1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia, lower left vertical corner pair showing dramatic 16mm DOWNWARD SHIFT OF SURCHARGE with large part of one now appearing in the lower margin. Light bend, otherwise very fine or superb fresh mint with the lower stamp being unmounted. Rare and spectacular variety. SG 58 var
1962 QEII Decimal definitive 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Upper marginal horizontal pair printer's guide dot in margin, on gummed watermarked paper. Major variety IMPERFORATE. Light crease between (not visible from the front) otherwise very fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG 73 var.
Last update: 13th February, 2025
MB6 MORIJA / X dc two complete strikes dated 16 JAN 31, on South Africa 1d Ships block of six £15
AM1121 TEYATEYANENG / BASUTOLAND (13 / SP 18) single circle datestamp. Two part strikes together making an almost complete datestamp on a rejoined pair of Transvaal KEVII 6d black and orange. Scarce. SG 266 £35
MB124 LERIBE part datestamp on 2½d Union, dated JY 12 13. £30
MB123 MASERU large part datestamp on 2½d Union, dated 12 JAN 14. £20
MB125 MAFETENG large part datestamp on 2½d Union, dated JU 16 13. £30
AM334 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. Very fine, lightly mounted fresh mint. SG 1-10 £190
MB8 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/- plus additional shades of all values to 4d. Very fine mint. SG 1-10 £190
MB157 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. All marginal, to 5/- upper and 10/- lower showing part imprint. Pristine unmounted. Very scarce as such.. SG 1-10 £395
AM335 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. The 2/6 with a few perforation faults, otherwise fine used. SG 1-10 £190
MB12 1933 KGV definitives, complete set of ten, ½d to 10/-. Plus additional copies of the ½d, 1d, 1/- x three and 2/6 with some postmark interest, PHAMONG', 'THABA TSEKA'. Very fine or superb used. A lovely group. SG 1-10 £225
MB147 1933 KGV 1d scarlet. Complete sheet of 60, some weak / parted perfs., fine and fresh unmounted. An uncommon survivor. SG 2 £45
MB116 1933 KGV 1d definitive. Lower marginal part imprint applied to printed Post Card cancelled with crisp upright 'MASERU / 1 DEC 33' First Day of Issue datestamp. Scarce. SG 2 £65
MB117 1933 KGV ½d and 2d definitives. Applied to printed Post Card cancelled with crisp upright 'MASERU / 1 DEC 33' First Day of Issue datestamp. Scarce. SG 1, 3 £65
MB149 1933 KGV 10/- definitive. Block of four, exceptionally fine used cancelled 'MASERU SOUTH AFRICA 23 MAR 38', slightest trace of blue lines through. Apparently commercially used and a rarity as such. Lovely. SG 10 £750
MB245 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee. Set of four values. Superb unmounted. SG 11-14 £18
AA3313 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d ultramarine and grey. Showing dot to left of Chapel (plate 2B, row 8/3). Very fine mint. SG 12g £200
MB13 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d ultramarine and grey. Showing dot to left of Chapel (plate 2B, row 8/3). Superb unmounted. SG 12g £300
MB14 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 3d brown and deep blue. Showing dot to left of Chapel (plate 2B, row 8/3). Superb unmounted. SG 13g £325
MB17 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 1d deep blue and carmine. Vertically bisected on piece and cancelled '31 DEC 35 / CORN EXCHANGE', another alongside. These were not officially sanctioned, although further examples exist and are postmarked on the same day. SG 11 £45
MB16 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 1d deep blue and carmine. Diagonally bisected on piece and further endorsed in ink '½d ', cancelled 'MORIJA / 31 DEC 35'. These were not officially sanctioned, although further examples exist and are postmarked on the same day. SG 11 £65
MB18 1938 KGVI definitive, complete set of 11 values. Very fine and fresh mint. SG 18-28 £30
AA2000 1938 KGVI definitive, complete set of 11 values. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 18-28 £70
MB100 1938 KGVI definitive, complete set of 11 values. Each a matching upper marginal copy, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely set. SG 18-28 £110
MB19 1938 KGVI definitive, complete set of 11 values. Each a matching lower marginal copy, superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely set. SG 18-28 £110
MB148 1938 KGVI definitive, complete set of 11 values. Each a lower marginal copy showing part imprint. Superb unmounted and a delightful set. SG 18-28 £110
AM331 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values, ½d to 10/-, in blocks of four. Very fine and fresh lightly mounted mint. Scarce. SG 18-28 £425
MB160 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values, ½d to 10/-, blocks of four. Hinged on one stamp in each block otherwise fresh unmounted. SG 18-28 £345
MB179 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values. Each a matching lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG 18-28 £425
MB180 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values. Each a matching upper right corner block of four, the 10s showing a curious under-inked area across the Kings portrait affecting the upper left stamp. Superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG 18-28 and var. £450
MB247 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11 values. Each in a lower marginal block of eight showing imprint in margins. Very fine unmounted. An exceptional and RARE group. SG 18-28 £1,250
AM337 1938 KGVI definitives, complete set of 11, ½d to 10/-. Fine used. SG 18-28 £35
MB134 1939 15th March, envelope bearing KGVI ½d, 1½d, 4d and 6d (SG 18, 20, 23, 24), cancelled 'MASERU' on the First Day of issue. Addressed to England (Selfridge & Co). £35
MB21 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet, showing 'tower' flaw, the centre lower stamp in a block of six. Hinged on stamp above flaw otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 19a, 19 £125
MB113 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet, two matching upper left corner blocks of eight, the first showing 'tower' flaw on the lower right corner stamp, and the second WITHOUT. The flaw would appear to be on a later printing on thinner more transparent paper, the without an earlier printing with thicker paper and creamy slightly toned gum. The block with flaw also shows printer's mark at lower left of lower left corner stamp. Hinged on margin and lower right stamp. A most unusual pair. SG 19a, 19 £225
MB23 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet, showing 'tower' flaw. Very fine used neat corner datestamp leaving the flaw clear. SG 19a £185
AM1113 1938 KGVI 1d scarlet with ‘Tower’ flaw. Very fine fiscally used with manuscript cancellation dated ‘16/8/49’. Scarce. SG 19a £125
AA1989 1938 KGVI 2/6, 5/- and 10/- definitives. Each marginal, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 26-28 £70
AA1005 1938 KGVI definitive 10/- olive-green. Very fine, lightly mounted mint. SG 28 £15
MB25 1938 KGVI definitive 10/- olive-green. Very fine unmounted. SG 28 £35
AA1990 1938 KGVI 5/- and 10/- definitives. Very fine used. SG 27-28 £25
MB104 1938 KGVI definitive 10/- olive-green. Superb used cancelled crisp central 'ROMA MISSION / 13 IV 46' datestamp. Lovely and most unusual. SG 28 £35
MB26 1938 KGVI definitive 10/- olive-green. Upper right corner block of four centrally cancelled 'MAMATHES'. Lovely. SG 28 £90
MB63 1945 Victory, set of three in complete sheets of 120 (6 x 20). 1d showing 'Barbed wire' flaw (row 9/6), running sheet numbers and 'arrows' in margins. Folded twice and odd marginal faults otherwise very fine unmounted. SG 29-31 £70
MB32 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding set. Very fine unmounted. SG 36-37 £30
AA2001 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding, both values in matching lower right corner blocks of eight, 1½d showing plate '1' and 10/- plate '1' plus full imprint. Superb unmounted. Lovely and scarce in this positional format. SG 36-37 £400
AA1640 1948 KGVI 10/- Royal Silver Wedding, lower marginal pair with full imprint. Superb unmounted. SG 37 £90
AA1299 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding 10/-, lower left cylinder '1' corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 37 £180
AM354 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding set. Very fine used. SG 36-37 £30
MB120 1948 KGVI Royal Silver Wedding. Set on illustrated envelope cancelled 'MASERU' on the First Day of Issue. Very fine and clean. SG 36-37 £75
MB58 1953 QEII Coronation, lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 2A' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 42 £6
MB129 1954 QEII definitives, ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 11 values, each a marginal copy, all bar the 1/3 showing plate number in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 43-53 £80
MB248 1954 QEII definitives, ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 11 values, blocks of four. Very fine or superb unmounted. SG 43-53 £325
MB30 1954 QEII definitives. ½d to 2/6 set of nine values each a lower marginal pair showing imprint in margins. Hinged on margins stamps very fine unmounted. SG 43-51 £90
MB31 1954 QEII definitives. ½d to 10/- less 2/6, ten values each a lower right corner pair showing plate numbers in margins. Hinged on margins stamps very fine unmounted. SG 43-53 less 51 £160
AM421 1954 QEII definitives. 2/6, 5/- and 10/-, each an upper marginal example, superb unmounted mint. SG 51-53 £60
AA1994 1954 QEII definitives. 1/3 to 10/-, very fine and fresh unmounted mint. SG 50-53 £65
AA1441 1954 QEII definitives, ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 11 values, each is a lower marginal example showing a large part of the imprint. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 43-53 £95
MB158 1954 QEII definitives, ½d to 10/-. Complete set of eleven values, each is a lower right corner copy showing plate number in margins. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Delightful. SG 43-53 £110
