Recent acquisitions are numbered in blue. Last update: 13th October, 2023
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SA2295 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Very fine mint. SG O1 |
£18 |
SA5923 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Off left interpanneau margin, superb unmounted. SG O1 |
£30 |
SA3099 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Left marginal superb unmounted. SG O1 |
£30 |
SA5913 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Showing good leftwards shift of overprint. Very fine mint. SG O1 var. |
£25 |
SA6427 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Upper left corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Hinged on upper pair with the central vertical perforations sensibly re-enforced in the margin. Very scarce. SG O1 |
£150 |
SA6428 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '2' in margin. Diagonal gum bends, very fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG O1 |
£125 |
SA6429 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., matt ink. Lower right corner block of six showing plate '2' in margin. Minor gum bends, hinged on one stamp and margin otherwise unmounted. Very scarce. SG O1 |
£225 |
SA1734 |
1926 2d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., shiny ink. Very fine unmounted. SG O1 |
£40 |
SA5907 |
1926 ½d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., Pretoria printing. Superb unmounted. SG O2P |
£12 |
SA1736 |
1926 ½d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., London printing. Block of four, fine used. SG O2L |
£30 |
SA2346 |
1926 6d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., London printing. Fine used. SG O4L |
£40 |
SA6488 |
1926 6d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., London printing. Vertical strip of four in combination with 1d London printing horizontal strip of four, fine used on piece. SG O4L, O3L |
£30 |
SA5926 |
1926 6d overprinted OFFICIAL. / OFFISIEEL., Pretoria printing. Hinge trace, very fine mint. Scarce. SG O4P |
£425 |
SA2348 |
1928 2d London pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (narrow setting). Very fine used. SG O5 |
£14 |
SA6577 |
1928 2d London pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (wide setting). Superb unmounted. SG O5a |
£8 |
SA6143 |
1928 2d London pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (wide setting). Complete right pane of 60, showing 'OF'FICIAL' on stamp 9/1. Folded horizontally with some perfs. parted. Very fine unmounted. SG O5a |
£175 |
SA6542 |
1928 6d Pretoria pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL. Very fine mint. SG O6 |
£15 |
SA2729 |
1928 6d Pretoria pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG O6 |
£28 |
SA2350 |
1928 6d Pretoria pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL. Very fine used. SG O6 |
£35 |
SA6574 |
1930 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG O7 |
£3 |
SA1746 |
1930 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Block of four, lower left stamp showing missing fraction bar on '½'. Very fine mint. SG O7 and var. |
£10 |
SA1744 |
1930 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Right marginal block of four, lower right stamp showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’ on Afrikaans stamp. Very fine unmounted. SG O7a, O7 |
£55 |
SA5914 |
1930 1d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Proving right marginal, superb unmounted. SG O8 |
£4 |
SA6575 |
1930 1d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Proving left marginal, superb unmounted. SG O8 |
£4 |
SA1749 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Very fine mint. SG O9 |
£5 |
SA2732 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Superb unmounted. SG O9 |
£8 |
SA5928 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Right marginal block of four, showing stop after 'OFFISIEEL' on both right English or Afrikaans stamps. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Uncommon multiple. SG O9a, O9b |
£185 |
SA5904 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Right marginal block of eight, showing stop after 'OFFISIEEL' on English stamp at left (row 5/11), plus broken 'L' of 'OFFISIEEL' (row 6/11) and damaged 'I' and 'E' of 'OFFISIEEL' (row 6/12). Hinged on upper pair with all the varieties superb unmounted. An unusual multiple. SG O9, O9a, O9 vars. |
£125 |
SA2349 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Fine used. SG O9 |
£30 |
SA5948 |
1930 6d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Vertical block of ten, fine used on piece, upper left stamp showing stop after 'OFFISIEEL'. An unusual multiple. SG O9, O9a |
£80 |
SA2302 |
1930 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (narrow setting, reading down). Lower marginal, very fine mint. SG O10 |
£32 |
SA2734 |
1930 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (narrow setting, reading down). Superb unmounted. SG O10 |
£50 |
SA6544 |
1930 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (narrow setting, reading down). Showing stop after 'OFFICIAL' on Afrikaans stamp. Lower left corner, superb unmounted. SG O10a |
£175 |
SA2303 |
1930 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Deep shades, very fine mint. SG O11 |
