GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 5 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Lower right corner block of four showing printer's guide lines in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 25
1923 £1 King’s Head overprint, setting III thinner lettering. Block of four, very fine used. Scarce. SG 27
Last update: 13th February, 2025
SWA661 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1897 25Pfg. and 50Pfg. overprints on Germany (with hyphen). Pencil signatures on reverse, very fine mint. SACC 5-6 £125
SWA697 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1898-99 overprints on Germany (without hyphen). Complete set of six values, 25 Pfg. hinge trace and with guarantee handstamp on reverse, others very fine unmounted. SACC 7-12 £225
SWA543 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1898-99 25Pfg. overprint on Germany (without hyphen). Upper marginal showing '5,00' in margin. Superb unmounted, two handstamp guarantee marks on reverse. Very scarce in this quality. SACC 11 £475
SWA599 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 (August), overprints on Germany (without hyphen), complete set of six values on cover, each cancelled 'HOHEWARTE 23.8.01' and sent registered with appropriate label '336', to Windhoek. Arrival backstamp (27 AUG). Attractive. £325
SWA343 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 2 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Upper left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 23 £225
SWA342 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 2 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Upper right corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 23 £225
SWA344 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 2 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Complete sheet of 20. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. RARE. SACC 23 £1,100
SWA345 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 3 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Upper right corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 24 £275
SWA347 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 5 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Upper right corner block of four showing printer's guide lines in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 25 £950
SWA348 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1901 5 Mark Yacht, no. wmk. Lower right corner block of four showing printer's guide lines in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. A lovely multiple. SACC 25 £950
SWA432 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1919 Yacht 2m, wmk. lozenges, blue 25 x 17 perf. holes. Very fine and fresh mint. SACC 32a £40
SWA367 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1919 Yacht 2m, wmk. lozenges, blue 25 x 17 perf. holes. Very fine and fresh unmounted. Uncommon. SACC 32a £100
SWA433 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1919 Yacht 3m, wmk. lozenges, greyish violet. Very fine and fresh mint. SACC 33a £40
SWA368 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1906 Yacht 5m, wmk. lozenges, greenish black and light carmine 26 x 17 perf. holes. Lower marginal very fine and fresh unmounted. SACC 34 £90
SWA434 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1919 Yacht 5m, wmk. lozenges, greenish black and pink 25 x 17 perf. holes. Very fine mint. SACC 34a £65
SWA325 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1912 Yacht 5m, wmk. lozenges, greenish black and pink 25 x 17 perf. holes. Right marginal very fine and fresh unmounted. SACC 34a £120
SWA663 FORERUNNERS Cape 2½d, on piece cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND / 3.6.09'. £25
SWA564 FORERUNNERS Union King's Head 1d on piece, cancelled with crisp 'MARIENTAL / S W A / 25.6.18' datestamp. SG Z3 £4
SWA551 FORERUNNERS Union King's Head 6d, cancelled with crisp 'KARIBIB 1 APR 22.' datestamp. SG Z10 £12
SWA467 FORERUNNERS Union King's Head 10/-, cancelled part 'KARIBIB 5 MAR' datestamp. SG Z15 £65
SWA468 FORERUNNERS Union King's Head £1, cancelled part 'L(UDERITZBUCHT S.W.(AFRICA) 20 MA' datestamp. Scarce. SG Z16 £325
SWA721 1923 KGV ½d to 1/3 overprints, setting I. Set of eight values plus shades of the 1d and 1s3d. Very fine mint. SG 1-8 £95
SWA437 1923 KGV ½d overprint, setting I. Upper right corner pair showing plate '5' in margin. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 1 £25
SWA438 1923 KGV ½d overprint, setting I. Lower left corner block of six showing plate '5' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 1 £45
AA1308 1923 KGV ½d overprint, setting I. Pair left stamp showing ‘WES.’ for ‘WEST’ variety. Very fine mint. SG 1 var. £30
SWA458 1923 KGV ½d overprint, setting I. Block of four lower right stamp showing ‘WES’ for ‘WEST’ variety. Very fine mint or the lower pair showing the variety unmounted. SG 1 / 1a £110
SWA440 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '6' in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 2 £40
SWA603 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Lower left corner pair showing plate '6' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 2 £25
SWA411 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Lower left corner block of four showing plate '7' in margin, in addition upper right stamp showing large dropped spacer bar before 'Z' of 'ZUID'. Superb unmounted. An unusual block. SG 2 and var. £55
SWA441 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Lower right corner block of four showing plate '7' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 2 £45
SWA460 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. Very and fresh mint. SG 2a £350
SWA717 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Showing 'Af.rica' for 'Africa' variety (row 20/6). Hinge remnant, very fine mint. SG 2c £110
SWA459 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Showing 'Af.rica' for 'Africa' variety in lower marginal pair (row 20/6). Hinge trace, superb fresh mint. SG 2c £120
SWA15 1923 KGV 1d overprint, setting I. Upper left corner plate '1' pair showing leftwards shift of overprint, into margin and left stamp. Very fine used on piece cancelled 'WINDHOEK 21 FEB 23'. Striking. SG 2 var. £45
SWA461 1923 KGV 2d overprint, setting I. Major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. Hinge trace, very and fresh mint. SG 3a £465
SWA442 1923 KGV 4d overprint, setting I. Upper right corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Minor mostly marginal creasing, very fine unmounted. SG 5 £50
SWA443 1923 KGV 6d overprint, setting I. Right stamp showing large part 'Missing 'Z' flaw (on basic stamp). Some pulled perforations on left (normal) stamp otherwise fresh mint. Scarce. SG 6 var. £90
SWA720 1923 KGV 1/3 overprint, setting I, litho in shiny ink. Very fine fresh mint. SG 8b £60
SWA463 1923 KGV 1/3 overprint, setting I, litho in shiny ink. Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 8b £180
SWA718 1923 KGV 2/6 overprint, setting I. Extraneous ink blob at left, hinge trace very fine fresh mint. SG 9 £50
SWA316 1923 KGV 2/6 overprint, setting I. Very fine used. SG 9 £90
SWA823 1923 KGV £1 overprint, setting I. Very fine unmounted. Very scarce as such. SG 12 £1,100
SWA465 1923 KGV 5/-, 10/- and £1 overprints, setting II. Set of three very fine and fresh mint. SG 13-15 £1,250
SWA719 1923 KGV 5/- overprint, setting II. Very fine mint. SG 13 £110
SWA50 1923 KGV 5/- overprint, setting II. Right marginal, superb unmounted. SG 13 £160
SWA698 1923 KGV 10/- overprint, setting II. Upper marginal, very fine unmounted. SG 14 £675
SWA723 1924 KGV ½d to 4d King’s Head overprints, setting III, thinner lettering. Complete set of five values. Very fine mint. SG 16-20 £35
SWA767 1924 KGV ½d to 5s King’s Head overprints, setting III, thicker lettering. Complete set of ten values. Very fine mint. SG 16-25 £125
SWA391 1923 KGV ½d to £1 King’s Head overprints, setting III. Complete set of 12 values, each in a block of four. Generally very fine used, odd minor faults including 5/- with violet crayon line through. A remarkable and RARE group. SG 16-27 £1,600
SWA822 1924 KGV 2s6d King’s Head overprints, setting III, thinner lettering. Upper left corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Light gum bends, hinged in margin stamps unmounted. SG 24 £225
SWA818 1923 KGV 5/- overprint, setting III. Lower marginal pair. Perf. splitting at base not affecting stamps. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 25 £135
SWA420 1923 KGV 10/- overprint, setting III thinner lettering. Horizontal pair fine used cancelled 'KARIBI 13 11 24' datestamp. Uncommon. SG 26 £200
SWA398 1923 KGV 10/- overprint, setting III thicker lettering. Horizontal pair on piece very fine used cancelled bold 'WINDHOEK 23 APR 24' datestamp. Uncommon. SG 26 £225
SWA774 1923 £1 King’s Head overprint, setting III thinner lettering. Block of four, very fine used. Scarce. SG 27 £750
SWA728 1924-26 ½d to 10s KGV overprints, setting VI. Complete set of 11 values. Very fine mint. SG 29-39 £150
SWA533 1925 KGV ½d overprint, setting VI. Block of four across the horizontal interpanneau margin, upper pair showing the shorter overprint and lower pair the longer. Creased through margin, fine unmounted. Uncommon in this format. SG 29 var. £30
SWA644 1924 KGV 1d overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16½mm. Upper right corner block of four showing plate '6' in margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 30 £30
SWA779 1924 KGV 1/- overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16mm. Lower leftt corner block of four showing plate '1' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 35 £75
SWA474 1925 KGV 1/- overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16mm. Lower marginal block of eight showing plate '1' in margin. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 35 £50
SWA647 1924 KGV 1/3 overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16mm. Upper right corner pair showing plate '1' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 36 £30
SWA317 1924 KGV 10/- overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16½mm. Showing the overprints somewhat out of alignment with each other. Very fine mint. Striking and unusual. SG 39 var. £140
SWA726 1926 £1 KGV overprint, setting VI 'South West' 16mm. Left interpanneau margin pair. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 40 £350
SWA727 1926 KGV £1 overprint, pale olive-green and red, setting VI 'South West' 16½mm. Skillfully re-joined pair. Fine mint. SG 40a £40
SWA475 1926 KGV £1 overprint, pale olive-green and red, setting VI 'South West' 16½mm. Off interpanneau margin at right, showing the overprints somewhat out of alignment with each other. Hinge trace, very fine mint. Striking and unusual. SG 40a var. £300
SWA478 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on English). Lower right corner block of four, upper left stamp showing no dot to 'I' of 'Africa'. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 41 and var. £20
SWA335 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on English). Lower right corner block of 30 superb unmounted. SG 41 £50
SWA480 1927 1d pictorial overprints (English on English). Upper marginal block of four, upper left stamp showing no dot to 'I' of 'Africa'. Superb unmounted. SG 42 and var. £20
SWA336 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printings). Lower left corner block of 60 superb unmounted. SG 45 £45
SWA337 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printings). Upper marginal block of 120 being the upper half of the pane, folded vertically superb unmounted. SG 45 £75
SWA142 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Block of four upper right stamp showing 'Africa' without stop (row 13/8). Very fine mint hinged on upper pair lower unmounted. Uncommon. SG 45a, 45 £140
SWA333 1927 ½d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Lower right corner block of 60 showing 'Africa' without stop on row 13/8. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 45a, 45 £180
SWA541 1927 1d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Block of four showing dramatic sideways shift of overprint, now straddling vertical perforations. Very fine mint or unmounted. Most unusual. SG 46 vars. £60
SWA773 1927 6d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Very fine unmounted. SG 47 £10
SWA482 1927 6d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Upper right corner block of eight. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 47 £40
SWA453 1927 6d pictorial overprints (English on Afrikaans, London printing). Lower right corner horizontal block of 12, upper right stamp showing light impression of the Caslon intrusion. An inverted 'C', part of the letter 'A' and half an 'X' are visible below the left of the tree and slight traces above the tree. In addition stamp 20/11 showing the 'cloud' variety. A very rare piece. Fresh unmounted. SG 47 and var.