MB243 1954 QEII definitives, ½d to 10/-. Complete set of 11 values, lower right corner blocks of four showing plate numbers in margins. Very fine and fresh unmounted. A scarce group. SG 43-53 £650
AM339 1954 QEII definitives. Complete set of 11 values, ½d to 10/-. Very fine used. SG 43-53 £40
MB250 1954 QEII definitives, ½d, 1d, 1/- and 1/3. Each a marginal or corner block of four with pencil endorsement in margin 'July 1958', and appear as differing shades to the original printings. Very fine and fresh unmounted. SG 43, 44, 49, 50 £100
MB306 1954 QEII definitives, ½d grey-black and sepia. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 43 £4
MB265 1954 QEII definitives, ½d grey-black and sepia. Complete sheet of 60, showing imprint and plates '2A 1A' in margin. Folded horizontally, superb unmounted. SG 43 £30
MB307 1954 QEII definitives, 1d grey-black and bluish green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 44 £4
MB264 1954 QEII definitives, 1d grey-black and bluish green. Lower two rows of the sheet showing imprint and plates '2A 1A' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 44 £10
MB308 1954 QEII definitives, 2d deep bright blue and orange. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 43 £8
MB309 1954 QEII definitives, 6d chestnut and deep grey-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 48 £18
MB35 1954 QEII definitives, 1/3 brown and turquoise-green. Vertical block of six, showing missing perforation hole affecting right three stamps. Superb fresh unmounted. Uncommon. SG 50 and vars. £100
AA1992 1954 QEII definitives, 2/6 deep ultramarine and crimson. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 51 £20
MB310 1954 QEII definitives, 5/- black and carmine-red. Lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 52 £45
AA1480 1954 QEII definitives, 10/- black and maroon. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 53 £30
MB108 1954 QEII definitives, 10/- black and maroon. Lower marginal block of four, showing imprint in margin, cut to be complete. Superb unmounted. SG 53 £175
MB231 1954 QEII definitives, 10/- black and maroon. Lower marginal block of four, showing imprint in margin, cut to be complete. Superb unmounted. SG 53 £175
MB62 1959 QEII definitive surcharged '½d' on 2d deep bright blue and orange. Two lower two rows of the sheets showing imprint and plates '1A 1A' or '1B 1B' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 54 £15
AM1036 1959 QEII definitives surcharges. ‘½d.’ on 2d. Lower two rows of a plate ‘1B 1B’ sheet showing surcharge shifted upwards at left (the surcharges parallel to base of sheet). Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 54 £45
MB56 1959 National Council, set of three in lower right corner blocks of four showing plates '1 1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG 55-57 £30
MB142 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. Complete basic set of 11 values, each a marginal copy. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 58-68b £45
MB266 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. Complete basic set of 11 values, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 58-68b £190
MB267 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. Complete basic set of 11 values, matching lower left corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 58-68b £200
MB268 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. Complete basic set of 11 values, plus all listed types bar the 10c type II, blocks of four. Superb unmounted. A very difficult assembly. SG 58-68b, 61a, 61ab, 62a, 63a, 65a, 66a, 66b, 67a, 68a, 68b £1,100
MB236 1961 QEII decimal surcharges. 1c, 2c, 2½c all three types, 3½c type I, 5c both types and 10c type I, each in a lower right corner block of four showing plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Difficult group. SG 59, 60, 61, 61a, 61ab, 62, 63, 63a, 64 £45
AA3133 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. Complete set of all duties with all surcharge types, a total of 21 stamps. Very fine or superb fresh unmounted. A remarkably difficult assembly. SG 58-68b £325
MB36 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. Complete set of all duties with all surcharge types, a total of 21 stamps. A few unmounted although most lightly hinged. A difficult assembly. SG 58-68b £150
MB234 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Block of 12 being two horizontal rows across the sheet, showing distinct and striking weak impression of the surcharge on both right stamps. Superb unmounted. SG 58 vars. £120
MB270 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2A 1A' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 58 £4
MB271 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 58 £4
MB190 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Showing strong leftwards shift of surcharge. Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 58 var. £45
MB109 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Showing vertical shift of the surcharge which now straddles the margins between the stamps. Hinge trace, very fine mint. A scarce and spectacular variety. SG 58 var. £145
AM1032 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia, lower left vertical corner pair showing dramatic 16mm DOWNWARD SHIFT OF SURCHARGE with large part of one now appearing in the lower margin. Light bend, otherwise very fine or superb fresh mint with the lower stamp being unmounted. Rare and spectacular variety. SG 58 var £475
MB110 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Lower right corner plates '2B 1B' block of four showing dramatic upward shift of the surcharge which now straddles the margins between the stamps. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Most likely UNIQUE in this format. SG 58 vars. £900
MB115 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives, ½c on ½d grey-black and sepia. Right marginal showing major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE. Clear separation. Hinge trace on margin stamp superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 58a £950
MB150 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 1c upper marginal showing bold offset of surcharge on reverse. Superb unmounted. Most unusual SG 59 var. £125
MB273 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 1c on 1d grey-black and bluish green. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '2A 1A' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 59 £8
MB274 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1B 1B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 60 £10
MB194 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange. Left marginal, showing slight rightwards shift of surcharge. Superb unmounted. SG 60 var. £15
MB196 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange. Showing dramatic vertical shift of surcharge. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 60 var. £125
MB197 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive, 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange. Left marginal, showing dramatic vertical shift of surcharge, now between stamps. Superb unmounted. Striking and scarce. SG 60 var. £225
AM634 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange showing major variety SURCHARGE INVERTED. Very fine and fresh lightly mounted mint. SG 60a £130
MB105 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2c on 2d deep bright blue and orange, major variety SURCHARGE INVERTED. Lower marginal example, hinged on face of margin stamp superb and fresh unmounted. SG 60a £225
MB275 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2½c (type I) yellow-green and rose. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 2B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 61 £5
MB289 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2½c (type II, central) yellow-green and rose. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 61a £6
MB276 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 2½c (type II, central) yellow-green and rose. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 2B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 61a £6
MB277 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 3½c (type I) indigo and deep ultramarine. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. In addition lower left stamp showing wider surcharge. Superb unmounted. SG 62 and var. £15
MB146 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 3½c (type II) indigo and deep ultramarine. Superb unmounted. SG 62a £8
MB290 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 3½c (type II) indigo and deep ultramarine. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. In addition showing wider spaced 'c' on both right stamps. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 62a and vars. £90
MB291 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 5c (type I) chestnut and deep grey-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 63 £12
MB294 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 5c (type II) chestnut and deep grey-green. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 63a £10
MB292 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 5c (type II) chestnut and deep grey-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 63a £10
MB295 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 10c (Type I) on 1/- bronze-green and purple. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 64 £6
MB293 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 10c (Type I) on 1/- bronze-green and purple. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 64 SOLD
MB279 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 10c (Type I) on 1/- bronze-green and purple. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 64 £8
MB288 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 10c (Type II) on 1/- bronze-green and purple. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 64a £1,350
MB210 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 10c (Type II) on 1/- bronze-green and purple. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 64a £2,250