£40 |
SA5918 |
1930 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Deep shades, very fine unmounted. SG O11 |
£75 |
SA5946 |
1930 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Right marginal, left stamp showing apostrophe between 'O' and 'F' of 'OFFISIEEL' (row 7/11). Deep shades, very fine unmounted. SG O11 var. |
£85 |
SA2735 |
1930-47 ½d to 2/6 Pretoria Roto. printings, complete basic set of eight values including both 2d and 2/6 shades. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group as such. SG O12-O19 |
£400 |
SA5950 |
1931 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. 9½mm between lines at left and 11½mm between at right. Superb unmounted. SG O12 var. |
£10 |
SA5920 |
1930 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’, on English stamp. Superb unmounted. SG O12a |
£50 |
SA1753 |
1931 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’, on Akrikaans stamp. Very fine mint. SG O12b |
£20 |
SA5937 |
1931 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’, on Akrikaans stamp. Superb unmounted. SG O12b |
£28 |
SA1756 |
1931 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Block of four lower left stamp showing line on nose (row 18/12) flaw. Very fine mint or unmounted (variety). SG O12 var. (UHB V16) |
£20 |
SA3103 |
1930 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Left marginal block of four showing narrow setting on upper left stamp, others normal. Superb unmounted. SG O12 and var. |
£15 |
SA5952 |
1931 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing dropped 'OFFICIAL' on right stamp (row 18/12). Very fine mint. SG O12 var. |
£15 |
SA3164 |
1930 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading down). Left marginal block of 12 showing both wide and narrow settings throughout. Superb unmounted. SG O12 |
£35 |
SA5167 |
1934 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, wmk. inverted. Upper marginal right stamp showing 'snail' flaw (row 1/12, UHB V27). Ink endorsement on margin, otherwise superb unmounted. SG O12w var. |
SA4922 |
1934 ½d Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, wmk. inverted. Block of four, very fine used. SG O12w |
£15 |
SA6239 |
1930 1d Pretoria Roto., type I wmk. upright, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’, on English stamp. Very fine mint. SG O13a |
£40 |
SA751 |
1930 1d Pretoria Roto., type I wmk. inverted, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing stop after ‘OFFISIEEL’, on English stamp. Right marginal strip of four with BOTH English stamps showing the variety. Superb unmounted. SG O13a |
£130 |
SA5933 |
1930 1d Pretoria Roto., type I wmk. inverted, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Lower left corner block of four showing good rightwards shift of overprint, into next stamps. Virtually severed vertically and hinge strengthened, fine mint. SG O13 vars. |
£40 |
SA1758 |
1930 1d Pretoria Roto., type II, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine mint. SG O13d |
£10 |
SA5930 |
1930 1d Pretoria Roto., type II, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Vertical pair, major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG O13da |
£85 |
SA5938 |
1930 2d Pretoria Roto., greenish-grey and pale purple shade, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Superb unmounted. SG O14 shade |
£8 |
SA1762 |
1930 2d Pretoria Roto., greenish-grey and pale purple shade, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Block of four, very fine used. SG O14 shade |
£15 |
SA6552 |
1930 2d Pretoria Roto., greenish-grey and pale purple shade, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Block of six, very fine used. SG O14 shade |
£22 |
SA2345 |
1930 2d Pretoria Roto., slate-grey and purple, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Showing dropped 'OFFICIAL' on right stamp. Right marginal, very fine mint. SG O14 shade var. |
£20 |
SA6241 |
1938 2d Pretoria Roto., blue and violet, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Very fine mint. SG O15 |
£90 |
SA4923 |
1938 2d Pretoria Roto., blue and violet, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Superb unmounted. SG O15 |
£160 |
SA2311 |
1938 2d Pretoria Roto., blue and pale violet shade, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 20mm between lines. Very fine mint. SG O15 shade |
£90 |
SA4924 |
1938 2d Pretoria Roto., blue and violet, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Very fine used. SG O15 |
£60 |
SA5032 |
1938 2d Pretoria Roto., blue and violet, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Block of four, upper right stamp showing 'Airship' flaw. Very fine used cancelled with light datestamp. A REMARKABLE MULTIPLE. SG O15, O15a |
£485 |
SA1777 |
1931 6d Pretoria Roto., wmk. inverted, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Right marginal block of 18, showing stop after 'OFFISIEEL' on two English and Afrikaans stamps, in addition running sheet number '9287'. Fine used. A remarkable multiple. SG O16a, O16b, O16 |
£200 |
SA1772 |
1931 6d Pretoria Roto., wmk. inverted, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Showing broken 'L' of 'OFFISIEEL' on left stamp. Very fine mint. SG O16 var. |
£8 |
SA5025 |