Note: together with this intriguing variety are the comprehensive articles published explaining how it occurred
SWA660 1927 2d to 10/- overprints. Complete set of six values very fine and fresh mint. SG 49-54 £110
SWA594 1927 2d to 10/- overprints. Complete set of six values very fine unmounted. SG 49-54 £200
SWA584 1927 2d, 3d, 1/- and 10/- overprinted ‘South West / Africa.’ reading up. The four values handstamped 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel type 5) in violet. Gum a little browned, fresh appearance. SG 49s- 51s, 54s £150
SWA377 1927 2d, 3d, 1/- and 10/- overprinted ‘South West / Africa.’ reading up. The four values handstamped 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel type 5) in violet, all except the 1/- a lower left corner pair, the 1/- lower marginal. Very fine or superb unmounted. Exceptional and very scarce as such. SG 49s- 51s, 54s £450
SWA384 1927 2d overprint. Block of four very fine or superb unmounted. SG 49 £15
SWA486 1927 2d overprint. Lower left corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 49 £15
AA1121 1927 2d overprint. Block of four showing shift of overprint up and right, in addition the stamp showing shift of vignette left. Very fine mint. Striking. SG 49 var. £60
SWA151 1927 2d overprint. Showing 16½mm setting on left stamp (third vertical row), very fine mint. SG 49 var. £10
SWA385 1927 3d overprint. Block of four very fine or superb unmounted. SG 50 £10
SWA56 1927 3d overprint. Lower marginal pair showing full imprint. Very fine unmounted. SG 50 £10
SWA487 1927 3d overprint. Left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 50 £15
SWA149 1927 3d overprint. Block of four showing 16½mm setting on left pair (third vertical row), very fine mint or unmounted. SG 50 and var. £20
SWA150 1927 3d overprint. Lower marginal imprint block of four showing 16½mm setting on left pair (third vertical row), very fine mint or unmounted. SG 50 and var. £30
SWA814 1927 1/- overprint. Block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 51 £40
SWA489 1927 1/- overprint. Lower marginal imprint pair showing 16½mm setting on left stamp (third vertical row), very fine mint. SG 51 and var. £25
SWA706 1927 1/- overprint. Lower marginal block of four, lower right stamp showing strong blue inking flaw running diagonally through. Gum lightly browned, very fine unmounted. Striking and unusual. SG 51 and var. £75
SWA813 1927 1/- overprint. Right marginal block of four, the overprint in a distinct paler blue colour than usual. Very fine mint or unmounted. Unusual. SG 51 var. £60
SWA815 1927 2/6 overprint. Right marginal block of four. Centred down and right, very fine unmounted. SG 52 £75
SWA90 1927 10/- overprint. Superb unmounted. SG 54 £70
SWA387 1927 10/- overprint. Upper marginal pair in an unusual steel-blue and grey-brown shade. Handstamp on reverse of each, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 54 shade £80
SWA816 1927 10/- overprint. Left marginal block of four. Very fine and fresh mint or unmounted. Attractive and a scarce multiple. SG 54 £130
SWA154 1927 10/- overprint. Showing 16½mm setting on left stamp (third vertical row), very fine mint. SG 54 var. £65
SWA328 1927 4d triangular overprint (English), pair showing double perforations between. Hinge strengthened, very fine mint. SG 55A var. £30
SWA156 1927 4d triangular overprint (Afrikaans), imperforate between (pair). Very fine mint. SG 55Ba £40
SWA477 1927 KGV 1/3 and £1 overprints, plus additional 1/3 showing overprint shifted upwards. Very fine unmounted. SG 56-57 £140
SWA729 1927 KGV 1/3 overprint, showing overprint above value tablet. Very fine mint. SG 56 var. (SACC 91a) £10
SWA163 1927 KGV 1/3 overprint, upper right corner block of six showing ornament in margin, in addition upper right stamp showing broken 'S' variety. Fine unmounted. SG 56 and var. £20
SWA730 1927 KGV £1 overprint. Very fine mint. SG 57 £70
SWA201 1927-28 'S.W.A.' overprints, complete set of ten values fine to very fine mint. SG 58-67 £165
SWA164 1927 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, right stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine mint. SG 58a £35
SWA123 1927 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, block of four showing overprint above value. Block of four superb unmounted. SG 58b £8
AA1647 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, vertical pair showing major shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 58 var. £20
SWA166 1927 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, block of four showing major downwards shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 58 var. £40
SWA501 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, block of four showing overprint at top. Superb unmounted. SG 59b £5
SWA500 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, left marginal block of four showing overprint at top. Superb unmounted. SG 59b £5
SWA491 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, strip of three showing shift of overprint down. Superb unmounted. SG 59 var. £25
AA1645 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, showing major shift of overprint now straddling perforations. Superb unmounted. SG 59 var. £25
SWA168 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, right marginal block of eight showing major shift of overprint now straddling perforations, in addition additional strike of horizontal perforations in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 59 var. £80
SWA540 1927 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, right marginal block of six showing second strike of perforations in margin and into right stamps. Very fine mint or unmounted. Very scarce on the overprinted issue. SG 59b £150
SWA170 1927 2d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 60 £20
SWA351 1927 3d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Superb unmounted. SG 61 £8
SWA352 1927 3d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Block of four very fine mint or unmounted. SG 61 £10
SWA736 1927 3d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Upper marginal block of four, upper right stamp showing hollow stop after 'A' variety. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 61 and var. £25
SWA178 1927 3d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, lower left corner block of four, lower right stamp showing small 'S.W.' of 'S.W.A.'. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 61 and var. (SACC 84d) £45
SWA494 1927 3d 'S.W.A.' overprint, perf. 14 x 13½ down, block of four lower left stamp without stop after 'A'. Hinged on upper pair lower unmounted including the variety. SG 61ba, 61b SOLD
SWA179 1928 4d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Right marginal superb unmounted. SG 62 £14
AA1394 1928 4d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 62 £20
SWA182 1928 4d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 62 £30
SWA495 1928 4d 'S.W.A.' overprint, left stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine unmounted. SG 62a £100
SWA496 1928 4d 'S.W.A.' overprint, block of four lower left stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine mint. SG 62a, 62 £75
SWA183 1928 4d 'S.W.A.' overprint, block of nine centre stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 62a, 62 £100
SWA186 1927 6d ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Left marginal superb unmounted. SG 63 £10
SWA184 1927 6d 'S.W.A.' overprint, right stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine mint. SG 63a £85
SWA185 1927 6d 'S.W.A.' overprint, upper marginal block of four upper left stamp without stop after 'A' (position 1/7). Very fine mint. SG 63a £90
SWA187 1927 1/- ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, block of four very fine mint or unmounted. SG 64 £25
SWA424 1927 2/6 ‘S.W.A.’ overprint, lower marginal pair showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 65 £60
SWA61 1927 5/- ‘S.W.A.’ overprint. Superb unmounted. SG 66 £80
AA1138 1927 5/- 'S.W.A.' overprint, perf. 14 x 13½ down, block of four lower left stamp without stop after 'A'. Variety unmounted, hinged on upper pair. SG 66ba, 66b SOLD
SWA197 1927 10/- 'S.W.A.' overprint, upper marginal vertical pair lower stamp without stop after 'A'. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 67a £75
AA1139 1927 10/- 'S.W.A.' overprint, upper marginal block of four lower left stamp without stop after 'A'. Variety unmounted, hinged and light bends on upper pair. SG 67a, 67 £425
SWA731 1930-31 ½d and 1d overprints, roto. printings. Very fine mint. SG 68-69 £32
SWA502 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto. printing. Superb unmounted. SG 68 £25
SWA504 1930 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto. printing. Lower left corner pair, superb unmounted. SG 69 £20
SWA402 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing. Right stamp showing green 'arrow' in top left corner flaw (row 5/8). Superb unmounted. SG 68 var. £35
SWA403 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing. Block of four lower left stamp showing bard in buck's ear flaw (row 10/7. Superb unmounted. SG 68 and var. £50
SWA401 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing. Right marginal vertical block of 12, showing white patch in front of buck's breast flaw (row 4/11) plus black dot below tip of left horn flaw (row 6/12). In addition running sheet number '6950' in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 68 var. £95
SWA330 1931 ½d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing. The four marginal arrow blocks each of eight. Very fine mint or unmounted. A very scarce group. SG 68 £240
SWA200 1930 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto. printings. Showing upwards shift of overprint, right marginal very fine mint. SG 69 var (SACC 94g) £20
SWA204 1931 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing, block of four showing major shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 69 var. £40
AA1648 1931 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing, block of four showing major shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Superb unmounted. SG 69 var. £50
SWA542 1931 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing, right marginal block of four showing major shift of overprint, now straddling perforations. Superb unmounted. SG 69 var. £50
SWA536 1931 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto printing, right marginal block of four apparently from the top of the sheet. Showing major downwards shift of overprint such that the upper pair is without overprint (fractionally onto lower perforations). Very fine mint or unmounted. Striking and most unusual. SG 69 var. £185
SWA127 1930 1d 'S.W.A.' overprint, roto. printing. Right marginal superb used. SG 69 £22
SWA205 1930 4d and 1/- Airs, first printing. Very fine mint. SG 70-71 £45
SWA208 1930 4d Air, first printing, showing retouched clouds flaw (row 6/9). Very fine mint, uncommon. SG 70 var. (SACC 95f) £35
AA1142 1930 1/- Air, first printing, showing variety no stop after 'A' of 'S.W.A', left stamp in a left marginal pair. Very fine mint and scarce in this format. SG 71a, 71 £325
AA1144 1930 1/- Air, first printing, showing minute stop after 'A' of 'S.W.A.', left stamp in a right marginal pair, superb unmounted. SG 71 var. £120
SWA735 1930 1/- Air, later printing. Very fine unmounted. SG 71b £5
SWA739 1930 1/- Air, later printing, showing variety 'white blob below U of LUGPOS' (constant, row 12/5). Lower marginal, hinged on margin stamp superb unmounted. SG 71b var. (SACC 98c) £45
SWA506 1930 4d Air, large type, major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED, vertical pair. Hinged on upper stamp lower unmounted. SG 72b £300
