four showing large blue inking flaw affecting left stamps. Fine used, most unusual. SG 45cw and var. £90
SA3599 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Very fine fresh mint. Scarce. SG 46 £200
SA382 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Upper right corner strip of three, margins reduced. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 46 £375
SA5855 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Upper left corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 46 £650
SA5863 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Upper left corner vertical block of six. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 46 £850
SA5857 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Upper right corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 46 £650
SA5858 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Lower left corner block of four. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 46 £650
SA5859 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Lower marginal showing arrow in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 46 £400
SA5861 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Left marginal vertical pair, part arrow, showing distinct brown line running through both stamps. Very fine unmounted. SG 46 var. £60
SA3601 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Showing Spear flaw, fine mint. Scarce. SG 46b £225
SA5864 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Left marginal showing Spear flaw. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 46b £230
SA2258 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Very fine used. Uncommon. SG 46 £90
AS228 1942 4d brown, watermark upright. Horizontal pair (some reinforced perfs), otherwise fine used with Johannesburg (13 Sep 34) double circle datestamp. Uncommon. SG 46 £45
SA384 1932 4d, wmk. upright. Block of four, fine used. Uncommon. SG 46 £150
SA3600 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG 46aw £25
SA6606 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Superb and fresh unmounted. Difficult. SG 46aw £45
SA5865 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Upper left corner pair. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Difficult. SG 46aw £45
SA5868 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Upper right corner pair. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Difficult. SG 46aw £45
SA5871 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Lower left corner pair. Very fine mint. Difficult. SG 46aw £25
SA5873 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Lower right corner pair. Very fine mint. Difficult. SG 46aw £25
SA2472 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Showing Spear flaw. Hinge remnants, very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 46awb £100
SA5702 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Showing Spear flaw. Light faults, fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 46awb £80
SA5875 1932 4d, wmk. inverted. Left marginal part arrow (trimmed), showing Spear flaw on upper right stamp. Hinge remnants, very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 46awb £140
SA5874 1936 4d, wmk. inverted. Vertical block of six showing prominent JOINED PAPER variety. Light tone spots on reverse otherwise fine mint. RARE. SG 46aw var. (UHB 40 V7) £325
AS230 1942 4d brown, watermark inverted. Horizontal pair, fine used with Registered (8 Aug 33) double circle datestamp. SG 46aw £15
AS231 1942 4d brown, watermark inverted. Horizontal pair, a few stains on the reverse, otherwise fine used with GERMISTON (27 Feb 33) double circle datestamp. SG 46aw £10
AS227 1942 4d brown, watermark inverted. Horizontal pair, the left stamp showing the ‘Spear’ flaw. A few stains on the reverse, otherwise fine used. SG 46bw £55
SA6600 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 46c £3
SA1309 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Upper marginal showing arrow in margin. Hinged on margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 46c £5
SA371 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Block of 12 being the lower two rows of the sheet, arrow in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 46c £25
SA6551 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Reddish brown shade, right marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 46c shade £7
SA3117 1935 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Right marginal block of four showing arrow block in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 46c £10
SA4256 1935 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Lower marginal arrow block of four, upper right stamp showing spot on rafter of right hut (row 19/4) flaw. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 46c (UHB 40 V5) £15
SA1321 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. 'Monkey' in tree flaw, lower right stamp in a positional upper left corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 46ca £50
SA5876 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. upright. Left marginal block of four showing 'doctor blade' line running vertically through left stamps. Very fine unmounted. Striking. SG 46c var. £35
SA6598 1936 4d redrawn, wmk. inverted. Very fine unmounted. SG 46cw £18
SA3593 1931 6d, wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG 47 £10
SA3594 1932 6d, wmk. inverted, showing white orange flaw (row 7/9). Very fine mint. SG 47 var. (UHB 41 V5) £20