AM1183 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 1/- bronze-green and purple surcharged ‘10c’ (Type II). Lower marginal BLOCK OF 12 from the foot of the sheet showing full printer’s imprint and plate number ‘1A 1’. Superb fresh unmounted mint. RPS certificate (1999). Very rare, probably unique. SG 64a £2,750
MB300 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type I) brown and turquoise-green. Left marginal block of four, upper right stamp showing broken '½'. Superb unmounted. SG 65 and var. £80
MB239 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type I) brown and turquoise-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 65 £130
MB144 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type II) brown and turquoise-green. Superb unmounted. SG 65a £5
MB211 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type II) brown and turquoise-green. Upper marginal central guide cross in margin, showing missing perf. holes on right pair. Superb unmounted. SG 65a and vars. £65
MB296 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type II) brown and turquoise-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 65a £50
MB238 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 12½c (type II) brown and turquoise-green. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 65a SOLD
MB297 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 25c (type I) bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Folded vertically, hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 66 £15
MB281 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 25c (type I) bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 66 £20
MB301 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 25c (type II) 2/6 bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 66a £225
MB326 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 25c (type II) on 2/6 bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 66a £450
MB298 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 25c (type III) on 2/6 bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Lower right corner block of four showing imprint in margin. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 66b £40
MB284 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives, 25c (Type III) on 2/6 bright ultramarine and crimson-lake. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '2B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 66b SOLD
MB145 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 50c (type I) black and carmine-red. Superb unmounted. SG 67 £10
MB203 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 50c (type II) black and carmine-red. Apparently the first printing with the surcharge placed low. Superb unmounted. SG 67a £9
MB302 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 50c (type II) black and carmine-red. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 67a £30
MB285 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitive. 50c (type II) black and carmine-red. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 67a SOLD
AM558 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type I) on 10/- black and maroon. Superb unmounted mint. SG 68 £55
AM648 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type I) on 10/- black and maroon. Superb unmounted mint. SG 68 £55
AM520 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type I) on 10/- black and maroon. Lower marginal horizontal pair, superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 68 £110
MB43 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type I) on 10/- black and maroon. Block of four, adhesion on lower right stamp and pulled perforation at left, otherwise unmounted. SG 68 £150
MB44 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type II) on 10/- black and maroon. Superb unmounted. SG 68a £30
AA1998 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 'R1' (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon, superb unmounted. SG 68b £20
MB45 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 'R1' (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Lower right corner copy showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 68b £38
AM422 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Block of four, superb unmounted mint. SG 68b £75
MB303 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Upper left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 68b £110
MB304 1961 QEII Decimal surcharge definitives. ‘R1’ (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Upper right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 68b £110
MB287 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 'R1' (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 68b £300
MB223 1961 QEII decimal surcharge definitives. 'R1' (Type III) on 10/- black and maroon. Complete sheet of 60, imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Odd minor marginal faults, very fine unmounted. A RARE SURVIVOR. SG 68b £1,850
MB107 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives, complete set of 11, ½c to R1. All marginal and mostly showing plate number in margins. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 69-79 £75
MB47 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives. Complete set of 11 values, ½c to R1, to 50c lower left corner pairs and the R1 lower right corner pair showing plates '1 1' in margin. Values to 50c apparently showing the larger type perforation holes. Very fine mounted mint. SG 69-79 £110
MB305 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives. Complete set of 11 values, the values to 50c lower right corner blocks of eight showing imprint and plate numbers in margins, the R1 a corner block of four plate '1 1'. Superb unmounted. A very difficult group in this ideal positional format. SG 69-79 £775
MB48 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives. Set of ten values, ½c to 50c, each a matching lower left corner pair and apparently showing the smaller type perforation holes. Very fine mounted mint. SG 69-78 £50
AM344 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives. Complete set of 11 values, ½c to R1, with additional listed shade of the R1. Very fine lightly mounted mint. SG 69-79a £85
AM1033 1961-63 QEII decimal definitives. Complete set of eleven, ½c to R1, very fine used. SG 69-79 £55
MB49 1962 QEII Decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Lower marginal vertical strip of five showing somewhat damaged perforation pins between each stamp. Fine used cancelled MASERU datestamps. Most unusual. SG 69 vars. £45
AM882 1962 QEII Decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Horizontal pair on watermarked (upright) paper. Variety completely IMPERFORATE. Very fine unused with trace of gum. SG 69a £325
MB325 1962 QEII decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Upper marginal block of four major variety IMPERFORATE, further showing printer's guide dot in margin. Unobtrusive vertical creasing affecting left pair, fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG 69a £325
MB323 1962 QEII decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Horizontal IMPERFORATE pair, in addition with INVERTED VIGNETTE. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Very scarce. SG 69a var. £300
AA3318 1962 QEII decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Block of four on gummed watermarked paper. Showing varieties completely IMPERFORATE and also FRAME INVERTED (relative to watermark and vignette). Minor gum wrinkles otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. Unlisted in SG in this format. Rare. SG 69a vars. £850
AM627 1962 QEII Decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Lower marginal vertical pair on gummed watermarked paper. Showing the variety completely IMPERFORATE and also FRAME INVERTED (relative to the watermark and the vignette). The upper stamp with additional variety VIGNETTE OMITTED (due to a shift). A few minor gum wrinkles otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. A spectacular and rare ‘triple variety’. Unlisted by SG in this format. SG 69a vars. £1,250
MB51 1962 QEII Decimal definitive ½c grey-black and sepia. Lower marginal block of four on gummed watermarked paper, imprint and printer's guide dot and cross in margin. Showing the variety completely IMPERFORATE and also FRAME INVERTED (relative to the watermark and the vignette). In additional the vignette shifted downwards with impressions now appearing in the margin. A few minor gum wrinkles otherwise superb fresh unmounted mint. A spectacular and rare ‘triple variety’. Unlisted by SG in this format. SG 69a vars. £1,450
MB280 1962 QEII decimal definitives 2c deep bright blue and orange. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint (smaller) and plates '3B 1B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 71 £40
MB233 1961 QEII Decimal definitive 2½c yellow-green and deep rose-red. Right marginal block of four showing missing perforation holes between right stamps and margin. Superb unmounted. SG 72 and var. £20
MB52 1961 QEII Decimal definitive 2½c yellow-green and deep rose-red. Lower left corner pair showing marginal paper fold prior to perforating with resultant part strike in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. Most unusual. SG 72 and var. £60
MB311 1962 QEII Decimal definitive 2½c pale yellow-green and rose-red. Lower marginal block of four, showing imprint (smaller) in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 72a £120
MB312 1962 QEII Decimal definitive 2½c pale yellow-green and rose-red. Lower right corner strip of four, showing imprint and plates '1B 1B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 72a £100
MB54 1962 QEII Decimal definitive 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Upper marginal horizontal pair printer's guide dot in margin, on gummed watermarked paper. Major variety IMPERFORATE. Light crease between (not visible from the front) otherwise very fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG 73 var. £275
MB324 1962 QEII Decimal definitive 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Left marginal block of four, on gummed watermarked paper. Major variety IMPERFORATE. Superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 73 var. £525