SWA734 1930 4d Air, large type, showing variety short 'I' in 'AIR' (constant, row 9/9). Very fine unmounted. SG 72 var. (SACC 99c) £25
SWA218 1930 4d Air, large type, showing short 'I' in 'AIR' flaw (row 9/9). Upper left stamp in a right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 72 and var. (SACC 99c) £35
AA1152 1930 4d Air, large type, showing retouched clouds flaw (row 12/9), in a positional lower right corner pair. Stamps superb unmounted. SG 72 and var. (SACC 99e) £35
SWA445 1930 1/- Air, large type, showing variety 'white blob below U of LUGPOS' (constant, row 12/5). Very fine mint. SG 73 var. (SACC 100c) £35
AA1159 1930 1/- Air, large type, vertical pair showing shift of overprint down. Superb unmounted. SG 73 var. £10
SWA220 1930 4d and 1/- Air, large type (SG 72-73). Set on printed blue 'On His Majesty's Service' cover, cancelled with special bilingual 'FIRST AIR MAIL 26 1 32' datestamps, sent registered to England. Attractive. £35
SWA373 1931 Pictorial definitive, ½d to 20/- complete set of 12 values (perf. up). Very fine unmounted. SG 74-85 £160
SWA769 1931 Pictorial definitive, ½d to 20/- complete set of 12 values plus additional 1½d and Airs. Very fine mint. SG 74-87, 96 £160
SWA595 1931 Pictorial definitive, ½d to 20/- complete set of 12 values plus additional 1½d and Airs. Superb unmounted. SG 74-87, 96 £250
SWA783 1931 Pictorial definitive, ½d to 20/- complete set of 12 values (perf. down). Very fine mint. SG 74-85 £110
SWA812 1931 Pictorial definitive, ½d to 20/- complete set of 12 values, the 2d and 6d blocks of four. Fine or very fine used. SG 74-85 £155
SWA788 1931 1d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Horizontal pair across the interpanneau margin. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 75 £8
AA1164 1931 1d Pictorial definitive, horizontal strip of six showing COIL JOIN. Superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 75 coil join £75
SWA792 1931 1d Pictorial definitive. Horizontal COIL pair. Fine used. Scarce as such. SG 75 £20
SWA790 1931 1d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Upper marginal block of four across interpanneau margin. Very fine used. Uncommon as such. SG 75 £30
SWA791 1931 1d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Horizontal block of eight across interpanneau margin. Very fine used. Uncommon as such. SG 75 £40
SWA793 1931 2d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Lower marginal block of four across the interpanneau margin. Superb unmounted. SG 76 £20
SWA794 1931 3d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Horizontal pair across the interpanneau margin. Very fine unmounted. SG 77 £15
SWA795 1931 3d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Block of four across the interpanneau margin. Very fine used. Uncommon as such. SG 77 £30
SWA796 1931 6d Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Horizontal strip of four across the interpanneau margin. Very fine unused without gum, possibly from the archival sheets. SG 79 £20
SWA797 1931 1/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Horizontal strip of four across the interpanneau margin. Very fine unused without gum, possibly from the archival sheets. SG 80 £20
SWA799 1931 2/6 Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Block of 18 being three rows across the sheet. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 82 £300
SWA800 1931 2/6 Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Pair, very fine used. SG 82 £22
AM162 1931 Pictorial definitive (perf. down), 5/- sage-green and red-brown. Block of four, very fine used with light strikes of OTJIWARONGO (28 Mar 36) double circle datestamps. SG 83 £55
SWA803 1931 5/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Vertical block of eight. Fine or very fine used, light WINDHOEK datestamps. Few perfs. at base parted and hinge strengthened. SG 83 £95
SWA821 1931 10/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Lower left corner pair. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG 84 £75
SWA426 1931 10/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Lower marginal showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 84 £60
SWA805 1931 10/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Block of four. Very fine used. SG 84 £100
SWA806 1931 10/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Upper right corner block of four. Superb used. SG 84 £120
SWA807 1931 20/- Pictorial definitive (perf. down). Very fine mint. SG 85 £75
SWA809 1931 20/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Left marginal block of four, upper left stamp showing prominent CONFETTI flaw (circular paper intrusion). Superb and fresh unmounted. STRIKING AND RARE. SG 85 and var. £650
SWA808 1931 20/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Very fine used. SG 85 £60
AM164 1931 Pictorial definitives (perf. up), 20/- lake and blue-green. Block of four, very fine used with central WINDHOEK TELS (27 May 48) double circle datestamp. SG 85 £130
SWA12 1931 20/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Upper right corner block of four, very fine used cancelled WINDHOEK 17 AUG 48. SG 85 £130
AA1509 1931 20/- Pictorial definitive (perf. up). Right marginal block of six, superb used on piece cancelled WINDHOEK 17 II 47. Lovely. SG 85 £200
SWA539 1931 3d and 10d Airs, plate proofs ex. the Bradbury archive. Each a matching left marginal pair, imperforate and with gum, no creasing (as often encountered). A lovely and scarce group. SG 86-87 plate proofs £350
SWA223 1931 3d and 10d Airs. Fine mint. SG 86-87 £55
SWA224 1931 3d and 10d Airs, on whiter paper apparently later printings. Fine mint. SG 86-87 £55
SWA63 1931 3d and 10d Airs. Very fine unmounted. SG 86-87 £90
SWA781 1931 10d Air, lower marginal showing imprint in margin. Very fine mint. SG 87 £60
SWA226 1935 ½d Voortrekker, showing several black spots in left part of gable end flaw (row 3/19), in right marginal strip of four. Hinged on margin stamps superb unmounted. SG 92 and var. (UHB V3) £20
SWA227 1935 1d Voortrekker, showing blurred 'SOUTH AFRICA' and red 'comet' flaw (row 2/7). Very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 93a £55
SWA705 1935 1d Voortrekker, showing blurred 'SOUTH AFRICA' and red 'comet' flaw (row 2/7). Very fine unmounted. Uncommon. SG 93a £80
AA1167 1935 1d Voortrekker, major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG 93 var. (SACC 120a) £225
SWA232 1933 2d Voortrekker, right stamp without stop after 'A'. Superb used on piece cancelled 'WINDHOEK 24 OCT 38'. SG 94a £150
SWA22 1933 2d Voortrekker, major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Upper marginal, hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 94b £225
SWA230 1933 2d Voortrekker, major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Superb used. SG 94b £185
SWA233 1935 3d Voortrekker, showing thickened frame line below 'ENT' of 'MONUMENT' flaw (row 5/8). Very fine mint. SG 95 var. (UHB V4) £30
SWA65 1937 1½d Mail train. Superb unmounted. SG 96 £25
AA1168 1927 1½d Mail train, lower marginal showing full imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 96 £35
SWA103 1937 KGVI Coronation. Complete set of eight values in blocks of four, mostly marginal, superb unmounted. SG 97-104 £6
SWA26 1937 KGVI Coronation. Complete set of eight values superb used. SG 97-104 £7
SWA234 1937 KGVI 4d Coronation, showing Re-entry (row 6/3) in positional lower left corner block of six. Superb unmounted. Surprisingly uncommon. SG 102a £25
SWA535 1937 KGVI 4d Coronation, showing Re-entry (row 6/3) in positional lower left corner block of eight. Superb unmounted. Surprisingly uncommon. SG 102a £25
SWA66 1938 Voortrekker Centenary. Set of four values superb unmounted. SG 105-108 £70
SWA450 1938 Voortrekker Centenary. Set of four values blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 105-108 £140
SWA24 1938 Voortrekker Commemoration. Set of two values superb unmounted. SG 109-110 £25
SWA104 1938 Voortrekker Commemoration. Set of two values in blocks of four, superb unmounted. SG 109-110 £50
SWA321 1938 1d Voortrekker Commemoration, showing three bolts in wheel rim flaw (row 15/5). Right marginal, very fine mint. Uncommon. SG 109a £70
SWA05 1939 Huguenot Landing, set of three values superb unmounted. SG 111-113 £40
AA1650 1939 Huguenot Landing, set of three in upper marginal 'arrow' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 111-113 £90
SWA577 1939 Huguenot Landing, set of three in right marginal 'arrow' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 111-113 £90
AA1651 1939 Huguenot Landing, set of three in right marginal sheet number blocks of four. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG 111-113 £90
SWA69 1941-43 War Effort. Complete set of seven pairs and two singles, superb unmounted. SG 114-122 £35
SWA454 1941-43 War Effort. Complete set of nine values blocks of four, superb unmounted. SG 114-122 £70
SWA236 1941 3d War Effort, lower marginal 'arrow' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 117 £45
SWA349 1941 3d War Effort. Superb used. SG 117 £22
SWA235 1941 4d War Effort, showing smudge above 'SUID' flaw in positional (row 5/1, by part arrow) left marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 118 and var. (UHB V2) £25
SWA237 1943 1/3 War Effort. Showing white spot on left 'H' of 'SOUTH' flaw (row 4/3). Superb unmounted. SG 120 var. £25
SWA508 1943-44 reduced War Effort, complete set of eight values. Very fine unmounted. SG 123-130b £12
SWA741 1943 ½d reduced War Effort, upper marginal block of six showing weak printing affecting upper stamps. Superb unmounted. SG 123 and var. £15
SWA534 1943 1½d reduced War Effort, two copies, the first regular overprint and the second a smaller type, shifted rightwards. Superb unmounted. Unusual. SG 125 and var. £30
SWA243 1943 1½d reduced War Effort, pair left stamps showing roulette 6½ widely spaced. Superb unmounted. SG 125 and var. (UHB 91 V9) £25
SWA241 1943 2d reduced War Effort, showing apostrophe flaw (row 19/1). Very fine mint. SG 126b £30
SWA743 1945 Victory 1d, showing 'Barbed wire' flaw, right marginal pair. Superb unmounted. SG 131b £12
SWA35 1947 3d Royal visit, 'Black-eyed Princess' variety in positional lower left corner block of six. Superb unmounted. SG 136a/136 £15
SWA537 1949 3d U.P.U. Showing 'serif on 'C' flaw in positional upper left corner pair. Superb unmounted. SG 140a £50
SWA744 1949 3d U.P.U. Showing 'Lake' in East Africa' flaw in positional upper right corner block of eight. Superb unmounted. SG 140b £50
AA1171 1954 definitive, COLOUR TRIALS. Complete set of 25 comprising 1d x two, 2d x two, 3d, 4d x three, 4½d x two, 6d x three, 1/- x two, 1/3 x two, 1/6 x two, 2/6 x two, 5/- x two and 10/- x two. Explanatory note included. A very scarce complete set, with 63 examples of each of the 1d to 1/- and 81 of the 1/3 to 10/-. Superb unmounted. A lovely group. SG 154-165 colour trails. £800
SWA708 1954 definitive, complete set of 12 values. Superb unmounted. SG 154-165 £35
AA1510 1954 definitive, complete set of 12 values in blocks of four, superb used mostly with central datestamps. Lovely group. SG 154-165 £65
SWA13 1954 6d definitive, showing watermark facing right. Superb used. Scarce and much under-rated. SG 159w £45
AA488 1954 1/3 to 10/- definitives, fine to superb used. SG 161-165 £20
SWA585 1961-63 decimal definitive, wmk. Arms, complete set of 15 values. Superb unmounted. SG 171-185 £35
SWA388 1961-63 decimal definitive, complete set of 15 values corner blocks of four showing cylinder numbers in margins. Very fine or superb unmounted. An uncommon group. SG 171-185 £175
SWA601 1961-63 decimal definitive, complete set of 15 values corner blocks of four showing cylinder numbers in margins. Superb unmounted. An uncommon group. SG 171-185 £200