SA395 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Block of four upper right stamp showing white orange flaw (row 7/9) and lower right white spot near lower right corner of tree flaw (row 8/9). Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 47 and vars. (UHB 41 V5, V6) £30
SA2279 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Showing green mark on '6d' flaw (row 15/9, later printings). Very fine mint. SG 47 var. (UHB 41 V7) £20
SA5757 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Block of four upper left stamp showing green mark on '6d' flaw (row 15/9, later printings). Very fine mint. SG 47 and var. (UHB 41 V7) £30
SA3595 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Showing split tree flaw (row 20/11). Very fine mint. SG 47 var. (UHB 41 V11) £20
SA5748 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Lower right corner pair left stamp showing split tree flaw (row 20/11). Hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 47 var. (UHB 41 V11) £35
SA5743 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Lower right corner block of four lower left stamp showing split tree flaw (row 20/11). Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 47 var. (UHB 41 V11) £40
SA5755 1932 6d, wmk. inverted. Block of four showing prominent green ink smear through upper pair. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 47 and var. £75
SA2075 1931 6d, wmk. inverted. Block of four very fine used. SG 47 £8
SA5266 1932 6d, wmk. upright. Upper marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted and scarce as such. SG 47w £80
SA5764 1932 6d, wmk. upright. Block of four upper left stamp showing white orange and lower left white spot near bottom right corner of tree flaws (row 7/9, 8/9). Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 47w vars. (UHB 41a V5, V6) £110
SA5761 1932 6d, wmk. upright. Lower right corner pair left stamp showing split tree flaw (row 20/11). Very fine mint. SG 47w var. (UHB 41a V11) £75
SA4757 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Very fine mint. SG 48 £70
SA4758 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Upper left corner, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 48 £130
SA4760 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Lower marginal showing arrow. Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 48 £90
SA3586 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Showing 'Twisted horn' flaw. Superb and fresh mint. Uncommon. SG 49(d) £250
SA3472 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Left stamp showing blue line under 'F' of 'AFRIKA' flaw (row 4/1). Superb unmounted. Uncommon as such. SG 48 var. (UHB 42 V5) £175
SA1829 1932 1/-, wmk. upright, left marginal showing good blue ink smear affecting left stamp. Very fine mint. Striking and scarce. SG 48 var. £180
SA4261 1932 1/-, wmk. upright. Left marginal block of four showing 'missing clouds' variety. Very fine mint or unmounted. Scarce. SG 48 vars. £265
AS226 1932 1/- brown and deep blue, watermark upright. Block of four, very fine used with GEORGE (23 May 33) double circle datestamps. Scarce. SG 48 SOLD
SA4765 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG 48bw £25
SA5406 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 48cw £40
SA6599 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 48cw £40
SA5421 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Lower right corner superb and fresh unmounted. SG 48cw £40
SA1834 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Right marginal block of four, superb and fresh unmounted. SG 48cw £80
AS225 1932 1/- brown and deep blue, watermark inverted. Upper marginal pair with arrow, hinged on margin only (some marginal faults), the stamps are unmounted mint. SG 48cw £40
SA1841 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, upper marginal with arrow, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. Lovely. SG 48cw £50
SA5721 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Lower marginal showing arrow, very fine mint. SG 48cw £45
SA5422 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Lower marginal block of four showing arrow. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted, fresh. Scarce. SG 48cw (UHB 42 Cb) £110
SA2245 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing 'Twisted horn' flaw. Superb and fresh mint. SG 48d £195
SA3588 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing 'Twisted horn' flaw in positional upper right corner pair. Hinged on margin stamp very fine unmounted, lovely. SG 48d £325
SA4260 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, showing 'Twisted horn' flaw in positional upper right corner pair, in addition the 'travelling' flaw at lower right of right stamp. Hinged on margin stamps superb and fresh unmounted. A most unusual combination of flaws and scarce. SG 48bw (UHB 42 V2, V17) £345
SA1843 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, showing 'Twisted horn' flaw in positional upper right corner pair. In addition with good blue 'doctor blade' flaw running from left stamp and through margin. Very fine mint. Striking and scarce. SG 48d £275
SA1825 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, showing 'Twisted horn' flaw in positional upper right corner pair. In addition with strong blue 'doctor blade' flaw running from left stamp and through margin. Very fine mint. Striking and very scarce. SG 48d £325
SA1838 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing 'Twisted horn' flaw in positional upper right corner block of eight, additionally with arrow in margin. Hinged on margin stamp very fine unmounted, vertical perfs. at right parted to margin. Lovely. SG 48d £425