AA1641 1962 QEII decimal definitives 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Right marginal pair showing missing perforation hole between right stamp and margin. Superb unmounted. SG 73 var. £10
MB313 1962 QEII decimal definitives 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '1A 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 73 £20
AM349 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 5c chestnut and deep grey-green. An upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 74 + var £35
MB55 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 5c chestnut and deep grey-green. Upper marginal block of four, the upper left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Superb fresh unmounted. SG 74 and var. £35
AM350 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 10c bronze-green and purple. An upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 75 + var £45
MB315 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 10c bronze-green and purple, lower right corner block of four showing plates '3B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 75 £5
MB314 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 10c bronze-green and purple, lower right corner block of eight showing imprint (smaller) and plates '3B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 75 £10
AA1481 1962 decimal definitives 12½c brown and turquoise-green. Lower left marginal example, superb unmounted mint. SG 76 £15
AA1482 1962 decimal definitives 25c deep ultramarine and crimson. Right marginal example, superb unmounted mint. SG 77 £4
AM351 1962 QEII decimal definitives, 25c deep ultramarine and crimson. An upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 77 + var £55
AA1483 1962 decimal definitives 50c black and carmine-red. Right marginal example, superb unmounted mint. SG 78 £12
AA1495 1963 QEII decimal definitives R1 black and maroon. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 79 £35
AA1008 1963 QEII decimal definitives R1 black and maroon. Upper marginal example superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 79 £38
MB322 1963 QEII decimal definitives R1 black and maroon. Block of 20 being the lower two rows of the sheet, imprint and plates '1 1' in margin. Gum lightly yellowed, very fine unmounted. Very scarce. SG 79 £750
AM720 1963 Red Cross 2½c red and black showing major 5mm shift of the perforations downwards. Very fine used with part Buthe Buthe datestamp. A spectacular error on an issue largely devoid of any varieties. SG 81 variety £250
MB318 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. Complete set of five values 1c to 50c, each a lower right corner block of ten, 1c, eight 2½c, 12½c and 50c, or 12 5c, showing imprint and plate numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. Scarce group. SG 84-92 £425
AM1034 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. Complete set of five, 1c to 50c, very fine used. SG 84-92 £15
MB320 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. 1c grey-black and bluish green, lower right corner block of four showing plates '3B 1B' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 84 £4
MB321 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. 2½c pale yellow-green and rose-red, lower right corner block of eight showing imprint and plates '3A 1A' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 86 £10
MB319 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. 12½c brown and turquoise-green, lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 90 £140
MB230 1964 QEII decimal definitives with watermark change. 12½c brown and turquoise-green, lower right corner block of four showing plates '3B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 90 £150
AA3181 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. Complete set of ten values in blocks of four, all corner with the R1 showing plate numbers '1 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 110A-120A £45
AA3180 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. Complete set of ten values plus additional R1 shade. Superb used. SG 110A-120A £14
AA3197 LESOTHO 1966 QEII 12½c overprints. Lower right corner block of four showing plates '3B 1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 117A £30
AA3191 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 2c deep bright blue and orange. Right marginal horizontal pair, right stamp showing broken 'O' of 'LESOTHO'. Superb unmounted. SG 112A and var. £8
AA3192 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 2c deep bright blue and orange. Right marginal horizontal pair, left stamp showing broken 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5). Superb unmounted. SG 112A and var. £10
MB71 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 3½c indigo and deep ultramarine. Horizontal pair, left stamp showing broken 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5). Superb unmounted. SG 114A and var. £10
AA3186 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 5c chestnut and deep grey-green. Upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 115A and var. £20
AA3187 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 5c chestnut and deep grey-green. Upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Superb used. SG 115A and var. £20
AA3188 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 10c bronze-green and purple. Upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 116A and var. £20
AA3189 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 25c deep ultramarine and crimson. Upper marginal pair, the left stamp showing a ‘WEAK ENTRY’ behind the Queen’s head. Position [R1/3], apparently occurs on Plate 3B-1. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 118A and var. £25
AA3195 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 25c deep ultramarine and crimson. Right marginal block of four showing 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5). Superb unmounted. SG 118A and var. £12
AA3196 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 50c black and carmine-red. Right marginal block of four showing 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5). Superb unmounted. SG 119A and var. £12
AM900 LESOTHO 1966 QEII definitive surcharges R1 black and maroon. Lower right corner block of 15 (5x3) showing plate numbers and part of the imprint. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 120A £60
AM899 LESOTHO 1966 QEII definitive surcharges R1 black and maroon. Upper right corner marginal strip of three. Two stamps showing partially omitted letters of overprint due to dry or uneven inking. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG 120A var. £65
AA3170 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Script CA watermarked paper. Left marginal block of four, the lower right stamp showing variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb unmounted. SG 120A, 120Aa £85
AM522 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Script CA watermarked paper. Left marginal block of four, the lower right stamp showing variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb unmounted. SG 120A, 120Aa £85
AA3171 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Script CA watermarked paper. Upper left corner block of eight, the lower right stamp showing variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb unmounted and uncommon in this positional format. SG 120A, 120Aa £90
AA3172 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Script CA watermarked paper. Horizontal pair, the right stamp showing variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb used. Uncommon. SG 120A, 120Aa £110
AA2905 LESOTHO 1966 QEII 2½c overprints on Block CA watermarked paper. Lower left corner blocks of eight from both the '3A' and '3B' printings showing differing shade and imprint impressions. Superb unmounted. SG 113B £10
AA2901 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 1c grey-black and bluish green, on Block CA watermarked paper. Lower right corner block of ten showing plates '3A 1A' in margin, in addition 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5) plus 'C' for last 'O' of 'LESOTHO' on a further two. Superb unmounted. SG 111B and vars. £15
AA2903 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints 50c black and carmine-red on Block CA watermarked paper. Right marginal pair showing 'C' for first 'O' of 'LESOTHO' (constant, row 6/5). Superb unmounted. SG 119B and var. £12
AM404 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Block CA watermarked paper. Lower left corner block of six (2x3), the upper right stamp showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Uncommon, especially in a positional block. SG 120B, 120Ba £75
AA3175 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Block CA watermarked paper. Lower left corner block of six (2x3), the upper right stamp showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Uncommon, especially in a positional block. SG 120B, 120Ba £75
AA3176 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Block CA watermarked paper. Lower left corner block of eight (2x4), showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb fresh unmounted. Uncommon, especially in a positional block. SG 120Ba £80
AA3177 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Block CA watermarked paper. Horizontal pair, right stamp showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb used. SG 120B, 120Ba £55
AA3178 LESOTHO 1966 QEII overprints. R1 black and maroon on Block CA watermarked paper. Left marginal block of four, lower right stamp showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb used and uncommon in this positional format. SG 120B, 120Ba £70
AA4224 LESOTHO 1967 First Anniversary of Independence original artwork for the 2½c value. Comprising background design handprinted on board (312x216mm), with acetate overlay showing planned position for the face value. Highly attractive and unique. £225
AA4223 LESOTHO 1967 First Anniversary of Independence original artwork for the 12½c value. Comprising background design handprinted on board (312x216mm), with acetate overlay showing planned position for the face value and various annotations relating to the colour scheme. Highly attractive and unique. £225