SWA600 1961 R1 decimal definitive, second printing with clear watermark, corner block of four showing cylinder numbers in margin. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 185 var., SACC 213-II £40
SWA606 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, ½c cylinder '105 10' block of four, first printing 5-figure sheet number. Superb unmounted. SG 186, SACC 199a-I £5
SWA512 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, 1½c cylinder '46 76' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 187, SACC 201a-I £25
SWA653 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, 2c cylinder '56 120' block of four, first printing without running sheet numbers. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 188, SACC 202a-I £25
SWA654 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, 2c cylinder '56 120' block of four, second printing with red running sheet numbers. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG 188, SACC 202a-II £25
SWA656 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, 3½c cylinder '24 43' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 190, SACC 205a-I £30
SWA657 1962-66 decimal definitive, no. wmk, 5c cylinder '77 17' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 191, SACC 206a-I £25
SWA605 1966-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA, 2c cylinder '56 120' block of four, first printing faint watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 202b-I £10
SWA604 1966-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA, 2c cylinder '56 120' block of four, second printing clear watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 202b-II £10
SWA633 1966-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA, 2½c cylinder '107 42', three blocks of four apparently the three printings. Superb unmounted. Uncommon group. SG unlisted, SACC 205b-I-III £45
SWA608 1966-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA, 3½c cylinder '24 43' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 205b-I £12
SWA631 1966-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA, 7½c cylinder '14 22' block of four, watermark right third printing. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 207ba-III £20
SWA588 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), complete set of eight values. Superb unmounted. A difficult group. SG between B202-B216, SACC 199c-211c £40
SWA629 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 1c cylinder '39 122' block of four, first printing matt paper clear watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 200c-I £6
SWA636 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 1c cylinder '39 122' block of four, second printing glossy paper faint watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 200c-II £6
SWA622 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 2½c cylinder '107 42' block of four, first printing clear watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 203c-I £8
SWA624 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 3c cylinder '313 312' block of four, first printing clear watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 204c-I £12
SWA623 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 3c cylinder '313 312' block of four, second printing faint watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 204c-II £12
SWA630 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 5c cylinder '77 17' block of four, first printing. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 206c-I £15
SWA528 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 10c cylinder '36 44' block of four, first printing. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 208c-I £90
SWA589 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Swiss paper, pink under UV), 5c and 10c coil stamps. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 206ca, 208ca £50
SWA638 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 5c cylinder '77 17' block of four, second/third printing matt paper. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 206d-II £18
SWA639 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 10c cylinder '36 44' block of four. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 208d-I £35
SWA626 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 15c cylinder '329 328' block of four, first printing matt paper. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 210d-I £35
SWA625 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 15c cylinder '329 328' block of four, second printing glossy paper. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 210d-II £35
SWA527 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 20c cylinder '8 47' block of four, first printing metallic lettering. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 211d-I £75
SWA509 1968-72 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche (Harrison paper, blue under UV), 5c coil stamp. Superb unmounted. Uncommon. SG unlisted, SACC 206da £35
SWA617 1970-71 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche, 'Postage' omitted, ½c cylinder '315 314' block of four, first printing white gum. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 214-I £5
SWA529 1970-71 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche, 'Postage' omitted, 1½c cylinder '327 326' block of four. Superb unmounted. Scarce. SG unlisted, SACC 215-I £35
SWA634 1970-71 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche, 'Postage' omitted, 2c cylinder '317 316' block of four, first printing clear watermark. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 216-I £15
SWA510 1970-71 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche, 'Postage' omitted, ½c coil stamp. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 214a £8
SWA592 1971 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche new values, complete set of three values. Superb unmounted. SG 224-226 £20
SWA610 1971 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche new values, 4c cylinders '319 318 A' and '319 318 B' blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 224, SACC 217-I-III £8
SWA615 1971 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche new values, 6c cylinder '330 331' block of four, first printing sheet number in 30 000 range. Superb unmounted. SG 225, SACC 218-I £8
SWA614 1971 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche new values, 6c cylinder '330 331' block of four, second printing sheet number in 60 000 range. Superb unmounted. SG 225, SACC 218-II £8
SWA616 1971 decimal definitive, wmk. RSA tete-beche new values, 9c cylinder '325 324' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 226, SACC 219-I £12
SWA514 1973 decimal definitive, no wmk., 3c cylinder '360 359' block of four. Superb unmounted. SG unlisted, SACC 220 £5
AA960 1972 5c decimal definitive, swiss paper, coil stamp. Strip of four, superb unmounted. (SG 210 var.) SACC 206ca £40
AA962 1968 President Swart. Set in cylinder blocks of nine, superb unmounted. SG 220-221 £20
AA964 1970 2c decimal definitive, redrawn, swiss paper, coil stamp. Strip of four, superb unmounted. (SG 226 var.) SACC 216b £20
AA1175 1970 12½c Bible Society, showing variety shaved 'SWA'. Superb unmounted. SG 229 var. SACC 239a £20
AA1176 1970 12½c Bible Society, showing variety shaved 'SWA', in positional cylinder A block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 229 and var. SACC 239a £30
AA1179 1971 5c 10th Anniversary, showing variety 'black line behind head' (constant, row 1/4). Superb unmounted. SG 230 var. SACC 242a £10
AA1187 1973 5c Adolph Jentsch, showing strong shift of perforations, into design of stamp. Lower right corner block of four, superb unmounted. SG 237 var. £25
AA1188 1973 5c Adolph Jentsch, showing strong shift of perforations, into design of stamp. Lower left cylinder block of four, superb unmounted. SG 237 var. £30
SWA338 1973 succulents definitive, complete set of 16 values original printings. Corner cylinder blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG 241-256 £75
SWA692 1973 succulents definitive, 1c, 2c and 5c coil stamps, perf. 14. Group of multiples including strips up to 49, some with positions noted in pencil on reverse. Superb unmounted. SG 257, 258, 259 £30
AA1511 1973 1c succulents definitive, major variety BLACK (FACE VALUE ETC.) OMITTED. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG 241a £175
SWA648 1973 3c succulents definitive, showing good downwards shift of the blue printing. Very fine mint. SG 243 var. £20
AA1311 1973 3c succulents definitive, pair showing strong shift of black printing left. Superb unmounted. SG 243 var., SACC 252b £40
AA1606 1973 3c Succulents definitive, major variety BLACK (FACE VALUE ETC.) OMITTED, right marginal block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 243a £260
SWA649 1973 4c succulents definitive, showing good downwards shift of the blue printing. Very fine mint. SG 244 var. £20
AA1402 1973 5c succulents definitive, major variety BLACK (FACE VALUE ETC.) OMITTED. Superb unmounted. SG 245a £110
AA1193 1973 5c Succulents definitive, major variety BLACK (FACE VALUE ETC.) OMITTED. Left marginal block of four, superb unmounted. SG 245a £450
AA1194 1973 10c Succulents definitive, major variety BLACK (FACE VALUE ETC.) OMITTED. Superb unmounted, scarce. SG 249a £200
SWA650 1973 20c succulents definitive, showing strong rightwards shift of the pale olive printing. Very fine mint. SG 252 var. £30
AA1653 1973 20c Succulents definitive, right marginal copy showing major upwards shift of magenta printing. Superb unmounted, dramatic and uncommon. SG 252 var. £40
SWA702 1973 20c Succulents definitive, block of four showing major upwards shift of magenta printing. Superb unmounted, dramatic and uncommon. SG 252 vars. £160
AA1196 1973 20c Succulents definitive, showing variety 'extra cactus', in positional cylinder block of four. Superb used. SG 252 and var., SACC 261a £10
AA1197 1973 20c Succulents definitive, EXTENDED cylinder block of ten, showing all five colour blocks in margin. Superb unmounted, scarce. SG 252 £20
SWA322 1973 25c Succulents definitive, showing crisp offset of black printing on reverse, lower right cylinder block of four. Superb unmounted. SG 253 vars. £20
SWA416 1973 30c Succulents definitive, lower left corner block of four showing downwards shift of blue and ochre printing. Normal block for comparison. Superb unmounted. SG 25 vars. £20
SWA518 1974 5c Rock-engravings, major variety BLACK (VALUE AND 'SWA') OMITTED. Left marginal, superb unmounted. Very scarce. SG 265a £950
AA489 1975 Rare birds (2nd issue). Set in cylinder blocks of six. Superb unmounted. SG 270-273 £25
AA1200 1976 15c Water Supply, cylinder block of six showing shift of blue printing left, distorting entire image. Superb unmounted. SG 295 var. £20
SWA254 1923 5d, setting I, showing 'Wes' for 'West' variety, lower right stamp in a block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted (including variety). SG D1a, D1 £200
SWA760 1923 6d black and red-brown, setting I. Very fine unmounted. SG D2 £20
SWA80 1923 6d, setting I, left marginal superb unmounted. SG D2 £20
SWA257 1923 6d, setting I, showing 'Afrika' without stop variety. Left marginal, very fine mint. SG D2b £200
AA1654 1923 6d, setting I, showing 'Afrika' without stop variety. Left marginal, superb unmounted and uncommon as such. SG D2b £275
AA1048 1923 3d, setting I, showing 'Wes' for 'West' variety, lower right stamp in a block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted (including variety). SG D4a, D4 £200
SWA761 1923 6d black and slate, setting I. Very fine mint. SG D5 £35
SWA531 1923 ½d, setting I, FORGERY of the major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Very fine mint. BPA Certificate (2018). SG D6b forgery £25
SWA758 1923 ½d black and green, setting I. Showing 'Afrika' without stop variety. Very fine mint. SG D6d £90