1930 6d Pretoria Roto., wmk. inverted, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Left marginal showing strong rightwards shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. Striking and uncommon. SG O16 var. |
£165 |
SA6243 |
1932 1/- Pretoria Roto., yellow-brown and blue shade, wmk. inverted overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 19mm between lines. Very fine mint. SG O17
£40 |
SA5424 |
1932 1/- Pretoria Roto., wmk. inverted overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 19mm between lines. Left stamp showing bird in sky flaw (row2/1) and right dot in first 'A' of 'AFRICA' flaw (row 2/2). Very fine and fresh unmounted. Uncommon combination. SG O17 vars. (UHB V3, V4) |
£100 |
SA6242 |
1936 1/- Pretoria Roto., brown and blue, wmk. upright overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 21mm between lines. Very fine mint. SG O17bw |
£60 |
SA6244 |
1933 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (narrow setting). Very fine mint. SG O18 |
£55 |
SA2736 |
1933 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (narrow setting). Superb and fresh unmounted. SG O18 |
£95 |
SA6245 |
1934 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (wide setting). Very fine mint. SG O18a |
£35 |
SA6568 |
1934 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (wide setting). Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG O18a |
£60 |
SA2975 |
1934 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (wide setting). Very fine used. SG O18a |
£45 |
SA1779 |
1946 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 20mm between lines. Very fine mint. SG O19 |
£35 |
SA6572 |
1946 2/6 Pretoria Roto., overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 20mm between lines. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG O19 |
£55 |
SA2746 |
1935-49 hyphenated pictorials, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Complete set of 15 values with all watermark, shade and types as listed. Superb unmounted, a difficult group. SG O20-O27 |
£450 |
SA2737 |
1937 ½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, wmk. upright. Superb unmounted. SG O20w |
£9 |
SA2355 |
1937 ½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, wmk. upright. Superb used. SG O20w |
£25 |
SA2326 |
1939 1d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, wmk. inverted. Left marginal superb unmounted. SG O21 |
£6 |
SA759 |
1939 1d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Wmk. upright. Superb unmounted. SG O21aw |
£4 |
AS413 |
1949 hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. 1d grey and bright rose-carmine, horizontal strip of three, the left stamp showing a ‘Black Line Extending Upward Above 2nd Mast’ and the centre stamp showing ‘Darker Sterncastle and Thickening of Frame Line at Top’ (Row 1/1-2). Very fine lightly hinged mint. SG O21b vars
£45 |
SA4927 |
1937 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. inverted. Very fine mint. SG O22 |
£25 |
SA6247 |
1937 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. inverted. Very fine unmounted. SG O22 |
£40 |
SA1785 |
1937 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. inverted. Showing blocked 'O' of 'OFFISIEEL' on left stamp. Very fine mint. SG O22 var. |
£35 |
SA1788 |
1937 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. inverted. Very fine used. SG O22 |
£25 |
SA6545 |
1939 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. upright. Showing broken chimney and faint headgear flaw. Right marginal, very fine mint. SG O22ab |
£75 |
SA5943 |
1939 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and bright gold shade, wmk. upright. Very fine unmounted. SG O22aw |
£25 |
SA4928 |
1941 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Blue-green and dull gold shade, wmk. upright. Very fine mint. SG O22b |
£20 |
SA1792 |
1941 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Blue-green and dull gold shade, wmk. upright. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG O22b |
£40 |
SA2331 |
1939 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blue and violet. Very fine mint. SG O23 |
£60 |
SA1794 |
1939 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blue and violet. Upper left corner, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG O23 |
£120 |
SA762 |
1939 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blue and violet. Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG O23 |
£240 |
SA2357 |
1939 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blue and violet. Very fine used. SG O23 |
£30 |
SA1796 |
1939 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blue and violet. Strip of three, very fine used on piece. SG O23 |
£35 |
SA1797 |
1937 6d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and vermilion, type I. Very fine mint. SG O24 |
£35 |
SA1847 |
1937 6d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and vermilion, type I. Superb unmounted. SG O24 |
£65 |
SA1798 |
1938 6d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Green and vermilion, type II. Superb unmounted. SG O24c |
£10 |
SA2333 |
1939 1/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine mint. SG O25 |
£40 |
AS412 |