SA5718 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Upper marginal showing 'Twisted horn' flaw, in addition right stamp showing TRAVELLING flaw lower right corner. Hinged on margin stamps superb and fresh unmounted. A most unusual combination and . SG 48d and var. £400
SA4772 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing 'bird in sky' flaw (row 2/1). Very fine mint. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V3) £45
SA4770 1933 2nd October, long cover bearing two x 1/- Gnus, the left stamp showing 'bird in sky' flaw (row 2/1). Cancelled 'PORT ELISABETH' and sent 'PER IMPERIAL AIR MAIL' to Manchester. Unusual. (UHB 42 V3) £45
SA3584 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing blue line under 'F' flaw (row 4/1). Very fine mint. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V5) £45
SA2287 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Showing blue line under 'F' flaw (row 4/1). Superb fresh mint. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V5) £45
SA5717 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Left marginal showing blue line under 'F' flaw (row 4/1). Hinged on margin stamps superb fresh unmounted. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V5) £65
SA1835 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Block of four upper left stamp showing blue line under 'F' flaw (row 4/1). Few short perfs. at top otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 48bw and var. (UHB 42 V5) £125
SA5714 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Vertical pair showing light blue 'doctor blade' lines through. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 48cw var. £45
SA5716 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Lower right corner showing strong brown ink smear at base of left stamp. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 48cw var. £125
SA1837 1932 1/- yellow-brown and blue, wmk. inverted, issue I. Upper marginal arrow pair showing JOINED PAPER variety. Hinged on margin, stamps very fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG 48cw var. UHB 42 V13 £225
SA4650 1932 1/- yellow-brown and blue, wmk. inverted. Vertical pair showing prominent JOINED PAPER variety, clearly across the lower stamp. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V13) £90
SA1824 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Right marginal vertical strip of three showing prominent JOINED PAPER variety, clearly across the centre stamp. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V13) £95
SA5187 1932 1/- yellow-brown and blue, wmk. inverted. Upper left corner block of four showing prominent JOINED PAPER variety, across upper margin and into pair below. In addition stamp 2/1 showing 'bird in sky' flaw. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 48cw and var. (UHB 42 V3, V13) £350
SA4651 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Left marginal block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety, clearly across the upper pair, in addition stamp 2/1 showing line under 'F' of 'AFRIKA' flaw (row 4/1). Very fine mint or unmounted. SPECTACULAR AND RARE. SG 48cw vars. (UHB 42 V13, V5) £485
SA1842 1932 1/- yellow-brown and blue, wmk. inverted. Right marginal block of six showing JOINED PAPER variety, clearly across the upper pair. Very fine mint or unmounted. SPECTACULAR AND RARE. SG 48aw var. (UHB 42 V13) £750
SA5707 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Left marginal strip of three showing leftwards shift of vertical perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between. Very fine mint or unmounted. Scarce. SG 48cw vars. (UHB 42 V15) £150
SA5705 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Lower left corner block of nine showing leftwards shift of vertical perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between. Hinged on two stamps otherwise very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 48cw vars. (UHB 42 V15) £450
SA1839 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Upper left corner block of six showing leftwards shift of vertical perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between, in addition stamp 2/1 showing 'bird in sky' flaw and 2/2 'dot in first 'A' of 'AFRICA'. Very fine unmounted. STRIKING AND SCARCE. SG48w and vars. (UHB 42 V3, V4, V15) £325
SA4777 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Upper right corner block of six showing 'Twisted horn' flaw and in addition leftwards shift of vertical perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. RARE AND STRIKING. SG 48cw, 48d and vars. (UHB 42 V2, V15) £450
SA5722 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Upper marginal vertical pair showing strong downwards shift of vertical perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. Striking and very scarce. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V16) £95
SA5704 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Upper marginal block of eight, one showing 'Twisted horn' flaw and in addition upwards shift of perforations into design of stamps, giving impression of being imperforate between. Hinged on margin and one stamp otherwise very fine unmounted. RARE AND STRIKING. SG 48cw, 48d and vars. (UHB 42 V2, V16) £550
SA1836 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, block of four showing dramatic downwards shift of vignette. Few perfs. parted at top, very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 48cw var. (UHB 42 V20) £400