SWA261 1923 ½d black and green, setting I. Showing 'Afrika' without stop variety. Left marginal, superb unmounted. SG D6d £130
SWA756 1923 1½d black and yellow-brown, setting I. Showing 'Wes' for 'West' variety, lower right stamp in a right marginal block of four. Hinged on upper pair, the variety remaining unmounted. SG D8a, D8 £130
SWA757 1923 1½d black and yellow-brown, setting I. Showing 'Afrika' without stop variety, centre left stamp in a vertical block of six. Very fine mint. SG D8b, D8 £90
SWA272 1923 2d, setting I, right marginal strip of four the right pair showing distinct raised overprints. Very fine mint. SG D9 and var. £20
SWA277 1923 2d, setting I, left marginal block of eight with printer's guide dots in margin, showing downwards shift of overprints, small part of 'Africa' now in upper margin. Very fine unmounted. SG D9 var. £50
SWA276 1923 2d, setting I, block of nine very fine used cancelled 'WINDHOEK 6 APR 25', left stamps showing missing perf. holes. SG D9 and var. £50
SWA279 1923 2d, setting II, showing 'Afrika' without stop variety, lower left stamp in a left marginal block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted (including variety). SG D11a, D11 £300
SWA281 1923 ½d, setting III, showing missing perf. holes on left stamp. Very fine mint. SG D15 var. £15
SWA520 1924 5d black and violet, setting IV. Left marginal, very fine and fresh unmounted. RARE as such and inevitably missing from collections. BPA Certificate (1958). SG D17a £950
SWA285 1924 ½d, setting IV, block of 12 bring the upper two rows of the pane, showing missing perf. holes on left stamps. Very fine unmounted. SG D18 and vars. £40
SWA284 1924 3d, setting V, very fine mint. SG D22 £12
SWA286 1924 1½d, setting V, showing missing perf. holes on left stamp. Very fine mint. SG D24 var. £15
SWA288 1925 1d, setting VI, showing 'Africa' without stop variety, upper left stamp in positional lower right corner block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG D28a, D28 £85
AA1070 1924 2d, setting VI, showing 'Africa' without stop variety. Right marginal pair, very fine mint. SG D30a £65
SWA294 1924 2d, setting VI, showing 'Africa' without stop variety, upper left stamp in positional lower right corner block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D30a, D30 £80
SWA764 1926 3d black and blue, setting VI. Left stamp showing 'Africa' without stop variety. Very fine unmounted. SG D31a £90
SWA289 1926 3d, setting VI, showing 'Africa' without stop variety, upper left stamp in positional lower right corner block of four. Superb unmounted. SG D31a, D31 £95
SWA754 1927 2d black and pale violet, setting VI. Showing very small dot after 'A' of 'Africa' on left stamp. Very fine mint. SG D35 var. (see footnote) £10
SWA301 1927 2d, showing very small dot after 'A' of 'Africa', lower left stamp in a upper right corner block of six. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D35 and var. (see footnote) £25
SWA300 1927 2d black and deep violet shade, showing very small dot after 'A' of 'Africa', lower left stamp in a upper right corner block of six. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D35a and var. (see footnote) £30
SWA297 1927 3d, very fine mint. SG D37 £12
SWA302 1927 3d, showing very small dot after 'A' of 'Africa', lower left stamp in a upper marginal block of six. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D37 and var. (see footnote) £45
SWA298 1927 6d, showing over-inked and blurred '6d' on each stamp. Very fine mint. SG D38 var. £25
SWA304 1927 6d black and deep violet shade, showing very small dot after 'A' of 'Africa', lower left stamp in a upper right corner block of six. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D38 and var. (see footnote) £45
SWA755 1928 1d black and carmine. Showing without stop after 'A' variety, upper right stamp in block of four. Very fine mint. SG D43a, D43 £30
SWA305 1928 1d black and carmine. Showing without stop after 'A' variety, upper right stamp in a right marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG D43a, D43 £40
SWA751 1928 6d, showing without stop after 'A' variety. Right marginal. Very fine mint. SG D46a £45
SWA307 1928 6d, showing without stop after 'A' variety, right marginal pair. Superb unmounted. SG D46a £65
SWA89 1931 ½d to 6d, set of five values superb unmounted. SG D47-D51 £18
AA1403 1931 ½d to 6d, set of five values in blocks of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG D47-D51 £60
SWA753 1960 1d and 3d, wmk. Coat of Arms. Set of two values. matching lower right corner blocks of four. Superb unmounted. SG D55-D56 £12
SWA128 1961 1c, an over-inked impression. Superb unmounted. SG D57 var. £10
SWA782 1961 6c black and green. Upper right corner block of four, showing striking yellow doctor-blade variety affecting upper left stamp and into margin. Superb unmounted. Most unusual. SG D61 and var. £45
SWA780 1926 ½d, superb and fresh unmounted. SG O1 £100
SWA776 1926 ½d, lower left corner block of four. Superb and fresh unmounted. SG O1 £200
SWA651 1926 ½d, left marginal block of eight. Superb and fresh unmounted. A scarce multiple. SG O1 £400
SWA515 1926 1d, block of four, very fine mint. SG O2 SOLD
SWA523 1926 6d, left marginal superb and fresh unmounted. SG O4 £140
SWA516 1926 6d, block of four, very fine mint. SG O4 £150
AA1657 1926 6d, lower marginal block of four, margin virtually severed. Superb and fresh unmounted. Scarce. SG O4 £280
SWA131 1929 ½d, block of four upper right stamp showing 'OFFICIAL' shifted upwards. Superb unmounted. SG 05 var. £10
SWA747 1929 2d, upper left corner block of four, upper left stamp showing 'without stop after 'OFFICIAL' variety. Hinged on margin stamps very fine unmounted. SG 07a, O7 £12
AA1086 1929 2d, showing without stop after 'OFFISIEEL' variety. Lower marginal, superb unmounted. SG 07b £8
SWA746 1929 2d, lower marginal block of four, showing without stops varieties affecting both upper stamps and lower left. Very fine mint or unmounted. Most unusual. SG 07c, O7b £30
AA1090 1929 2d, showing without stop after 'OFFICIAL' variety, top left stamp in a top marginal block of four. Very fine unmounted. SG 011a £7
SWA745 1929 2d, showing without stop after 'OFFISEEL' variety, both left stamps in block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 011b £15
AM630 1931 ½d black and emerald. Block of four, superb unmounted mint. SG O13 £15
AA1404 1945 ½d, block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG O18 £18
SWA08 1945 1½d, superb unmounted. SG O20 £28
AA1405 1945 1½d, block of four. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG O20 £50
AA1102 1945 1½d, showing only the lower half of 'OFFISIEEL' and 'OFFICIAL' printed. Striking and unusual. Superb unmounted. SG 020 var. £65
AA1104 1945 6d, lower marginal pair showing full imprint. Superb unmounted. SG 022 £35
AA1106 1945 6d, showing overprint in dark red, right marginal superb unmounted. SG 022 var £30
SWA530 1951-52 ½d to 6d, set of five values superb unmounted. SG 028-032 £45
AM275 1951-52 ½d to 6d, set of five values in marginal blocks of four, the 6d with imprint. Superb fresh unmounted mint. SG O28-O32 £110
SWA820 1951-52 ½d, 1d, 1½d and 2d, complete sheets of 60. Superb and fresh unmounted, unfolded. Scarce survivors. SG O28-O31 £650
AA1108 1952 ½d, lower marginal showing full imprint. Very fine mint. SG 028 £20
AA1111 1951 1½d, lower marginal block of four showing imprint in margin. Superb unmounted. SG 030 £65
AA1112 1951 1½d, overprints transposed, affecting the lower pair of a block of four, upper pair normal. Superb unmounted. SG 030a, 030 £80
SWA749 1951 1½d, overprints transposed, lower right corner block of four with lower pair affected. Superb unmounted. SG O30, 030a £90
SWA750 1951 6d, overprints transposed. Upper right corner block of four, lower pair affected. Very fine mint or unmounted. SG 032, O32a £30
SWA436 Booklet 1913 German South West Africa 2 Mk booklet with code letter 'C' in the lower left corner. Complete with five panes and interleaving, very fine. £95
SWA435 Booklet Pane 1913 German South West Africa booklet pane comprising two 5 Pfg. and four 10 Pfg se-tenant. Some perfs. trimmed at top and hinge trace on two stamps £15
AA319 Booklet 1913 German South West Africa 2 Mk booklet with no letter in the lower left corner. One part pane containing an irregular strip of three (two 5pf se-tenant with 10pf), and a single 5pf remain. The covers are very fine. A very scarce booklet. £300
SWA571 Postal History 1899 (May), black and white Post Card of Windhoek, bearing German 5pfg. x two, cancelled with crisp 'Jakalswater.' Wanderstampel in violet, further 'SUDWEST-AFRIKA / 5 / 5 / 99' datestamp. Addressed to Germany with arrival datestamp (3/6. 99). Most attractive. £95
SWA572 Postal History 1899 (May), German 10pfg. stationery Card overprinted 'Deutsch-Sudwest Afrika', cancelled with crisp 'Jakalswater.' Wanderstampel in violet, further 'SUDWEST-AFRIKA / 25 / 5 / 99' datestamp. Addressed to Swakopmund (?) with arrival datestamp (25/5. 99). Most attractive. £85
AM414 Postal History German South West Africa 1904 (June), stampless cover addressed to Germany, sent during the Herero Rebellion. Endorsed at top “Feldpostbrief” (to qualify for free postage) and bearing a neat strike of the SWAKOPMUND (29 June) single circle datestamp. Heidelberg (21 July) arrival backstamp. £65
SWA418 Postal History c1905 orange booklet titled 'Luderitzbucht' and containing within remaining nine most attractive and high quality coloured Post Cards, these of the town, fishing activities, harbour and railway station etc. Some interleaving and published by J. C. Hubrich. Lovely and fresh. Uncommon. £40
SWA713 Postal History 1913 4th March, printed (in Germany for 'S.W.A.'), acknowledgement / receipt form. Noted for the sum of £30 apparently issued at Cape Town, applied with TRANSVAAL KEVII 1d endorsed and tied in ink. The recipient apparently in Luderitzbucht. Folded, highly unusual. £100
AM582 Postal History c1914-15 censored GSWA black and white picture postcard (river fishing scene). Addressed to England and bearing a Union King’s Head 1d (SG 4) just tied by a rectangular PASSED BY CENSOR / DOORGELATEN DOOR CENSOR / No. 1 cachet struck in blue. There is no indication of the date of posting or where Censor ‘No. 1’ was located (possibly applied in transit at Cape Town ?) Intriguing. £75
SWA569 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1915 (7th October), printed company cover bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), crisply cancelled 'LUDERITZBUCHT', addressed to Berseba (a small village north of Keetmanshoop). Struck with violet boxed bilingual 'PASSED BY CENSOR' cachet. £35
AM1006 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (28th February), envelope addressed to Switzerland. Bearing King’s Head 1d rose-red and a pair of 2d dull (SG 4, 6) all tied by REHOBOTH / S.W. AFRICA (28 Feb) double circle datestamp. The letter was censored and the envelope resealed with a large red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor. / Geopend door Censor. / 104’ label. Also showing a boxed ‘PASSED BY / CENSOR’ cachet struck in violet on the front and also a ‘Vendu par: / L’AGENCE INTERNATIONALE / DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE’ cachet struck in violet on the reverse. Geneva (10 Apr) arrival backstamp. A few edge faults, otherwise fine. £55
AM1011 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (14th March), printed envelope addressed and sent unsealed to Berseba. Bearing a single King’s Head 1d rose-red (SG 4) tied by a LUDERITZBUCHT (14 Mar) double circle datestamp. The letter was censored and shows a ‘PASSED BY CENSOR / DOORGELATEN DOOR CENSOR / No. 4’ boxed cachet struck in blue. Keetmanshoop (16 Mar) transit backstamp.