1939 hyphenated pictorial overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, 1/- brown and chalky blue. Very fine mint with light hinge mark. SG O25
£45 |
SA765 |
1939 1/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb unmounted. SG O25 |
£55 |
SA766 |
1939 1/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Chocolate-brown and milky blue shade. Superb unmounted. SG O25 shade |
£55 |
SA2359 |
1939 1/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine used. SG O25 |
£35 |
SA2363 |
1939 1/- hyphenated pictorial, chocolate and pale blue shade, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine used. SG O25 shade |
£35 |
SA2336 |
1948 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine mint. SG O26 |
£30 |
SA1821 |
1948 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb unmounted. SG O26 |
£45 |
SA1804 |
1948 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Upper marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG O26 |
£90 |
SA1805 |
1948 10/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine mint. SG O27 |
£55 |
SA5942 |
1948 10/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine unmounted. SG O27 |
£80 |
SA2337 |
1940 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), black and blue-green. Very fine mint. SG O28 |
£50 |
SA5944 |
1940 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), black and blue-green. Superb unmounted. SG O28 |
£90 |
SA2742 |
1940 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left). Black and blue-green, lower marginal superb unmounted. SG O28 |
£85 |
SA3751 |
1940 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), black and blue-green. Showing broken yoke-pin flaw (row 18/5). Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG O28a |
£250 |
SA6251 |
1940 5/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), black and blue-green. Right marginal vertical pair, showing running sheet number '2124' in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG O28 |
£70 |
SA2012 |
1940 10/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), blue and sepia. Very fine fresh mint. SG O29 |
£200 |
SA5941 |
1940 10/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), blue and sepia. Superb unmounted. SG O29 |
£350 |
SA4300 |
1940 10/- hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL (OFFICIAL at left), blue and sepia. Superb used. Scarce. SG O29 |
£325 |
SA1809 |
1941 2d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL (reading up). Superb unmounted. SG O30 |
£8 |
SA2739 |
1937 ½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading up and down). Superb unmounted. SG O32 |
£20 |
SA5921 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading down) narrow setting. Showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIELL' on both stamps. Fine mint. SG O33a |
£300 |
SA5927 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading down) narrow setting. Left marginal showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIELL' on both stamps. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG O33a |
£575 |
SA1812 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading down) narrow setting. Block of four showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIELL' on ALL FOUR stamps. Very fine used. A remarkable multiple. SG O33a |
£525 |
SA5949 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading down) narrow setting. Block of four plus pair on piece, showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIELL' on ALL SIX stamps. Very fine used. A remarkable piece. SG O33a |
£650 |
AS552 |
c1935-49 1½d Gold Mine (SG 87) pair each overprinted horizontally with OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL. Printed from genuine overprinting forme as used for the 1937 1d and 6d (with 11.5mm spacing) though possibly of clandestine origin. SG O33 var.
£600 |
SA2741 |
c1935-49 1½d Gold Mine (SG 87) right marginal pair each overprinted horizontally with OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL. Printed from genuine overprinting forme as used for the 1937 1d and 6d (with 11.5mm spacing) though possibly of clandestine origin. Superb unmounted. KGVI Expertising certificate. SG O33 var. (see footnote) |
£600 |
SA6548 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading up). Superb unmounted. SG O34 |
£40 |
SA1815 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading up). Showing break in frameline on left stamp, very fine mint. SG O34 var. (UHB V6) |
£40 |
SA1816 |
1949 1½d hyphenated pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, (reading up). Very fine used. SG O34 |
£45 |
SA2113 |
1950 2d, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL reading up, OFFICIAL at right. Superb and fresh unmounted. The key stamp of the OFFICIAL group and a rarity of the Union period. SG O35 |
£2,650 |
SA5912 |
1950 2d, overprinted OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL reading up, OFFICIAL at right. A rather convincing FORGERY, although deeper lettering of the overprint and slightly longer. Would appear to have a genuine 'DURBAN' machine cancellation. An interesting item. SG O35 FORGERY |
£25 |
SA6549 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Slate and deep lilac shade. Superb unmounted. SG O36 |
£4 |