SA5723 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Left marginal pair showing the blurred frame variety. Very fine mint. Striking and scarce. SG 48cw vars. £150
SA1833 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Block of four showing the blurred frame variety on all four stamps. Very fine mint. Striking and scarce. SG 48cw vars. £275
AS551 1932 Rotogravure printing with watermark inverted, 1/- brown and deep blue. Left marginal block of four showing the blurred frame variety on all four stamps. Superb unmounted mint. Striking and scarce. SG 48cw vars £350
SA5713 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Right marginal printed on creased paper showing resultant white streaks at right. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 48cw var. £90
SA1826 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Right marginal printed on creased paper showing resultant white streaks at right. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 48cw var. £90
SA1828 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, right marginal block of four part sheet number in margin, printed on creased paper showing resultant white streaks at right. Very fine unmounted. Scarce. SG 48cw var. £180
SA5712 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted. Right marginal showing dramatic very weak impression of the vignettes. Left stamp light crease, fine mint. STRIKING AND RARE. SG 48cw var. £300
SA5049 1932 1/-, wmk. inverted, showing 'Twisted horn' flaw. Upper marginal, few short perfs. at right otherwise fine used, uncommon as such. SG 48d £145
SA5471 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Very fine mint. SG 49 £55
SA2246 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Right marginal, very fine mint. SG 49 £55
SA3579 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. An exceptionally deep vignette shade of blackish green. Very fine mint. Scarce. SG 49 shade £80
SA5407 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 49 £100
SA5737 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Upper left corner. Hinged trace on margin stamps superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 49 £110
SA5271 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Upper right corner, showing light green 'wash' overall. Hinged on margin stamps superb and fresh unmounted. Lovely and uncommon. SG 49 £120
SA5738 1932 2/6, wmk. upright, green and brown. Lower left corner block of four, stamp 19/2 showing 'spots around 'POSTAGE' and stamp 20/2 showing 'spots around '2/6' flaws. Hinged on top pair and margin, lower superb unmounted. SG 49 vars. (UHB 43 V5 and V6) £195
SA5725 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Vertical strip of three showing bold 'Doctor blade' lines affecting lower pair. Very fine unmounted. Unusual. SG 49 var. £80
SA2261 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. upright. Very fine used. SG 49 £70
SA2249 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG 49aw £140
SA6597 1932 2/6 green and brown, wmk. inverted. Superb and fresh unmounted, uncommon as such. SG 49aw £225
SA5736 1932 2/6, wmk. inverted, green and brown. Lower left corner pair showing 'spots around value circles' flaws (row 20/1). Very fine mint. SG 49aw var. (UHB 43a V6) £150
SA4811 1932 2/6, wmk. inverted, green and brown. Lower left corner strip of three showing strong downwards shift of vignette, in addition 'spots around value circles' flaws (row 20/1). Superb unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 49aw vars. (UHB 43a V6, V14) £275
SA5727 1932 2/6, wmk. inverted, green and brown. Block of fours showing strong downwards shift of vignette. Superb unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 49aw var. (UHB 43 V14) £550
SA390 1944 2/6 blue and brown. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 49b £20
SA6106 1944 2/6 blue and brown. Right marginal block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 49b £40
SA5193 1944 2/6 blue and brown. Vertical block of 12, very fine unmounted. Lovely. SG 49b £120
SA2251 1944 2/6, greenish blue and (worn) pale brown shade. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 49b shade £30
SA1511 1944 2/6, greenish blue and (worn) pale brown shade. Upper marginal block of four, hinged on margin, stamps superb unmounted. SG 49b shade £60
SA5272 1944 2/6, greenish blue and (worn) pale brown shade. Upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 49b shade £60
SA5729 1944 2/6, greenish blue and (worn) pale brown shade. Upper right corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 49b shade £60
SA5732 1944 2/6, greenish blue and (worn) pale brown shade. Lower right corner pair. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 49b shade £30
SA5731 1944 2/6, greenish blue and brown (worn) shade. Lower right corner block of four. Hinged on margin and one stamp otherwise superb unmounted. SG 49b shade £45
SA5733 1944 2/6 (worn) blue and brown. Right marginal block of four showing sheet number '8567' in black. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 49b £45
SA4266 1944 2/6, blue and brown (worn) shade. Lower right corner strip of four (thus proving without arrow), showing brown dash in righthand '6' (row 20/3) flaw. Superb unmounted. SG 49b and var. (UHB 43B Cd V7) £60
SA2639 1945 2/6, greenish blue and brown shade. Block of four, very fine used. SG 49b £20
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