Note: Putzel states a postal agency was opened at Berseba in 1921, and closed in 1922 with Keetmanshoop listed as the Head Office. It is unclear how mail was sent from Keetmanshoop to Berseba in 1916.
AM1012 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (18th March), envelope addressed to Switzerland. Bearing a pair of King’s Head 1d rose-red (SG 4) tied by OTJIWARONGO (18 Mar) double circle datestamp. The letter was censored and shows a ‘PASSED CENSOR / C17’ cachet (with ‘17’ and date added in manuscript) struck in blue on the front. The envelope was resealed with a large red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor / Geopend door Censor / 99’ labels which is tied by a ‘CENSOR / 4 APR 1916 / CAPE TOWN’ oval cachet struck in blue. A ‘Vendu par: / L’AGENCE INTERNATIONALE / DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE’ cachet has been struck in violet on the front. Geneva (5 May) arrival backstamp. £55
SWA666 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (23rd March), cover with bank handstamp at top bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), crisply cancelled 'LUDERITZBUCHT' datestamp. Struck with blue rectangular bilingual 'PASSED CENSOR' cachet, addressed to Keetmanshoop. £20
AM413 Postal History 1916 (April), censored cover addressed to Luderitzbucht, bearing a single South Africa KGV King’s Head 1d rose-red (SG 4) tied by a neat WALVIS BAY (2 Apr) double circle datestamp. With a bilingual boxed ‘Passed by Censor’ cachet struck in blue. Backstamped with the modified German period Swakopmund-Windhoek train canceller (3 Apr) in transit and a Luderitzbucht (7 Apr) arrival datestamp. Envelope a little roughly opened along base, otherwise fine. £45
SWA669 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (8th May), printed cover bearing King's Heads 1d x two (SG 4), cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND / POST / 9 AM / 8.5.16' adapted oval datestamp. Struck with blue rectangular bilingual 'Passed by Censor / 100' cachet, addressed to Windhoek. £25
SWA557 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (18th May), cover bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), crisply cancelled 'REHOBOTH / 18 MAY 16 / S.W.AFRICA' datestamp, addressed to Windhoek. Apparently not censored. £30
AM1005 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (19th May), envelope addressed to Switzerland. Bearing King’s Head ½d green and a pair of 1d rose-red (SG 3, 4) each tied by an OMARURU / S.W. AFRICA (19 May) double circle datestamp. The letter was censored and the envelope resealed with a large red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor. / Geopend door Censor. / 99’ label. Also showing a small circular ‘PASSED CENSOR / C.13.’ cachet struck in blue on the front and a large oval ‘CENSOR / 6 JUN 1916 / CAPETOWN’ cachet also struck in blue on the reverse. Geneva (3 Jul) arrival backstamp.
Note: the excised word in the oval cachet before ‘CENSOR’ is believed to be ‘CHIEF’.
SWA670 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (1st June), printed bank cover bearing King's Heads ½d 1d x two (SG 3, 4), crisply cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND / POST / 8 AM / 1.6.16' adapted oval datestamp. Struck with blue circular 'PASSED CENSOR / C.15.' cachet, addressed to London. £20
SWA566 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (16th September), Union ½d King's Head postal stationery card, crisply cancelled 'LUDERITZBUCHT / 16 SEP 16 / S.W.AFRICA' datestamp, locally addressed. £20
SWA544 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (25th September), cover bearing King's Heads ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d and 3d (SG 3, 4, 6, 7, 8), each cancelled in manuscript 'Klein Windhuk / 25.9.16', addressed to Windhuk. Struck with violet 'WINDHUK / 26 SEP 1916 / R. L. S.' cachet. Arrival backstamp oval 'WINDHOEK / 26.9.16'. Most attractive and scarce. £200
SWA673 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (30th October), cover bearing Union King's Head 2½d pair (SG 7), each cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND' converted oval datestamps, addressed to Switzerland. Reverse applied with red on white bilingual 'Opened by Censor / 99' tape, struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / 15/99' cachet. Arrival backstamp. £30
SWA681 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (31st October), cover bearing Union King's Heads ½d and 1d x two (SG 3, 4), light but legible 'MALTAHOHE' sc datestamp in violet. Addressed to Switzerland, reverse with red on white bilingual 'Opened by Censor / 99' tape and struck with magenta 'PASSED CENSOR / 15/99' cachet. Gibeon transit backstamp. £30
SWA671 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (9th November), cover bearing Union King’s Head 1d (SG 4) tied by crisp 'SWAKOPMUND' adapted oval datestamp. Addressed to Windhoek and struck with large red rectangular bilingual 'Passed by Censor / 100' cachet. £25
SWA675 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (11th November), cover bearing Union King's Head 2½d (SG 7), cancelled part 'TSUMEB / 11 NOV 16' datestamp, addressed to Switzerland. Red on white bilingual 'Opened by Censor. / 99' tape affixed across top and struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / C 4' strike. £25
SWA559 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (12th November), censored internal cover addressed to Windhoek. Bearing Union King’s Head 1d (SG 4) tied by 'OMARURU / 1 DEC 16 / S.W.AFRICA' datestamp. Red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor / 100’ tape affixed across the top, partly overlapping the adhesive, this struck with oval Windhoek arrival datestamp (adapted GSWA Swakopmund-Windhoek train canceller). £30
SWA674 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (14th December), cover bearing Union King's Heads ½d and 2½d (SG 3, 7), each cancelled 'WINDHOEK' adapted oval datestamps, addressed to Switzerland. Red on white bilingual 'Opened by Censor. / 99' tape affixed across top and struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / 16/99' strike. Arrival backstamp. £25
SWA678 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (14th December), cover bearing Union King's Head 2½d vertical pair (SG 7), each cancelled 'KARIBIB / 14 DEC 16' datestamps, addressed to Switzerland. Red on white bilingual 'Opened by Censor. / 99' tape affixed across top and struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / C 4' strike. Arrival backstamp. £30
SWA687 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1916 (21st December), cover bearing Union King’s Head ½d pair, cancelled 'WINDHOEK' adapted oval datestamps, addressed to Kalkfeld. Red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor / 100’ tape affixed across the top, partly overlapping the adhesives, this struck with a further Windhoek oval. Reverse with violet double ring 'KALKFELD / RAIL / 26 DEC 1916' datestamp. £35
SWA554 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (7th February), TRANSVAAL KEVII 1d postal stationery Post Card, cancelled 'REHOBOTH / 7 FEB 17', addressed to Swakopmund. Arrival backstamp oval '10.2.17'. Most attractive and scarce. £45
SWA560 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (15th February), Union ½d King's Head postal stationery card, crisply cancelled 'OMARURU / 15 FEB 17 / S.W.AFRICA' datestamp, addressed to Onguati. Struck with two circular 'PASSED / CENSOR' 105 or 107 cachets in red or violet. Arrival strike for Karibib (26 FEB), the post office serving the village. £30
SWA680 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (26th May), cover bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), cancelled with 'BRACKWASSER' sc datestamp, addressed to Ludzeritzbucht. Struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR' cachet, Keetmanshopo and Bethany transit backstamps. Opening tear at top centre. £20
AM1009 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (29th July), printed envelope addressed to Swakopmund and subsequently readdressed to Okahandja. Bearing a single King’s Head 1d rose-red (SG 4) tied by a neat WINDHOEK (29.7) modified German single circle datestamp. The letter was censored and shows a circular ‘PASSED CENSOR / 100A’ circular cachet struck in purple. Okahandja (30 Jul) arrival backstamp. A fine example of the 1d rate, apparently without a redirection fee, and showing censoring within SWA. £65
SWA683 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (28th August), cover endorsed at top 'ON ACTIVE SERVICE', cancelled 'KANUS / 28.8.17' sc datestamp. Sent without charge and countersigned lower left corner, addressed to Johannesburg. Roughly opened at top. £25
SWA563 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1917 (21st November), Union ½d King's Head postal stationery card, cancelled adapted 'MARIENTAL / S W A / 21 11' datestamp, addressed to Tsumeb. Violet 'PASSED CENSOR / 100A' cachet and arrival datestamp on front. £25
SWA667 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 (14th May), printed cover bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), crisply cancelled 'KEETMANSHOOP' datestamp. Addressed to Luderitzbucht. £20
SWA555 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 (31st May), TRANSVAAL KEVII 1d postal stationery Post Card, cancelled 'LUDERITZBUCHT / 31 MAY 18', addressed to Switzerland. Struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / C.14' cachet. Minor corner faults. Attractive and scarce. £55
AA466 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 window envelope with printed ‘SWAKOPMUNDER BUCHANDLUNG’ at top. Sent locally at the unsealed letter rate in Windhoek, bearing a single ½d King’s Head tied by the converted Swakopmund-Windhoek oval railway datestamp (1 Feb) with the same canceller used as a backstamp (2 Feb). Also circular PASSED CENSOR / B / 100 cachet struck in violet. £45
SWA689 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 (20th June), cover bearing Union King’s Heads ½d pair, each cancelled with violet 'ONDONGA' sc datestamps, addressed to Karibib. Violet circular 'PASSED BY / CENSOR' cachet lower left, Tsumeb transit and arrival backstamps. £35
SWA547 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 (19th August), cover bearing King's Head 1d (SG 4), cancelled 'KEETMANSHOOP / 19 AUG 18', addressed to Karibib. Struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / 100 A' cachet, arrival backstamp. £20