SA2361 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Slate and deep lilac shade. Very fine used. SG O36 |
£18 |
SA6569 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, slate and deep lilac shade. Showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIEEL' (row 11 5/6). Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 036a |
£475 |
SA5144 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, slate and deep lilac shade. Right marginal block of four both upper stamps showing diaeresis over second 'E' of 'OFFISIEEL' (row 11 5/6). Very fine unmounted, scarce in this positional format (by part arrow in margin). PFSA certificate (2001). SG O36, 036a |
£550 |
SA6570 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Slate and bright violet shade. Superb unmounted. SG O36b |
£8 |
SA5611 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Dull blue-grey and bright violet shade. Left marginal strip of three showing dramatic up and leftwards shift of the overprint, now well into the margin at left. Right stamp with minor fault at base otherwise very fine unmounted. DRAMATIC AND VERY SCARCE. SG O36b vars. (UHB 0121 47C V2) Note: accompanying the strip is a reduced image of the original large part sheet from which this strip was taken. The shift was progressive from right to left and running upwards. This particular strip is row 19 of the sheet, and due to the nature of the shift, is the most dramatic |
£375 |
SA2362 |
1949 2d redrawn pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Slate and bright violet shade. Very fine used. SG O36b |
£12 |
SA1817 |
1949 ½d screened pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Block of four, very fine used. SG O37 |
£15 |
SA1550 |
1950-54 pictorials, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Complete set of 15 pairs, with all listed printings and shades. Very fine mint. SG O39-O51 |
£250 |
SA3101 |
1951 ½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Right marginal block of four lower right stamp showing green smudge in top right corner (row 8/12). Superb unmounted. SG O39 and var. (UHB V2) |
£10 |
SA1553 |
1951 1d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, grey and bright rose-carmine. Cylinder 'Cylinder No. 6A' lower left corner block of six. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG O41 |
£4 |
SA6553 |
1951 1½d pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Cylinder ‘6931 B’ block of six. Stamps unmounted, hinged on margin. SG O44 |
£6 |
SA2366 |
1951 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb used. SG O47 |
£12 |
SA2368 |
1951 1/- pictorial, lighter shades, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Very fine used. SG O47 shade |
£12 |
SA6249 |
1951 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blackish brown and ultramarine shade. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG O47a |
£125 |
SA1560 |
1951 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blackish brown and ultramarine shade. Cylinder '6926 6935' block of four, superb unmounted. Scarce. SG O47a |
£285 |
AS176 |
1953 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blackish brown and ultramarine shade. Cylinder ‘6926 6935’ block of four, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG O47a
£350 |
SA2367 |
1951 1/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, blackish brown and ultramarine shade. Very fine used, uncommon. SG O47a |
£95 |
SA1561 |
1951 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb unmounted. SG O48 |
£6 |
SA2369 |
1951 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb used. SG O48 |
£25 |
SA1562 |
1951 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, showing 'heatwave' variety. Very fine mint. SG O48 var. |
£6 |
SA2370 |
1951 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, showing 'heatwave' variety. Superb used. SG O48 var. |
£35 |
SA2341 |
1951 2/6 pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, showing leftwards shift of overprints, into margin. Very fine mint. SG O48 var. |
£35 |
SA2342 |
1951 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and blue-green. Very fine mint. SG O49 |
£60 |
SA6252 |
1951 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and blue-green. Lower left corner, superb unmounted. SG O49 |
£125 |
SA1566 |
1953 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and pale blue-green. Very fine mint. SG O50 |
£30 |
SA1567 |
1953 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and pale blue-green. Lower right corner pair showing cylinder number '6925', plus 'rain' flaw on right stamp (row 20/6). Superb unmounted. SG O50aa |
£120 |
SA1568 |
1953 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and pale blue-green. Cylinder '6925 36' block of four, showing 'rain' flaw on lower right stamp (row 20/6). Superb unmounted. SG O50. O55aa |
£175 |
SA2371 |
1953 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and pale blue-green. Very fine used. SG O50 |
£55 |
SA2344 |
1954 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and deep yellow-green. Left marginal very fine mint. SG O50a |
£30 |
SA1569 |
1954 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and deep yellow-green. Left marginal showing handstamped date 'MAY 1954' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG O50a |