MB70 OFFICIAL 1934 KGV 6d orange-yellow, applied with FORGED overprint and postmark, overall numerous tiny black dots. Full gum. A most appealing effort. SG O4 FORGERY £45
MB244 1933-64 Postage dues, selection of 10 comprising all of the basic listed issues. Superb unmounted. SG D1b - D10 £18
MB67 Postage due 1951 1d deep carmine on chalk-surfaced paper. Lower right corner vertical block of ten showing error of watermark ST. EDWARD'S CROWN as indicated by arrow. Hinged on one stamp otherwise superb unmounted. Uncommon in this positional format. SG D1b, D1bb £145
AM362 Postage due 1933 2d violet on ordinary paper. Very fine used with Maseru South Africa (Jun 35) double circle datestamp. SG D2 £22
MB216 Postage due 1961 ‘1c’ surcharge on 1d, '1c' surcharge on 2d and '5c' surcharge on 2d. Set of three values each a lower right corner block of four showing plate '1' in margins. Superb unmounted. SG D5 - D7 £12
MB154 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet, both types I and II. Superb unmounted. SG D7, D7a £12
MB155 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet, both types I and II. Each a matching lower left corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG D7, D7a £50
MB152 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet, both types I and II. Each a matching lower right corner horizontal block of ten, showing plate number '1' in margins. Folded vertically, superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG D7, D7a £145
MB217 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet, types II. Block of 18 being the right three columns of the sheet, showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. Very scarce, only 13 sheets with this surcharge produced. SG D7a £300
AM365 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ (Type II) surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet. Very fine used with part Morija double circle datestamp. SG D7a £35
MB65 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ (Type II) surcharge on 2d deep reddish violet. Very fine used with part Morija double circle datestamp. SG D7a £35
MB99 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ on 2d violet. Lower right corner block of four, showing variety LARGE ‘d’ on both right stamps (row 9/6 and 10/6) and in addition error ST. EDWARDS CROWN. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. Most unusual combination. SG D8, D8b, D8c £300
AM360 Postage due 1961 ‘5c’ on 2d violet. Block of 12, comprising the lower two rows of a pane with margins. R9/6 and 10/6 showing variety LARGE ‘d’. Also with error ST. EDWARD'S CROWN in the lower margin. Some central perforations are splitting otherwise fine used with Maseru (7 Aug 61) double circle datestamps. Robertson certificate (1963). SG D8, D8c + var £175
MB66 Postage due 1964 1c carmine and 5c deep reddish violet. Very fine used. SG D9, D10 £40
AM406 LESOTHO / Postage due 1966 1c carmine. Lower right corner marginal block of 20 (5x4) with plate number ‘1’. One stamp [R4/7] showing the variety 'LSEOTHO'. Superb fresh unmounted mint. Uncommon. SG D11/a £35
AM1044 Revenue c1891 Cape of Good Hope 1d bright green on yellow revenue stamp handstamped ‘BASUTOLAND.’ diagonally. Small marginal thins, otherwise fine mint. Scarce. T&M 2.1 £250
AM1047 Revenue c1893 Cape of Good Hope 1d bright green on yellow revenue stamp overprinted ‘Basutoland.’ Light gum creasing otherwise very fine and fresh mint. Scarce. T&M 3.1 £110
AM1046 Revenue c1893 Cape of Good Hope 1d bright green on yellow revenue stamp overprinted ‘Basutoland.’ Unobtrusive horizontal crease otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation, apparently dated ‘11/92’. T&M 3.1 £75
AM663 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1d dull reddish purple and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M 7.1 £20
AM741 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1d dull reddish purple and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine mint. T&M 7.1 £15
AM1061 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1d dull reddish purple and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Small gum wrinkle otherwise very fine fresh mint, appears unmounted. T&M 7.1 £20
AM1062 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1d dull reddish purple and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Hinge remnants otherwise very fine fresh mint. T&M 7.1 £15
AM711 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1d dull reddish purple and bright scarlet revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Block of four, odd gum bend and one with corner crease, otherwise very fine unmounted mint. T&M 7.1 £85
AM1063 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 3d dull reddish purple and pale orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine fresh mint. T&M 7.2 £65
AM1116 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 3d dull reddish purple and pale orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine fresh mint. T&M 7.2 £65
AM666 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 3d dull reddish purple and pale orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine used with oval datestamps. T&M 7.2 £25
AM1069 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 3d dull reddish purple and pale orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine used with manuscript cancellation dated ‘27/1/04’. T&M 7.2 £55
AM1115 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 3d dull reddish purple and pale orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Horizontal pair superb used with STANDARD BANK OF S.A. LTD. / JUN 13 1910 / MASERU oval datestamp struck in violet. T&M 7.2 £110
AM1064 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 6d dull reddish purple and reddish lilac revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ A few light gum creases otherwise fine fresh mint with hinge remnants. T&M 7.3 £55
AM1065 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 6d dull reddish purple and reddish lilac revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ A vertical crease not apparent from the front otherwise very fine mint with hinge remnants. T&M 7.3 £45
AM1117 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 6d dull reddish purple and reddish lilac revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine and fresh mint with hinge remnants. T&M 7.3 £65
AM1066 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1/- dull reddish purple and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Vertical crease not apparent from the front otherwise very fine mint with hinge remnants. T&M 7.4 £55
AM1118 Revenue c1901 Cape of Good Hope 1/- dull reddish purple and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine and fresh mint with hinge remnants. T&M 7.4 £75
AM1051 Revenue c1902 Cape of Good Hope 2/- dull reddish purple and orange-brown revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ With unlisted variety, ‘S’ appearing inverted. Usual gum creasing, otherwise fine and fresh mint. T&M 8.3 var £225
AM1048 Revenue c1902 Cape of Good Hope 2/6 olive-bistre revenue stamp with ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Usual light gum creasing otherwise very fine and fresh mint. Scarce. T&M 8.4 £225
AM1072 Revenue c1909 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac and carmine-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine unused (without gum). T&M 12.1 £45
AM1073 Revenue c1909 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac carmine-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Fine used with part oval bank datestamp. T&M 12.1 £45
AM1075 Revenue c1909 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1/- dull reddish lilac and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine fresh mint with hinge remnants. Rare. T&M 12.3 £150
AM1076 Revenue c1909 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1/- dull reddish lilac and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Fine used with large oval datestamp (NOV 1909). T&M 12.3 £75
AM704 Revenue c1912 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac and carmine-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine used with oval datestamp. T&M 13.1 £40
AM1077 Revenue c1912 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d dull reddish lilac and carmine-red revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine used with large circular cancellation. T&M 13.1 £45
AM1119 Revenue c1912 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1/- dull reddish lilac and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Fine used with large oval datestamp (NOV 1909). T&M 13.3 £75
AM1079 Revenue c1912 Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1/- dull reddish lilac and bright blue revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Diagonal crease, otherwise fine used with large oval datestamp (APR 2 1916). T&M 13.3 £55
AM1081 Revenue c1918 Union of SA KGV £1 deep ultramarine and sepia revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine used with oval cancellation. Scarce. T&M 15.6 £150
AM1082 Revenue c1918 Union of SA KGV £5 green and dull purple revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Fine used with part oval datestamp (1926) struck in magenta. Rare. T&M 15.7 £225
AM1093 Revenue c1922 Union of South Africa KGV £1 deep green and scarlet revenue stamp overprinted with ‘Basutoland / Revenue Only.’ (2mm spacing, T&M list as 1.5mm). Very fine used with oval datestamp Rare. T&M 18.4 £150
AM1094 Revenue c1926 Union of South Africa 1d black and carmine ‘ship’ (Typographed printing) postage and revenue stamp overprinted ‘Basutoland / Revenue / Only.’ on an English inscribed stamp. Very fine used, tied to small piece by large oval bank datestamp (NOV 1931). T&M 20.2 £65
AM1096 Revenue c1931 Union of South Africa KGV 1/- slate-black and deep reddish violet small format revenue stamp overprinted ‘Basutoland / Revenue / Only.’ Fine used with light oval datestamp. Rare. T&M unlisted.