SWA682 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1918 (22nd October), cover bearing Union King's Head 1d (SG 4), crisply cancelled 'OUTJO / 22 10 18', addressed to Windhoek. Struck with violet 'PASSED CENSOR / 100 A' cachet. £20
SWA679 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1919 (1st January), cover bearing Union King’s Head 1d cancelled 'MARIENTAL' datestamp, addressed to Swakopmund. Red on white bilingual ‘Opened by Censor / 100’ tape affixed across the top, partly overlapping the adhesive, violet circular 'PASSED CENSOR / 100 A' and rectangular bilingual 'PASSED BY CENSOR' cachets. Arrival backstamp. £20
AM616 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1919 (6th June), large part registered envelope addressed internally to Tsumeb. Bearing pairs of King’s Head 2½d bright blue and 1/- orange (SG 7, 12) tied by SWAKOPMUND / S.W. AFRICA (6 Jun) double circle datestamps. With German period ‘Swakopmund / Deutsch-Südwestafrika.’ registration label with ‘Deutsch’ crossed through in red manuscript. The cover was censored and shows two PASSED BY CENSOR/ DOORGELATEN DOOR CENSOR boxed cachets struck in purple. Karibib (7 Jun) transit backstamp and with two Standard Bank wax seals on the reverse. £75
SWA456 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1919 (8th September), Union KGV 4d registered stationery envelope bearing single King's Head 1d rose-red (SG 4), cancelled with crisp 'TSES / S. W. AFRICA' sc datestamp, endorsed at left in pencil '124 / Tses' and addressed to Kimberley. Then applied with another King's Head 1d and cancelled 'KEETMANSHOOP' the following day. Further large purple 'PASSED CENSOR' cachet endorsed '23'. Most attractive and very unusual. £125
SWA686 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1920 (23rd May), cover bearing Union King's Heads underpaid at ½d and 1d, cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND' adapted ovals. Addressed to Omaruru, endorsed in pencil at left 'T 3d', duly applied with Union 1d and 3d dues (SG ZD9, ZD10), cancelled 'OMARURU 27 5 20'. Light faults, scarce and attractive usage. £125
SWA567 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1921 (21st January), Union 1d King's Head stationery Letter Card uprated with ½d and 1½d King's Heads (SG 3, 5), cancelled 'LUDERITZ' (BUCH excised), addressed to Germany. Most attractive and unusual usage. £50
SWA562 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1921 (1st March), Union ½d King's Head postal stationery card uprated with additional ½d (SG 3), crisply cancelled 'OKAHANDJA / 1 MAR 21 / S.W.AFRICA' datestamp, addressed to Germany. £25
AM254 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1921 (17th March) cover addressed to Windhoek bearing a single Union KGV 1½d chestnut (SG 5) tied by neat SWAKOPMUND (17 Mar) modified oval rail cancellation. Windhoek (18 Mar) arrival backstamp. Small cover fault at lower right, otherwise fine and a fine example of this rate. £45
SWA711 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1924 (23rd April), printed Union of South Africa 'RECEIPT FOR CHARGES ON A TELEGRAM' bilingual form, applied with single 1d King's Head overprint (SG 2), cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND'. Creased through the stamp. Unusual and attractive. £75
SWA684 Postal History 1925 26th January, cover bearing KGV King's Head overprint (SG 19), cancelled 'SWAKOPMUND', addressed to Germany. Attractive. £25
AM887 Postal History (South African Occupation) 1925 (26th November), intact Union of South Africa King's Head postal stationery Letter Card with imprinted 1d red overprinted ‘Zuidwest / Afrika’. Uprated with a pair of ½d green overprints (SG 29, recorded by SG as being issued the following month), all cancelled or tied by WALVIS BAY (26 Nov) double circle datestamps, with Windhoek (28 Nov) arrival backstamp. The typewritten message in German concerns luggage transfer to a ship and with a boxed cachet of the agents ‘MAERTINS & WOKER LTD / Walvis Bay’ struck in violet on the reverse. Some card perforations split, otherwise fine. Quik & Stolk Type L5. £125
AM757 Postal History / Customs Duty 1929 (23rd October), incoming cover from England franked with two KGV ½d (SG 418) tied by a London (23 Oct) machine cancellation. The envelope was unsealed and the contents deemed liable to customs duty (the printed company details at upper left presumably suggested the contents contained advertising material). A bilingual ‘CUSTOMS DUTY / INVOERREGTE / ½d’ boxed cachet was struck in black and the ‘½d' altered to ‘1d’ in manuscript. The duty was receipted by the affixing of a lower marginal South Africa postage due 1d black and carmine overprinted ‘S.W.A.’ (SG D43) and tied by a KEETMANSHOOP (16 Nov) double circle datestamp. Although Customs Duty stamps were available from some South African Missions abroad whereby firms sending advertising material to South Africa could prepay the duty, South West Africa did not have specific customs duty stamps and it is not clear if those of South Africa were valid in the territory. Envelope with central vertical fold. Very scarce. £325
AA322 Postal History c1935 Advertising ‘postcard’ with view ‘Im Gouvernementsgarten Windhuk’. Printed facsimile 1d ‘stamps’ in red and black (resembles SACC 104), Swakopmund Health Resort ‘datestamp’ and message. Unusual. £45
SWA703 Postal History 1936 19th December, Union ½d Springbok stationery Post Card, cancelled 'MARIENTAL'. £15
AM579 Postal History 1936 (May), Air Mail postcard (unaddressed) bearing 1935-36 Voortrekker set in pairs (SG 92-95), tied by TENTOONSTELLING (on ½d+½d), WERBESCHAU (on 2d+1d) or EXHIBITION (on 1d+½d and 3d+1½d) datestamps (28 May), each with WINDHOEK at base. Hint of perf toning, otherwise fine used. Very unusual to find all three language datestamps used together. £45
AM580 Postal History 1935 (May), Air Mail postcard (unaddressed) bearing 1935 Silver Jubilee set (SG 88-91) very fine used, tied by TENTOONSTELLING (1d), WERBESCHAU (2d, 6d) or EXHIBITION (3d) datestamps (31 May), each with WINDHOEK at base. Very unusual to find all three language datestamps used together. £45
AA541 Postal History 1938 (?) 8th May, printed red / white address label, 'HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY / LONDON EC4', bearing 1/- and block of four 2/6 pictorials (SG 80, 82), cancelled 'WINDHOEK'. Most attractive. £75
SWA704 Postal History 1939 23rd November, Union ½d Springbok stationery Post Card, cancelled 'WINDHOEK' and addressed to Stampreitfontein. £15
AM1135 Postal History 1941 (22nd October), censored envelope from the Standard Bank addressed to Canada. Bearing a single 1½d purple-brown (SG 96) tied by a WINDHOEK (22 X 41) machine roller cancellation. Opened at left and resealed with a large Union of South Africa bilingual red on buff ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ label. £65
AM255 Postal History 1943 (July) censored cover addressed to Pretoria bearing War Effort ½d and a ‘bantam’ 1½d (SG 116, 125) tied by Windhoek (8 July) datestamp. With printed red on white bilingual censor label (‘U.C.8.’) tied by Union coat-of-arms over ‘F’ struck in violet. £45
SWA452 Postal History 1943 (July), piece cut from a printed 'S.A. RED CROSS SOCIETY' envelope or parcel, bearing 5/- and 20/- pictorial definitives (SG 83, 85), most unusually cancelled JOHANNESBURG / 105 datestamps. Lovely. £55
SWA690 Postal History 1950 February, cover underpaid at 1d cancelled 'OKAHANDJA', addressed to Windhoek. Struck with octagonal black 'T' cachet and endorsed '1d' above, duly applied with 1d due (SG D48) cancelled 'WINDHOEK 8 II 50'. Attractive. £30
AM1136 Postal History 1950 (24th July), printed Barclays Bank envelope addressed to the Standard Bank at Kakamas. Bearing a pair of 1d indigo and scarlet (SG 75) tied by a GROOTFONTEIN / S.W.A. (14 JUL 50) double circle datestamp. £25
SWA135 Postal History 1955 29th July, bilingual printed 'MEMORANDUM FROM POST OFFICE' form advising an insufficiently paid article, addressed to one Simon Sluwele, to the value of 2d. Cancelled 'ORANJEMUND', the reverse applied with 2d due (SG D49, defective). Unusual and no doubt an uncommon survivor. £45
SWA252 Postal Stationery 1927 1d Ship Union Post Card, overprinted 'S.W.A.'. Superb unused. £20
AM984 Revenue 1913 Union of South Africa revenue stamps used in SWA: 3d (pair), 1/-, 2/- (pair), 10/- and £1 all cancelled with Swakopmund or Windhuk oval datestamps. A few perforation faults, otherwise fine and scarce. Barefoot 1, 4, 5, 9, 12 £45
AM985 Revenue 1923 Union of South Africa revenue stamps overprinted ‘SOUTH WEST / AFRICA.’ or ‘ZUIDWEST AFRIKA.’: 6d (3), 2/- (2), 2/6 and 3/- all cancelled with Windhoek oval datestamps. One 6d and the 2/6 with perforation faults, otherwise fine used. Barefoot 2C, 4C, 5C, 6C £45
AM986 Revenue 1928 Union of South Africa revenue stamps overprinted ‘S.W.A.’: 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 5/- and 10/- each tied to small piece by cachet or datestamps. The 10/- with corner fault, otherwise fine used. Barefoot 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B, 20B, 21B £45
AM989 Revenue 1920 (20th October), document (215x330mm) headed ‘Auszug’ showing extent of a property. Bearing Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamps: 1/- (four) and a 10/- (Barefoot 4, 9) each with manuscript initials and all tied by large WINDHUK (20 OCT 1920) oval datestamps. The 1/- somewhat faded, otherwise fine. £35
AM996 Revenue 1921 (21st April), document (205x330mm) being part of a land deed. Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 1/- and 10/- (pair) revenue stamps (Barefoot 4, 9) with each stamp initialled and all tied by a fine ‘SURVEYOR-GENERAL / 21 APR 1921 / WINDHUK, S.W.A.’ large oval datestamp struck in violet. Very fine. £55
AM988 Revenue 1921 (23rd June), document (215x342mm), with printed ‘Certificate of Substituted Title.’ Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 5/- and 10/- revenue stamps (Barefoot 8, 9) each cancelled or tied by WINDHUK (23 JUN 21) crowned oval datestamps (the ‘1’ of the year appears inverted). £45
AM995 Revenue 1921 (23rd June), document (218x348mm) with printed ‘Certificate of Substituted Title.’ Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 5/- and 10/- revenue stamps (Barefoot 8, 9) each cancelled or tied by REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 23 JUN 21 / WINDHUK’ crowned oval datestamps (the ‘1’ of the year appears inverted). £45