£60 |
SA1570 |
1954 5/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL, black and deep yellow-green. Cylinder '72 8' block of four, superb unmounted. SG O50a |
£150 |
SA1575 |
1950 10/- pictorial, overprinted OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL. Superb unmounted. SG O51 |
£55 |
SA1921 |
1929 7th May, envelope bearing ½d block of four plus 1d strip of three 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O2, O3), cancelled 'PRETORIA' and sent registered to Kimberley. Unusual franking. |
£65 |
SA1933 |
1929 12th June, envelope bearing ½d, 1d, 2d and 6d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O7, O3, O5, O6), cancelled 'PRETORIA' and sent registered to England. Unusual franking. |
£95 |
SA4542 |
1929 26th August, envelope bearing ½d and 2d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' ovperprints (SG 07, 05), cancelled 'CAPE TOWN', sent airmail to Pretoria. |
£30 |
SA1919 |
1929 26th August, envelope bearing 1d single and 2d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' ovperprints (SG 05a, O8), machine cancelled 'EAST LONDON', sent airmail to Durban. |
£25 |
SA1932 |
1929 26th August, envelope bearing 6d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' ovperprints (SG 06), cancelled 'CAPE TOWN', sent airmail to Pretoria. |
£55 |
SA1920 |
1929 29th August, envelope bearing 1d single and 2d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' ovperprints (SG 05a, O8), machine cancelled 'PORT ELIZABETH', sent airmail to the Cape. |
£30 |
SA1918 |
1930 27th February, envelope bearing ½d and 1d pairs plus 2d block of four 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O5a, O7, O8), cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', sent registered airmail to the USA. |
£50 |
SA1917 |
1930 17th November, envelope bearing ½d and 2d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O5a, O7), cancelled 'REGISTERED / JOHANNESBURG', addressed to the Cape. |
£40 |
SA1928 |
c1930, envelope bearing ½d single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprint (SG O7), cancelled bold 'PB' within triangle (Pretoria bulk posting). Locally addressed. Unusual. |
£30 |
SA4009 |
c1931, envelope bearing ½d single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprint (SG O12 or w), cancelled bold 'PB' within triangle (Pretoria bulk posting). Locally addressed. Unusual. |
£30 |
SA4008 |
1932 27th January, printed O.H.M.S. envelope bearing ½d x two pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints, one showing stop after 'OFFISIEEL' on Afrikaans stamp (SG O12, O12b), plus 2d regular King's Head, cancelled 'VICTORIA WEST' and sent airmail to Windhoek. Kimberley transit and Windhoek arrival backstamps. Unusual franking. |
£80 |
SA1930 |
1932 9th September, window envelope bearing ½d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O12 or w), plus Natal QV 'HALF' surcharge pair, machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG'. An unusual franking. |
£25 |
SA1931 |
1932 21st September, envelope bearing ½d and 1d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O12 or w, O13 or cw), machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', addressed to the USA. |
£25 |
SA1912 |
1932 31st December, envelope bearing 1d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O13 or cw), cancelled 'MBABANE / SWAZILAND', addressed to Pretoria. |
£25 |
SA4543 |
1933 2nd January, 2d Springbok Letter Card bearing 1d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG 03), cancelled 'DURBAN' and addressed to Pretoria. |
£30 |
SA1926 |
1933 22nd April, envelope bearing 2d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O14) plus regular ½d block of four (SG 42 or w), cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', sent registered to Cape Town. |
£30 |
SA1904 |
1933 30th December, envelope bearing 2/6 lower marginal imprint pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O11), cancelled 'MOHALESHOEK / BASUTOLAND', sent registered to Pretoria. Most attractive. |
£135 |
SA4547 |
1934 16th February, envelope bearing two O.F.S. 6d 'V.R.I.' overprints plus 2d overprinted 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' (SG O14), cancelled 'BLOEMFONTEIN' and sent registered airmail to Windhoek, arrival backstamps. |
£25 |
SA4061 |
1935 30th August, envelope bearing single 1d and 1/- 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O13. O17, correct airmail and registration rate), sent registered airmail to Eritrea (via Khartoum). Undelivered and reverse struck with an array of datestamps plus further 'NON CHIESTA', 'AL MITTENTE' instructional strikes. Attractive and unusual. |
£30 |
SA1925 |
1935 8th November, envelope bearing 2d block of four and 6d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O14, O16), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent airmail to Australia. Struck with 'UNCLAIMED AT MELBOURNE' cachet and duly sent back. |
£35 |
SA1924 |
1936 7th April, envelope bearing 6d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O16), cancelled 'CAPE TOWN' sent airmail to Greece. |
£25 |
SA4544 |