Note: Trotter & Midwood (2006) only list the three-line overprint occurring on the KGV 1/- large format revenue as part of Series 20. Only the small format 6d revenue was previously recorded with this overprint.
AM1106 Revenue / Fiscal usage 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 6d slate and purple. Two examples tied to small piece by neat ‘B. M. POLICE OFFICE’ oval datestamp (4 Aug 1935) struck in violet. Attractive. SG 14 £45
AM908 Revenue 1940 (July), printed receipt dated July 15th 1940, for an amount of £66.12s.2d. Bearing a KGVI 1d scarlet (SG 19) tied by a pen cancellation. Some folds, otherwise fine. £20
AM909 Revenue 1940 (July), printed receipt dated July 15th 1940, for an amount of £66.12s.2d. Bearing a KGVI 1d scarlet (SG 19) tied by a pen cancellation. Some folds, otherwise fine. £20
AM1215 Revenue 1954 (11th September) KGV £1 black ‘Crocodile’ vertical strip of four affixed to part document, each tied by light 'District Commissioner’s Office / Maseru Basutoland' (11 Sep) datestamps struck in violet. Folded between stamps 2 and 3, otherwise very fine. Barefoot 70 / T&M 22.1 £280
AM1100 Revenue 1947 (19th June), typewritten page headed ‘Mortgage Bond’ (folded at left and base to 177x252mm to fit album page). Bearing a combination of issues comprising KGV £1 black ‘crocodile’, Union of South Africa ‘bantam’ £5 orange revenue stamp overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND’ and a KGVI 10/- olive-green postage and revenue issue, totaling £6.10s in duty. All the adhesives are tied by large oval ‘REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT’ datestamps (19 June). Very rare usage, this being the first time we have handled the £5 bantam which was used for the illustration in Trotter & Midwood. T&M 22.1, T&M 31.1, SG 28 £550
MB84 Revenue Printed receipt dated February 6th 1951, having received the sum of £5 from a native, applied with KGVI 1d (SG 19), pen cancelled. Some creasing, attractive and uncommon. £20
MB156 Revenue 1949 (July) complete four page typewritten Deed of Transfer document bearing a block of 13 KGV £1 black ‘crocodile’ plus KGVI 2/- 'Basutoland' overprint on South Africa and 1/- regular issue, cancelled with violet oval datestamps. Light fold vertically through at centre, a most unusual large multiple. Barefoot 70, 77 / T&M 22.1, 34.1, SG 25 £750
AM1088 Revenue c1942 Union of South Africa 2/6 Native Tax revenue stamp overprinted and surcharged BASUTOLAND / REVENUE / 2/- and with two bars obliterating the original inscription and duty. An Afrikaans inscribed single fine used with light oval cancellation. Rare, this being the first example we have handled. T&M 26.1 £125
AM1089 Revenue c1959 Union of South Africa 2/6 Native Tax revenue stamp overprinted and surcharged 'BASUTOLAND / 10/- / REVENUE'. English inscribed stamp very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 30.1 £45
AM1090 Revenue c1959 Union of South Africa 2/6 Native Tax revenue stamp overprinted and surcharged 'BASUTOLAND / 10/- / REVENUE'. Afrikaans inscribed stamp very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 30.1 £45
AM1091 Revenue c1959 Union of South Africa 2/6 Native Tax revenue stamp overprinted and surcharged 'BASUTOLAND / 10/- / REVENUE'. Afrikaans inscribed stamp very fine used with manuscript cancellation. T&M 30.1 £45
AM707 Revenue c1959 South Africa Native Tax 2/6 green and brown revenue stamp overprinted and surcharged 'BASUTOLAND / 10/- / REVENUE. Examples on both English and Afrikaans stamps. Very fine used with manuscript cancellations. T&M 30.1 £85
AA3047 Revenue c1954 South Africa Native Tax 10/- green and brown overprinted and surcharged ‘BASUTOLAND / 10/- / REVENUE'. Both English and Afrikaans types, each on piece, very fine used. Scarce. £150
AM709 Revenue c1955 Embossed cheque stamp. 2d dull violet-blue with wording ‘BASUTOLAND / TWO / PENCE’ within oval. Very fine. T&M E1.1 £8
AM1098 Revenue c1955 Embossed cheque stamp. 2d dull violet-blue with wording ‘BASUTOLAND / TWO / PENCE’ within oval. Very fine. T&M E1.1 £8
AM1099 Revenue c1955 Embossed cheque stamp. 2d dull violet-blue with wording ‘BASUTOLAND / TWO / PENCE’ within oval. Very fine used on small part of a cheque showing the date ‘1959’. T&M E1.1 £15
AM415 Revenue 1958 (July), four page life assurance document (250x382mm, folded for display) issued for cover of £10,000. The final page is a ‘Cession’ of the policy, the fee for which was paid by affixing two Basutoland QEII 1/- bronze-green and purple (SG 49), each cancelled with initials and dated ‘19/7/58’ in manuscript. As the document was registered in both Basutoland and South Africa, an additional 2/- fee was payable which was receipted with a South African 2/- revenue stamp, cancelled with a bilingual revenue datestamp (1 Aug). The premium on the original policy was paid by means of a Union of South Africa meter cachet. Unusual.
Note: Scan is of part of document only.
AA918 Revenue 1961 QEII ‘R2’ surcharge on £1 bright scarlet and black. Superb used, tied to small piece by Maseru (20 Aug 62) postal datestamp (presumably by favour). Scarce. T&M 37.2 £110
AM1102 Revenue 1961 QEII R1 deep brown and deep dull green with watermark multiple Script CA. Very fine used with oval datestamp (15 OCT 1962). T&M 39.1 £20
AM1058 Revenue 1961 QEII R1 deep brown and deep dull green with watermark multiple Crown CA. Left marginal example very fine mint with faint trace of a hinge mark. T&M 39.1v1 £55
AM1103 Revenue 1961 R1 deep brown and deep dull green (watermark multiple Crown CA), fine used with oval datestamp (5 OCT 1966). Not recorded used by T&M. T&M 39.1v1 £30
AM1104 Revenue 1961 R1 deep brown and deep dull green (watermark multiple Crown CA), fine used with oval datestamp (5 OCT 1966). Not recorded used by T&M. T&M 39.1v1 £30
AM468 LESOTHO / Revenue 1968 Die proofs of the vignette and the R1 frame. Printed in black and affixed to card (142x 94mm) which has been annotated at right “Lesotho Stamps / 2 rand & Vig Roll No 15492 / 1 & 5 rand 15491”. Rare and probably unique £325
AM1177 LESOTHO / Revenue 1977 redrawn issue with bolder figures of value and ‘REVENUE’ measuring 16mm instead of 18mm. Perf 14, with no visible watermark. Lithographed by John Waddington of Kirkstall Ltd. Complete set of 10 duties from 2c to R10 superb fresh unmounted mint. T&M LS 2.2-2.11 £45
BASUTOLAND / Postal History
AM635 1909 (29th May), envelope addressed to England bearing a Cape of Good Hope KEVII 1d carmine (SG 71) tied by a fine MOHALESHOEK BASUTOLAND (29 May) single circle datestamp with a second strike alongside. London (19 Jun) arrival backstamp. Scarce. £150
AM878 1926 (28th January), Union of South Africa KGV ½d ‘King’s Head’ postal stationery card addressed to Morija and cancelled with a MOHALES HOEK (28 JAN) double circle datestamp. Usual spike hole, otherwise very fine. £45
AA5296 1926 1st July, South Africa KGV ½d King's Head Post Card, cancelled 'MOHALES HOEK', addressed to Morija. Usual spike hole. £35
MB137 1926 6th September, South Africa KGV ½d King's Head Post Card, cancelled 'BUTHE BUTHE', addressed to Morija. £35
AA5297 1928 29th October, South Africa ½d Springbok Post Card, crisply cancelled 'MASERU', addressed to Morija. £35
AM879 1929 (25th March), Union of South Africa KGV ½d ‘King’s Head’ postal stationery card addressed to Morija and cancelled with a QUTHING (25 MAR) double circle datestamp. Usual spike hole, otherwise very fine. £45
MB119 1930 30th May, Union KGV 4d registered stationery envelope bearing SA 1d Ship, cancelled 'LERIBE' sent registered to Lourenco Marques. Struck with violet registration cachet endorsed '0593'. Light spotting. £35
MB136 1931 2nd September, printed company FRONT only bearing South Africa 1d Ship, cancelled 'BUTHE BUTHE', addressed to England. Underpaid and endorsed as such with two cachets, applied upon arrival with GB 2d due. £30
AM319 c1932 KGV 4d scarlet registered postal stationery envelope. Odd minor stain, mainly on reverse, otherwise very fine unused. £8
MB167 1933 30th December, Natal QV ½d embossed stationery envelope, uprated with KGV ½d emerald strip of three (SG 1), crisply cancelled 'QUITHING', addressed to Pretoria. Most attractive and unusual. £65
SA1904 1933 30th December, envelope bearing South Africa 2/6 lower marginal imprint pair 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' overprints (SG O11), cancelled 'MOHALESHOEK / BASUTOLAND', sent registered to Pretoria. Most attractive. £145
MB171 1934 5th May, envelope bearing KGV 2d bright purple x two (SG 3), cancelled 'QACHASNEK' datestamp, addressed to Paris. Arrival backstamp (29 VI). Unusual destination. £35
MB76 1935 1st May, envelope bearing KGV Silver Jubilee set of four (SG 11-14), centrally and clearly cancelled 'MAKOALIS', sent registered Airmail with a further strike on label, to Johannesburg. Most unusual.