AM990 Revenue 1921 (21st August), document (205x328mm) being a sworn translation of an original demand dated 1st March 1918 which states that if a tenant does not pay the correct outstanding rent then the owner will remove the roof. Bearing a Union of South Africa KGV 1/- revenue stamps (Barefoot 4) cancelled with manuscript date ‘21/8/21’ and initials. £30
AM987 Revenue 1921 (12th September), document (222x348mm), being a four-page mortgage bond for £1500. Bearing Union of South Africa KGV revenue stamps: 2/6, 10/- and pair of £1 (Barefoot 6, 9, 11) each cancelled or tied by WINDHUK (12 SEP 21) crowned oval datestamps. The adhesives with a few unobtrusive faults, otherwise fine and a scarce and attractive franking. Barefoot 6, 9, 11 £75
AM997 Revenue 1921 (1st December), document (205x330mm) with printed ‘Hypothekenbrief’ below the coat-of-arms of German South West Africa. Bearing a Union of South Africa KGV 5/- revenue stamp (Barefoot 8) cancelled by a ‘REGISTRAR OF DEEDS / 1 DEC 21 / WINDHUK’ crowned oval datestamp (the ‘1’ of the year appears inverted). Very fine. £55
AM994 Revenue 1922 (27th January), document (202x330mm) headed ‘In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Windhoek’. Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 6d and 2/6 revenue stamps overprinted ‘S.W.A.’ (Barefoot 15A, 18A) tied by a neat MAGISTRATE / 19 OCT 1928 / WINDHOEK / SOUTH-WEST AFRICA’ large oval datestamp. £75
AM991 Revenue 1922 (27th January), document (206x330mm) headed ‘In the High Court of South West Africa’. Bearing a pair of Union of South Africa KGV 2/- revenue stamps (Barefoot 5) each cancelled with manuscript initials and dated ‘27/1/22’. £45
AM992 Revenue 1923 (17th April), document (210x334mm) with printed heading ‘Special Power of Attorney’. Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 1/- and 3/- revenue stamps overprinted ‘ZUID-WEST / AFRIKA.’ (Barefoot 3A, 6A) the 1/- cancelled with manuscript date ‘17/4/23’. The adhesives with small faults, otherwise fine. £30
AM1002 Revenue 1923 (17th April), page from an affidavit (207x330mm) headed ‘In the High Court of South West Africa Windhoek.’ Bearing a single uncancelled Union of South Africa KGV 3/- revenue stamp overprinted ‘ZUID-WEST / AFRIKA.’ (Barefoot 2D). Very fine. £30
AM1001 Revenue 1923 (17th April), page from a document (207x330mm). Bearing a single Union of South Africa KGV 1/- revenue stamp overprinted ‘SOUTH WEST / AFRICA’ (Barefoot 3A) cancelled with manuscript initials and dated ‘17/IV/23’. Very fine. £30
AM999 Revenue 1923 (18th April), page from a document (207x330mm). Bearing Union of South Africa KGV 1/- and 3/- revenue stamps overprinted ‘SOUTH WEST / AFRICA’ (Barefoot 3A, 6A). The 1/- cancelled with manuscript date ‘18/4/23’ and initials. Very fine. £35
AM993 Revenue 1924 (11th December), document (208x334mm) headed ‘In the High Court of South West Africa’. Bearing a pair of Union of South Africa KGV 2/6 revenue stamps overprinted ‘ZUIDWEST / AFRIKA’ and ‘SOUTH WEST / AFRICA’ (Barefoot 5C) tied by neat bilingual ‘REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT / OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA / 11 DEC 1924’ boxed cancellation. The document with some edge faults, otherwise very fine and most attractive. £75
AM998 Revenue 1925 (December), document (206x328mm) with printed ‘No. 7 – Civil Summons. / In the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Karibib’. Bearing a single uncancelled Union of South Africa KGV 1/- revenue stamp overprinted ‘SUIDWES / AFRIKA.’ (Barefoot 3D). It appears the document was prepared though may not have been used. £25
AM1000 Revenue 1926 (30th September), page from a document (200x332mm). Bearing two uncancelled Union of South Africa KGV 6d revenue stamps overprinted ‘SUIDWES / AFRIKA.’ and ‘SOUTH WEST / AFRICA’ (Barefoot 2D). The English overprint showing broken ‘T’ in ‘WEST’. Very fine. £45
AA551 Revenue c1931 document (210x338mm), with printed heading ‘Special Power of Attorney’. Bearing a single South Africa 1/- revenue overprinted ‘S.W.A.’ and cancelled in manuscript. Fine. £35
AM1201 Revenue / Tribal Tax c1937 Union of South Africa KGV reduced format revenue stamp 5/- black and greenish slate overprinted ‘S.W.A.’ in black and ‘Ukuambi’ in red. Fine used with NATIVE AFFAIRS WINDHOEK (30 Oct 39) double circle datestamp and manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. McClellan T3i £125
AM1202 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1931 Pictorial postage issue 5/- green and brown (English) overprinted ‘UKUAMBI’ in black on silver bar. Small corner fault, otherwise fine used with ASSISTANT NATIVE COMMISSIONER (1-3-1937) oval datestamp. Very scarce. McClellan T6i £85
AM1203 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1931 Pictorial postage issue 5/- green and brown (Afrikaans) overprinted ‘UKUAMBI’ in black on silver bar. Pulled perforation at top, otherwise fine used with part (NATIVE) AFFAIRS (Nov 38) circular datestamp. Very scarce. McClellan T6i £85
AM1205 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1931 Pictorial postage issue 5/- green and brown (Afrikaans) overprinted ‘OVAMBO’ in black on silver bar. Thinned and perforation faults, otherwise fine uncancelled. Very scarce. McClellan T6f £45
AM1206 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1930-40s Pictorial postage issue ½d black and emerald (Afrikaans) overprinted and surcharged ‘5/- / Ovambo’ in red. Fine used with part datestamp (1954). Very scarce. McClellan T10f £65
AM1198 Revenue / Tribal Tax c1940 pictorial postage issue 1d indigo and scarlet (English) overprinted and surcharged ‘Ovambo / 5/-’ in red. Staining, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. McClellan T13f £55
AM1204 Revenue / Tribal Tax c1940 Pictorial postage issue 1½d purple-brown (Afrikaans) overprinted and surcharged ‘Ondonga / 5/-’ in black. Small corner fault, otherwise fine used with manuscript cancellation. Very scarce. McClellan T14d £55
AM736 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1950-1954, official printed bilingual ‘Tribal Fund. Registration Certificate.’ (122x157mm). The reverse with boxed spaces each with printed ‘Year’ though undated. Bearing a vertical strip of five ‘Voortrekker’ 1d magenta commemorative overprinted and surcharged 'Ondonga / 5/-' in black, each tied by a ‘Native Commissioner / Ovamboland SWA’ boxed cachet and with relevant year ‘50’ to ‘54’ added in manuscript alongside each. Folded horizontally, affecting one adhesive and some light soiling as to be expected. Rare. £275
AM737 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1951 (19th July), official printed bilingual ‘Tribal Fund. Registration Certificate.’ (128x149mm). The reverse with printed boxed spaces for years 1936 to 1941 with the first two boxes each bearing a UPU ½d overprinted ‘Ondonga' (vertically) and surcharged ‘5/-’ in red, overlapping, and each tied by a bilingual ‘Native Commissioner’ oval cachet with ‘1950’ or ‘1951’ added in manuscript alongside. Folded horizontally, affecting one adhesive (which has other faults) and some minimal soiling. Rare. £150
AM738 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1953 (15th September), official printed bilingual ‘Tribal Fund. Registration Certificate.’ (125x151mm). The reverse with printed boxed spaces for years 1950-1955 with the year boxes for 1952 and 1953 each bearing a UPU ½d overprinted ‘Ondonga' (vertically) and surcharged ‘5/-’ in red, each tied by a bilingual ‘Native Commissioner / Ovamboland, SWA’ boxed cachet struck in violet. Folded horizontally, clear of the adhesives which are very fine. Minimal soiling. Rare. £275
AM1199 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1953 QEII Coronation postage issue 2d deep bluish green overprinted and surcharged ‘Ombalantu / 10/- in red. Very fine used with light boxed cancellation. Very scarce. McClellan T40c £85
AM1200 Revenue / Tribal Tax 1953 QEII Coronation postage issue 2d deep bluish green overprinted and surcharged ‘Ombalantu / 10/- in red. Very fine used with light boxed cancellation. Very scarce. McClellan T40c £85
AM493 Revenue / Monthly Pass Fee Stamp. 1949 UPU issue of South Africa overprinted ‘SWA’. An Afrikaans ½d blue-green single further overprinted ‘Monthly / Pass Fee / 1/-’. Very fine used with circular datestamp. Very scarce. Alnis 1 £75
AM496 Revenue / Monthly Pass Fee Stamp. 1952 Van Riebeeck issue of South Africa overprinted ‘SWA’. 2d deep violet further overprinted ‘Monthly Pass Fee / 2/-’ in red. Very fine used without cancellation. Very scarce. Alnis 4 £85
AM753 Revenue / Cigarette Tax. 1935 Silver Jubilee 2d black and sepia. Block of four, each overprinted ‘Cigarette / Tax’ or ‘Sigarette / Belasting’ in red. Superb unmounted mint. Scarce. Alnis 12 / Barefoot 9 £130
SWA524 Revenue / Cigarette Tax. 1937 Coronation 3d black and blue overprinted with ‘Cigarette / Tax’ or ‘Sigarette / Belasting’ in red on the English or Afrikaans stamps respectively. Fine used. Scarce. Alnis 16 £20
AM500 Revenue / Cigarette Tax. 1937 Coronation 3d black and blue block of four overprinted with ‘Cigarette / Tax’ or ‘Sigarette / Belasting’ in red on the English or Afrikaans stamps respectively. Fine used with ‘WNK’ in large barred oval cancellation struck in violet. Scarce. Alnis 16 £55
AM888 Revenue / Entertainment Tax. 1949 UPU issue of South Africa overprinted 'SWA'. 1½d brown-red further overprinted ‘VERMAAKLIKHEIDSBELASTING / ENTERTAINMENT TAX’ and surcharged ‘6d’ in black. Very fine unused without gum. Very scarce. Alnis 20 / Barefoot 25 £45
AM752 Revenue / Entertainment Tax. 1949 UPU issue of South Africa over-rinted ‘SWA’. 3d bright blue horizontal lower left corner marginal strip of six showing cylinder and sheet numbers. Each stamp further overprinted ‘VERMAAKLIKHEIDSBELASTING / ENTERTAINMENT TAX’ and surcharged ‘1d’ in silver. One lightly creased and some perf splitting, otherwise very fine mint with four unmounted. Very scarce. Alnis unlisted / Barefoot 21 £375
AM659 Postal Order 1979 (November), 50c bright blue-green. Issued at TSUMEB (12 Nov). Very fine. £20
AM658 Postal Order 1979 (December), 90c bright mauve with two additional 4c postage stamps affixed. Issued at TSUMEB (5 Dec). Folded vertically at left, otherwise very fine. SOLD
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