1937 18th February, envelope bearing 6d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' (SG 09) overprints, cancelled 'bilingual 'MOBILE P.O. / JOHANNESBURG' datestamp, addressed to Tristan Da Cunha. Sent registered with airmail label and upon arrival struck with violet double ring 'TRISTAN DA CUNHA' strikes in violet. Apparently un-delivered and returned to Cape Town where received 'CAPE TOWN / PAQUEBOT' datestamp for the 16th February 38 on front and 'RETURNED L.O' strikes on reverse dated the following day. In addition on reverse 'POSTED OUT OF COURSE / TO PAY' bilingual cachet. Unusual. |
£75 |
SA1927 |
1937 15th April, envelope bearing 1d and 2d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O21, O14 or w), machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', sent airmail to London. |
£30 |
SA4047 |
1939 26th March, large printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 1½d irregular block of nine 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O22 or O22aw), cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to Southern Rhodesia. |
£55 |
SA4045 |
1939 21st May, envelope bearing ½d and 1d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O20 or w, O21 or w), cancelled 'HEILBRON', addressed to England. Some cover faults but an unusual franking. |
£35 |
SA4032 |
1939 22nd December, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 2/6 single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O18a), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent airmail to Switzerland. Light creasing, attractive franking. |
£30 |
SA1905 |
1940 2nd November, printed O.H.M.S. card bearing 1½d single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O22 or O22aw), machine cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to Sweden. Struck with crisp violet 'PASSED BY CENSOR / 19' cachet. Attractive. |
£25 |
SA1916 |
1940 29th November, envelope bearing ½d and 1d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O20 or w, O21 or w), machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', addressed to the USA. Opened at left then resealed with printed red 'bilingual 'OPENED BY CENSOR' tape. An unusual franking. |
£40 |
SA4044 |
1941 25th July, long printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing ½d single and 2d vertical pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O20 or O20w, O23), machine cancelled 'PRETORIA' and addressed to Washington, USA. Struck with large violet 'V FOR VRYHEID / FOR VICTORY' cachet lower left corner, strengthened with tape on three sides. |
£35 |
SA4048 |
1941 11th September, envelope bearing 1½d block of four 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O22 or O22aw) plus regular 1½d block of four, each cancelled 'EGYPT 71 / POSTAGE PREPAID' datestamps, addressed to Johannesburg. Struck with crisp violet 'PASSED BY CENSOR / M.E.F. No. 60' bilingual cachet, signed below. Attractive. |
£40 |
SA1908 |
1943 15th January, printed O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 1½d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O22b), machine cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to the USA. |
£25 |
SA1910 |
1943 11th June, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing ½d block x six, 1d x three, 6d x two and 2/6 single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O20 or w, O21 or aw, O24c, O18a), cancelled 'ONDERSTEPOORT', sent airmail to the USA. Light cover creasing. An attractive franking. |
£50 |
SA4062 |
1943 12th July, envelope bearing ½d, 1d and 2d pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O20(w), O21(aw), O23), each cancelled 'PRETORIA' and sent registered to Stellenbosch. Arrival backstamp. A scarce array of values used. |
£85 |
SA4031 |
1944 17th November, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 1d x two, 2d and 6d singles plus 6d and 1/- x three 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O21 or w, O23, O24c, O17b), cancelled 'UNION BUILDINGS / PRETORIA', sent registered airmail to London. Typewritten at left 'PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE'. Faults including tear at top through one 1/-. |
£45 |
SA4051 |
1948 27th October, unusual printed trilingual (English, French, Afrikaans) registered envelope bearing 1d x three and single 6d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O21b, O24d), machine cancelled 'JOHANNESBURG', and sent registered airmail to England. |
£25 |
SA4024 |
1949 21st February, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 6d block of eight 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O24d, one defective), cancelled 'PRETORIA' and sent airmail to Switzerland. Some creasing. |
£40 |
SA4050 |
1949 25th October, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing ½d single and 2d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O31, O36b), cancelled 'PRETORIA'. Addressed to Geneva and apparently underpaid, endorsed in pencil '15' and duly applied with Swiss 15c due cancelled 'NATIONS UNIES'. Some edge creasing. |
£35 |
SA1934 |
1950 28th August, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing single 1/- and 2/6 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O38, O19), machine cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to the USA. |
£25 |
SA4548 |