Note: apparently a stamp dealer in Johannesburg requested the postal agent at Makoalis to cancel a number of envelopes franked with the KGV Silver Jubilee set with the date 1 MAY 1935. It is not known if this was a genuine error on the part of the dealer or deliberate. The dealer was subsequently charged with incitement to forgery but was acquitted (see South African Philatelist, March 1938, p. 35, a cpoy of which is included).
MB77 1935 4th May, envelope bearing KGV Silver Jubilee set of four (SG 11-14), each clearly cancelled 'MASERU' on the First Day of Issue. Sent registered Airmail to the Cape, arrival backstamp (7th May). Fine and clean.
Note: the actual Silver Jubilee of KGV was on Monday 6th May. However, that day was a public holiday in Basutoland, so it was decided to bring the issue date forward to the previous Saturday
MB175 1935 5th August, On His Majesty's Service printed envelope, bearing KGV ½d pair, 3d and 4d (SG 1, 4, 5), cancelled 'MASERU' dc datestamps. Sent registered to the Spain, crisp cachet at lower left. Despatch, transit and arrival (28 AUG) backstamps. Most attractive. £45
MB174 1935 18th November, On His Majesty's Service printed envelope, bearing KGV 3d and 4d (SG 4, 5), cancelled 'MASERU' dc datestamps. Sent registered to the USA, crisp cachet at lower left. Despatch, transit and arrival (15 DEC) backstamps. Most attractive. £40
MB168 1936 12th January, envelope bearing KGV 3d bright blue (SG 4), cancelled crisp 'QACHASNEK' datestamp. Addressed to the USA. £25
AA3308 1936 24th July, envelope bearing KGV ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d and 2/6 (SG 1-4, 8), cancelled 'MASERU' and sent registered airmail to Switzerland, arrival backstamp for 5th August. Attractive high value useage. £85
AA3292 1936 8th June, envelope bearing KGV 1/- and 2/6 (SG 7, 8), cancelled MASERU and sent registered airmail to England. A most attractive and uncommon high value useage. £85
MB165 1936 26th August, printed 'MORIJA SESUTO BOOK DEPOT' envelope, bearing KGV ½d emerald (SG 1), cancelled 'MORIJA', addressed to Pretoria. Attractive unsealed letter rate. £25
AM317 1936 (October), envelope sent registered to England, bearing KGV 1d, 2d and 3d (SG 2, 3, 4) each tied by neat MASERU (2 Oct) double circle datestamps with additional strike on the reverse. The 1d partly crossed with blue registration crayon. Maseru boxed registration cachet struck in purple at lower left. Backstamped Feltham (26 Oct) oval arrival datestamps struck in violet. £45
MB170 1936 31st December, envelope bearing KGV 6d orange-yellow (SG 6), cancelled 'MASERU' and sent airmail to England. £30
MB166 1936 31st December, printed 'MORIJA SESUTO BOOK DEPOT' envelope, bearing KGV ½d emerald (SG 1), cancelled 'MORIJA', addressed to Pretoria. Attractive unsealed letter rate. £25
MB169 1937 12th February, printed 'On His Majesty's Service' envelope, bearing 3d KGV (SG 4), cancelled 'MASERU', addressed to the U.S.A. Struck with violet oval 'POSTMASTER / 5 FEB 1937 / MASERU, BASUTOLAND' cachet lower left. Clean and attractive. £25
AA3542 1937 12th May, envelope bearing KGVI Coronation set (SG 15-17), cancelled 'BUTHE BUTHE' on the first day if issue. Sent registered to the Transvaal. £8
AA3543 1937 12th May, envelope bearing KGVI Coronation set (SG 15-17), cancelled 'MASERU SOUTH AFRICA' on the first day if issue. Sent registered to the USA. £10
AA3544 1937 12th May, envelope bearing KGVI Coronation set (SG 15-17), cancelled 'QACHASNEK' on the first day if issue. Sent airmail to Canada, although this then deleted with red bars. £10
MB176 1937 22nd September, envelope bearing KGV 1s red-orange (SG 7), cancelled crisp 'QACHASNEK' datestamp, sent airmail to France. Company label at lower left corner. Attractive and unusual. £40
MB140 1937 3rd November, envelope bearing KGVI 1d and 2d Coronation (SG 15, 16), cancelled 'MASERU' addressed to the USA. With original enclosure being a printed list of the various postal items available at the time, and interestingly only seven duties of the current KGVI definitive set. Struck with 'POSTMASTER' cachet. A most unusual survivor. £45
AM142 1938 (January), pre-printed addressed envelope to Durban bearing KGV 1d scarlet (SG 2) tied by Maseru (19 Jan) double circle datestamp. Handstamped ‘SURFACE’ at upper right in violet. A fine example of the 1d single rate. £35
AM321 c1938, KGVI ½d green postal stationery card overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally. Very fine. £25
AA3143 c1938, KGVI 1d red postal stationery card. Group of nine unused cards with original plain wrapper. An uncommon survivor. £75
MB133 1941 12th November, long printed OHMS envelope, bearing KGVI 1d, 2d and 6d cancelled 'MASERU' and sent registered to Canada. Arrival backstamps. £35
MB81 1943 2nd February, envelope bearing KGVI ½d (SG 18), crisply cancelled 'SEFORONG' and sent at the unsealed letter rate to Matatiele. Unusual. £30
MB79 1944 13th June, KGVI ½d Post Card uprated with additional KGVI ½d (SG 18), cancelled 'BUTHA BUTHE', addressed to Johannesburg. Fine and clean. £35
AM325 1945, South African air letter sheet with 3d Groote Schuur (Afrikaans) overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Very fine unused. £12
AM178 1945 (25th October), envelope addressed to Johannesburg and sent at the open letter rate bearing a single KGVI ½d green (SG 18) tied by MORIJA (25 Oct) double circle datestamp. £40
AM453 1949 (4th March), printed wedding invitation with embossed bells, folded and mailed to Mohaleshoek at the ½d open / printed matter rate. Bearing a KGVI ½d green (SG 18) tied by a part strike of a MORIJA (4 Mar) double circle datestamp. Delightful. £55
MB132 1949 14th May, South Africa 3d Air Letter sheet Groote Schuur (Afrikaans) overprinted 'BASUTOLAND'. Cancelled 'MASERU' and addressed to Livingstone, N. Rhodesia. £20
MB80 1950 14th June, printed Airmail envelope bearing KGVI 4d plus UPU 6d and 1/- (SG 23, 40, 41), cancelled 'TEYATEYANENG' and sent registered to New Zealand. Most unusual. £30
MB85 1951 31st August, envelope from St. Leonards R.C.M., bearing KGVI ½d, 1d and 4d (SG 18, 19, 23), each cancelled 'LEBIHAN FALLS / BAS.'. Addressed to Durban. Uncommon office on cover. £30
MB83 1951 31st August, envelope from St. Leonards R.C.M., bearing KGVI 1½d, 2d and 1/- (SG 20, 21, 25), each cancelled 'LEBIHAN FALLS / BAS.'. Addressed to Durban. Uncommon office on cover. £35
AA3291 1952 (May), South African air letter sheet with 3d Groote Schuur (English) overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Addressed to England with additional KGVI 3d bright blue (SG 22) affixed and tied by MAMATHES (26 May) double circle datestamp. Addressed to London, an unusual commercial useage. £50
AM179 1953 (May), envelope addressed to Canada bearing a single KGVI 1d scarlet (SG 19) tied by QACHAS NEK (11 May) double circle datestamp. With cachet at upper right ‘St. FRANCIS MISSION / P.O. Tsoelike, Qacha’s Nek / Basutoland, South Africa’ handstamped in purple. £30
AM306 1953 (December), envelope addressed to New Zealand with printed ‘Waikato Whitebait Supply / Pukekohe’ (New Zealand) bearing a single KGVI 1d (SG 19) tied by neat MOKHOTLONG / BAS (14 Dec) double circle datestamp. Few edge faults at top and vertical fold at left, otherwise fine and apparently sent unsealed. £25
AM310 1954 (May), envelope addressed to the USA, bearing a KGVI 1½d light blue 3d bright blue (SG 20, 22) each tied by neat MOKHOTLONG / BAS (28 May) double circle datestamps with additional strike at left. £30
AM326 1954 (October), South African air letter sheet with 3d Groote Schuur (English) overprinted ‘BASUTOLAND.’ Addressed to England with additional KGVI 3d bright blue (SG 22) affixed and tied by MASERU (17 Oct) double circle datestamp. Flap sealed though no message. Very fine. £15
AM904 195?, envelope with addressed to the Canada, bearing a single QEII 1d grey-black and bluish green (SG 44) tied by a poor strike of a MOHALE’S HOEK double circle datestamp. The reverse with ‘Tsepo Mission / P.O. Mohale’s Hoek / Basutoland, South Africa.’ Cachet struck in magenta. With enclosed printed letter in French from ‘Gérard Desrochers, o.m.i.,’ (Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate). Some flap damage otherwise fine. £25
AM905 1955 (15th October), envelope with printed sender’s address ‘ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, / MARAKABEI, VIA MASERU, / BASUTOLAND, SOUTH AFRICA.’ Addressed to the USA, bearing a single QEII 1d grey-black and bluish green (SG 44) tied by a light MARAKABEIS (15 Oct) double circle datestamp. Some flap damage otherwise fine. £25
MB93 1956 4th June, printed 'O.H.M.S.' envelope bearing QEII 4½d pair and 1/- definitives (SG 47, 49), cancelled 'MASERU' and sent registered Airmail to England. Fine and clean. £20
AM180 1957 (November), envelope addressed and sent airmail to Canada. The postage of 2s/3d has been paid by three impressions of a franking meter machine used at Maseru (15 Nov). The flap with emblem of the Standard Bank. Unusual. £35
MB94 1959 5th January, envelope bearing QEII 4½d definitive (SG 47), and sent from a member of the Sister's of the Holy Names, Mazenod. Cancelled 'MAZENOD INSTITUTE' and addressed to the U.S.A. Unusual office on cover. £25
MB91 1959 31st January, QEII 6d embossed registered envelope, uprated with QEII 3d definitive (SG 46), cancelled 'MOKHOTLONG' and addressed to Morija with arrival strikes for the 2nd February. Most attractive. £25
MB92 1959 7th February, QEII ½d Post Card applied with QEII ½d to 6d definitives (SG 43-48), cancelled 'MOKHOTLONG' and addressed to Natal. £25
AM907 1959 (30th April), envelope with sender’s address ‘R.C.M. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. / MARAKABEI’S, VIA MASERU, / BASUTOLAND, SO. AFRICA.’ in a large oval struck in purple at upper left. Addressed to the USA, bearing a QEII ½d grey-black and sepia and a 1d grey-black and bluish green (SG 43, 44) tied by a light MARAKABEIS (15 Oct) double circle datestamp. Some flap damage otherwise fine. £45
MB90 1960 1st March, QEII 6d embossed long registered envelope, uprated with 3d National Council (SG 55), cancelled 'QUITHING' and addressed to Morija. Fine and attractive. £20
MB151 1961 25th July, airmail envelope bearing QEII surcharges, 3½c, 5c and 50c (SG 62, 63a, 67a), cancelled 'MASERU' and sent registered to England. Attractive. £20
MB95 1961 28th October, re-used printed 'On Her Majesty's Service' envelope bearing QEII ½c and 3½c vertical pair surcharges (SG 58, 62), cancelled 'MASERU' and sent registered to Johannesburg. Attractive. £25
AA5298 1963 7th June, envelope cancelled with machine frank 'BASUTOLAND / .02½', from the Standard Bank, further machine datestamp over, addressed to Morija. £10
AA854 Telegraphs 1964 (15th January), official South African Telegram delivery envelope with bilingual ‘NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY / AFLEWERING KOSTELOOS’. Addressed locally and with MORIJA BASUTOLAND double circle datestamp at lower right. Very fine. £35
AM906 1965 (12th February), envelope addressed within Basutoland bearing a single QEII decimal issue 1c grey-black and bluish green (SG 70) tied by a MASERU (12 Feb) roller cancellation. Very fine. £25
AM1175 LESOTHO 1966 (27th October), QEII 5c embossed registered postal stationery envelope addressed to Maseru. Bearing QEII 2½c and 5c definitives (probably SG 66, 68), tied by MAFETENG (27 Oct) double circle datestamps. With Maseru (28 Oct) arrival datestamp struck on the front. Attractive.
Note: Basutoland attained independence and was renamed Lesotho on the 4th October 1966, three weeks before this item was mailed and four days before the definitives overprinted 'LESOTHO' were issued.
AA1456 LESOTHO 1966 (November), window envelope with printed senders’ address for ‘THE CATHOLIC CENTRE / P.O. MAZENOD / BASUTOLAND. S. AFRICA.’ bearing a single QEII 1c on 1d grey-black and bluish green overprinted ‘LESOTHO’ (SG 111A) tied by MAZENOD INSTITUTE (22 Nov) double circle datestamp. The flap is unsealed indicating an open-letter rate. A scarce example of this stamp used alone on cover. £35
AA5299 LESOTHO 1972 24th April, Lesotho 10c stationery registered envelope bearing 4c definitive, cancelled 'MAFETENG' and sent registered to the Transvaal. Maseru transit and arrival strikes on front. £12
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