1950 23rd October, printed Johannesburg Philatelic Exhibition envelope bearing 1d, 2d, 6d, 1/- and 2/6 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O21b, O45, O24d, O25, O19), plus un-overprinted ½d, 3d, 1½ and 4d, cancelled special 'NATIONAL PHILATELIC EXHIBITION' oval datestamps. Locally addressed. |
£75 |
SA4046 |
1950 26th October, printed Johannesburg Philatelic Exhibition envelope bearing 1½d left marginal arrow block of four 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O33c), cancelled special 'NATIONAL PHILATELIC EXHIBITION' oval datestamps. Locally addressed. |
£20 |
SA4546 |
1950 27th October, printed Johannesburg Philatelic Exhibition envelope bearing ½d, 1½d, 2d and 2/6 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O31a, O33c, O45, O19), cancelled special 'NATIONAL PHILATELIC EXHIBITION' oval datestamps. Locally addressed. |
£65 |
SA4025 |
1950 28th December, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 1½d pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O33c), lightly cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to Switzerland. |
£25 |
SA4064 |
1951 14th July, envelope bearing block of six 1d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O42) plus 2d x three and 6d regular issues on front, block of four 3d's on reverse. Cancelled 'BURGERSPARK' and sent registered airmail to Australia (South African High Commission). Arrival backstamp. Attractive. |
£45 |
SA4030 |
1953 30th June, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 6d single plus 1/- strip of three 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O46a, O47), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent airmail to the USA. |
£45 |
SA1913 |
1953 30th June, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 1d and 2d singles plus 1/- pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O43, O45, O47), cancelled 'HERMANUS', apparently sent airmail to the USA. Struck with large oval 'DEPARTMENT OF TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OFFICE / MOWBRAY' cachet. |
£30 |
SA4027 |
1953 25th July, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 6d, 1/-, 2/6 and 5/- single 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O46a, O47a, O48, O49), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent airmail to the USA, Creased and truncated at right. |
£25 |
SA4059 |
1954 25th March, envelope bearing single 6d and 1/- 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O46a, O47a), cancelled 'PRETORIA' and sent airmail to Holland. Struck with crisp violet bilingual (Crown)'ON POSTAL SERVICE / OFFICIAL FREE' cachet. Cover opened on three sides. |
£20 |
SA4057 |
1954 14th April, envelope bearing 1d and 2d singles plus 6d block of four 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O43, O45, O46a, correct foreign airmail rate), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent airmail to the USA. |
£25 |
SA4012 |
1954 11th May, envelope bearing ½d block x 12 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O40), cancelled 'PRETORIA', sent registered to Benoni. Cover edge faults. |
£30 |
SA4060 |
1955 15th January, printed On His Majesty's Service envelope bearing ½d single and 2d vertical pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O37, O45, correct foreign seamail rate), machine cancelled 'PRETORIA', addressed to the Netherlands. |
£25 |
SA4058 |
1955 5th May, printed bilingual O.H.M.S. envelope bearing 2d single, ½d pair plus 6d strip of four 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O31, O45, O46a, correct foreign airmail rate), sent airmail to the USA. 'HERMANUS MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY' violet cachet on reverse and large violet oval on front. Most attractive. |
£45 |
SA4052 |
1955 1st November, small parcel envelope bearing 6d, 2/6 and 5/- pairs 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O24d, O19, O28) plus regular issue 1½d pair War Effort (total rate of 16s/3d which relates to seven times 3½oz foreign airmail letter rate of 2s/3d per ½oz, plus 6d registration). Secured around edges with brown tape, sent registered airmail to the USA. US customs and arrival strikes. A wonderful usage of the high values which are scarce commercially used. |
£265 |
SA1914 |
1956 2nd June, envelope bearing 1/- pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O47) plus 4d strip of three and 1½d block of four on reverse (SG 90, 103), cancelled 'CAPE TOWN', sent registered airmail to Germany. |
£25 |
SA1909 |
1957 4th October, registered stationery envelope bearing two 1/- pairs 'OFFISIEEL / OFFICIAL' overprints (London printings, SG O10), plus unoverprinted 2/6 pair (SG 121), cancelled CAPE TOWN sent airmail to the US. Most attractive. |
£110 |
SA4063 |
1959 21st April, printed O.H.M.S. card bearing single 6d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprint (SG O46a), machine cancelled 'PIETERMARITZBURG', addressed to the United States of America. Sent as an acknowledgement of receipt of a Handbook dealing with the control of insects attacking crops and livestock. Unusual. |
£20 |
SA4055 |
1960 23rd March, envelope bearing pair 2d 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O30, correct inland airmail rate), machine cancelled 'DURBAN', sent airmail to Johannesburg. Uncommon usage. |
£35 |